plucky (3) Boost::Geometry::Utils.3pm.gz

Boost::Geometry::Utils - Bindings for the Boost Geometry library
version 0.07
use Boost::Geometry::Utils qw(polygon linestring polygon_linestring_intersection); my $square = [ # ccw [10, 10], [20, 10], [20, 20], [10, 20], ]; my $hole_in_square = [ # cw [14, 14], [14, 16], [16, 16], [16, 14], ]; my $polygon = polygon($square, $hole_in_square); my $linestring = linestring([ [5, 15], [30, 15] ]); my $intersection = polygon_linestring_intersection($polygon, $linestring); # $intersection is: # [ # [ [10, 15], [14, 15] ], # [ [16, 15], [20, 15] ], # ]
This module provides bindings to perform some geometric operations using the Boost Geometry library. It does not aim at providing full bindings for such library, and that's why I left the Boost::Geometry namespace free. I'm unsure about the optimal architectural for providing full bindings, but I'm interested in such a project -- so, if you have ideas please get in touch with me. Warning: the API could change in the future.
polygon_linestring_intersection Performs an intersection between the supplied polygon and linestring, and returns an arrayref of linestrings (represented as arrayrefs of points). Note that such an intersection is also called clipping. polygon_multi_linestring_intersection Same as polygon_linestring_intersection but it accepts a multilinestring object to perform multiple clippings in a single batch. multi_polygon_multi_linestring_intersection Same as polygon_multi_linestring_intersection but it accepts a multipolygon object to perform multiple clippings in a single batch. multi_linestring_multi_polygon_difference Performs a difference between the supplied multilinestring and the supplied multipolygon. It returns a multilinestring object. polygon_to_wkt Converts one or more arrayref(s) of points to a WKT representation of a polygon (with holes). linestring_to_wkt Converts an arrayref of points to a WKT representation of a multilinestring. wkt_to_multilinestring Parses a MULTILINESTRING back to a Perl data structure. linestring_simplify Accepts an arrayref of points representing a linestring and a numeric tolerance and returns an arrayref of points representing the simplified linestring. multi_linestring_simplify Accepts an arrayref of arrayrefs of points representing a multilinestring and a numeric tolerance and returns an arrayref of arrayrefs of points representing the simplified linestrings. point_covered_by_polygon Accepts a point and an arrayref of points representing a polygon and returns true or false according to the 'cover_by' strategy. point_covered_by_multi_polygon Same as above but accepts a multipolygon arrayref. point_within_polygon Accepts a point and an arrayref of points representing a polygon and returns true or false according to the 'within' strategy. point_within_multi_polygon Same as above but accepts a multipolygon arrayref. linestring_length Returns length of a linestring. polygon_centroid Returns the centroid point of a given polygon. linestring_centroid Returns the centroid point of a given linestring. multi_linestring_centroid Returns the centroid point of a given multi_linestring. correct_polygon Corrects the orientation(s) of the given polygon. correct_multi_polygon Corrects the orientation(s) of the given multi_polygon. polygon_area Returns the area of the given polygon.
Thanks to mauke and mst (Matt S. Trout (cpan:MSTROUT) <>) for their valuable help in getting this to compile under Windows (MinGW) too. Thanks to Mark Hindness for his work on data types conversion.
Alessandro Ranellucci <>
This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Alessandro Ranellucci. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.