plucky (3) MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent.openmpi.3.gz

Provided by: openmpi-doc_5.0.7-1_all bug


   C Syntax
          #include <mpi.h>

          int MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent(MPI_Comm comm_old, int indegree, const int sources[],
               const int sourceweights[], int outdegree, const int destinations[], const int destweights[],
                  MPI_Info info, int reorder, MPI_Comm *comm_dist_graph)

   Fortran Syntax
          USE MPI
          ! or the older form: INCLUDE 'mpif.h'
               LOGICAL REORDER

   Fortran 2008 Syntax
          USE mpi_f08
          MPI_Dist_Graph_create_adjacent(comm_old, ndegree, sources, sourceweights,
                       outdegree, destinations, destweights, info, reorder,
                       comm_dist_graph, ierror)
               TYPE(MPI_Comm), INTENT(IN) :: comm_old
               INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: indegree, sources(indegree), outdegree, destinations(outdegree)
               INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: sourceweights(*), destweights(*)
               TYPE(MPI_Info), INTENT(IN) :: info
               LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: reorder
               TYPE(MPI_Comm), INTENT(OUT) :: comm_dist_graph
               INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: ierror


comm_old: Input communicator without topology (handle).

       • indegree: Size of sources and sourceweights arrays (non-negative integer).

       • sources:  Ranks  of  processes  for  which  the calling process is a destination (array of non-negative

       • sourceweights: Weights of the edges into the calling process (array of non-negative integers).

       • outdegree: Size of destinations and destweights arrays (non-negative integer).

       • destinations: Ranks of processes for which the calling process  is  a  source  (array  of  non-negative

       • destweights: Weights of the edges out of the calling process (array of non-negative integers).

       • info: Hints on optimization and interpretation of weights (handle).

       • reorder: Ranking may be reordered (true) or not (false) (logical).


comm_dist_graph: Communicator with distributed graph topology added (handle).

       • ierror: Fortran only: Error status (integer).


       MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent creates a new communicator comm_dist_graph with distributed graph topology
       and returns a handle to the new communicator. The number of processes in comm_dist_graph is identical  to
       the  number of processes in comm_old. Each process passes all information about its incoming and outgoing
       edges in the virtual distributed graph topology. The calling processes must ensure that each edge of  the
       graph  is  described  in  the  source  and in the destination process with the same weights. If there are
       multiple edges for a given (source,dest) pair, then the sequence of the weights of these edges  does  not
       matter.  The  complete communication topology is the combination of all edges shown in the sources arrays
       of all processes in comm_old, which must be identical to the  combination  of  all  edges  shown  in  the
       destinations  arrays. Source and destination ranks must be process ranks of comm_old. This allows a fully
       distributed specification of the  communication  graph.  Isolated  processes  (i.e.,  processes  with  no
       outgoing  or  incoming  edges,  that is, processes that have specified indegree and outdegree as zero and
       thus do not occur as source or destination rank in the graph specification)  are  allowed.  The  call  to
       MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent is collective.


       Weights  are  specified  as  non-negative  integers  and  can  be used to influence the process remapping
       strategy and other internal MPI  optimizations.  For  instance,  approximate  count  arguments  of  later
       communication  calls  along specific edges could be used as their edge weights. Multiplicity of edges can
       likewise indicate more intense communication between pairs of processes. However, the  exact  meaning  of
       edge  weights  is not specified by the MPI standard and is left to the implementation. An application can
       supply the special value MPI_UNWEIGHTED for the weight array to indicate that all  edges  have  the  same
       (effectively  no)  weight.  It  is  erroneous  to supply MPI_UNWEIGHTED for some but not all processes of
       comm_old. If the graph is weighted but indegree or outdegree  is  zero,  then  MPI_WEIGHTS_EMPTY  or  any
       arbitrary  array may be passed to sourceweights or destweights respectively. Note that MPI_UNWEIGHTED and
       MPI_WEIGHTS_EMPTY are not special weight values; rather they are  special  values  for  the  total  array
       argument.  In  Fortran,  MPI_UNWEIGHTED and MPI_WEIGHTS_EMPTY are objects like MPI_BOTTOM (not usable for
       initialization or assignment).  See MPI-3 section 2.5.4.


       Almost all MPI routines return an error value; C routines as  the  return  result  of  the  function  and
       Fortran routines in the last argument.

       Before  the  error  value  is  returned,  the current MPI error handler associated with the communication
       object (e.g., communicator, window, file) is called.  If no communication object is associated  with  the
       MPI  call,  then  the call is considered attached to MPI_COMM_SELF and will call the associated MPI error
       handler.  When  MPI_COMM_SELF  is  not  initialized   (i.e.,   before   MPI_Init/MPI_Init_thread,   after
       MPI_Finalize,  or  when using the Sessions Model exclusively) the error raises the initial error handler.
       The initial error handler can be changed by calling MPI_Comm_set_errhandler on MPI_COMM_SELF  when  using
       the  World  model,  or the mpi_initial_errhandler CLI argument to mpiexec or info key to MPI_Comm_spawn/‐
       MPI_Comm_spawn_multiple.  If no other appropriate error handler has been set, then the  MPI_ERRORS_RETURN
       error  handler  is  called for MPI I/O functions and the MPI_ERRORS_ABORT error handler is called for all
       other MPI functions.

       Open MPI includes three predefined error handlers that can be used:

       • MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL Causes the program to abort all connected MPI processes.

       • MPI_ERRORS_ABORT An error handler that can be invoked on a communicator, window, file, or session. When
         called  on  a  communicator,  it  acts  as if MPI_Abort was called on that communicator. If called on a
         window or file, acts as if MPI_Abort was called on a communicator containing the group of processes  in
         the corresponding window or file. If called on a session, aborts only the local process.

       • MPI_ERRORS_RETURN Returns an error code to the application.

       MPI applications can also implement their own error handlers by calling:

       • MPI_Comm_create_errhandler then MPI_Comm_set_errhandlerMPI_File_create_errhandler then MPI_File_set_errhandlerMPI_Session_create_errhandler then MPI_Session_set_errhandler or at MPI_Session_initMPI_Win_create_errhandler then MPI_Win_set_errhandler

       Note that MPI does not guarantee that an MPI program can continue past an error.

       See the MPI man page for a full list of MPI error codes.

       See the Error Handling section of the MPI-3.1 standard for more information.

       SEE ALSO:MPI_Dist_graph_createMPI_Dist_graph_neighborsMPI_Dist_graph_neighbors_count

       2003-2025, The Open MPI Community

                                                  Feb 17, 2025                 MPI_DIST_GRAPH_CREATE_ADJACENT(3)