plucky (3) Debbugs::Config.3pm.gz

Debbugs::Config -- Configuration information for debbugs
use Debbugs::Config; # to get the compatiblity interface use Debbugs::Config qw(:globals);
This module provides configuration variables for all of debbugs.
The default configuration file location is /etc/debbugs/config; this configuration file location can be set by modifying the DEBBUGS_CONFIG_FILE env variable to point at a different location.
General Configuration email_domain $gEmailDomain The email domain of the bts list_domain $gListDomain The list domain of the bts, defaults to the email domain web_host $gWebHost The web host of the bts; defaults to the email domain web_host_bug_dir $gWebHostDir The directory of the web host on which bugs are kept, defaults to '' web_domain $gWebDomain Full path of the web domain where bugs are kept including the protocol (http:// or https://). Defaults to the concatenation of 'http://', "web_host" and "web_host_bug_dir" html_suffix $gHTMLSuffix Suffix of html pages, defaults to .html cgi_domain $gCGIDomain Full path of the web domain where cgi scripts are kept. Defaults to the concatentation of "web_domain" and cgi. mirrors @gMirrors List of mirrors [What these mirrors are used for, no one knows.] package_pages $gPackagePages Domain where the package pages are kept; links should work in a package_pages/foopackage manner. Defaults to undef, which means that package links will not be made. Should be prefixed with the appropriate protocol (http/https). package_tracking_domain $gPackageTrackingDomain Domain where the package pages are kept; links should work in a package_tracking_domain/foopackage manner. Defaults to undef, which means that package links will not be made. Should be prefixed with the appropriate protocol (http or https). package_pages $gUsertagPackageDomain Domain where where usertags of packages belong; defaults to $gPackagePages subscription_domain $gSubscriptionDomain Domain where subscriptions to package lists happen cc_all_mails_to_addr $gCcAllMailsToAddr Address to Cc (well, Bcc) all e-mails to cve_tracker $gCVETracker URI to CVE security tracker; in bugreport.cgi, CVE-2001-0002 becomes linked to $config{cve_tracker}CVE-2001-002 Default: Project Identification project $gProject Name of the project Default: 'Something' project_title $gProjectTitle Name of this install of Debbugs, defaults to ""project" Debbugs Install" Default: "$config{project} Debbugs Install" maintainer $gMaintainer Name of the maintainer of this debbugs install Default: 'Local DebBugs Owner's maintainer_webpage $gMaintainerWebpage Webpage of the maintainer of this install of debbugs Default: "$config{web_domain}/~owner" maintainer_email $gMaintainerEmail Email address of the maintainer of this Debbugs install Default: 'root@'.$config{email_domain} unknown_maintainer_email Email address where packages with an unknown maintainer will be sent Default: $config{maintainer_email} machine_name The name of the machine that this instance of debbugs is running on (currently used for debbuging purposes and web page output.) Default: Sys::Hostname::hostname() BTS Mailing Lists submit_list maint_list forward_list done_list request_list submitter_list control_list summary_list mirror_list strong_list bug_subscription_domain Domain of list for messages regarding a single bug; prefixed with bug=${bugnum}@ when bugs are actually sent out. Set to undef or '' to disable sending messages to the bug subscription list. Default: list_domain Misc Options mailer Name of the mailer to use Default: exim bug Default: bug ubug Default: ucfirst($config{bug}); bugs Default: bugs ubugs Default: ucfirst($config{ubugs}); remove_age Age at which bugs are archived/removed Default: 28 save_old_bugs Whether old bugs are saved or deleted Default: 1 distribution_aliases Map of distribution aliases to the distribution name Default: {experimental => 'experimental', unstable => 'unstable', testing => 'testing', stable => 'stable', oldstable => 'oldstable', sid => 'unstable', lenny => 'testing', etch => 'stable', sarge => 'oldstable', } distributions List of valid distributions Default: The values of the distribution aliases map. default_architectures List of default architectures to use when architecture(s) are not specified Default: i386 amd64 arm ppc sparc alpha affects_distribution_tags List of tags which restrict the buggy state to a set of distributions. The set of distributions that are buggy is the intersection of the set of distributions that would be buggy without reference to these tags and the set of these tags that are distributions which are set on a bug. Setting this to [] will remove this feature. Default: @{$config{distributions}} removal_unremovable_tags Bugs which have these tags set cannot be archived Default: [] removal_distribution_tags Tags which specifiy distributions to check Default: @{$config{distributions}} removal_default_distribution_tags For removal/archival purposes, all bugs are assumed to have these tags set. Default: qw(experimental unstable testing); removal_strong_severity_default_distribution_tags For removal/archival purposes, all bugs with strong severity are assumed to have these tags set. Default: qw(experimental unstable testing stable); removal_architectures For removal/archival purposes, these architectures are consulted if there is more than one architecture applicable. If the bug is in a package not in any of these architectures, the architecture actually checked is undefined. Default: value of default_architectures package_name_re The regex which will match a package name Default: '[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\.+-]+' package_version_re The regex which will match a package version Default: '[A-Za-z0-9:+\.-]+' default_package This is the name of the default package. If set, bugs assigned to packages without a maintainer and bugs missing a Package: pseudoheader will be assigned to this package instead. Defaults to unset, which is the traditional debbugs behavoir control_internal_requester This address is used by Debbugs::Control as the request address which sent a control request for faked log messages. Default:"Debbugs Internal Request <$config{maintainer_email}>" control_internal_request_addr This address is used by Debbugs::Control as the address to which a faked log message request was sent. Default: "internal_control\@$config{email_domain}"; exclude_from_control Addresses which are not allowed to send messages to control default_severity The default severity of bugs which have no severity set Default: normal severity_display A hashref of severities and the informative text which describes them. Default: {critical => "Critical $config{bugs}", grave => "Grave $config{bugs}", normal => "Normal $config{bugs}", wishlist => "Wishlist $config{bugs}", } show_severities A scalar list of the severities to show Defaults to the concatenation of the keys of the severity_display hashlist with ', ' above. strong_severities An arrayref of the serious severities which shoud be emphasized Default: [qw(critical grave)] severity_list An arrayref of a list of the severities Defaults to the keys of the severity display hashref obsolete_severities A hashref of obsolete severities with the replacing severity Default: {} tags An arrayref of the tags used Default: [qw(patch wontfix moreinfo unreproducible fixed)] and also includes the distributions. usertag_dir Directory which contains the usertags Default: $config{spool_dir}/user web_dir $gWebDir Directory where base html files are kept. Should normally be the same as the web server's document root. Default: /var/lib/debbugs/www template_dir directory of templates; defaults to /usr/share/debbugs/templates. simple_versioning If true this causes debbugs to ignore version information and just look at whether a bug is done or not done. Primarily of interest for debbugs installs which don't track versions. defaults to false. version_packages_dir Location where the version package information is kept; defaults to spool_dir/../versions/pkg version_time_index Location of the version/time index file. Defaults to spool_dir/../versions/idx/versions_time.idx if spool_dir/../versions exists; otherwise defaults to undef. version_index Location of the version index file. Defaults to spool_dir/../versions/indices/versions.idx if spool_dir/../versions exists; otherwise defaults to undef. binary_source_map Location of the binary -> source map. Defaults to spool_dir/../versions/indices/bin2src.idx if spool_dir/../versions exists; otherwise defaults to undef. source_binary_map Location of the source -> binary map. Defaults to spool_dir/../versions/indices/src2bin.idx if spool_dir/../versions exists; otherwise defaults to undef. sendmail Sets the sendmail binary to execute; defaults to /usr/lib/sendmail sendmail_arguments Default arguments to pass to sendmail. Defaults to "qw(-oem -oi)". envelope_from Envelope from to use for sent messages. If not set, whatever sendmail picks is used. spam_scan Whether or not spamscan is being used; defaults to 0 (not being used spam_crossassassin_db Location of the crosassassin database, defaults to spool_dir/../CrossAssassinDb spam_max_cross Maximum number of cross-posted messages spam_spams_per_thread Number of spams for each thread (on average). Defaults to 200 spam_max_threads Maximum number of threads to start. Defaults to 20 spam_keep_running Maximum number of seconds to run without restarting. Defaults to 3600. spam_mailbox Location to store spam messages; is run through strftime to allow for %d,%m,%Y, et al. Defaults to 'spool_dir/../mail/spam/assassinated.%Y-%m-%d' spam_crossassassin_mailbox Location to store crossassassinated messages; is run through strftime to allow for %d,%m,%Y, et al. Defaults to 'spool_dir/../mail/spam/crossassassinated.%Y-%m-%d' spam_local_tests_only Whether only local tests are run, defaults to 0 spam_user_prefs User preferences for spamassassin, defaults to $ENV{HOME}/.spamassassin/user_prefs spam_rules_dir Site rules directory for spamassassin, defaults to '/etc/spamassassin' CGI Options libravatar_uri $gLibravatarUri URI to a libravatar configuration. If empty or undefined, libravatar support will be disabled. Defaults to libravatar.cgi, our internal federated libravatar system. libravatar_uri_options $gLibravatarUriOptions Options to append to the md5_hex of the e-mail. This sets the default avatar used when an avatar isn't available. Currently defaults to '?d=retro', which causes a bitmap-looking avatar to be displayed for unknown e-mails. Other options which make sense include ?d=404, ?d=wavatar, etc. See the API of libravatar for details. libravatar_default_image Default image to serve for libravatar if there is no avatar for an e-mail address. By default, this is a 1x1 png. [This will also be the image served if someone specifies avatar=no.] Default: $config{web_dir}/1x1.png libravatar_cache_dir Directory where cached libravatar images are stored Default: $config{web_dir}/libravatar/ libravatar_blacklist Array of regular expressions to match against emails, domains, or images to only show the default image Default: empty array Text Fields The following are the only text fields in general use in the scripts; a few additional text fields are defined in, but are only used in db2html and a few other specialty scripts. Earlier versions of debbugs defined these values in /etc/debbugs/text, but now they are required to be in the configuration file. [Eventually the longer ones will move out into a fully fledged template system.] bad_email_prefix This prefixes the text of all lines in a bad e-mail message ack. text_instructions This gives more information about bad e-mails to html_tail This shows up at the end of (most) html pages In many pages this has been replaced by the html/tail template. html_expire_note This message explains what happens to archive/remove-able bugs