plucky (3) Random.3o.gz

Provided by: ocaml-man_5.3.0-2_all bug


       Random - Pseudo-random number generators (PRNG).


       Module   Random


       Module Random
        : sig end

       Pseudo-random number generators (PRNG).

       With  multiple domains, each domain has its own generator that evolves independently of the generators of
       other domains.  When a domain is created, its generator is initialized by  splitting  the  state  of  the
       generator associated with the parent domain.

       In  contrast,  all threads within a domain share the same domain-local generator.  Independent generators
       can be created with the Random.split function and used with the functions from the Random.State module.

       Before5.0 Random value generation used a different algorithm.  This affects all  the  functions  in  this
       module which return random values.

   Basic functions
       val init : int -> unit

       Initialize the domain-local generator, using the argument as a seed.  The same seed will always yield the
       same sequence of numbers.

       val full_init : int array -> unit

       Same as Random.init but takes more data as seed.

       val self_init : unit -> unit

       Initialize the domain-local  generator  with  a  random  seed  chosen  in  a  system-dependent  way.   If
       /dev/urandom  is  available  on  the  host  machine,  it is used to provide a highly random initial seed.
       Otherwise, a less random seed is computed from system parameters (current time, process IDs, domain-local

       val bits : unit -> int

       Return 30 random bits in a nonnegative integer.

       val int : int -> int  bound  returns  a  random integer between 0 (inclusive) and bound (exclusive).  bound must be
       greater than 0 and less than 2^30.

       Raises Invalid_argument if bound <= 0 or bound >= 2^30.

       val full_int : int -> int

       Random.full_int bound returns a random integer between 0 (inclusive) and bound (exclusive).  bound may be
       any positive integer.

       If  bound  is  less  than  2^31,  then  Random.full_int bound yields identical output across systems with
       varying int sizes.

       If bound is less than 2^30, then Random.full_int bound is equal to bound .

       If bound is at least 2^30 (on 64-bit systems, or non-standard  environments  such  as  JavaScript),  then
       Random.full_int returns a value whereas raises Invalid_argument .

       Since 4.13

       Raises Invalid_argument if bound <= 0.

       val int_in_range : min:int -> max:int -> int

       Random.int_in_range ~min ~max returns a random integer between min (inclusive) and max (inclusive).  Both
       min and max are allowed to be negative; min must be less than or equal to max .

       If both bounds fit in 32-bit signed integers (that is, if -2^31 <= min and max < 2^31), then int_in_range
       yields identical output across systems with varying int sizes.

       Since 5.2

       Raises Invalid_argument if min > max .

       val int32 : Int32.t -> Int32.t

       Random.int32  bound  returns a random integer between 0 (inclusive) and bound (exclusive).  bound must be
       greater than 0.

       Raises Invalid_argument if bound <= 0.

       val int32_in_range : min:int32 -> max:int32 -> int32

       Random.int32_in_range ~min ~max returns a random integer between min  (inclusive)  and  max  (inclusive).
       Both min and max are allowed to be negative; min must be less than or equal to max .

       Since 5.2

       Raises Invalid_argument if min > max .

       val nativeint : Nativeint.t -> Nativeint.t

       Random.nativeint  bound returns a random integer between 0 (inclusive) and bound (exclusive).  bound must
       be greater than 0.

       Raises Invalid_argument if bound <= 0.

       val nativeint_in_range : min:nativeint -> max:nativeint -> nativeint

       Random.nativeint_in_range ~min ~max returns a random integer between min (inclusive) and max (inclusive).
       Both min and max are allowed to be negative; min must be less than or equal to max .

       Since 5.2

       Raises Invalid_argument if min > max .

       val int64 : Int64.t -> Int64.t

       Random.int64  bound  returns a random integer between 0 (inclusive) and bound (exclusive).  bound must be
       greater than 0.

       Raises Invalid_argument if bound <= 0.

       val int64_in_range : min:int64 -> max:int64 -> int64

       Random.int64_in_range ~min ~max returns a random integer between min  (inclusive)  and  max  (inclusive).
       Both min and max are allowed to be negative; min must be less than or equal to max .

       Since 5.2

       Raises Invalid_argument if min > max .

       val float : float -> float

       Random.float  bound  returns a random floating-point number between 0 and bound (inclusive).  If bound is
       negative, the result is negative or zero.  If bound is 0, the result is 0.

       val bool : unit -> bool

       Random.bool () returns true or false with probability 0.5 each.

       val bits32 : unit -> Int32.t

       Random.bits32 () returns 32 random bits as an integer between Int32.min_int and Int32.max_int .

       Since 4.14

       val bits64 : unit -> Int64.t

       Random.bits64 () returns 64 random bits as an integer between Int64.min_int and Int64.max_int .

       Since 4.14

       val nativebits : unit -> Nativeint.t

       Random.nativebits () returns 32 or 64 random bits (depending on the bit width  of  the  platform)  as  an
       integer between Nativeint.min_int and Nativeint.max_int .

       Since 4.14

   Advanced functions
       The  functions  from module Random.State manipulate the current state of the random generator explicitly.
       This allows using one  or  several  deterministic  PRNGs,  even  in  a  multi-threaded  program,  without
       interference from other parts of the program.

       module State : sig end

       val get_state : unit -> State.t

       get_state() returns a fresh copy of the current state of the domain-local generator (which is used by the
       basic functions).

       val set_state : State.t -> unit

       set_state s updates the current state  of  the  domain-local  generator  (which  is  used  by  the  basic
       functions) by copying the state s into it.

       val split : unit -> State.t

       Draw  a  fresh  PRNG  state  from  the  current  state  of the domain-local generator used by the default
       functions.  (The state of the domain-local generator is modified.)  See Random.State.split .

       Since 5.0