plucky (3) SQL::Translator::Producer::PostgreSQL.3pm.gz

SQL::Translator::Producer::PostgreSQL - PostgreSQL producer for SQL::Translator
my $t = SQL::Translator->new( parser => '...', producer => 'PostgreSQL' ); $t->translate;
Creates a DDL suitable for PostgreSQL. Very heavily based on the Oracle producer. Now handles PostGIS Geometry and Geography data types on table definitions. Does not yet support PostGIS Views. Producer Args You can change the global behavior of the producer by passing the following options to the "producer_args" attribute of "SQL::Translator". postgres_version The version of postgres to generate DDL for. Turns on features only available in later versions. The following features are supported IF EXISTS If your postgres_version is higher than 8.003 (I should hope it is by now), then the DDL generated for dropping objects in the database will contain IF EXISTS. attach_comments Generates table and column comments via the COMMENT command rather than as a comment in the DDL. You could then look it up with \dt+ or \d+ (for tables and columns respectively) in psql. The comment is dollar quoted with $comment$ so you can include ' in it. Just to clarify: you get this CREATE TABLE foo ...; COMMENT on TABLE foo IS $comment$hi there$comment$; instead of this -- comment CREAT TABLE foo ...; Extra args Various schema types support various options via the "extra" attribute. Tables temporary Produces a temporary table. Views temporary Produces a temporary view. materialized Produces a materialized view. Fields list, custom_type_name For enum types, list is the list of valid values, and custom_type_name is the name that the type should have. Defaults to $table_$field_type. geometry_type, srid, dimensions, geography_type Fields for use with PostGIS types.
PostgreSQL Create Table Syntax
CREATE [ [ LOCAL ] { TEMPORARY | TEMP } ] TABLE table_name ( { column_name data_type [ DEFAULT default_expr ] [ column_constraint [, ... ] ] | table_constraint } [, ... ] ) [ INHERITS ( parent_table [, ... ] ) ] [ WITH OIDS | WITHOUT OIDS ] where column_constraint is: [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] { NOT NULL | NULL | UNIQUE | PRIMARY KEY | CHECK (expression) | REFERENCES reftable [ ( refcolumn ) ] [ MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL ] [ ON DELETE action ] [ ON UPDATE action ] } [ DEFERRABLE | NOT DEFERRABLE ] [ INITIALLY DEFERRED | INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ] and table_constraint is: [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] { UNIQUE ( column_name [, ... ] ) | PRIMARY KEY ( column_name [, ... ] ) | CHECK ( expression ) | EXCLUDE [USING acc_method] (expression) [INCLUDE (column [, ...])] [WHERE (predicate)] FOREIGN KEY ( column_name [, ... ] ) REFERENCES reftable [ ( refcolumn [, ... ] ) ] [ MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL ] [ ON DELETE action ] [ ON UPDATE action ] } [ DEFERRABLE | NOT DEFERRABLE ] [ INITIALLY DEFERRED | INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ]
Create Index Syntax
CREATE [ UNIQUE ] INDEX index_name ON table [ USING acc_method ] ( column [ ops_name ] [, ...] ) [ INCLUDE ( column [, ...] ) ] [ WHERE predicate ] CREATE [ UNIQUE ] INDEX index_name ON table [ USING acc_method ] ( func_name( column [, ... ]) [ ops_name ] ) [ WHERE predicate ]
SQL::Translator, SQL::Translator::Producer::Oracle.
Ken Youens-Clark <>.