plucky (3) Publican::Builder.3pm.gz

Publican::Builder - A module to Convert XML to various output formats
use Publican::Builder; my $builder = Publican::Builder->new(); $builder->clean_ids();
Manipulate XML and convert to other formats.
new Create a new Publican::Builder object. build Transform the source in to another format. Valid formats: eclipse epub html html-single html-desktop man pdf txt del_unwanted_dirs Callback that deletes all unwanted directories from the given directory tree. Used to delete CVS and SVN files from the working directories. del_unwanted_xml Callback that deletes all unwanted xml from the given directory tree. validate_xml Ensure the XML validates against the DTD. To debug the XML catalogs export XML_DEBUG_CATALOG=1 test... unset XML_DEBUG_CATALOG package_brand Create the structure for the distributed files and save it as a tar.gz file package_home Package a book for use as a Publican Website home page. build_rpm Build an srpm for books and brands. package Create the structure for the distributed files and save it as a tar.gz file Creates RPM Specfile and build SRPM. TODO: Consider handling other package formats, deb etc. web_labels Determine if the labels use in the web navigation are different from the names used for packaging. This should be sub-classed. setup_xml Create the proper directory structure for the XML, including copying in Brand files. This should be sub-classed. clean_ids Travers over the source XML and update the id's to match the standard format. Updates all existing PO files with the new xref links. This should be sub-classed. change_log Generate an RPM style change log from $xml_lang/Revision_History.xml This should be sub-classed. get_books Fetch all the books for a set from a repo. Supported Repos: SVN build_set_books Prepare XML from sub books for Remote Sets
"unknown args %s" All subs with named parameters will return this error when unexpected named arguments are provided. "%s is a required argument" Any sub with a mandatory parameter will return this error if the parameter is undef.
Publican requires no configuration files or environment variables.
Carp version Config::Simple Publican Publican::XmlClean Publican::Translate File::Path File::pushd File::Find Cwd Archive::Tar DateTime DateTime::Format::DateParse Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate HTML::TreeBuilder HTML::FormatText Term::ANSIColor POSIX
None reported.
No bugs have been reported. Please report any bugs or feature requests to "", or through the web interface at <>.
Jeff Fearn "<>"