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       OTP-SNMPEA-MIB - The Erlang/OTP MIB module for the SNMPEA component in OTP



           Integer32, IpAddress
               FROM SNMPv2-SMI
           DisplayString, RowStatus, StorageType
               FROM SNMPv2-TC
               FROM SNMPv2-CONF
           otpModules, otpApplications
               FROM OTP-REG

       otpSnmpeaModule MODULE-IDENTITY
           LAST-UPDATED  "0305130000Z"
           ORGANIZATION  "Ericsson"
               "Contact:  Erlang Support see license agreement for Erlang/OTP."
               "This MIB module defines MIB objects for the SNMPEA
               component in OTP."

           REVISION    "0305130000Z"
               "Changed CONTACT-INFO as it was outdated, made it more generic
            to avoid such changes in the future."

           REVISION    "9808280000Z"
               "Since there are standard MIBs in the SNMPv3 framework that
               implements the functionality defined in this MIB, all objects in
               this MIB is now obsolete.  There are still a few OID assignments
               defined in this MIB.

               Removed intCommunityTable; replaced by snmpCommunityTable in

               Removed intAddressTable; replaced by SNMP-TARGET-MIB.

            Removed intAgentMaxPacketSize, replaced by snmpEngineMaxPacketSize
               in SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB.

               Removed intAgentIpAddress and intAgentUDPPort.

               Removed intViewTable, replaced by SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB."

           REVISION    "9804160000Z"
               "Updated to support MIBs from SNMPv3.  Since SNMPv3 standardizes
               some of the functionality provided by this MIB, we're using the
               standard instead.

               Removed intTrapDestTable; replaced by SNMP-TARGET-MIB and

           REVISION    "9709220900Z"
               "The initial version of this MIB module.  It is the old
               INTERNAL-MIB renamed."
           ::= { otpModules 5 }

       otpSnmpeaMIB    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { otpApplications 3 }
                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { otpSnmpeaMIB 1 }
                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { otpSnmpeaMIB 2 }

       snmpeaAdm       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { otpSnmpeaMIBObjects 1}
       community       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpeaAdm 1 }
       trap            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpeaAdm 2 }
       view            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpeaAdm 3 }

       -- Obsolete objects

       -- The Administration Group
       -- This group consists of objects to configure the access for
       -- managers to the MIB tree.
       -- These objects were previously defined in INTERNAL-MIB

       intCommunityTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF IntCommunityEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      obsolete
               "This table defines access for the different

               When a request comes from a certain ip address,
               referring to a community string, the mib view
               and access corresponding to these are looked up
               in this table. Then the operation is validatated against
               the access, and all requested objects validated against
               the mib view."
           ::= { community 1 }

       intCommunityEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IntCommunityEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      obsolete
           INDEX   { intCommunityDestination, intCommunityString }
           ::= { intCommunityTable 1 }

       IntCommunityEntry ::=
           SEQUENCE {
             intCommunityDestination   IpAddress,
             intCommunityString        DisplayString,
             intCommunityViewIndex     Integer32,
             intCommunityAccess        INTEGER,
             intCommunityStatus        RowStatus

       intCommunityDestination OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      obsolete
               "The ip address of a management station. The special
               ip address {} is a wildcard, meaning all possible
               ip addresses. In this way, access can be granted to all
               ip addressed for some communities."
           ::= { intCommunityEntry 1 }

       intCommunityString OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DisplayString
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      obsolete
               "The community string, defining the community."
           ::= { intCommunityEntry 2 }

       intCommunityViewIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      obsolete
               "Identifies a mib view.  Index into the
           ::= { intCommunityEntry 3 }

       intCommunityAccess OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      INTEGER { read(1), readWrite(2) }
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      obsolete
               "Defines which operations the manager can perform
               on the objects in the mib view."
           ::= { intCommunityEntry 4 }

       intCommunityStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      RowStatus
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      obsolete
               "The status of this conceptual row in the
           ::= { intCommunityEntry 5 }

       intAgentIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      obsolete
               "The IP address of this agent."
           ::= { community 2 }

       intAgentUDPPort OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      obsolete
               "The UDP port the agent listens to."
           ::= { community 3 }

       intAgentMaxPacketSize OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (484..65535)
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      obsolete
               "The maximum packet size in bytes this agent will send to a
           ::= { community 4 }

       intAddressTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF IntAddressEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      obsolete
               "This table holds UDP related information on each known
               management station."
           ::= { community 5 }

       intAddressEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IntAddressEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      obsolete
           INDEX   { intAddressDestination }
           ::= { intAddressTable 1 }

       IntAddressEntry ::=
           SEQUENCE {
             intAddressDestination     IpAddress,
             intAddressUDPPort         Integer32,
             intAddressMaxPacketSize   Integer32 (484..65535),
             intAddressStatus          RowStatus

       intAddressDestination OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      obsolete
               "The ip address of the management station."
           ::= { intAddressEntry 1 }

       intAddressUDPPort OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      obsolete
               "The UDP port to which traps will be sent to
               this destination."
           DEFVAL { 162 }
           ::= { intAddressEntry 2 }

       intAddressMaxPacketSize OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (484..65535)
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      obsolete
               "The maximum packet size in bytes for Messages
               sent to this destination.  The max size of a packet
               sent to this destination will be the minumim of
               this variable and agentMaxPacketSize.0."
           ::= { intAddressEntry 3 }

       intAddressStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      RowStatus
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      obsolete
               "The status of this conceptual row in the
           ::= { intAddressEntry 4 }

       intTrapDestTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF IntTrapDestEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      obsolete
               "The intTrapDestTable defines to which destination all traps
               for a specific community should be sent."
           ::= { trap 1 }

       intTrapDestEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IntTrapDestEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      obsolete
           INDEX   { intTrapDestCommunityString, intTrapDestDestination }
           ::= { intTrapDestTable 1 }

       IntTrapDestEntry ::=
           SEQUENCE {
             intTrapDestCommunityString    DisplayString,
             intTrapDestDestination        IpAddress,
             intTrapDestStatus             RowStatus,
             intTrapDestSnmpVersion        INTEGER

       intTrapDestCommunityString OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      obsolete
           ::= { intTrapDestEntry 1 }

       intTrapDestDestination OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      obsolete
           ::= { intTrapDestEntry 2 }

       intTrapDestStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      RowStatus
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      obsolete
               "The status of this conceptual row in the
           ::= { intTrapDestEntry 3 }

       intTrapDestSnmpVersion OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      INTEGER { v1(1), v2(2) }
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      obsolete
               "The SNMP version of the manager.  If it is v1,
               SNMPv1Traps are sent.  If it is v2, SNMPv2Traps are sent"
           ::= { intTrapDestEntry 4 }

       intViewTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF IntViewEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      obsolete
               "Locally held information about the MIB views
               known to this agent.

               Each MIB view is defined by two
               collections of view subtrees: the included view
               subtrees, and the excluded view subtrees.  Every
               such subtree, both included and excluded, is
               defined in this table.

               To determine if a particular object instance is in
               a particular MIB view, compare the object
               instance's OBJECT IDENTIFIER with each of the MIB
               view's entries in this table.  If none match, then
               the object instance is not in the MIB view.  If
               one or more match, then the object instance is
               included in, or excluded from, the MIB view
               according to the value of viewType in the entry
               whose value of viewSubtree has the most sub-
               identifiers.  If multiple entries match and have
               the same number of sub-identifiers, then the
               lexicographically greatest instance of viewType
               determines the inclusion or exclusion.

               An object instance's OBJECT IDENTIFIER X matches
               an entry in this table when the number of sub-
               identifiers in X is at least as many as in the
               value of viewSubtree for the entry, and each sub-
               identifier in the value of viewSubtree matches its
               corresponding sub-identifier in X.  Two sub-
               identifiers match either if the corresponding bit
               of viewMask is zero (the 'wild card' value), or if
               they are equal.

               Due to this 'wild card' capability, we introduce
               the term, a 'family' of view subtrees, to refer to
               the set of subtrees defined by a particular
               combination of values of viewSubtree and viewMask.
               In the case where no 'wild card' is defined in
               viewMask, the family of view subtrees reduces to a
               single view subtree."
           ::= { view 1 }

       intViewEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IntViewEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      obsolete
               "Information on a particular family of view
               subtrees included in or excluded from a particular
               MIB view.

               Implementations must not restrict the number of
               families of view subtrees for a given MIB view,
               except as dictated by resource constraints on the
               overall number of entries in the viewTable."
           INDEX   { intViewIndex, intViewSubtree }
           ::= { intViewTable 1 }

       IntViewEntry ::=
           SEQUENCE {
             intViewIndex          Integer32,
             intViewSubtree        OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
             intViewMask           OCTET STRING,
             intViewType           INTEGER,
             intViewStorageType    StorageType,
             intViewStatus         RowStatus

       intViewIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..65535)
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      obsolete
               "A unique value for each MIB view.  The value for
               each MIB view must remain constant at least from
               one re-initialization of the entity's network
               management system to the next re-initialization."
           ::= { intViewEntry 1 }

       intViewSubtree OBJECT-TYPE
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      obsolete
               "A MIB subtree."
           ::= { intViewEntry 2 }

       intViewMask OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..16))
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      obsolete
               "The bit mask which, in combination with the
               corresponding instance of viewSubtree, defines a
               family of view subtrees.

               Each bit of this bit mask corresponds to a sub-
               identifier of viewSubtree, with the most
               significant bit of the i-th octet of this octet
               string value (extended if necessary, see below)
               corresponding to the (8*i - 7)-th sub-identifier,
               and the least significant bit of the i-th octet of
               this octet string corresponding to the (8*i)-th
               sub-identifier, where i is in the range 1 through

               Each bit of this bit mask specifies whether or not
               the corresponding sub-identifiers must match when
               determining if an OBJECT IDENTIFIER is in this
               family of view subtrees; a '1' indicates that an
               exact match must occur; a '0' indicates 'wild
               card', i.e., any sub-identifier value matches.

               Thus, the OBJECT IDENTIFIER X of an object
               instance is contained in a family of view subtrees
               if the following criteria are met:

                      for each sub-identifier of the value of
                      viewSubtree, either:

                       the i-th bit of viewMask is 0, or

                       the i-th sub-identifier of X is equal to
                       the i-th sub-identifier of the value of

               If the value of this bit mask is M bits long and
               there are more than M sub-identifiers in the
               corresponding instance of viewSubtree, then the
               bit mask is extended with 1's to be the required

               Note that when the value of this object is the
               zero-length string, this extension rule results in
               a mask of all-1's being used (i.e., no 'wild
               card'), and the family of view subtrees is the one
               view subtree uniquely identified by the
               corresponding instance of viewSubtree."
           DEFVAL      { ''H }
           ::= { intViewEntry 3 }

       intViewType OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      obsolete
               "The status of a particular family of view
               subtrees within the particular
               MIB view.  The value 'included(1)' indicates that
               the corresponding instances of viewSubtree and
               viewMask define a family of view subtrees included
               in the MIB view.  The  value 'excluded(2)'
               indicates that the corresponding instances of
               viewSubtree and viewMask define a family of view
               subtrees excluded from the MIB view."
           DEFVAL      { included }
           ::= { intViewEntry 4 }

       intViewStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      StorageType
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      obsolete
               "The storage type for this conceptual row in the
           DEFVAL      { nonVolatile }
           ::= { intViewEntry 5 }

       intViewStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      RowStatus
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      obsolete
               "The status of this conceptual row in the
           ::= { intViewEntry 6 }

       -- conformance information

                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { otpSnmpeaMIBConformance 1 }
                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { otpSnmpeaMIBConformance 2 }

       -- compliance statements

       otpSnmpeaBasicCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
           STATUS  obsolete
               "The compliance statement for SNMPv2 entities which
               implement the OTP-SNMPEA-MIB."
           MODULE  -- this module
               MANDATORY-GROUPS { addressGroup }
           ::= { otpSnmpeaMIBCompliances 1 }

       -- units of conformance

       communityGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS { intCommunityViewIndex,
                     intCommunityStatus }
           STATUS  obsolete
               "A collection of objects providing basic instrumentation
               of the load of the OTP system."
           ::= { otpSnmpeaMIBGroups 1 }

       addressGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS { intAgentIpAddress,
                     intAddressStatus }
           STATUS  obsolete
               "A collection of objects providing basic instrumentation
               of the load of the OTP system."
           ::= { otpSnmpeaMIBGroups 2 }

       trapGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS { intTrapDestStatus,
                     intTrapDestSnmpVersion }
           STATUS  obsolete
               "A collection of objects providing basic instrumentation
               of the load of the OTP system."
           ::= { otpSnmpeaMIBGroups 3 }

       viewGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS { intViewMask,
                     intViewStatus }
           STATUS  obsolete
               "A collection of objects providing basic instrumentation
               of the load of the OTP system."
           ::= { otpSnmpeaMIBGroups 4 }
