plucky (3) Sympa::Spindle::TransformOutgoing.3Sympa.gz

Sympa::Spindle::TransformOutgoing - Process to transform messages - second stage
This class executes the second stage of message transformation to be sent through the list. This stage is put after storing messages into archive spool (See also Sympa::Spindle::DistributeMessage). Transformation processes by this class are done in the following order: • Executes "post_archive" hook of message hooks if available. • Adds / modifies "Reply-To" header field, if "reply_to_header" list option is enabled. • Adds / overwrites following header fields: "X-Loop" "X-Sequence" "Errors-To" "Precedence" "Sender" "X-no-archive" • Adds header fields specified by "custom_header" list configuration parameter, if any. • Adds RFC 2919 "List-Id" field, RFC 2369 fields (according to "rfc2369_header_fields" list configuration option) and RFC 5064 "Archived-At" field (if archiving is enabled). • Removes header fields specified by "remove_outgoing_headers" list configuration parameter, if any. Then this class passes the message to the last stage of transformation, Sympa::Spindle::ToList.
• Transformation by this class can break integrity of DKIM signature, because some header fields may be removed according to "remove_outgoing_headers" list configuration parameter.
Sympa::Internals::Workflow. Sympa::Message, Sympa::Message::Plugin, Sympa::Spindle, Sympa::Spindle::DistributeMessage.
Sympa::Spindle::TransformOutgoing appeared on Sympa 6.2.13.