plucky (3) PDL::Transform::Proj4.3pm.gz

PDL::Transform::Proj4 - PDL::Transform interface to the Proj4 projection library
# Using the generalized proj interface: # Make an orthographic map of Earth use PDL::Transform::Cartography; use PDL::Transform::Proj4; use PDL::Graphics::Simple; $e = earth_image('day'); ($c, $pen) = graticule(10,2)->glue(1,earth_coast())->clean_lines; $t = t_proj(proj_params => "+proj=ortho +ellps=WGS84 +lon_0=0 +lat_0=40"); $w = pgswin(); $w->plot(with=>'fits', $e->map($t), with=>'polylines', clean_lines($c->apply($t), $pen), {j=>1}); # Using the aliased functions: # Make an orthographic map of Earth use PDL::Transform::Cartography; use PDL::Transform::Proj4; use PDL::Graphics::Simple; $e = earth_image('day'); ($c, $pen) = graticule(10,2)->glue(1,earth_coast())->clean_lines; $t = t_proj_ortho( ellps => 'WGS84', lon_0=>0, lat_0=>40 ); $w = pgswin(); $w->plot(with=>'fits', $e->map($t), with=>'polylines', clean_lines($c->apply($t), $pen), {j=>1});
Works like PDL::Transform::Cartography, but using the proj library in the background. Please see the proj library docs at <> for more information on proj, and how to use the library.
The main object here is the PDL::Transform::Proj4 object, aliased to the t_proj() function. This object accepts all of the standard options described below, but mainly is there to be called with just the proj_params option defined. When options are used, they must be used with a '+' before them when placed in the proj_params string, but that is not required otherwise. See the SYNOPSIS above. Please note that unlike PROJ, all angles in these operations are in degrees. This is correctly (as of PDL 2.094) reflected in the PDL::Transform subclass objects. ALIASED INTERFACE Other than t_proj(), all of the other transforms below have been autogenerated, and may not work properly. The main problem is determining the parameters a projection requires from the proj library itself. Due to the difficulties in doing this, there may be times when the proj docs specify a parameter for a projection that won't work using the anon-hash type specification. In that case, just throw that parameter in the proj_params string, and everything should work fine.
General Parameters proj_params This is a string containing the proj "plus style" parameters. This would be similar to what you would put on the command line for the 'proj' tool. Like "+proj=ortho +ellps=WGS84 +lon_0=-90 +lat_0=40". This parameter overrides the others below when it contains parameters that are also specified explicitly. proj The proj projection code to use (like ortho...) x_0 Cartesian X offset for the output of the transformation y_0 Cartesian Y offset for the output of the transformation lat_0 Central latitude for the projection. NOTE: This may mean other things depending on the projection selected, read the proj docs! lon_0 Central longitude for the projection. NOTE: This may mean other things depending on the projection selected, read the proj docs! units Cartesian units used for the output of the projection. NOTE: Like most of the options here, this is likely useless in the current implementation of this library. init Specify a file:unit for proj to use for its runtime defaults. See the proj docs. no_defs Don't load any defaults. See the proj docs. over Normally, the transformation limits the output to between -180 and 180 degrees (or the cartesian equivalent), but with this option that behavior is turned off. geoc Input values are geocentric coordinates. Earth Figure Parameters ellps Ellipsoid datum to use. Ex: WGS72, WGS74. See the proj docs and command line tool for list of possibilities ('proj -le'). R Radius of the Earth. R_A Radius of a sphere with equivalent surface area of specified ellipse. R_V Radius of a sphere with equivalent volume of specified ellipse. R_a Arithmetic mean of the major and minor axis, Ra = (a + b)/2. R_g Geometric mean of the major and minor axis, Rg = (ab)/2. R_h Harmonic mean of the major and minor axis, Rh = 2ab/(a + b). R_lat_a=phi Arithmetic mean of the principle radii at latitude phi. R_lat_g=phi Geometric mean of the principle radii at latitude phi. b Semiminor axis or polar radius f Flattening rf Reciprocal flattening, +rf=1/f e Eccentricity +e=e es Eccentricity squared +es=e2 proj_version Returns a 3-element list with PROJ major, minor, patch version-numbers. Not exported.
t_proj This is the main entry point for the generalized interface. See above on its usage. t_proj_adams_hemi Proj4 projection code "adams_hemi", full name "Adams Hemisphere in a Square". Categories: no inverse Misc Sph. t_proj_adams_ws1 Proj4 projection code "adams_ws1", full name "Adams World in a Square I". Categories: no inverse Misc Sph. t_proj_adams_ws2 Proj4 projection code "adams_ws2", full name "Adams World in a Square II". Categories: no inverse Misc Sph. t_proj_aea Proj4 projection code "aea", full name "Albers Equal Area". Categories: Conic Sph Ell. Projection Parameters lat_1 lat_2 t_proj_aeqd Proj4 projection code "aeqd", full name "Azimuthal Equidistant". Categories: Azi Sph Ell. Projection Parameters guam lat_0 t_proj_affine Proj4 projection code "affine", full name "Affine transformation". t_proj_airy Proj4 projection code "airy", full name "Airy". Categories: no inverse Misc Sph. Projection Parameters lat_b no_cut t_proj_aitoff Proj4 projection code "aitoff", full name "Aitoff". Categories: Misc Sph. t_proj_alsk Proj4 projection code "alsk", full name "Modified Stereographic of Alaska". Categories: Azi(mod). t_proj_apian Proj4 projection code "apian", full name "Apian Globular I". Categories: no inverse Misc Sph. t_proj_august Proj4 projection code "august", full name "August Epicycloidal". Categories: no inverse Misc Sph. t_proj_axisswap Proj4 projection code "axisswap", full name "Axis ordering". t_proj_bacon Proj4 projection code "bacon", full name "Bacon Globular". Categories: no inverse Misc Sph. t_proj_bertin1953 Proj4 projection code "bertin1953", full name "Bertin 1953". Categories: no inverse Misc Sph. t_proj_bipc Proj4 projection code "bipc", full name "Bipolar conic of western hemisphere". Categories: Conic Sph. t_proj_boggs Proj4 projection code "boggs", full name "Boggs Eumorphic". Categories: no inverse PCyl Sph. t_proj_bonne Proj4 projection code "bonne", full name "Bonne (Werner lat_1=90)". Categories: Conic Sph Ell. Projection Parameters lat_1 t_proj_calcofi Proj4 projection code "calcofi", full name "Cal Coop Ocean Fish Invest Lines/Stations". Categories: Cyl Sph Ell. t_proj_cart Proj4 projection code "cart", full name "Geodetic/cartesian conversions". t_proj_cass Proj4 projection code "cass", full name "Cassini". Categories: Cyl Sph Ell. t_proj_cc Proj4 projection code "cc", full name "Central Cylindrical". Categories: Cyl Sph. t_proj_ccon Proj4 projection code "ccon", full name "Central Conic". Categories: Central Conic Sph. Projection Parameters lat_1 t_proj_cea Proj4 projection code "cea", full name "Equal Area Cylindrical". Categories: Cyl Sph Ell. Projection Parameters lat_ts t_proj_chamb Proj4 projection code "chamb", full name "Chamberlin Trimetric". Categories: no inverse Misc Sph. Projection Parameters lat_1 lat_2 lat_3 lon_1 lon_2 lon_3 t_proj_col_urban Proj4 projection code "col_urban", full name "Colombia Urban". Categories: Misc. Projection Parameters h_0 t_proj_collg Proj4 projection code "collg", full name "Collignon". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_comill Proj4 projection code "comill", full name "Compact Miller". Categories: Cyl Sph. t_proj_crast Proj4 projection code "crast", full name "Craster Parabolic (Putnins P4)". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_defmodel Proj4 projection code "defmodel", full name "Deformation model". t_proj_deformation Proj4 projection code "deformation", full name "Kinematic grid shift". t_proj_denoy Proj4 projection code "denoy", full name "Denoyer Semi-Elliptical". Categories: no inverse PCyl Sph. t_proj_eck1 Proj4 projection code "eck1", full name "Eckert I". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_eck2 Proj4 projection code "eck2", full name "Eckert II". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_eck3 Proj4 projection code "eck3", full name "Eckert III". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_eck4 Proj4 projection code "eck4", full name "Eckert IV". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_eck5 Proj4 projection code "eck5", full name "Eckert V". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_eck6 Proj4 projection code "eck6", full name "Eckert VI". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_eqc Proj4 projection code "eqc", full name "Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Carree)". Categories: Cyl Sph. Projection Parameters lat_00 lat_ts t_proj_eqdc Proj4 projection code "eqdc", full name "Equidistant Conic". Categories: Conic Sph Ell. Projection Parameters lat_1 lat_2 t_proj_eqearth Proj4 projection code "eqearth", full name "Equal Earth". Categories: PCyl Sph Ell. t_proj_etmerc Proj4 projection code "etmerc", full name "Extended Transverse Mercator". Categories: Cyl Sph. t_proj_euler Proj4 projection code "euler", full name "Euler". Categories: Conic Sph. Projection Parameters lat_1 lat_2 t_proj_fahey Proj4 projection code "fahey", full name "Fahey". Categories: Pcyl Sph. t_proj_fouc Proj4 projection code "fouc", full name "Foucaut". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_fouc_s Proj4 projection code "fouc_s", full name "Foucaut Sinusoidal". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_gall Proj4 projection code "gall", full name "Gall (Gall Stereographic)". Categories: Cyl Sph. t_proj_geoc Proj4 projection code "geoc", full name "Geocentric Latitude". t_proj_geogoffset Proj4 projection code "geogoffset", full name "Geographic Offset". t_proj_geos Proj4 projection code "geos", full name "Geostationary Satellite View". Categories: Azi Sph Ell. Projection Parameters h t_proj_gins8 Proj4 projection code "gins8", full name "Ginsburg VIII (TsNIIGAiK)". Categories: no inverse PCyl Sph. t_proj_gn_sinu Proj4 projection code "gn_sinu", full name "General Sinusoidal Series". Categories: PCyl Sph. Projection Parameters m n t_proj_gnom Proj4 projection code "gnom", full name "Gnomonic". Categories: Azi Sph. t_proj_goode Proj4 projection code "goode", full name "Goode Homolosine". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_gridshift Proj4 projection code "gridshift", full name "Generic grid shift". t_proj_gs48 Proj4 projection code "gs48", full name "Modified Stereographic of 48 U.S.". Categories: Azi(mod). t_proj_gs50 Proj4 projection code "gs50", full name "Modified Stereographic of 50 U.S.". Categories: Azi(mod). t_proj_gstmerc Proj4 projection code "gstmerc", full name "Gauss-Schreiber Transverse Mercator (aka Gauss-Laborde Reunion)". Categories: Cyl Sph Ell. Projection Parameters k_0 lat_0 lon_0 t_proj_guyou Proj4 projection code "guyou", full name "Guyou". Categories: no inverse Misc Sph. t_proj_hammer Proj4 projection code "hammer", full name "Hammer & Eckert-Greifendorff". Categories: Misc Sph. Projection Parameters M W t_proj_hatano Proj4 projection code "hatano", full name "Hatano Asymmetrical Equal Area". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_healpix Proj4 projection code "healpix", full name "HEALPix". Categories: Sph Ell. Projection Parameters rot_xy t_proj_helmert Proj4 projection code "helmert", full name "3(6)-, 4(8)- and 7(14)-parameter Helmert shift". t_proj_hgridshift Proj4 projection code "hgridshift", full name "Horizontal grid shift". t_proj_horner Proj4 projection code "horner", full name "Horner polynomial evaluation". t_proj_igh Proj4 projection code "igh", full name "Interrupted Goode Homolosine". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_igh_o Proj4 projection code "igh_o", full name "Interrupted Goode Homolosine Oceanic View". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_imoll Proj4 projection code "imoll", full name "Interrupted Mollweide". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_imoll_o Proj4 projection code "imoll_o", full name "Interrupted Mollweide Oceanic View". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_imw_p Proj4 projection code "imw_p", full name "International Map of the World Polyconic". Categories: Mod. Polyconic Ell. Projection Parameters lat_1 lat_2 lon_1 t_proj_isea Proj4 projection code "isea", full name "Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area". Categories: Sph. t_proj_kav5 Proj4 projection code "kav5", full name "Kavrayskiy V". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_kav7 Proj4 projection code "kav7", full name "Kavrayskiy VII". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_krovak Proj4 projection code "krovak", full name "Krovak". Categories: PCyl Ell. t_proj_labrd Proj4 projection code "labrd", full name "Laborde". Categories: Cyl Sph. Projection Parameters lat_0 t_proj_laea Proj4 projection code "laea", full name "Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area". Categories: Azi Sph Ell. t_proj_lagrng Proj4 projection code "lagrng", full name "Lagrange". Categories: Misc Sph. Projection Parameters W t_proj_larr Proj4 projection code "larr", full name "Larrivee". Categories: no inverse Misc Sph. t_proj_lask Proj4 projection code "lask", full name "Laskowski". Categories: no inverse Misc Sph. t_proj_latlon Proj4 projection code "latlon", full name "Lat/long (Geodetic alias)". t_proj_lcc Proj4 projection code "lcc", full name "Lambert Conformal Conic". Categories: Conic Sph Ell. Projection Parameters k_0 lat_0 lat_1 lat_2 t_proj_lcca Proj4 projection code "lcca", full name "Lambert Conformal Conic Alternative". Categories: Conic Sph Ell. Projection Parameters lat_0 t_proj_leac Proj4 projection code "leac", full name "Lambert Equal Area Conic". Categories: Conic Sph Ell. Projection Parameters lat_1 south t_proj_lee_os Proj4 projection code "lee_os", full name "Lee Oblated Stereographic". Categories: Azi(mod). t_proj_lonlat Proj4 projection code "lonlat", full name "Lat/long (Geodetic)". t_proj_loxim Proj4 projection code "loxim", full name "Loximuthal". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_lsat Proj4 projection code "lsat", full name "Space oblique for LANDSAT". Categories: Cyl Sph Ell. Projection Parameters lsat path t_proj_mbt_fps Proj4 projection code "mbt_fps", full name "McBryde-Thomas Flat-Pole Sine (No. 2)". Categories: Cyl Sph. t_proj_mbt_s Proj4 projection code "mbt_s", full name "McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sine (No. 1)". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_mbtfpp Proj4 projection code "mbtfpp", full name "McBride-Thomas Flat-Polar Parabolic". Categories: Cyl Sph. t_proj_mbtfpq Proj4 projection code "mbtfpq", full name "McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic". Categories: Cyl Sph. t_proj_mbtfps Proj4 projection code "mbtfps", full name "McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sinusoidal". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_merc Proj4 projection code "merc", full name "Mercator". Categories: Cyl Sph Ell. Projection Parameters lat_ts t_proj_mil_os Proj4 projection code "mil_os", full name "Miller Oblated Stereographic". Categories: Azi(mod). t_proj_mill Proj4 projection code "mill", full name "Miller Cylindrical". Categories: Cyl Sph. t_proj_misrsom Proj4 projection code "misrsom", full name "Space oblique for MISR". Categories: Cyl Sph Ell. Projection Parameters path t_proj_mod_krovak Proj4 projection code "mod_krovak", full name "Modified Krovak". Categories: PCyl Ell. t_proj_moll Proj4 projection code "moll", full name "Mollweide". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_molobadekas Proj4 projection code "molobadekas", full name "Molodensky-Badekas transformation". t_proj_molodensky Proj4 projection code "molodensky", full name "Molodensky transform". t_proj_murd1 Proj4 projection code "murd1", full name "Murdoch I". Categories: Conic Sph. Projection Parameters lat_1 lat_2 t_proj_murd2 Proj4 projection code "murd2", full name "Murdoch II". Categories: Conic Sph. Projection Parameters lat_1 lat_2 t_proj_murd3 Proj4 projection code "murd3", full name "Murdoch III". Categories: Conic Sph. Projection Parameters lat_1 lat_2 t_proj_natearth Proj4 projection code "natearth", full name "Natural Earth". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_natearth2 Proj4 projection code "natearth2", full name "Natural Earth 2". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_nell Proj4 projection code "nell", full name "Nell". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_nell_h Proj4 projection code "nell_h", full name "Nell-Hammer". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_nicol Proj4 projection code "nicol", full name "Nicolosi Globular". Categories: no inverse Misc Sph. t_proj_noop Proj4 projection code "noop", full name "No operation". t_proj_nsper Proj4 projection code "nsper", full name "Near-sided perspective". Categories: Azi Sph. Projection Parameters h t_proj_nzmg Proj4 projection code "nzmg", full name "New Zealand Map Grid". Categories: fixed Earth. t_proj_ob_tran Proj4 projection code "ob_tran", full name "General Oblique Transformation". Categories: Misc Sph. Projection Parameters o_alpha o_lat_1 o_lat_2 o_lat_c o_lat_p o_lon_1 o_lon_2 o_lon_c o_lon_p o_proj t_proj_ocea Proj4 projection code "ocea", full name "Oblique Cylindrical Equal Area". Categories: Cyl Sphlonc= alpha=. Projection Parameters lat_1 lat_2 lon_1 lon_2 t_proj_oea Proj4 projection code "oea", full name "Oblated Equal Area". Categories: Misc Sph. Projection Parameters m n theta t_proj_omerc Proj4 projection code "omerc", full name "Oblique Mercator". Categories: Cyl Sph Ell no_rot. Projection Parameters alpha gamma lat_1 lat_2 lon_1 lon_2 lonc no_off t_proj_ortel Proj4 projection code "ortel", full name "Ortelius Oval". Categories: no inverse Misc Sph. t_proj_ortho Proj4 projection code "ortho", full name "Orthographic". Categories: Azi Sph Ell. t_proj_patterson Proj4 projection code "patterson", full name "Patterson Cylindrical". Categories: Cyl. t_proj_pconic Proj4 projection code "pconic", full name "Perspective Conic". Categories: Conic Sph. Projection Parameters lat_1 lat_2 t_proj_peirce_q Proj4 projection code "peirce_q", full name "Peirce Quincuncial". Categories: no inverse Misc Sph. t_proj_pipeline Proj4 projection code "pipeline", full name "Transformation pipeline manager". t_proj_poly Proj4 projection code "poly", full name "Polyconic (American)". Categories: Conic Sph Ell. t_proj_pop Proj4 projection code "pop", full name "Retrieve coordinate value from pipeline stack". t_proj_push Proj4 projection code "push", full name "Save coordinate value on pipeline stack". t_proj_putp1 Proj4 projection code "putp1", full name "Putnins P1". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_putp2 Proj4 projection code "putp2", full name "Putnins P2". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_putp3 Proj4 projection code "putp3", full name "Putnins P3". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_putp3p Proj4 projection code "putp3p", full name "Putnins P3'". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_putp4p Proj4 projection code "putp4p", full name "Putnins P4'". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_putp5 Proj4 projection code "putp5", full name "Putnins P5". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_putp5p Proj4 projection code "putp5p", full name "Putnins P5'". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_putp6 Proj4 projection code "putp6", full name "Putnins P6". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_putp6p Proj4 projection code "putp6p", full name "Putnins P6'". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_qsc Proj4 projection code "qsc", full name "Quadrilateralized Spherical Cube". Categories: Azi Sph. t_proj_qua_aut Proj4 projection code "qua_aut", full name "Quartic Authalic". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_rhealpix Proj4 projection code "rhealpix", full name "rHEALPix". Categories: Sph Ell. Projection Parameters north_square south_square t_proj_robin Proj4 projection code "robin", full name "Robinson". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_rouss Proj4 projection code "rouss", full name "Roussilhe Stereographic". Categories: Azi Ell. t_proj_rpoly Proj4 projection code "rpoly", full name "Rectangular Polyconic". Categories: no inverse Conic Sph. Projection Parameters lat_ts t_proj_s2 Proj4 projection code "s2", full name "S2". Categories: Misc Sph Ell. t_proj_sch Proj4 projection code "sch", full name "Spherical Cross-track Height". Categories: Misc. Projection Parameters h_0 phdg_0 plat_0 plon_0 t_proj_set Proj4 projection code "set", full name "Set coordinate value". t_proj_sinu Proj4 projection code "sinu", full name "Sinusoidal (Sanson-Flamsteed)". Categories: PCyl Sph Ell. t_proj_som Proj4 projection code "som", full name "Space Oblique Mercator". Categories: Cyl Sph Ell. Projection Parameters asc_lon inc_angle ps_rev t_proj_somerc Proj4 projection code "somerc", full name "Swiss. Obl. Mercator". Categories: Cyl Ell. t_proj_stere Proj4 projection code "stere", full name "Stereographic". Categories: Azi Sph Ell. Projection Parameters lat_ts t_proj_sterea Proj4 projection code "sterea", full name "Oblique Stereographic Alternative". Categories: Azimuthal Sph Ell. t_proj_tcc Proj4 projection code "tcc", full name "Transverse Central Cylindrical". Categories: no inverse Cyl Sph. t_proj_tcea Proj4 projection code "tcea", full name "Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area". Categories: Cyl Sph. t_proj_times Proj4 projection code "times", full name "Times". Categories: Cyl Sph. t_proj_tinshift Proj4 projection code "tinshift", full name "Triangulation based transformation". t_proj_tissot Proj4 projection code "tissot", full name "Tissot". Categories: Conic Sph. Projection Parameters lat_1 lat_2 t_proj_tmerc Proj4 projection code "tmerc", full name "Transverse Mercator". Categories: Cyl Sph Ell. Projection Parameters approx t_proj_tobmerc Proj4 projection code "tobmerc", full name "Tobler-Mercator". Categories: Cyl Sph. t_proj_topocentric Proj4 projection code "topocentric", full name "Geocentric/Topocentric conversion". t_proj_tpeqd Proj4 projection code "tpeqd", full name "Two Point Equidistant". Categories: Misc Sph. Projection Parameters lat_1 lat_2 lon_1 lon_2 t_proj_tpers Proj4 projection code "tpers", full name "Tilted perspective". Categories: Azi Sph. Projection Parameters azi h tilt t_proj_unitconvert Proj4 projection code "unitconvert", full name "Unit conversion". t_proj_ups Proj4 projection code "ups", full name "Universal Polar Stereographic". Categories: Azi Ell. Projection Parameters south t_proj_urm5 Proj4 projection code "urm5", full name "Urmaev V". Categories: no inverse PCyl Sph. Projection Parameters alpha n q t_proj_urmfps Proj4 projection code "urmfps", full name "Urmaev Flat-Polar Sinusoidal". Categories: PCyl Sph. Projection Parameters n t_proj_utm Proj4 projection code "utm", full name "Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)". Categories: Cyl Ell. Projection Parameters approx south zone t_proj_vandg Proj4 projection code "vandg", full name "van der Grinten (I)". Categories: Misc Sph. t_proj_vandg2 Proj4 projection code "vandg2", full name "van der Grinten II". Categories: no inverse Misc Sph. t_proj_vandg3 Proj4 projection code "vandg3", full name "van der Grinten III". Categories: no inverse Misc Sph. t_proj_vandg4 Proj4 projection code "vandg4", full name "van der Grinten IV". Categories: no inverse Misc Sph. t_proj_vertoffset Proj4 projection code "vertoffset", full name "Vertical Offset and Slope". Categories: Transfmation. Projection Parameters dh lat_0 lon_0 slope_lat slope_lon t_proj_vgridshift Proj4 projection code "vgridshift", full name "Vertical grid shift". t_proj_vitk1 Proj4 projection code "vitk1", full name "Vitkovsky I". Categories: Conic Sph. Projection Parameters lat_1 lat_2 t_proj_wag1 Proj4 projection code "wag1", full name "Wagner I (Kavrayskiy VI)". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_wag2 Proj4 projection code "wag2", full name "Wagner II". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_wag3 Proj4 projection code "wag3", full name "Wagner III". Categories: PCyl Sph. Projection Parameters lat_ts t_proj_wag4 Proj4 projection code "wag4", full name "Wagner IV". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_wag5 Proj4 projection code "wag5", full name "Wagner V". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_wag6 Proj4 projection code "wag6", full name "Wagner VI". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_wag7 Proj4 projection code "wag7", full name "Wagner VII". Categories: no inverse Misc Sph. t_proj_webmerc Proj4 projection code "webmerc", full name "Web Mercator / Pseudo Mercator". Categories: Cyl Ell. t_proj_weren Proj4 projection code "weren", full name "Werenskiold I". Categories: PCyl Sph. t_proj_wink1 Proj4 projection code "wink1", full name "Winkel I". Categories: PCyl Sph. Projection Parameters lat_ts t_proj_wink2 Proj4 projection code "wink2", full name "Winkel II". Categories: PCyl Sph. Projection Parameters lat_1 t_proj_wintri Proj4 projection code "wintri", full name "Winkel Tripel". Categories: Misc Sph. Projection Parameters lat_1 t_proj_xyzgridshift Proj4 projection code "xyzgridshift", full name "Geocentric grid shift".
Judd Taylor, Orbital Systems, Ltd. judd dot t at orbitalsystems dot com