plucky (3) Curses::UI::Buttonbox.3pm.gz

Provided by: libcurses-ui-perl_0.9609-1.1_all bug


       Curses::UI::Buttonbox - Create and manipulate button widgets




           use Curses::UI;
           my $cui = new Curses::UI;
           my $win = $cui->add('window_id', 'Window');

           my $buttons = $win->add(
               'mybuttons', 'Buttonbox',
               -buttons   => [
                     -label => '< Button 1 >',
                     -value => 1,
                     -shortcut => 1
                     -label => '< Button 2 >',
                     -value => 2,
                     -shortcut => 2

           my $value = $buttons->get();


       Curses::UI::Buttonbox is a widget that can be used to create an array of buttons (or, of course, only one


       -parent, -x, -y, -width, -height, -pad, -padleft, -padright, -padtop, -padbottom, -ipad, -ipadleft,
       -ipadright, -ipadtop, -ipadbottom, -title, -titlefullwidth, -titlereverse, -onfocus, -onblur

       For an explanation of these standard options, see Curses::UI::Widget.


-buttons < ARRAYREF >

           This option takes a reference to a list of buttons.  The list may contain both predefined button
           types and complete button definitions of your own.

           * Your own button definition

             A button definition is a reference to a hash. This
             hash can have the following key-value pairs:


             -label      This determines what text should be drawn
                         on the button.


             -value      This determines the returnvalue for the
                         get() method. If the value is not defined,
                         the get() method will return the index
                         of the button.

             -shortcut   The button will act as if it was pressed
                         if the key defined by -shortcut is pressed

             -onpress    If the value for -onpress is a CODE reference,
                         this code will be executes if the button
                         is pressed, before the buttons widget loses
                         focus and returns.

           * Predefined button type

             This module has a predefined list of frequently used button
             types. Using these in B<-buttons> makes things a lot
             easier. The predefined button types are:

             ok          -label    => '< OK >'
                         -shortcut => 'o'
                         -value    => 1
                         -onpress  => undef

             cancel      -label    => '< Cancel >'
                         -shortcut => 'c'
                         -value    => 0
                         -onpress  => undef

             yes         -label    => '< Yes >'
                         -shortcut => 'y'
                         -value    => 1
                         -onpress  => undef

             no          -label    => '< No >'
                         -shortcut => 'n'
                         -value    => 0
                         -onpress  => undef


             -buttons => [
                 { -label => '< My own button >',
                   -value => 'mine!',
                   -shortcut => 'm' },



                 { -label => '< My second button >',
                   -value => 'another one',
                   -shortcut => 's',
                   -onpress => sub { die "Do not press this button!\n" } }

       •   -selected < INDEX >

           By default the first button (index = 0) is active. If you want another button to be active at
           creation time, add this option. The INDEX is the index of the button you want to make active.

       •   -buttonalignment < VALUE >

           You can specify how the buttons should be aligned in the widget. Available values for VALUE are
           'left', 'middle' and 'right'.

       •   -vertical < BOOLEAN >

           When set to a true value, it will cause the buttons to be rendered with vertical instead of
           horizontal alignment.


new ( OPTIONS )

       •   layout ( )

       •   draw ( BOOLEAN )

       •   focus ( )

       •   onFocus ( CODEREF )

       •   onBlur ( CODEREF )

       •   draw_if_visible ( )

           These are standard methods. See Curses::UI::Widget for an explanation of these.

       •   get ( )

           This method will return the index of the currently active button. If a value is given for that index
           (using the -value option, see -buttons above), that value will be returned.


       •   <enter>, <space>

           TODO: Fix dox Call the 'loose-focus' routine. By default this routine will have the container in
           which the widget is loose its focus. If you do not like this behaviour, then you can have it loose
           focus itself by calling:

               $buttonswidget->set_routine('loose-focus', 'RETURN');

           For an explanation of set_routine, see Curses::UI::Widget.

       •   <cursor left>, <h>

           Call the 'previous' routine. This will make the previous button the active button. If the active
           button already is the first button, nothing will be done.

       •   <cursor right>, <l

           Call the 'next' routine. This will make the next button the active button. If the next button already
           is the last button, nothing will be done.

       •   <any other key>

           This will call the 'shortcut' routine. This routine will handle the shortcuts that are set by the
           -shortcuts option.


       Curses::UI, Curses::UI::Widget, Curses::UI::Common


       Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Maurice Makaay. All rights reserved.

       Maintained by Marcus Thiesen (

       This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. It may be
       used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as perl itself.