plucky (3) XML::Dumper.3pm.gz

Provided by: libxml-dumper-perl_0.81-1.5_all bug


       XML::Dumper - Perl module for dumping Perl objects from/to XML


         # ===== Using an object
         use XML::Dumper;
         $dump = new XML::Dumper;

         $xml  = $dump->pl2xml( $perl );
         $perl = $dump->xml2pl( $xml );
         $dump->pl2xml( $perl, "my_perl_data.xml.gz" );

         # ===== Using function calls
         use XML::Dumper;

         $xml  = pl2xml( $perl );
         $perl = xml2pl( $xml );


         use XML::Dumper;
         my $dump = new XML::Dumper;

         my $perl  = '';
         my $xml   = '';

         # ===== Convert Perl code to XML
         $perl = [
                       fname       => 'Fred',
                       lname       => 'Flintstone',
                       residence   => 'Bedrock'
                       fname       => 'Barney',
                       lname       => 'Rubble',
                       residence   => 'Bedrock'
         $xml = $dump->pl2xml( $perl );

         # ===== Dump to a file
         my $file = "dump.xml";
         $dump->pl2xml( $perl, $file );

         # ===== Convert XML to Perl code
         $xml = q|
           <item key="0">
               <item key="fname">Fred</item>
               <item key="lname">Flintstone</item>
               <item key="residence">Bedrock</item>
           <item key="1">
               <item key="fname">Barney</item>
               <item key="lname">Rubble</item>
               <item key="residence">Bedrock</item>

         my $perl = $dump->xml2pl( $xml );

         # ===== Convert an XML file to Perl code
         my $perl = $dump->xml2pl( $file );

         # ===== And serialize Perl code to an XML file
         $dump->pl2xml( $perl, $file );

         # ===== USE COMPRESSION
         $dump->pl2xml( $perl, $file.".gz" );

         my $xml_with_dtd = $dump->pl2xml( $perl );

         # ===== USE EXTERNAL DTD
         $dump->dtd( $file, $url );
         my $xml_with_link_to_dtd = $dump->pl2xml( $perl );


       XML::Dumper dumps Perl data to XML format. XML::Dumper can also read XML data that was previously dumped
       by the module and convert it back to Perl. You can use the module read the XML from a file and write the
       XML to a file. Perl objects are blessed back to their original packaging; if the modules are installed on
       the system where the perl objects are reconstituted from xml, they will behave as expected. Intuitively,
       if the perl objects are converted and reconstituted in the same environment, all should be well. And it

       Additionally, because XML benefits so nicely from compression, XML::Dumper understands gzipped XML files.
       It does so with an optional dependency on Compress::Zlib. So, if you dump a Perl variable with a file
       that has an extension of '.xml.gz', it will store and compress the file in gzipped format.  Likewise, if
       you read a file with the extension '.xml.gz', it will uncompress the file in memory before parsing the
       XML back into a Perl variable.

       Another fine challenge that this module rises to meet is that it understands circular definitions and
       multiple references to a single object. This includes doubly-linked lists, circular references, and the
       so-called 'Flyweight' pattern of Object Oriented programming. So it can take the gnarliest of your perl
       data, and should do just fine.

       One caveat; XML::Dumper does not handle binary data. There have been discussions in the expat mailing
       list archives discussing the challenges associated with encoding binary data with XML. I chose the
       cowardly path of making the problem a non-issue by not addressing it. To store binary data, one could
       encode the data into ASCII before encapsulating the data as XML, and then reverse the process to restore
       the data. There are several Perl modules that one can use for this, Convert::UU, for example.

   FUNCTIONS AND METHODSnew() - XML::Dumper constructor.

           Creates a lean, mean, XML dumping machine. It's also completely at your disposal.

       •   dtd -

           Generates a Document Type Dictionary for the 'perldata' data type. The default behaviour is to embed
           the DTD in the XML, thereby creating valid XML. Given a filename, the DTD will be written out to that
           file and the XML document for your Perl data will link to the file. Given a filename and an URL, the
           DTD will be written out the file and the XML document will link to the URL.  XML::Dumper doesn't try
           really hard to determine where your DTD's ought to go or relative paths or anything, so be careful
           with what arguments you supply this method, or just go with the default with the embedded DTD.
           Between DTD's and Schemas, the potential for more free-form data to be imported and exported becomes


             dtd();                                # Causes XML to include embedded DTD
             dtd( $file );                 # DTD saved to $file; XML will link to $file
             dtd( $file, $url );   # DTD saved to $file; XML will link to $url
             dtd( 0 );                             # Prevents XML from including embedded DTD

       •   pl2xml( $xml, [ $file ] ) -

           (Also perl2xml(), for those who enjoy readability over brevity).

           Converts Perl data to XML. If a second argument is given, then the Perl data will be stored to disk
           as XML, using the second argument as a filename.

           Usage: See Synopsis

       •   xml2pl( $xml_or_filename, [ $callback ] ) -

           (Also xml2perl(), for those who enjoy readability over brevity.)

           Converts XML to a Perl datatype. If this method is given a second argument, XML::Dumper will use the
           second argument as a callback (if possible). If the first argument isn't XML and exists as a file,
           that file will be read and its contents will be used as the input XML.

           Currently, the only supported invocation of callbacks is through soft references. That is to say, the
           callback argument ought to be a string that matches the name of a callable method for your classes.
           If you have a congruent interface, this should work like a peach. If your class interface doesn't
           have such a named method, it won't be called.

       •   xml_compare( $xml1, $xml2 ) - Compares xml for content

           Compares two dumped Perl data structures (that is, compares the xml) for identity in content. Use
           this function rather than perl's built-in string comparison. This function will return true for any
           two perl data that are either deep clones of each other, or identical. This method is exported by

       •   xml_identity( $xml1, $xml2 ) - Compares xml for identity

           Compares two dumped Perl data structures (that is, compares the xml) for identity in instantiation.
           This function will return true for any two perl data that are identical, but not for deep clones of
           each other. This method is also exported by default.


       By default, the following methods are exported:

         xml2pl, pl2xml, xml_compare, xml_identity


       XML::Dumper has changed API since 0.4, as a response to a bug report from PerlMonks. I felt it was
       necessary, as the functions simply didn't work as advertised. That is, xml2pl really didnt accept xml as
       an argument; what it wanted was an XML Parse tree. To correct for the API change, simply don't parse the
       XML before feeding it to XML::Dumper.

       XML::Dumper also has no understanding of typeglobs (references or not), references to regular
       expressions, or references to Perl subroutines.  Turns out that Data::Dumper doesn't do references to
       Perl subroutines, either, so at least I'm in somewhat good company.

       XML::Dumper requires one perl module, available from CPAN


       XML::Parser itself relies on Clark Cooper's Expat implementation in Perl, which in turn requires James
       Clark's expat package itself. See the documentation for XML::Parser for more information.


       The list of credits got so long that I had to move it to the Changes file. Thanks to all those who've
       contributed with bug reports and suggested features! Keep 'em coming!

       I've had ownership of the module since June of 2002, and very much appreciate requests on how to make the
       module better. It has served me well, both as a learning tool on how I can repay my debt to the Perl
       Community, and as a practical module that is useful. I'm thrilled to be able to offer this bit of code.
       So, if you have suggestions, bug reports, or feature requests, please let me know and I'll do my best to
       make this a better module.


       Mike Wong <>

       XML::Dumper is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl


       Jonathan Eisenzopf <>


       perl(1) Compress::Zlib(3) XML::Parser(3) Data::DumpXML(3)