plucky (3) Module::Build.3pm.gz

Provided by: libmodule-build-perl_0.423400-2_all bug


       Module::Build - Build and install Perl modules


       Standard process for building & installing modules:

         perl Build.PL
         ./Build test
         ./Build install

       Or, if you're on a platform (like DOS or Windows) that doesn't require the "./" notation, you can do

         perl Build.PL
         Build test
         Build install


       "Module::Build" is a system for building, testing, and installing Perl modules.  It is meant to be an
       alternative to "ExtUtils::MakeMaker".  Developers may alter the behavior of the module through
       subclassing.  It also does not require a "make" on your system - most of the "Module::Build" code is
       pure-perl and written in a very cross-platform way.

       See "COMPARISON" for more comparisons between "Module::Build" and other installer tools.

       To install "Module::Build", and any other module that uses "Module::Build" for its installation process,
       do the following:

         perl Build.PL       # 'Build.PL' script creates the 'Build' script
         ./Build             # Need ./ to ensure we're using this "Build" script
         ./Build test        # and not another one that happens to be in the PATH
         ./Build install

       This illustrates initial configuration and the running of three 'actions'.  In this case the actions run
       are 'build' (the default action), 'test', and 'install'.  Other actions defined so far include:

         build                          manifest
         clean                          manifest_skip
         code                           manpages
         config_data                    pardist
         diff                           ppd
         dist                           ppmdist
         distcheck                      prereq_data
         distclean                      prereq_report
         distdir                        pure_install
         distinstall                    realclean
         distmeta                       retest
         distsign                       skipcheck
         disttest                       test
         docs                           testall
         fakeinstall                    testcover
         help                           testdb
         html                           testpod
         install                        testpodcoverage
         installdeps                    versioninstall

       You can run the 'help' action for a complete list of actions.


       The documentation for "Module::Build" is broken up into sections:

       General Usage (Module::Build)
           This is the document you are currently reading. It describes basic usage and background information.
           Its main purpose is to assist the user who wants to learn how to invoke and control "Module::Build"
           scripts at the command line.

       Authoring Reference (Module::Build::Authoring)
           This document describes the structure and organization of "Module::Build", and the relevant concepts
           needed by authors who are writing Build.PL scripts for a distribution or controlling "Module::Build"
           processes programmatically.

       API Reference (Module::Build::API)
           This is a reference to the "Module::Build" API.

       Cookbook (Module::Build::Cookbook)
           This document demonstrates how to accomplish many common tasks.  It covers general command line usage
           and authoring of Build.PL scripts.  Includes working examples.


       There are some general principles at work here.  First, each task when building a module is called an
       "action".  These actions are listed above; they correspond to the building, testing, installing,
       packaging, etc., tasks.

       Second, arguments are processed in a very systematic way.  Arguments are always key=value pairs.  They
       may be specified at "perl Build.PL" time (i.e. "perl Build.PL destdir=/my/secret/place"), in which case
       their values last for the lifetime of the "Build" script.  They may also be specified when executing a
       particular action (i.e.  "Build test verbose=1"), in which case their values last only for the lifetime
       of that command.  Per-action command line parameters take precedence over parameters specified at "perl
       Build.PL" time.

       The build process also relies heavily on the "" module.  If the user wishes to override any of
       the values in "", she may specify them like so:

         perl Build.PL --config cc=gcc --config ld=gcc

       The following build actions are provided by default.

           [version 0.01]

           If you run the "Build" script without any arguments, it runs the "build" action, which in turn runs
           the "code" and "docs" actions.

           This is analogous to the "MakeMaker" make all target.

           [version 0.01]

           This action will clean up any files that the build process may have created, including the "blib/"
           directory (but not including the "_build/" directory and the "Build" script itself).

           [version 0.20]

           This action builds your code base.

           By default it just creates a "blib/" directory and copies any ".pm" and ".pod" files from your "lib/"
           directory into the "blib/" directory.  It also compiles any ".xs" files from "lib/" and places them
           in "blib/".  Of course, you need a working C compiler (probably the same one that built perl itself)
           for the compilation to work properly.

           The "code" action also runs any ".PL" files in your lib/ directory.  Typically these create other
           files, named the same but without the ".PL" ending.  For example, a file lib/Foo/ could
           create the file lib/Foo/  The ".PL" files are processed first, so any ".pm" files (or other
           kinds that we deal with) will get copied correctly.

           [version 0.26]


           [version 0.14]

           This action will compare the files about to be installed with their installed counterparts.  For .pm
           and .pod files, a diff will be shown (this currently requires a 'diff' program to be in your PATH).
           For other files like compiled binary files, we simply report whether they differ.

           A "flags" parameter may be passed to the action, which will be passed to the 'diff' program.  Consult
           your 'diff' documentation for the parameters it will accept - a good one is "-u":

             ./Build diff flags=-u

           [version 0.02]

           This action is helpful for module authors who want to package up their module for source distribution
           through a medium like CPAN.  It will create a tarball of the files listed in MANIFEST and compress
           the tarball using GZIP compression.

           By default, this action will use the "Archive::Tar" module. However, you can force it to use binary
           "tar" and "gzip" executables by supplying an explicit "tar" (and optional "gzip") parameter:

             ./Build dist --tar C:\path\to\tar.exe --gzip C:\path\to\zip.exe

           [version 0.05]

           Reports which files are in the build directory but not in the MANIFEST file, and vice versa.  (See
           "manifest" for details.)

           [version 0.05]

           Performs the 'realclean' action and then the 'distcheck' action.

           [version 0.05]

           Creates a "distribution directory" named "$dist_name-$dist_version" (if that directory already
           exists, it will be removed first), then copies all the files listed in the MANIFEST file to that
           directory.  This directory is what the distribution tarball is created from.

           [version 0.37]

           Performs the 'distdir' action, then switches into that directory and runs a "perl Build.PL", followed
           by the 'build' and 'install' actions in that directory.  Use PERL_MB_OPT or .modulebuildrc to set
           options that should be applied during subprocesses

           [version 0.21]

           Creates the META.yml file that describes the distribution.

           META.yml is a file containing various bits of metadata about the distribution.  The metadata includes
           the distribution name, version, abstract, prerequisites, license, and various other data about the
           distribution.  This file is created as META.yml in a simplified YAML format.

           META.yml file must also be listed in MANIFEST - if it's not, a warning will be issued.

           The current version of the META.yml specification can be found on CPAN as CPAN::Meta::Spec.

           [version 0.16]

           Uses "Module::Signature" to create a SIGNATURE file for your distribution, and adds the SIGNATURE
           file to the distribution's MANIFEST.

           [version 0.05]

           Performs the 'distdir' action, then switches into that directory and runs a "perl Build.PL", followed
           by the 'build' and 'test' actions in that directory.  Use PERL_MB_OPT or .modulebuildrc to set
           options that should be applied during subprocesses

           [version 0.20]

           This will generate documentation (e.g. Unix man pages and HTML documents) for any installable items
           under blib/ that contain POD.  If there are no "bindoc" or "libdoc" installation targets defined (as
           will be the case on systems that don't support Unix manpages) no action is taken for manpages.  If
           there are no "binhtml" or "libhtml" installation targets defined no action is taken for HTML

           [version 0.02]

           This is just like the "install" action, but it won't actually do anything, it will just report what
           it would have done if you had actually run the "install" action.

           [version 0.03]

           This action will simply print out a message that is meant to help you use the build process.  It will
           show you a list of available build actions too.

           With an optional argument specifying an action name (e.g. "Build help test"), the 'help' action will
           show you any POD documentation it can find for that action.

           [version 0.26]

           This will generate HTML documentation for any binary or library files under blib/ that contain POD.
           The HTML documentation will only be installed if the install paths can be determined from values in
           "".  You can also supply or override install paths on the command line by specifying
           "install_path" values for the "binhtml" and/or "libhtml" installation targets.

           With an optional "html_links" argument set to a false value, you can skip the search for other
           documentation to link to, because that can waste a lot of time if there aren't any links to generate

             ./Build html --html_links 0

           [version 0.01]

           This action will use "ExtUtils::Install" to install the files from "blib/" into the system.  See
           "INSTALL PATHS" for details about how Module::Build determines where to install things, and how to
           influence this process.

           If you want the installation process to look around in @INC for other versions of the stuff you're
           installing and try to delete it, you can use the "uninst" parameter, which tells "ExtUtils::Install"
           to do so:

             ./Build install uninst=1

           This can be a good idea, as it helps prevent multiple versions of a module from being present on your
           system, which can be a confusing situation indeed.

           [version 0.36]

           This action will use the "cpan_client" parameter as a command to install missing prerequisites.  You
           will be prompted whether to install optional dependencies.

           The "cpan_client" option defaults to 'cpan' but can be set as an option or in .modulebuildrc.  It
           must be a shell command that takes a list of modules to install as arguments (e.g. 'cpanp -i' for
           CPANPLUS).  If the program part is a relative path (e.g. 'cpan' or 'cpanp'), it will be located
           relative to the perl program that executed Build.PL.

             /opt/perl/5.8.9/bin/perl Build.PL
             ./Build installdeps --cpan_client 'cpanp -i'
             # installs to 5.8.9

           [version 0.05]

           This is an action intended for use by module authors, not people installing modules.  It will bring
           the MANIFEST up to date with the files currently present in the distribution.  You may use a
           MANIFEST.SKIP file to exclude certain files or directories from inclusion in the MANIFEST.
           MANIFEST.SKIP should contain a bunch of regular expressions, one per line.  If a file in the
           distribution directory matches any of the regular expressions, it won't be included in the MANIFEST.

           The following is a reasonable MANIFEST.SKIP starting point, you can add your own stuff to it:


           See the "distcheck" and "skipcheck" actions if you want to find out what the "manifest" action would
           do, without actually doing anything.

           [version 0.3608]

           This is an action intended for use by module authors, not people installing modules.  It will
           generate a boilerplate MANIFEST.SKIP file if one does not already exist.

           [version 0.28]

           This will generate man pages for any binary or library files under blib/ that contain POD.  The man
           pages will only be installed if the install paths can be determined from values in "".  You
           can also supply or override install paths by specifying there values on the command line with the
           "bindoc" and "libdoc" installation targets.

           [version 0.2806]

           Generates a PAR binary distribution for use with PAR or PAR::Dist.

           It requires that the PAR::Dist module (version 0.17 and up) is installed on your system.

       ppd [version 0.20]

           Build a PPD file for your distribution.

           This action takes an optional argument "codebase" which is used in the generated PPD file to specify
           the (usually relative) URL of the distribution.  By default, this value is the distribution name
           without any path information.


             ./Build ppd --codebase "MSWin32-x86-multi-thread/Module-Build-0.21.tar.gz"

           [version 0.23]

           Generates a PPM binary distribution and a PPD description file.  This action also invokes the "ppd"
           action, so it can accept the same "codebase" argument described under that action.

           This uses the same mechanism as the "dist" action to tar & zip its output, so you can supply "tar"
           and/or "gzip" parameters to affect the result.

           [version 0.32]

           This action prints out a Perl data structure of all prerequisites and the versions required.  The
           output can be loaded again using "eval()".  This can be useful for external tools that wish to query
           a Build script for prerequisites.

           [version 0.28]

           This action prints out a list of all prerequisites, the versions required, and the versions actually
           installed.  This can be useful for reviewing the configuration of your system prior to a build, or
           when compiling data to send for a bug report.

           [version 0.28]

           This action is identical to the "install" action.  In the future, though, when "install" starts
           writing to the file $(INSTALLARCHLIB)/perllocal.pod, "pure_install" won't, and that will be the only
           difference between them.

           [version 0.01]

           This action is just like the "clean" action, but also removes the "_build" directory and the "Build"
           script.  If you run the "realclean" action, you are essentially starting over, so you will have to
           re-create the "Build" script again.

           [version 0.2806]

           This is just like the "test" action, but doesn't actually build the distribution first, and doesn't
           add blib/ to the load path, and therefore will test against a previously installed version of the
           distribution.  This can be used to verify that a certain installed distribution still works, or to
           see whether newer versions of a distribution still pass the old regression tests, and so on.

           [version 0.05]

           Reports which files are skipped due to the entries in the MANIFEST.SKIP file (See "manifest" for

           [version 0.01]

           This will use "Test::Harness" or "TAP::Harness" to run any regression tests and report their results.
           Tests can be defined in the standard places: a file called "" in the top-level directory, or
           several files ending with ".t" in a "t/" directory.

           If you want tests to be 'verbose', i.e. show details of test execution rather than just summary
           information, pass the argument "verbose=1".

           If you want to run tests under the perl debugger, pass the argument "debugger=1".

           If you want to have Module::Build find test files with different file name extensions, pass the
           "test_file_exts" argument with an array of extensions, such as "[qw( .t .s .z )]".

           If you want test to be run by "TAP::Harness", rather than "Test::Harness", pass the argument
           "tap_harness_args" as an array reference of arguments to pass to the TAP::Harness constructor.

           In addition, if a file called "" exists in the top-level directory, this file will be
           executed as a Perl script and its output will be shown to the user.  This is a good place to put
           speed tests or other tests that don't use the "Test::Harness" format for output.

           To override the choice of tests to run, you may pass a "test_files" argument whose value is a
           whitespace-separated list of test scripts to run.  This is especially useful in development, when you
           only want to run a single test to see whether you've squashed a certain bug yet:

             ./Build test --test_files t/something_failing.t

           You may also pass several "test_files" arguments separately:

             ./Build test --test_files t/one.t --test_files t/two.t

           or use a "glob()"-style pattern:

             ./Build test --test_files 't/01-*.t'

           [version 0.2807]

           [Note: the 'testall' action and the code snippets below are currently in alpha stage, see
           <> ]

           Runs the "test" action plus each of the "test$type" actions defined by the keys of the "test_types"

           Currently, you need to define the ACTION_test$type method yourself and enumerate them in the
           test_types parameter.

             my $mb = Module::Build->subclass(
               code => q(
                 sub ACTION_testspecial { shift->generic_test(type => 'special'); }
                 sub ACTION_testauthor  { shift->generic_test(type => 'author'); }
               test_types  => {
                 special => '.st',
                 author  => ['.at', '.pt' ],

           [version 0.26]

           Runs the "test" action using "Devel::Cover", generating a code-coverage report showing which parts of
           the code were actually exercised during the tests.

           To pass options to "Devel::Cover", set the $DEVEL_COVER_OPTIONS environment variable:

             DEVEL_COVER_OPTIONS=-ignore,Build ./Build testcover

           [version 0.05]

           This is a synonym for the 'test' action with the "debugger=1" argument.

           [version 0.25]

           This checks all the files described in the "docs" action and produces "Test::Harness"-style output.
           If you are a module author, this is useful to run before creating a new release.

           [version 0.28]

           This checks the pod coverage of the distribution and produces "Test::Harness"-style output. If you
           are a module author, this is useful to run before creating a new release.

           [version 0.16]

           ** Note: since "" is so new, and since we just recently added support for it here too, this
           feature is to be considered experimental. **

           If you have the "" module installed on your system, you can use this action to install a
           module into the version-specific library trees.  This means that you can have several versions of the
           same module installed and "use" a specific one like this:

             use only MyModule => 0.55;

           To override the default installation libraries in "only::config", specify the "versionlib" parameter
           when you run the "Build.PL" script:

             perl Build.PL --versionlib /my/version/place/

           To override which version the module is installed as, specify the "version" parameter when you run
           the "Build.PL" script:

             perl Build.PL --version 0.50

           See the "" documentation for more information on version-specific installs.


   Command Line Options
       The following options can be used during any invocation of "Build.PL" or the Build script, during any
       action.  For information on other options specific to an action, see the documentation for the respective

       NOTE: There is some preliminary support for options to use the more familiar long option style.  Most
       options can be preceded with the "--" long option prefix, and the underscores changed to dashes (e.g.
       "--use-rcfile").  Additionally, the argument to boolean options is optional, and boolean options can be
       negated by prefixing them with "no" or "no-" (e.g. "--noverbose" or "--no-verbose").

           Suppress informative messages on output.

           Display extra information about the Build on output.  "verbose" will turn off "quiet"

           Sets the "cpan_client" command for use with the "installdeps" action.  See "installdeps" for more

           Load the ~/.modulebuildrc option file.  This option can be set to false to prevent the custom
           resource file from being loaded.

           Suppresses the check upon startup that the version of Module::Build we're now running under is the
           same version that was initially invoked when building the distribution (i.e. when the "Build.PL"
           script was first run).  As of 0.3601, a mismatch results in a warning instead of a fatal error, so
           this option effectively just suppresses the warning.

           Prints Module::Build debugging information to STDOUT, such as a trace of executed build actions.

   Default Options File (.modulebuildrc)
       [version 0.28]

       When Module::Build starts up, it will look first for a file, $ENV{HOME}/.modulebuildrc.  If it's not
       found there, it will look in the .modulebuildrc file in the directories referred to by the environment
       variables "HOMEDRIVE" + "HOMEDIR", "USERPROFILE", "APPDATA", "WINDIR", "SYS$LOGIN".  If the file exists,
       the options specified there will be used as defaults, as if they were typed on the command line.  The
       defaults can be overridden by specifying new values on the command line.

       The action name must come at the beginning of the line, followed by any amount of whitespace and then the
       options.  Options are given the same as they would be on the command line.  They can be separated by any
       amount of whitespace, including newlines, as long there is whitespace at the beginning of each continued
       line.  Anything following a hash mark ("#") is considered a comment, and is stripped before parsing.  If
       more than one line begins with the same action name, those lines are merged into one set of options.

       Besides the regular actions, there are two special pseudo-actions: the key "*" (asterisk) denotes any
       global options that should be applied to all actions, and the key 'Build_PL' specifies options to be
       applied when you invoke "perl Build.PL".

         *           verbose=1   # global options
         diff        flags=-u
         install     --install_base /home/ken
                     --install_path html=/home/ken/docs/html
         installdeps --cpan_client 'cpanp -i'

       If you wish to locate your resource file in a different location, you can set the environment variable
       "MODULEBUILDRC" to the complete absolute path of the file containing your options.

   Environment variables
           [version 0.28]

           Specifies an alternate location for a default options file as described above.

           [version 0.36]

           Command line options that are applied to Build.PL or any Build action.  The string is split as the
           shell would (e.g. whitespace) and the result is prepended to any actual command-line arguments.


       [version 0.19]

       When you invoke Module::Build's "build" action, it needs to figure out where to install things.  The
       nutshell version of how this works is that default installation locations are determined from,
       and they may be overridden by using the "install_path" parameter.  An "install_base" parameter lets you
       specify an alternative installation root like /home/foo, and a "destdir" lets you specify a temporary
       installation directory like /tmp/install in case you want to create bundled-up installable packages.

       Natively, Module::Build provides default installation locations for the following types of installable

       lib Usually pure-Perl module files ending in .pm.

           "Architecture-dependent" module files, usually produced by compiling XS, Inline, or similar code.

           Programs written in pure Perl.  In order to improve reuse, try to make these as small as possible -
           put the code into modules whenever possible.

       bin "Architecture-dependent" executable programs, i.e. compiled C code or something.  Pretty rare to see
           this in a perl distribution, but it happens.

           Documentation for the stuff in "script" and "bin".  Usually generated from the POD in those files.
           Under Unix, these are manual pages belonging to the 'man1' category.

           Documentation for the stuff in "lib" and "arch".  This is usually generated from the POD in .pm
           files.  Under Unix, these are manual pages belonging to the 'man3' category.

           This is the same as "bindoc" above, but applies to HTML documents.

           This is the same as "libdoc" above, but applies to HTML documents.

       Four other parameters let you control various aspects of how installation paths are determined:

           The default destinations for these installable things come from entries in your system's "".
           You can select from three different sets of default locations by setting the "installdirs" parameter
           as follows:

                                     'installdirs' set to:
                              core          site                vendor

                         uses the following defaults from

             lib     => installprivlib  installsitelib      installvendorlib
             arch    => installarchlib  installsitearch     installvendorarch
             script  => installscript   installsitescript   installvendorscript
             bin     => installbin      installsitebin      installvendorbin
             bindoc  => installman1dir  installsiteman1dir  installvendorman1dir
             libdoc  => installman3dir  installsiteman3dir  installvendorman3dir
             binhtml => installhtml1dir installsitehtml1dir installvendorhtml1dir [*]
             libhtml => installhtml3dir installsitehtml3dir installvendorhtml3dir [*]

             * Under some OS (eg. MSWin32) the destination for HTML documents is
               determined by the C<> entry C<installhtmldir>.

           The default value of "installdirs" is "site".  If you're creating vendor distributions of module
           packages, you may want to do something like this:

             perl Build.PL --installdirs vendor


             ./Build install --installdirs vendor

           If you're installing an updated version of a module that was included with perl itself (i.e. a "core
           module"), then you may set "installdirs" to "core" to overwrite the module in its present location.

           (Note that the 'script' line is different from "MakeMaker" - unfortunately there's no such thing as
           "installsitescript" or "installvendorscript" entry in "", so we use the "installsitebin" and
           "installvendorbin" entries to at least get the general location right.  In the future, if ""
           adds some more appropriate entries, we'll start using those.)

           Once the defaults have been set, you can override them.

           On the command line, that would look like this:

             perl Build.PL --install_path lib=/foo/lib --install_path arch=/foo/lib/arch

           or this:

             ./Build install --install_path lib=/foo/lib --install_path arch=/foo/lib/arch

           You can also set the whole bunch of installation paths by supplying the "install_base" parameter to
           point to a directory on your system.  For instance, if you set "install_base" to "/home/ken" on a
           Linux system, you'll install as follows:

             lib     => /home/ken/lib/perl5
             arch    => /home/ken/lib/perl5/i386-linux
             script  => /home/ken/bin
             bin     => /home/ken/bin
             bindoc  => /home/ken/man/man1
             libdoc  => /home/ken/man/man3
             binhtml => /home/ken/html
             libhtml => /home/ken/html

           Note that this is different from how "MakeMaker"'s "PREFIX" parameter works.  "install_base" just
           gives you a default layout under the directory you specify, which may have little to do with the
           "installdirs=site" layout.

           The exact layout under the directory you specify may vary by system - we try to do the "sensible"
           thing on each platform.

           If you want to install everything into a temporary directory first (for instance, if you want to
           create a directory tree that a package manager like "rpm" or "dpkg" could create a package from), you
           can use the "destdir" parameter:

             perl Build.PL --destdir /tmp/foo


             ./Build install --destdir /tmp/foo

           This will effectively install to "/tmp/foo/$sitelib", "/tmp/foo/$sitearch", and the like, except that
           it will use "File::Spec" to make the pathnames work correctly on whatever platform you're installing

           Provided for compatibility with "ExtUtils::MakeMaker"'s PREFIX argument.  "prefix" should be used
           when you want Module::Build to install your modules, documentation, and scripts in the same place as
           "ExtUtils::MakeMaker"'s PREFIX mechanism.

           The following are equivalent.

               perl Build.PL --prefix /tmp/foo
               perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/tmp/foo

           Because of the complex nature of the prefixification logic, the behavior of PREFIX in "MakeMaker" has
           changed subtly over time.  Module::Build's --prefix logic is equivalent to the PREFIX logic found in
           "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" 6.30.

           The maintainers of "MakeMaker" do understand the troubles with the PREFIX mechanism, and added
           INSTALL_BASE support in version 6.31 of "MakeMaker", which was released in 2006.

           If you don't need to retain compatibility with old versions (pre-6.31) of "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" or
           are starting a fresh Perl installation we recommend you use "install_base" instead (and
           "INSTALL_BASE" in "ExtUtils::MakeMaker").  See "Installing in the same location as
           ExtUtils::MakeMaker" in Module::Build::Cookbook for further information.


       A comparison between "Module::Build" and other CPAN distribution installers.

       •   ExtUtils::MakeMaker requires "make" and use of a Makefile.  "Module::Build" does not, nor do other
           pure-perl installers following the Build.PL spec such as Module::Build::Tiny. In practice, this is
           usually not an issue for the end user, as "make" is already required to install most CPAN modules,
           even on Windows.

       •   ExtUtils::MakeMaker has been a core module in every version of Perl 5, and must maintain
           compatibility to install the majority of CPAN modules.  "Module::Build" was added to core in Perl
           5.10 and removed from core in Perl 5.20, and (like ExtUtils::MakeMaker) is only updated to fix
           critical issues and maintain compatibility. "Module::Build" and other non-core installers like
           Module::Build::Tiny are installed from CPAN by declaring themselves as a "configure" phase
           prerequisite, and in this way any installer can be used in place of ExtUtils::MakeMaker.

       •   Customizing the build process with ExtUtils::MakeMaker involves overriding certain methods that form
           the Makefile by defining the subs in the "MY::" namespace, requiring in-depth knowledge of Makefile,
           but allowing targeted customization of the entire build. Customizing "Module::Build" involves
           subclassing "Module::Build" itself, adding or overriding pure-perl methods that represent build
           actions, which are invoked as arguments passed to the generated "./Build" script. This is a simpler
           concept but requires redefining the standard build actions to invoke your customizations.
           Module::Build::Tiny does not allow for customization.

       •   "Module::Build" provides more features and a better experience for distribution authors than
           ExtUtils::MakeMaker. However, tools designed specifically for authoring, such as Dist::Zilla and its
           spinoffs Dist::Milla and Minilla, provide these features and more, and generate a configure script
           (Makefile.PL/Build.PL) that will use any of the various installers separately on the end user side.
           App::ModuleBuildTiny is an alternative standalone authoring tool for distributions using
           Module::Build::Tiny, which requires only a simple two-line Build.PL.


       The current method of relying on time stamps to determine whether a derived file is out of date isn't
       likely to scale well, since it requires tracing all dependencies backward, it runs into problems on NFS,
       and it's just generally flimsy.  It would be better to use an MD5 signature or the like, if available.
       See "cons" for an example.

        - append to perllocal.pod
        - add a 'plugin' functionality


       Ken Williams <>

       Development questions, bug reports, and patches should be sent to the Module-Build mailing list at

       Bug reports are also welcome at <>.

       The latest development version is available from the Git repository at

       Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Ken Williams.  All rights reserved.

       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl


       perl(1), Module::Build::Cookbook, Module::Build::Authoring, Module::Build::API, ExtUtils::MakeMaker

       META.yml Specification: CPAN::Meta::Spec

