Provided by: iqtree_2.0.7+dfsg-1build3_amd64 

iqtree2-mpi - efficient phylogenetic software by maximum likelihood (multiprocessor version)
iqtree [-s ALIGNMENT] [-p PARTITION] [-m MODEL] [-t TREE] ...
IQ-TREE MPI multicore version 2.0.7 for Linux 64-bit built Nov 30 2024 Developed by Bui Quang Minh, Nguyen Lam Tung, Olga Chernomor, Heiko Schmidt, Dominik Schrempf, Michael Woodhams. GENERAL OPTIONS: -h, --help Print (more) help usages -s FILE[,...,FILE] PHYLIP/FASTA/NEXUS/CLUSTAL/MSF alignment file(s) -s DIR Directory of alignment files --seqtype STRING BIN, DNA, AA, NT2AA, CODON, MORPH (default: auto-detect) -t FILE|PARS|RAND Starting tree (default: 99 parsimony and BIONJ) -o TAX[,...,TAX] Outgroup taxon (list) for writing .treefile --prefix STRING Prefix for all output files (default: aln/partition) --seed NUM Random seed number, normally used for debugging purpose --safe Safe likelihood kernel to avoid numerical underflow --mem NUM[G|M|%] Maximal RAM usage in GB | MB | % --runs NUM Number of indepedent runs (default: 1) -v, --verbose Verbose mode, printing more messages to screen -V, --version Display version number --quiet Quiet mode, suppress printing to screen (stdout) -fconst f1,...,fN Add constant patterns into alignment (N=no. states) --epsilon NUM Likelihood epsilon for parameter estimate (default 0.01) -T NUM|AUTO No. cores/threads or AUTO-detect (default: 1) --threads-max NUM Max number of threads for -T AUTO (default: all cores) CHECKPOINT: --redo Redo both ModelFinder and tree search --redo-tree Restore ModelFinder and only redo tree search --undo Revoke finished run, used when changing some options --cptime NUM Minimum checkpoint interval (default: 60 sec and adapt) PARTITION MODEL: -p FILE|DIR NEXUS/RAxML partition file or directory with alignments Edge-linked proportional partition model -q FILE|DIR Like -p but edge-linked equal partition model -Q FILE|DIR Like -p but edge-unlinked partition model -S FILE|DIR Like -p but separate tree inference --subsample NUM Randomly sub-sample partitions (negative for complement) --subsample-seed NUM Random number seed for --subsample LIKELIHOOD/QUARTET MAPPING: --lmap NUM Number of quartets for likelihood mapping analysis --lmclust FILE NEXUS file containing clusters for likelihood mapping --quartetlh Print quartet log-likelihoods to .quartetlh file TREE SEARCH ALGORITHM: --ninit NUM Number of initial parsimony trees (default: 100) --ntop NUM Number of top initial trees (default: 20) --nbest NUM Number of best trees retained during search (defaut: 5) -n NUM Fix number of iterations to stop (default: OFF) --nstop NUM Number of unsuccessful iterations to stop (default: 100) --perturb NUM Perturbation strength for randomized NNI (default: 0.5) --radius NUM Radius for parsimony SPR search (default: 6) --allnni Perform more thorough NNI search (default: OFF) -g FILE (Multifurcating) topological constraint tree file --fast Fast search to resemble FastTree --polytomy Collapse near-zero branches into polytomy --tree-fix Fix -t tree (no tree search performed) --treels Write locally optimal trees into .treels file --show-lh Compute tree likelihood without optimisation --terrace Check if the tree lies on a phylogenetic terrace ULTRAFAST BOOTSTRAP/JACKKNIFE: -B, --ufboot NUM Replicates for ultrafast bootstrap (>=1000) -J, --ufjack NUM Replicates for ultrafast jackknife (>=1000) --jack-prop NUM Subsampling proportion for jackknife (default: 0.5) --sampling STRING GENE|GENESITE resampling for partitions (default: SITE) --boot-trees Write bootstrap trees to .ufboot file (default: none) --wbtl Like --boot-trees but also writing branch lengths --nmax NUM Maximum number of iterations (default: 1000) --nstep NUM Iterations for UFBoot stopping rule (default: 100) --bcor NUM Minimum correlation coefficient (default: 0.99) --beps NUM RELL epsilon to break tie (default: 0.5) --bnni Optimize UFBoot trees by NNI on bootstrap alignment NON-PARAMETRIC BOOTSTRAP/JACKKNIFE: -b, --boot NUM Replicates for bootstrap + ML tree + consensus tree -j, --jack NUM Replicates for jackknife + ML tree + consensus tree --jack-prop NUM Subsampling proportion for jackknife (default: 0.5) --bcon NUM Replicates for bootstrap + consensus tree --bonly NUM Replicates for bootstrap only --tbe Transfer bootstrap expectation SINGLE BRANCH TEST: --alrt NUM Replicates for SH approximate likelihood ratio test --alrt 0 Parametric aLRT test (Anisimova and Gascuel 2006) --abayes approximate Bayes test (Anisimova et al. 2011) --lbp NUM Replicates for fast local bootstrap probabilities MODEL-FINDER: -m TESTONLY Standard model selection (like jModelTest, ProtTest) -m TEST Standard model selection followed by tree inference -m MF Extended model selection with FreeRate heterogeneity -m MFP Extended model selection followed by tree inference -m ...+LM Additionally test Lie Markov models -m ...+LMRY Additionally test Lie Markov models with RY symmetry -m ...+LMWS Additionally test Lie Markov models with WS symmetry -m ...+LMMK Additionally test Lie Markov models with MK symmetry -m ...+LMSS Additionally test strand-symmetric models --mset STRING Restrict search to models supported by other programs (raxml, phyml or mrbayes) --mset STR,... Comma-separated model list (e.g. -mset WAG,LG,JTT) --msub STRING Amino-acid model source (nuclear, mitochondrial, chloroplast or viral) --mfreq STR,... List of state frequencies --mrate STR,... List of rate heterogeneity among sites (e.g. -mrate E,I,G,I+G,R is used for -m MF) --cmin NUM Min categories for FreeRate model [+R] (default: 2) --cmax NUM Max categories for FreeRate model [+R] (default: 10) --merit AIC|AICc|BIC Akaike|Bayesian information criterion (default: BIC) --mtree Perform full tree search for every model --madd STR,... List of mixture models to consider --mdef FILE Model definition NEXUS file (see Manual) --modelomatic Find best codon/protein/DNA models (Whelan et al. 2015) PARTITION-FINDER: --merge Merge partitions to increase model fit --merge greedy|rcluster|rclusterf Set merging algorithm (default: rclusterf) --merge-model 1|all Use only 1 or all models for merging (default: 1) --merge-model STR,... Comma-separated model list for merging --merge-rate 1|all Use only 1 or all rate heterogeneity (default: 1) --merge-rate STR,... Comma-separated rate list for merging --rcluster NUM Percentage of partition pairs for rcluster algorithm --rclusterf NUM Percentage of partition pairs for rclusterf algorithm --rcluster-max NUM Max number of partition pairs (default: 10*partitions) SUBSTITUTION MODEL: -m STRING Model name string (e.g. GTR+F+I+G) DNA: HKY (default), JC, F81, K2P, K3P, K81uf, TN/TrN, TNef, TIM, TIMef, TVM, TVMef, SYM, GTR, or 6-digit model specification (e.g., 010010 = HKY) Protein: LG (default), Poisson, cpREV, mtREV, Dayhoff, mtMAM, JTT, WAG, mtART, mtZOA, VT, rtREV, DCMut, PMB, HIVb, HIVw, JTTDCMut, FLU, Blosum62, GTR20, mtMet, mtVer, mtInv, FLAVI, Q.LG, Q.pfam, Q.pfam_gb, Q.bird, Q.mammal, Q.insect, Q.plant, Q.yeast Protein mixture: C10,...,C60, EX2, EX3, EHO, UL2, UL3, EX_EHO, LG4M, LG4X Binary: JC2 (default), GTR2 Empirical codon: KOSI07, SCHN05 Mechanistic codon: GY (default), MG, MGK, GY0K, GY1KTS, GY1KTV, GY2K, MG1KTS, MG1KTV, MG2K Semi-empirical codon: XX_YY where XX is empirical and YY is mechanistic model Morphology/SNP: MK (default), ORDERED, GTR Lie Markov DNA: 1.1, 2.2b, 3.3a, 3.3b, 3.3c, 3.4, 4.4a, 4.4b, 4.5a, 4.5b, 5.6a, 5.6b, 5.7a, 5.7b, 5.7c, 5.11a, 5.11b, 5.11c, 5.16, 6.6, 6.7a, 6.7b, 6.8a, 6.8b, 6.17a, 6.17b, 8.8, 8.10a, 8.10b, 8.16, 8.17, 8.18, 9.20a, 9.20b, 10.12, 10.34, 12.12 (optionally prefixed by RY, WS or MK) Non-reversible: STRSYM (strand symmetric model, equiv. WS6.6), NONREV, UNREST (unrestricted model, equiv. 12.12) Otherwise: Name of file containing user-model parameters STATE FREQUENCY: -m ...+F Empirically counted frequencies from alignment -m ...+FO Optimized frequencies by maximum-likelihood -m ...+FQ Equal frequencies -m ...+FRY For DNA, freq(A+G)=1/2=freq(C+T) -m ...+FWS For DNA, freq(A+T)=1/2=freq(C+G) -m ...+FMK For DNA, freq(A+C)=1/2=freq(G+T) -m ...+Fabcd 4-digit constraint on ACGT frequency (e.g. +F1221 means f_A=f_T, f_C=f_G) -m ...+FU Amino-acid frequencies given protein matrix -m ...+F1x4 Equal NT frequencies over three codon positions -m ...+F3x4 Unequal NT frequencies over three codon positions RATE HETEROGENEITY AMONG SITES: -m ...+I A proportion of invariable sites -m ...+G[n] Discrete Gamma model with n categories (default n=4) -m ...*G[n] Discrete Gamma model with unlinked model parameters -m ...+I+G[n] Invariable sites plus Gamma model with n categories -m ...+R[n] FreeRate model with n categories (default n=4) -m ...*R[n] FreeRate model with unlinked model parameters -m ...+I+R[n] Invariable sites plus FreeRate model with n categories -m ...+Hn Heterotachy model with n classes -m ...*Hn Heterotachy model with n classes and unlinked parameters --alpha-min NUM Min Gamma shape parameter for site rates (default: 0.02) --gamma-median Median approximation for +G site rates (default: mean) --rate Write empirical Bayesian site rates to .rate file --mlrate Write maximum likelihood site rates to .mlrate file POLYMORPHISM AWARE MODELS (PoMo): -s FILE Input counts file (see manual) -m ...+P DNA substitution model (see above) used with PoMo -m ...+N<POPSIZE> Virtual population size (default: 9) -m ...+WB|WH|S] Weighted binomial sampling -m ...+WH Weighted hypergeometric sampling -m ...+S Sampled sampling -m ...+G[n] Discrete Gamma rate with n categories (default n=4) COMPLEX MODELS: -m "MIX{m1,...,mK}" Mixture model with K components -m "FMIX{f1,...fK}" Frequency mixture model with K components --mix-opt Optimize mixture weights (default: detect) -m ...+ASC Ascertainment bias correction --tree-freq FILE Input tree to infer site frequency model --site-freq FILE Input site frequency model file --freq-max Posterior maximum instead of mean approximation TREE TOPOLOGY TEST: --trees FILE Set of trees to evaluate log-likelihoods --test NUM Replicates for topology test --test-weight Perform weighted KH and SH tests --test-au Approximately unbiased (AU) test (Shimodaira 2002) --sitelh Write site log-likelihoods to .sitelh file ANCESTRAL STATE RECONSTRUCTION: --ancestral Ancestral state reconstruction by empirical Bayes --asr-min NUM Min probability of ancestral state (default: equil freq) TEST OF SYMMETRY: --symtest Perform three tests of symmetry --symtest-only Do --symtest then exist --symtest-remove-bad Do --symtest and remove bad partitions --symtest-remove-good Do --symtest and remove good partitions --symtest-type MAR|INT Use MARginal/INTernal test when removing partitions --symtest-pval NUMER P-value cutoff (default: 0.05) --symtest-keep-zero Keep NAs in the tests CONCORDANCE FACTOR ANALYSIS: -t FILE Reference tree to assign concordance factor --gcf FILE Set of source trees for gene concordance factor (gCF) --df-tree Write discordant trees associated with gDF1 --scf NUM Number of quartets for site concordance factor (sCF) -s FILE Sequence alignment for --scf -p FILE|DIR Partition file or directory for --scf --cf-verbose Write CF per tree/locus to cf.stat_tree/_loci --cf-quartet Write sCF for all resampled quartets to .cf.quartet