plucky (3) MCE::Signal.3pm.gz

Provided by: libmce-perl_1.901-1_all bug


       MCE::Signal - Temporary directory creation/cleanup and signal handling


       This document describes MCE::Signal version 1.901


        ## Creates tmp_dir under $ENV{TEMP} if defined, otherwise /tmp.

        use MCE::Signal;

        ## Attempts to create tmp_dir under /dev/shm if writable.

        use MCE::Signal qw( -use_dev_shm );

        ## Keeps tmp_dir after the script terminates.

        use MCE::Signal qw( -keep_tmp_dir );
        use MCE::Signal qw( -use_dev_shm -keep_tmp_dir );

        ## MCE loads MCE::Signal by default when not present.
        ## Therefore, load MCE::Signal first for options to take effect.

        use MCE::Signal qw( -keep_tmp_dir -use_dev_shm );
        use MCE;


       This package configures $SIG{ ABRT, HUP, INT, PIPE, QUIT, and TERM } to point to stop_and_exit and
       creates a temporary directory. The main process and workers receiving said signals call stop_and_exit,
       which signals all workers to terminate, removes the temporary directory unless -keep_tmp_dir is
       specified, and terminates itself.

       The location of the temp directory resides under $ENV{TEMP} if defined, otherwise /dev/shm if writeable
       and -use_dev_shm is specified, or /tmp.  On Windows, the temp directory is made under

       As of MCE 1.405, MCE::Signal no longer calls setpgrp by default. Pass the -setpgrp option to MCE::Signal
       to call setpgrp.

        ## Running MCE through Daemon::Control requires setpgrp to be called
        ## for MCE releases 1.511 and below.

        use MCE::Signal qw(-setpgrp);   ## Not necessary for MCE 1.512 and above
        use MCE;

       The following are available options and their meanings.

        -keep_tmp_dir     - The temporary directory is not removed during exiting
                            A message is displayed with the location afterwards

        -use_dev_shm      - Create the temporary directory under /dev/shm
        -no_kill9         - Do not kill -9 after receiving a signal to terminate

        -setpgrp          - Calls setpgrp to set the process group for the process
                            This option ensures all workers terminate when reading
                            STDIN for MCE releases 1.511 and below.

                               cat big_input_file | ./ | head -10

                            This works fine without the -setpgrp option:

                               ./ < big_input_file | head -10

       Nothing is exported by default. Exportable are 1 variable and 2 subroutines.

        use MCE::Signal qw( $tmp_dir stop_and_exit sys_cmd );
        use MCE::Signal qw( :all );

        $tmp_dir          - Path to the temporary directory.
        stop_and_exit     - Described below
        sys_cmd           - Described below

   stop_and_exit ( [ $exit_status | $signal ] )
       Stops execution, removes temp directory, and exits the entire application.  Pass 'INT' to terminate a
       spawned or running MCE session.


   sys_cmd ( $command )
       The system function in Perl ignores SIGINT and SIGQUIT. These 2 signals are sent to the command being
       executed via system() but not back to the underlying Perl script. For this reason, sys_cmd was added to

        ## Execute command and return the actual exit status. The perl script
        ## is also signaled if command caught SIGINT or SIGQUIT.

        use MCE::Signal qw(sys_cmd);   ## Include before MCE
        use MCE;

        my $exit_status = sys_cmd($command);


   defer ( $signal )
       Returns immediately inside a signal handler if signaled during IPC.  The signal is deferred momentarily
       and re-signaled automatically upon completing IPC. Currently, all IPC related methods in "MCE::Shared"
       and one method "send2" in "MCE::Channel" set the flag $MCE::Signal::IPC before initiating IPC.

       Current API available since 1.863.

        sub sig_handler {
           return MCE::Signal::defer($_[0]) if $MCE::Signal::IPC;

       In a nutshell, "defer" helps safeguard IPC from stalling between workers and the shared manager-process.
       The following is a demonstration for Unix platforms. Deferring the signal inside the "WINCH" handler
       prevents the app from eventually failing while resizing the window.

        use strict;
        use warnings;

        use MCE::Hobo;
        use MCE::Shared;
        use Time::HiRes 'sleep';

        my $count = MCE::Shared->scalar(0);
        my $winch = MCE::Shared->scalar(0);
        my $done  = MCE::Shared->scalar(0);

        $SIG{WINCH} = sub {
           # defer signal if signaled during IPC
           return MCE::Signal::defer($_[0]) if $MCE::Signal::IPC;

           # mask signal handler
           local $SIG{$_[0]} = 'IGNORE';

           printf "inside winch handler %d\n", $winch->incr;

        $SIG{INT} = sub {
           # defer signal if signaled during IPC
           return MCE::Signal::defer($_[0]) if $MCE::Signal::IPC;

           # set flag for workers to leave loop

        sub task {
           while ( ! $done->get ) {
              sleep 0.03;

        print "Resize the terminal window continuously.\n";
        print "Press Ctrl-C to stop.\n";

        MCE::Hobo->create('task') for 1..8;
        sleep 0.015 until $done->get;

        printf "\ncount incremented %d times\n\n", $count->get;


       MCE, MCE::Core


       Mario E. Roy, <marioeroy AT gmail DOT com>