Provided by: nfs-common_2.6.4-4ubuntu1_amd64 bug


       nfsidmap - The NFS idmapper upcall program


       nfsidmap [-v] [-t timeout] key desc
       nfsidmap [-v] [-c]
       nfsidmap [-v] [-u|-g|-r user]
       nfsidmap -d
       nfsidmap -l
       nfsidmap -h


       The NFSv4 protocol represents the local system's UID and GID values on the wire as strings
       of the form user@domain.  The process of translating from UID to string and string to  UID
       is referred to as "ID mapping."

       The  system  derives the user part of the string by performing a password or group lookup.
       The lookup mechanism is configured in /etc/idmapd.conf.

       By default, the domain part of the string is the system's DNS domain name.  It can also be
       specified  in /etc/idmapd.conf if the system is multi-homed, or if the system's DNS domain
       name does not match the name of the system's Kerberos realm.

       When the domain is not specified in /etc/idmapd.conf the local DNS server will be  queried
       for  the  _nfsv4idmapdomain  text  record.  If  the record exists that will be used as the
       domain. When the record does not exist, the domain part of the DNS domain will used.

       The /usr/sbin/nfsidmap program performs translations on behalf of the kernel.  The  kernel
       uses  the  request-key  mechanism  to perform an upcall.  /usr/sbin/nfsidmap is invoked by
       /sbin/request-key, performs the translation, and initializes  a  key  with  the  resulting
       information.  The kernel then caches the translation results in the key.

       nfsidmap can also clear cached ID map results in the kernel, or revoke one particular key.
       An incorrect cached key can result in file and directory ownership reverting  to  "nobody"
       on NFSv4 mount points.

       In addition, the -d and -l options are available to help diagnose misconfigurations.  They
       have no effect on the keyring containing ID mapping results.


       -c     Clear the keyring of all the keys.

       -d     Display the system's effective NFSv4 domain name on stdout.

       -g user
              Revoke the gid key of the given user.

       -h     Display usage message.

       -l     Display on stdout all keys currently in  the  keyring  used  to  cache  ID  mapping
              results.  These keys are visible only to the superuser.

       -r user
              Revoke both the uid and gid key of the given user.

       -t timeout
              Set  the  expiration timer, in seconds, on the key.  The default is 600 seconds (10

       -u user
              Revoke the uid key of the given user.

       -v     Increases the verbosity of the output to syslog (can be specified multiple times).


       The file /etc/request-key.conf will need to be modified so /sbin/request-key can  properly
       direct the upcall. The following line should be added before a call to keyctl negate:

       create    id_resolver    *    *    /usr/sbin/nfsidmap -t 600 %k %d

       This  will  direct all id_resolver requests to the program /usr/sbin/nfsidmap.  The -t 600
       defines how many seconds into the future  the  key  will  expire.   This  is  an  optional
       parameter for /usr/sbin/nfsidmap and will default to 600 seconds when not specified.

       The idmapper system uses four key descriptions:

              uid: Find the UID for the given user
              gid: Find the GID for the given group
             user: Find the user name for the given UID
            group: Find the group name for the given GID

       You  can  choose to handle any of these individually, rather than using the generic upcall
       program.  If you would like to use your own program for a uid lookup then you  would  edit
       your request-key.conf so it looks similar to this:

       create    id_resolver    uid:*     *    /some/other/program %k %d
       create    id_resolver    *         *    /usr/sbin/nfsidmap %k %d

       Notice  that  the  new line was added above the line for the generic program.  request-key
       will find the first matching line and  run  the  corresponding  program.   In  this  case,
       /some/other/program  will  handle all uid lookups, and /usr/sbin/nfsidmap will handle gid,
       user, and group lookups.


              ID mapping configuration file

              Request key configuration file


       idmapd.conf(5), request-key(8)


       Bryan Schumaker, <>

                                          1 October 2010                              nfsidmap(8)