Provided by: libsvn-class-perl_0.18-3_all 

SVN::Class - manipulate Subversion workspaces with Perl objects
use SVN::Class; my $file = svn_file( 'path/to/file' ); my $fh = $file->open('>>'); print {$fh} "hello world\n"; $fh->close; $file->add; if ($file->modified) { my $rev = $file->commit('the file changed'); print "$file was committed with revision $rev\n"; } else { croak "$file was not committed: " . $file->errstr; } my $dir = svn_dir( 'path/to/dir' ); $dir->mkpath unless -d $dir; $dir->add; # recurses by default $dir->commit('added directory') if $dir->modified;
SVN::Class extends Path::Class to allow for basic Subversion workspace management. SVN::Class::File and SVN::Class::Dir are subclasses of Path::Class::File::Stat and Path::Class::Dir respectively. SVN::Class does not use the SVN::Core Subversion SWIG bindings. Instead, the "svn" binary tool is used for all interactions, using IPC::Cmd. This design decision was made for maximum portability and to eliminate non-CPAN dependencies.
SVN::Class exports two functions by default: svn_file() and svn_dir(). These work just like the dir() and file() functions in Path::Class. If you do not want to export them, just invoke SVN::Class like: use SVN::Class (); svn_file( file ) Works just like Path::Class::file(). svn_dir( dir ) Works just like Path::Class::dir().
SVN::Class inherits from Path::Class. Only new or overridden methods are documented here. svn Path to the svn binary. Defaults to "svn" and thus relies on environment's PATH to find and execute the correct command. stdout Get the stdout from the last svn_run(). stderr Get the stderr from the last svn_run(). error If the last svn_run() exited with non-zero, error() will return same as stderr(). If svn_run() was successful, returns the empty string. error_code Returns the last exit value of svn_run(). verbose Get/set a true value to enable IPC output in svn_run(). debug Get/set a true value to see debugging output printed on stderr. svn_run( cmd, opts, file ) Execute cmd given opts and file as arguments. This is a wrapper around the IPC::Run run() function. opts should be an array ref of options to pass to cmd. file defaults to $self->stringify(). Returns the success code from IPC::Run run(). Sets the stdout, stderr, err, errstr, and error_code values in the SVN::Class object. This method is used internally by all the Subversion commands. NOTE: In order to standardize the output of Subversion commands into a locale that is easily parse-able by other methods that call svn_run() internally, all commands are run with "LC_ALL=C" to make sure output is ASCII only. log Returns svn log of the file or 0 on error. The log is returned as an arrayref (same as accessing stdout()). add Schedule the object for addition to the repository. delete Schedule the object for removal from the repository. update Get the latest version of the object from the repository. up Alias for update(). revert Undo the last Subversion action on the object. commit( message ) Commit the object to the repository with the log message. Returns the revision number of the commit on success, 0 on failure. status Returns the workspace status of the object. modified Returns true if the status() of the object is "Add" or "Modified". conflicted Returns true if the status() of the object is "Conflicted". diff Diff the workspace version of the object against either the repository or the current working baseline version. blame Annotated accounting of who modified what lines of the object. info Returns SVN::Class::Info instance with information about the current object or 0 on failure. dump Returns a Data::Dump serialization of the object. Useful for debugging. errstr Returns the contents of error() as a newline-joined string. outstr Returns the contents of stdout() as a newline-joined string.
Peter Karman, "<karman at>"
Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-svn-class at", or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc SVN::Class You can also look for information at: • AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation <> • CPAN Ratings <> • RT: CPAN's request tracker <> • Search CPAN <>
I looked at SVN::Agent before starting this project. It has a different API, more like SVN::Client in the SVN::Core, but I cribbed some of the ideas. The Minnesota Supercomputing Institute "" sponsored the development of this software.
Copyright 2007 by the Regents of the University of Minnesota. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Path::Class, Class::Accessor::Fast, SVN::Agent, IPC::Cmd