plucky (3) Parse::Dia::SQL::Output::HTML.3pm.gz

Parse::Dia::SQL::Output::HTML - Create HTML documentation.
use Parse::Dia::SQL; my $dia = Parse::Dia::SQL->new( file => 'foo.dia', db => 'html' [ , htmlformat => {formatfile} ] ); print $dia->get_sql();
This sub-class creates HTML formatted database documentation. HTML formatting is controlled by templates selected with the optional htmlformat parameter which supplies a format file. See "HTML formats" for more. The generated HTML is intended to be useful rather than beautiful. This sub-class follows the same structure as the rdbms output sub-classes with the intent of maintaining consistency, even though this give less than optimum efficiency. new The constructor. Object names in HTML have no inherent limit. 64 has been arbitrarily chosen. get_sql Return all sql documentation. First build the data structures: schema create view create permissions create inserts associations create (indices first, then foreign keys) Then generate the output: html start html comments body start generate main html body end html end _get_preamble HTML Header _get_comment Comment for HTML Header get_smallpackage_pre_sql HTML Body start get_smallpackage_post_sql HTML Body close _get_postscript HTML close _get_create_table_sql Extracts the documentation details for a single table. get_schema_drop Do nothing get_view_drop Do nothing _get_fk_drop Do nothing _get_drop_index_sql Do nothing get_permissions_create Permissions are formatted as "{type} {name} to {list of roles}" where: "type" is the operation "GRANT", "REVOKE" etc "name" is the permission name "SELECT", "INSERT" etc "list of roles" is the set of datbase roles affected. Warning Permissions are at best lightly tested (ie potentially buggy) get_permissions_drop Do nothing _get_create_association_sql Extracts the documentation for table relationships. _get_create_index_sql Extracts the documentation for table indices. generate_html Do the output set_html_template Set up the formatting template Template elements use "{placeholders}" to identify how the document should be built.
HTML Formats
The default format may be all you need. If you want to create different HTML formats for different uses, create a format file with template elements defined between "{def:element}" and "{/def:element}" markers. You only need to define those elements that you want to be different from the defaults. Any text outside the "{def:element}" and "{/def:element}" is ignored, so you can add comments without affecting the output. Any "\n" literals in the format file are replaced with newlines; although newlines in the generated HTML typically have no effect on the layout, they can make the output easier for humans to read. Template elements htmlpreamble The start of the html document. Placeholders: filename Default: <html><head>\n<title>Database documentation: {filename}</title> htmlcomment A generated comment at the start of the html document. This is the standard comment at the start of the SQL script. Placeholders: htmlcomment Default: \n<!-- {htmlcomment} -->\n htmlstartbody The start body html tag. Default: </head><body> htmlendbody The end body html tag. Placeholders: gentime Default: <p style="font-size:75%">Generated at {gentime}.</p> htmlend The end html tag. Default: </html> tablelist The bit at the top of the page which lists all the tables. Each is formatted with "tablelistitem", separated by "tablelistsep". Placeholders: tablelist (the assembled list of table), filename Default: <h1>Data Dictionary for {filename}</h1> <h2\>List of Tables</h2> {tablelist} <hr width='80%'/> tablelistitem An individual element (table) in the table list Placeholders: tablename, tablecomment Default: <a href='#{tablename}'>{tablename}</a> tablelistsep Separator between individual elements in the table list. Default: ", " tablestart Introduction to the table details Default: <h2>Table details</h2> table Details of one table. Placeholders: tablename, comment, refto, refby, tablerowdata, autoupdate, indices, permissions. Default: <h3>Table: {tablename}<a name='{tablename}'/></h3> {comment} {refto} {refby} <table border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='1'> <tr><td>Field</td><td>Type</td><td>Default</td><td>Description</td></tr> {tablerowdata} </table> {autoupdate} {indices} {permissions} <hr width='80%'/> tablekeyrow, tablerow Details of an individual field (column) from the (table) in the table detail. tablekeyrow is used for primary key fields, tablerow for other fields. Placeholders: name, type, default, comment. Default tablekeyrow: <tr><td><b>{name}</b></td><td>{type}</td><td>{default}</td><td>{comment}</td></tr> Default tablerow: <tr><td>{name}</td><td>{type}</td><td>{default}</td><td>{comment}</td></tr> tablecomment Table comments/description. Placeholders: comment Default: <p>{comment}</p> tablecommentlist Table comments/description in a list context Placeholders: comment Default: {comment} autoupdate Auto update code, if used. Placeholders: autoupdate Default: <p>Automatically set:{autoupdate}</p> refby, refto References by - a list of tables that refer to this one via foreign keys. References to - a list of tables to which this table refers via foreign keys. The whole section is omitted if there are no references (including any static text). Placeholders: refbylist, reftolist respectively. Default: refby <p>Referenced by: {refbylist}</p> Default: refto <p>References: {reftolist}</p> refbyitem, reftoitem A single item in the reference by list Placeholders: tablename, key, fk, action, refname Here tablename is the other table, key is the field in this table, fk is the field in the other table, action in the action on update/delete (such as cascade or update) and refname is the name of the constraint. Default: <a href='#{tablename}'>{tablename}</a> refbysep, reftosep Separator between references. Default: ", " indices List of indices on this tables. The whole section is omitted if there are no indices (including any static text). Placeholders: indexlist Default: <h4>Indices</h4><p>{indexlist}</p> indexitem A single item in the index list Placeholders: tablename, columns, comment, type, indexname Here tablename is the indexed (ie current) table, columns is the set of columns in the index, comment is the index comment if any, type is 'unique' (or blank) and indexname is the name of the index. Default: {indexname}: {type} on {columns} {comment} indexsep Separator between indices. Default: "<br\"> permission A list of permissions granted on this table. Placeholders: permissionlist Default: <h4>Permissions</h4><p>{permissionlist}</p> permissionitem A single permission in the list Placeholders: permission Default: {permission} permissionsep Separator between permissions. Default: <br/> fieldblank Replacement character(s) for blank values. Default value is empty. Sample format file This format file generates vertical lists of tables and references rather than single paragraph, comma separated lists (which is the default). {def:tablelist} <h1>List of Tables</h1> <table border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='2'> <tr><td><b>Name</b></td><td><b>Description</b></td></tr> {tablelist} </table> <hr width='80%'/> {/def:tablelist} {def:tablelistitem}<tr><td><a href='#{tablename}'>{tablename}</a></td><td>{tablecomment}</td></tr> {/def:tablelistitem} {def:tablelistsep}\n{/def:tablelistsep} {def:refby}<p><b>Referenced by:</b> <br/>{refbylist}</p>{/def:refby} {def:refbyitem}{fk}=<a href='#{tablename}'>{tablename}</a>.{key} {action}{/def:refbyitem} {def:refbysep} <br/>{/def:refbysep} {def:refto}<p><b>References:</b> <br/>{reftolist}</p>{/def:refto} {def:reftoitem} {fk}=<a href='#{tablename}'>{tablename}</a>.{key} {action}{/def:reftoitem} {def:reftosep}<br/>{/def:reftosep} # Comments don't matter {def:permission}<h4>Permissions</h4><p>{permissionlist}</p>{/def:permission} {def:permissionitem}{permission}{/def:permissionitem} {def:permissionsep}<br/>{/def:permissionsep} Note that comments or other text outside the {def:} The other template elements are the same as the default.
Things that might get added in future versions: Views are not currently documented. Bugs etc