Provided by: gfs2-utils_3.5.1-2_amd64 bug


       gfs2 - GFS2 reference guide


       Overview of the GFS2 filesystem


       GFS2 is a clustered filesystem, designed for sharing data between multiple nodes connected
       to a common shared storage device. It can also be used as a local filesystem on  a  single
       node,  however  since  the  design is aimed at clusters, that will usually result in lower
       performance than using a filesystem designed specifically for single node use.

       GFS2 is a journaling filesystem and one journal is required for each node that will  mount
       the  filesystem.  The  one  exception  to that is spectator mounts which are equivalent to
       mounting a read-only block device and as such can neither recover a journal  or  write  to
       the filesystem, so do not require a journal assigned to them.

       The GFS2 documentation has been split into a number of sections:

       mkfs.gfs2(8) Create a GFS2 filesystem
       fsck.gfs2(8) The GFS2 filesystem checker
       gfs2_grow(8) Growing a GFS2 filesystem
       gfs2_jadd(8) Adding a journal to a GFS2 filesystem
       tunegfs2(8) Tool to manipulate GFS2 superblocks
       gfs2_edit(8) A GFS2 debug tool (use with caution)


              This  specifies  which  inter-node lock protocol is used by the GFS2 filesystem for
              this mount, overriding the default lock protocol name stored  in  the  filesystem's
              on-disk superblock.

              The  LockProtoName  must be one of the supported locking protocols, currently these
              are lock_nolock and lock_dlm.

              The default lock protocol name is written  to  disk  initially  when  creating  the
              filesystem  with  mkfs.gfs2(8),  -p option.  It can be changed on-disk by using the
              tunegfs2(8) command.

              The lockproto mount option should be used only under special circumstances in which
              you  want to temporarily use a different lock protocol without changing the on-disk
              default. Using the incorrect lock protocol on a  cluster  filesystem  mounted  from
              more than one node will almost certainly result in filesystem corruption.

              This  specifies  the  identity of the cluster and of the filesystem for this mount,
              overriding the default cluster/filesystem identify stored in the  filesystem's  on-
              disk superblock.  The cluster/filesystem name is recognized globally throughout the
              cluster, and establishes a unique namespace  for  the  inter-node  locking  system,
              enabling the mounting of multiple GFS2 filesystems.

              The  format  of LockTableName is lock-module-specific.  For lock_dlm, the format is
              clustername:fsname.  For lock_nolock, the field is ignored.

              The default cluster/filesystem name is written to disk initially when creating  the
              filesystem  with  mkfs.gfs2(8),  -t option.  It can be changed on-disk by using the
              tunegfs2(8) command.

              The locktable mount option should be used only under special circumstances in which
              you want to mount the filesystem in a different cluster, or mount it as a different
              filesystem name, without changing the on-disk default.

              This flag tells GFS2 that it is running as a local (not clustered)  filesystem,  so
              it  can  allow  the  kernel VFS layer to do all flock and fcntl file locking.  When
              running in cluster mode, these file locks require inter-node locks, and require the
              support  of  GFS2.  When running locally, better performance is achieved by letting
              VFS handle the whole job.

              This is turned on automatically by the lock_nolock module.

              Setting errors=panic causes GFS2 to oops when  encountering  an  error  that  would
              otherwise  cause  the  mount to withdraw or print an assertion warning. The default
              setting is errors=withdraw. This option should not be used in a production  system.
              It replaces the earlier debug option on kernel versions 2.6.31 and above.

       acl    Enables POSIX Access Control List acl(5) support within GFS2.

              Mount  this filesystem using a special form of read-only mount.  The mount does not
              use one of the filesystem's journals. The node is unable to  recover  journals  for
              other nodes.

              A synonym for spectator

              Sets  owner  of any newly created file or directory to be that of parent directory,
              if parent directory has S_ISUID permission attribute bit set.  Sets S_ISUID in  any
              new directory, if its parent directory's S_ISUID is set.  Strips all execution bits
              on a new file, if parent  directory  owner  is  different  from  owner  of  process
              creating the file.  Set this option only if you know why you are setting it.

              Turns quotas on or off for a filesystem.  Setting the quotas to be in the "account"
              state causes the per UID/GID usage statistics to be  correctly  maintained  by  the
              filesystem, limit and warn values are ignored.  The default value is "off".

              Causes  GFS2  to  generate "discard" I/O requests for blocks which have been freed.
              These can be used by suitable hardware to implement thin-provisioning  and  similar
              schemes. This feature is supported in kernel version 2.6.30 and above.

              This  option,  which defaults to on, causes GFS2 to send I/O barriers when flushing
              the journal. The option is automatically turned off if the underlying  device  does
              not  support I/O barriers. We highly recommend the use of I/O barriers with GFS2 at
              all times unless the block device is designed so that  it  cannot  lose  its  write
              cache content (e.g. its on a UPS, or it doesn't have a write cache)

              This  is  similar  to the ext3 commit= option in that it sets the maximum number of
              seconds between journal commits if there is dirty data in the journal. The  default
              is 60 seconds. This option is only provided in kernel versions 2.6.31 and above.

              When data=ordered is set, the user data modified by a transaction is flushed to the
              disk before the transaction is committed to disk.  This  should  prevent  the  user
              from  seeing  uninitialized  blocks  in  a file after a crash.  Data=writeback mode
              writes the user data to the disk at any time  after  it's  dirtied.   This  doesn't
              provide  the  same consistency guarantee as ordered mode, but it should be slightly
              faster for some workloads.  The default is ordered mode.

       meta   This option results in selecting the meta filesystem root rather  than  the  normal
              filesystem  root.  This option is normally only used by the GFS2 utility functions.
              Altering any file on the GFS2 meta filesystem may render the  filesystem  unusable,
              so only experts in the GFS2 on-disk layout should use this option.

              This sets the number of seconds for which a change in the quota information may sit
              on one node before being written to the quota file. This is the  preferred  way  to
              set  this  parameter.  The value is an integer number of seconds greater than zero.
              The default is 60 seconds. Shorter settings result in faster updates  of  the  lazy
              quota  information  and  less  likelihood  of someone exceeding their quota. Longer
              settings make filesystem operations involving quotas faster and more efficient.

              Setting statfs_quantum to 0 is the preferred way to set the slow version of statfs.
              The  default  value  is  30  secs  which sets the maximum time period before statfs
              changes will be syned to the master statfs file.  This can be adjusted to allow for
              faster,  less accurate statfs values or slower more accurate values. When set to 0,
              statfs will always report the true values.

              This setting provides a bound on  the  maximum  percentage  change  in  the  statfs
              information  on  a  local basis before it is synced back to the master statfs file,
              even if the time period has not expired. If the setting  of  statfs_quantum  is  0,
              then this setting is ignored.

              This  flag  tells  gfs2 to look for information about a resource group's free space
              and unlinked inodes in its glock lock value block. This keeps gfs2 from  having  to
              read  in  the resource group data from disk, speeding up allocations in some cases.
              This option was added in the 3.6 Linux kernel. Prior to this kernel, no information
              was saved to the resource group lvb. Note: To safely turn on this option, all nodes
              mounting the filesystem must be running at least a 3.6 Linux kernel. If  any  nodes
              had  previously  mounted the filesystem using older kernels, the filesystem must be
              unmounted on all nodes before it can be mounted  with  this  option  enabled.  This
              option does not need to be enabled on all nodes using a filesystem.

              This  flag  tells  gfs2 to use location based readdir cookies, instead of its usual
              filename hash readdir cookies.  The filename hash cookies are not guaranteed to  be
              unique, and as the number of files in a directory increases, so does the likelihood
              of a collision.  NFS requires  readdir  cookies  to  be  unique,  which  can  cause
              problems with very large directories (over 100,000 files). With this flag set, gfs2
              will try to give out location based cookies.  Since the cookie  is  31  bits,  gfs2
              will  eventually  run  out  of  unique  cookies,  and  will fail back to using hash
              cookies. The maximum number of  files  that  could  have  unique  location  cookies
              assuming   perfectly   even   hashing  and  names  of  8  or  fewer  characters  is
              1,073,741,824. An average directory should be able to give out  well  over  half  a
              billion  location  based  cookies.  This  option was added in the 4.5 Linux kernel.
              Prior to this kernel, gfs2 did not add directory entries in a way that  allowed  it
              to  use  location  based readdir cookies.  Note: To safely turn on this option, all
              nodes mounting the filesystem must be running at least a 4.5 Linux kernel. If  this
              option  is  only  enabled  on  some of the nodes mounting a filesystem, the cookies
              returned by nodes using this option will not be valid on nodes that are  not  using
              this  option,  and  vice  versa.   Finally,  when  first  enabling this option on a
              filesystem that had been previously mounted without it, you  must  make  sure  that
              there are no outstanding cookies being cached by other software, such as NFS.


       GFS2  clustering is driven by the dlm, which depends on dlm_controld to provide clustering
       from userspace.  dlm_controld clustering is built on corosync cluster/group membership and
       messaging.  GFS2 also requires clustered lvm which is provided by lvmlockd or, previously,
       clvmd. Refer to the documentation for each of these components and ensure  that  they  are
       configured  before  setting  up  a  GFS2  filesystem.  Also  refer  to your distribution's
       documentation for any specific support requirements.

       Ensure that gfs2-utils is installed on all nodes which mount the filesystem as it provides
       scripts required for correct withdraw event response.

       1. Create the gfs2 filesystem

       mkfs.gfs2 -p lock_dlm -t cluster_name:fs_name -j num /path/to/storage

       The  cluster_name  must match the name configured in corosync (and thus dlm).  The fs_name
       must be a unique name for the filesystem in the cluster.  The -j option is the  number  of
       journals to create; there must be one for each node that will mount the filesystem.

       2. Mount the gfs2 filesystem

       If  you  are using a clustered resource manager, see its documentation for enabling a gfs2
       filesystem resource. Otherwise, run:

       mount /path/to/storage /mountpoint

       Run "dlm_tool ls" to verify the nodes that have each fs mounted.

       3. Shut down

       If you are using a clustered resource manager, see its documentation for disabling a  gfs2
       filesystem resource. Otherwise, run:

       umount -a -t gfs2


       mount(8)  and  umount(8)  for  general mount information, chmod(1) and chmod(2) for access
       permission  flags,  acl(5)  for  access  control  lists,  lvm(8)  for  volume  management,
       dlm_controld(8), dlm_tool(8), dlm.conf(5), corosync(8), corosync.conf(5),
