Provided by: ax25-tools_0.0.10-rc5+git20230513+d3e6d4f-2_amd64 bug


       kissattach, spattach - Attach a KISS or 6PACK interface


       kissattach [-b] [-6] [-l] [-m mtu] [-v] [-i inetaddr] tty port [inetaddr]

       spattach [-b] [-6] [-l] [-m mtu] [-v] [-i inetaddr] tty port [inetaddr]


       Attach  a  KISS  or a 6PACK interface to what is normally a tty line connected to a TNC in
       KISS or 6PACK mode. This program will turn itself into a background process.  To  down  an
       interface send its attach process a SIGTERM.

       Kissattach  takes  many  of  the  parameters for the port from the axports(5) file. If the
       speed parameter in the file is not equal to zero then it  is  used  for  the  serial  port
       speed,  a  zero  value  means  that  no speed is set. The paclen parameter is used for the
       device mtu unless overridden by a value on the command line.

       The tty argument will typically be that of  a  serial  port  with  a  KISS  or  6PACK  TNC
       attached,  although  it could be a pseudo tty or a KISS port emulator such as an SCC card.
       Kissattach supports BSD-style pseudo-terminals as well as the Unix98  pty's.  If  the  tty
       argument is "/dev/ptmx", then Unix98 behaviour will automatically take effect. With Unix98
       pty's, the slave tty name could not be forseen.  That's  why  kissattach  will  print  the
       corresponding slave pty name as a separate line on stdout.

       The port argument is the name of a port as given in the axports(5) file.

       The  optional  inetaddr  argument is the IP address of the new interface. Some time it was
       mandatory argument (although due to historical reasons this restriction is lifted  if  the
       old  -i  option  is  used).  But there's really not a need for the interface to have an IP
       address assigned to.


       -6              Use the 6PACK line discipline instead of KISS. This is the default if  the
                       program is called as spattach so the option is a no-op for spattach.

       -i inetaddr     Set  the  internet  address of the interface. This address may either be a
                       dotted decimal address or a host name. This option is now depreciated  and
                       the program will complain about it, though still work.

       -l              Log messages to the system log, the default is not to.

       -b              Allow  broadcasts  on  the  interface (default no - because for e.g. samba
                       broadcasts are a pain..)

       -m mtu          Sets the mtu of the interface. If this value is not given then  the  value
                       is taken from the paclen parameter in axports.

       -v              Display the version.


       kill(1), stty(1), ax25(4), axports(5), axparms(8), ifconfig(8).


       Alan Cox GW4PTS <>
       Jonathan Naylor G4KLX <>