Provided by: faust_2.77.3+ds-2_amd64 

Faust - DSP to C/C++, CMajor, Codebox, CSharp, DLang, Interpreter, Java, LLVM IR, Julia, JSFX, Rust and WebAssembly (wast/wasm)
faust [options] file1 [file2 ...]
Faust (Functional Audio Stream) is a functional programming language specifically designed for real-time signal processing and synthesis. Faust targets high-performance signal processing applications and audio plug-ins for a variety of platforms and standards.
Input options: -a <file> wrapper architecture file. -i --inline-architecture-files inline architecture files. -A <dir> --architecture-dir <dir> add the directory <dir> to the architecture search path. -I <dir> --import-dir <dir> add the directory <dir> to the libraries search path. -L <file> --library <file> link with the LLVM module <file>. Output options: -o <file> the output file. -e --export-dsp export expanded DSP (with all included libraries). -uim --user-interface-macros add user interface macro definitions to the output code. -rnt --rust-no-faustdsp-trait (Rust only) Don’t generate FaustDsp trait implmentation. -xml generate an XML description file. -json generate a JSON description file. -O <dir> --output-dir <dir> specify the relative directory of the generated output code and of additional generated files (SVG, XML...). Code generation options: -lang <lang> --language select output language, `lang' should be c, cpp (default), cmajor, codebox, csharp, dlang, fir, interp, java, jax, jsfx, julia, llvm, ocpp, rust, sdf3, vhdl or wast/wasm. -single --single-precision-floats use single precision floats for internal computations (default). -double --double-precision-floats use double precision floats for internal computations. -quad --quad-precision-floats use quad precision floats for internal computations. -fx --fixed-point use fixed-point for internal computations. -fx-size --fixed-point-size fixed-point number total size in bits (-1 is used to generate a unique fixpoint_t type). -es 1|0 --enable-semantics 1|0 use enable semantics when 1 (default), and simple multiplication otherwise. -lcc --local-causality-check check causality also at local level. -light --light-mode do not generate the entire DSP API. -clang --clang when compiled with clang/clang++, adds specific #pragma for auto-vectorization. -nvi --no-virtual when compiled with the C++ backend, does not add the `virtual' keyword. -fp --full-parentheses always add parentheses around binops. -cir --check-integer-range check float to integer range conversion. -exp10 --generate-exp10 pow(10,x) replaced by possibly faster exp10(x). -os --one-sample generate one sample computation. -ec --external-control separated `control' and `compute' functions. -it --inline-table inline rdtable/rwtable code in the main class. -cm --compute-mix mix in outputs buffers. -ct --check-table check rtable/rwtable index range and generate safe access code [0/1: 1 by default]. -cn <name> --class-name <name> specify the name of the dsp class to be used instead of mydsp. -scn <name> --super-class-name <name> specify the name of the super class to be used instead of dsp. -pn <name> --process-name <name> specify the name of the dsp entry-point instead of process. -mcd <n> --max-copy-delay <n> use a copy delay up to max delay <n> and a dense delay above (ocpp only) or a ring buffer (default 16 samples). -mdd <n> --max-dense-delay <n> use a dense delay up to max delay <n> (if enough density) and a ring buffer delay above (ocpp only, default 1024). -mdy <n> --min-density <n> minimal density (100*number of delays/max delay) to use a dense delays (ocpp only, default 33). -dlt <n> --delay-line-threshold <n> use a mask-based ring buffer delays up to max delay <n> and a select based ring buffers above (default INT_MAX samples). -mem --memory-manager allocations done using a custom memory manager. -mem1 --memory-manager1 allocations done using a custom memory manager, using the iControl/fControl and iZone/fZone model. -mem2 --memory-manager2 use iControl/fControl, iZone/fZone model and no explicit memory manager. -mem3 --memory-manager3 use iControl/fControl, iZone/fZone model and no explicit memory manager with access as function parameters. -ftz <n> --flush-to-zero <n> code added to recursive signals [0:no (default), 1:fabs based, 2:mask based (fastest)]. -rui --range-ui whether to generate code to constraint vslider/hslider/nentry values in [min..max] range. -fui --freeze-ui whether to freeze vslider/hslider/nentry to a given value (init value by default). -inj <f> --inject <f> inject source file <f> into architecture file instead of compiling a dsp file. -scal --scalar generate non-vectorized code (default). -inpl --in-place generates code working when input and output buffers are the same (scalar mode only). -vec --vectorize generate easier to vectorize code. -vs <n> --vec-size <n> size of the vector (default 32 samples). -lv <n> --loop-variant <n> [0:fastest, fixed vector size and a remaining loop (default), 1:simple, variable vector size, 2:fixed, fixed vector size]. -omp --openmp generate OpenMP pragmas, activates --vectorize option. -pl --par-loop generate parallel loops in --openmp mode. -sch --scheduler generate tasks and use a Work Stealing scheduler, activates --vectorize option. -ocl --opencl generate tasks with OpenCL (experimental). -cuda --cuda generate tasks with CUDA (experimental). -dfs --deep-first-scheduling schedule vector loops in deep first order. -g --group-tasks group single-threaded sequential tasks together when -omp or -sch is used. -fun --fun-tasks separate tasks code as separated functions (in -vec, -sch, or -omp mode). -fm <file> --fast-math <file> use optimized versions of mathematical functions implemented in <file>, use `faust/dsp/fastmath.cpp' when file is `def', assume functions are defined in the architecture file when file is `arch'. -mapp --math-approximation simpler/faster versions of `floor/ceil/fmod/remainder' functions. -noreprc --no-reprc (Rust only) Don’t force dsp struct layout to follow C ABI. -ns <name> --namespace <name> generate C++ or D code in a namespace <name>. -vhdl-trace --vhdl-trace activate trace. -vhdl-float --vhdl-float uses IEEE-754 format for samples instead of fixed point. -vhdl-components <file> --vhdl-components <file> path to a file describing custom components for the VHDL backend. -fpga-mem <n> --fpga-mem <n> FPGA block ram max size, used in -mem1/-mem2 mode. -wi <n> --widening-iterations <n> number of iterations before widening in signal bounding. -ni <n> --narrowing-iterations <n> number of iterations before stopping narrowing in signal bounding. Block diagram options: -ps --postscript print block-diagram to a postscript file. -svg --svg print block-diagram to a svg file. -sd --simplify-diagrams try to further simplify diagrams before drawing. -drf --draw-route-frame draw route frames instead of simple cables. -f <n> --fold <n> threshold to activate folding mode during block-diagram generation (default 25 elements). -fc <n> --fold-complexity <n> complexity threshold to fold an expression in folding mode (default 2). -mns <n> --max-name-size <n> threshold during block-diagram generation (default 40 char). -sn --simple-names use simple names (without arguments) during block-diagram generation. -blur --shadow-blur add a shadow blur to SVG boxes. -sc --scaled-svg automatic scalable SVG. Math doc options: -mdoc --mathdoc print math documentation of the Faust program in LaTeX format in a -mdoc folder. -mdlang <l> --mathdoc-lang <l> if translation file exists (<l> = en, fr, ...). -stripmdoc --strip-mdoc-tags strip mdoc tags when printing Faust -mdoc listings. Debug options: -d --details print compilation details. -time --compilation-time display compilation phases timing information. -flist --file-list print file list (including libraries) used to eval process. -tg --task-graph print the internal task graph in dot format. -sg --signal-graph print the internal signal graph in dot format. -rg --retiming-graph print the internal signal graph after retiming in dot format. -norm --normalized-form print signals in normalized form and exit. -norm1 --normalized-form1 print signals in normalized form with IDs for shared sub-expressions and exit. -me --math-exceptions check / for 0 as denominator and remainder, fmod, sqrt, log10, log, acos, asin functions domain. -sts --strict-select generate strict code for `selectX' even for stateless branches (both are computed). -wall --warning-all print all warnings. -t <sec> --timeout <sec> abort compilation after <sec> seconds (default 120). Information options: -h --help print this help message. -v --version print version information and embedded backends list. -libdir --libdir print directory containing the Faust libraries. -includedir --includedir print directory containing the Faust headers. -archdir --archdir print directory containing the Faust architectures. -dspdir --dspdir print directory containing the Faust dsp libraries. -pathslist --pathslist print the architectures and dsp library paths. Environment variables: FAUST_DEBUG = FAUST_LLVM1 print LLVM IR before optimisation. FAUST_DEBUG = FAUST_LLVM2 print LLVM IR after optimisation. FAUST_DEBUG = FIR_PRINTER print FIR after generation. FAUST_DEBUG = FAUST_LLVM_NO_FM deactivate fast-math optimisation in LLVM IR. FAUST_OPT = FAUST_SIG_NO_NORM deactivate signal normalisation. Example: faust -a jack-gtk.cpp -o myfx.cpp myfx.dsp
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