plucky (3) Data::ICal::Entry::Event.3pm.gz

Data::ICal::Entry::Event - Represents an event in an iCalendar file
my $vevent = Data::ICal::Entry::Event->new(); $vevent->add_properties( summary => "my party", description => "I'll cry if I want to", # Dat*e*::ICal is not a typo here dtstart => Date::ICal->new( epoch => time )->ical, ); $calendar->add_entry($vevent); $vevent->add_entry($alarm);
A Data::ICal::Entry::Event object represents a single event in an iCalendar file. (Note that the iCalendar RFC refers to entries as "components".) It is a subclass of Data::ICal::Entry and accepts all of its methods.
ical_entry_type Returns "VEVENT", its iCalendar entry name. mandatory_unique_properties The "uid" property is mandatory if "rfc_strict" was passed to "new" in Data::ICal. optional_unique_properties According to the iCalendar standard, the following properties may be specified at most one time for an event: class created description dtstart geo last-modified location organizer priority dtstamp sequence status summary transp uid url recurrence-id In addition, "dtend" and "duration" may be specified at most once each, but not both in the same entry (though this restriction is not enforced). Or if "vcal10 => 1": class dcreated completed description dtstart dtend last-modified location rnum priority sequence status summary transp url uid optional_repeatable_properties According to the iCalendar standard, the following properties may be specified any number of times for an event: attach attendee categories comment contact exdate exrule request-status related-to resources rdate rrule Or if "vcal10 => 1": aalarm attach attendee categories dalarm exdate exrule malarm palarm related-to resources rdate rrule
Data::ICal::DateTime For date parsing and formatting, including denoting "all day" events, considering using this module. Because it's a "mix in", you can still use all the methods here as well as the new date handling methods it defines.
Best Practical Solutions, LLC <>
Copyright (c) 2005 - 2020, Best Practical Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic.