plucky (3) MR::Tarantool::Box::Singleton.3pm.gz

MR::Tarantool::Box::Singleton - A singleton wrapper for MR::Tarantool::Box. Provides connection-persistence and replica fallback. Please read "MR::Tarantool::Box manual" first.
package Some::Tarantool::Box::Singleton; use MR::Tarantool::Box::Singleton; use base 'MR::Tarantool::Box::Singleton'; BEGIN { # generates "TUPLE_$field_name" constants, and methods: FIELDS, FIELDS_HASH __PACKAGE__->mkfields(qw/ id f1 f2 f3 field4 f5 f6 f7 misc_string /); # applicable for DEFAULT_SPACE only } sub SERVER { Some::Config->GetBoxServer() } sub REPLICAS { Some::Config->GetBoxReplicas() } sub DEFAULT_SPACE { 0 } sub SPACES {[{ space => 0, indexes => [ { index_name => 'primary_id', keys => [TUPLE_id], }, { index_name => 'secondary_f1f2', keys => [TUPLE_f1, TUPLE_f2], }, ], format => 'QqLlSsCc&', default_index => 'primary_id', }, { space => 1, indexes => [ { index_name => 'primary_id', keys => [0], }, ], format => '&&&&', fields => [qw/ string1 str2 s3 s4 /], }]}
METHODS mkfields BEGIN { $CLASS->mkfields(@names); } • Generates constants "TUPLE_$fieldname" => $fieldposition in $CLASS. Just Like if you say "use constant TUPLE_id => 0, TUPLE_f1 => 1, ...;" • Generates $CLASS variable @fields containing field names, and a $CLASS method "FIELDS" returning @fields. • Generates $CLASS variable %fields containing field names mapping to positions, and a $CLASS method "FIELDS_HASH" returning "\%fields". • These @fields are applied to the "DEFAULT_SPACE", if fields were not set explicitly for that space. declare_stored_procedure $CLASS->declare_stored_procedure(%args); $CLASS->declare_stored_procedure( name => "", # internal procedure name, in da box method_name => "CallMyTestingStoredProcedure", # will generate method named options => { default => options }, # MR::Tarantool::Box->Call \%options params => [ qw{ P1 P2 P3 Param4 }], # names unpack_format => "&LSC(L$)*", params_format => [qw{ C S L a* }], params_default => [ 1, 2, undef, 'the_default' ], # undef's are mandatory params ); ... my $data = $CLASS->CallMyTestingStoredProcedure( P1 => $val1, P2 => $val2, P3 => $val3, Param4 => $val3, { option => $value }, # optional ) or warn $CLASS->ErrorStr; Declare a stored procedure. This generates $CLASS method $args{method_name} which calls Tarantool/Box procedure $args{name}, using $args{options} as default "\%options" for "MR::Tarantool::Box->Call" call. The generated method has the following prototype: $CLASS->CallMyTestingStoredProcedure( %sp_params, \%optional_options ); Parameters description: %args: name => $tarantool_box_sp_name The name of procedure in Tarantool/Box to call. method_name => $class_method_name Class method name to generate. options => \%options Options to pass to MR::Taranatool::Box-Call|MR::Taranatool::Box/Call> method. params => \@names Procedure input parameters' names params_default => \@defaults Procedure input parameters default values. Undefined or absent value makes its parameter mandatory. params_format => \@format "pack()"-compatible format to pack input parameters. Must match "params". unpack_format => $format "pack()"-compatible format to unpack procedure output. %sp_params: "Name => $value" pairs. %optional_options: Options to pass to MR::Taranatool::Box-Call|MR::Taranatool::Box/Call> method. This overrides %options values key-by-key. Configuration methods SERVER Must return a string of ip:port of master server. REPLICAS Must return a comma separated string of ip:port pairs of replica servers (see "is_replica"). Server is chosen from the list randomly. MR_TARANTOOL_BOX_CLASS Must return name of the class implementing MR::Tarantool::Box interface, or it's descendant. SPACES, RAISE, TIMEOUT, SELECT_TIMEOUT, RETRY, SELECT_RETRY, SOFT_RETRY, DEBUG See corresponding arguments of MR::Tarantool::Box-new|MR::Tarantool::Box/new> method. Add, Insert, Replace, UpdateMulti, Delete These methods operate on "SERVER" only. See corresponding methods of MR::Tarantool::Box class. Select, Call These methods operate on "SERVER" at first, and then may try to query "REPLICAS". See corresponding methods of MR::Tarantool::Box class. These methods have additional %options params: is_replica => \$is_result_from_replica If this option is set, then if the query to "SERVER" fails, "REPLICAS" will be queried one-by-one until query succeeds or the list ends, and $is_result_from_replica will be set to "true", no matter whether any query succeeds or not. Error, ErrorStr Return error code or description (see <MR::Tarantool::Box|MR::Tarantool::Box/Error>).
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
<> MR::Tarantool::Box