plucky (3) XML::Generator::PerlData.3pm.gz

Provided by: libxml-generator-perldata-perl_0.95-3_all bug


       XML::Generator::PerlData - Perl extension for generating SAX2 events from nested Perl data structures.


         use XML::Generator::PerlData;
         use SomeSAX2HandlerOrFilter;

         ## Simple style ##

         # get a deeply nested Perl data structure...
         my $hash_ref = $obj->getScaryNestedDataStructure();

         # create an instance of a handler class to forward events to...
         my $handler = SomeSAX2HandlerOrFilter->new();

         # create an instance of the PerlData driver...
         my $driver  = XML::Generator::PerlData->new( Handler => $handler );

         # generate XML from the data structure...
         $driver->parse( $hash_ref );

         ## Or, Stream style ##

         use XML::Generator::PerlData;
         use SomeSAX2HandlerOrFilter;

         # create an instance of a handler class to forward events to...
         my $handler = SomeSAX2HandlerOrFilter->new();

         # create an instance of the PerlData driver...
         my $driver  = XML::Generator::PerlData->new( Handler => $handler );

         # start the event stream...

         # pass the data through in chunks
         # (from a database handle here)
         while ( my $array_ref = $dbd_sth->fetchrow_arrayref ) {
             $driver->parse_chunk( $array_ref );

         # end the event stream...

       and you're done...


       XML::Generator::PerlData provides a simple way to generate SAX2 events from nested Perl data structures,
       while providing finer-grained control over the resulting document streams.

       Processing comes in two flavors: Simple Style and Stream Style:

       In a nutshell, 'simple style' is best used for those cases where you have a single Perl data structure
       that you want to convert to XML as quickly and painlessly as possible. 'Stream style' is more useful for
       cases where you are receiving chunks of data (like from a DBI handle) and you want to process those
       chunks as they appear. See PROCESSING METHODS for more info about how each style works.


       (class constructor)

       Accepts: An optional hash of configuration options.

       Returns: A new instance of the XML::Generator::PerlData class.

       Creates a new instance of XML::Generator::PerlData.

       While basic usage of this module is designed to be simple and straightforward, there is a small host of
       options available to help ensure that the SAX event streams (and by extension the XML documents) that are
       created from the data structures you pass are in just the format that you want.

       OptionsHandler (required)

           XML::Generator::PerlData is a SAX Driver/Generator. As such, it needs a SAX Handler or Filter class
           to forward its events to. The value for this option must be an instance of a SAX2-aware Handler or

       •   rootname (optional)

           Sets the name of the top-level (root) element. The default is 'document'.

       •   defaultname (optional)

           Sets the default name to be used for elements when no other logical name is available (think lists-
           of-lists). The default is 'default'.

       •   keymap (optional)

           Often, the names of the keys in a given hash do not map directly to the XML elements names that you
           want to appear in the resulting document. The option contains a set of keyname->element name mappings
           for the current process.

       •   skipelements (optional)

           Passed in as an array reference, this option sets the internal list of keynames that will be skipped
           over during processing. Note that any descendant structures belonging to those keys will also be

       •   attrmap (optional)

           Used to determine which 'children' of a given hash key/element-name will be forwarded as attributes
           of that element rather than as child elements.

           (see CAVEATS for a discussion of the limitations of this method.)

       •   namespaces (optional)

           Sets the internal list of namespace/prefix pairs for the current process. It takes the form of a
           hash, where the keys are the URIs of the given namespace and the values are the associated prefix.

           To set a default (unprefixed) namespace, set the prefix to '#default'.

       •   namespacemap (optional)

           Sets which elements in the result will be bound to which declared namespaces. It takes the form of a
           hash of key/value pairs where the keys are one of the declared namespace URIs that are relevant to
           the current process and the values are either single key/element names or an array reference of
           key/element names.

       •   skiproot (optional)

           When set to a defined value, this option blocks the generator from adding the top-level root element
           when parse() or parse_start() and parse_end() are called.

           Do not use this option unless you are absolutely sure you know what you are doing and why, since the
           resulting event stream will most likely produce non-well-formed XML.

       •   bindattrs (optional)

           When set to a defined value, this option tells the generator to bind attributes to the same namespace
           as element that contains them. By default attributes will be unbound and unprefixed.

       •   processing_instructions (optional)

           This option provides a way to include XML processing instructions events into the generated stream
           before the root element is emitted. The value of this key can be either a hash reference or an array
           reference of hash references.  For example, when connected to XML::SAX::Writer:

               $pd->new( Handler => $writer_instance,
                         rootname => 'document',
                         processing_instructions => {
                           'xml-stylesheet' => {
                                href => '/path/to/stylesheet.xsl',
                                type => 'text/xml',

           would generate

             <?xml version="1.0"?>
             <?xml-stylesheet href="/path/to/stylesheet.xsl" type="text/xsl" ?>

           Where multiple processing instructions will have the same target and/or where the document order of
           those PIs matter, an array reference should be used instead. For example:

               $pd->new( Handler => $writer_instance,
                         rootname => 'document',
                         processing_instructions => [
                           'xml-stylesheet' => {
                               href => '/path/to/stylesheet.xsl',
                               type => 'text/xml',
                           'xml-stylesheet' => {
                               href => '/path/to/second/stylesheet.xsl',
                               type => 'text/xml',


           would produce:

             <?xml version="1.0"?>
             <?xml-stylesheet href="/path/to/stylesheet.xsl" type="text/xsl" ?>
             <?xml-stylesheet href="/path/to/second/stylesheet.xsl" type="text/xsl" ?>


   Simple style processing
           Accepts: A reference to a Perl data structure. Optionally, a hash of config options.

           Returns: [none]

           The core method used during 'simple style' processing, this method accepts a reference to a Perl data
           structure and, based on the options passed, produces a stream of SAX events that can be used to
           transform that structure into XML. The optional second argument is a hash of config options identical
           to those detailed in the OPTIONS section of the the new() constructor description.


             $pd->parse( \%my_hash );

             $pd->parse( \%my_hash, rootname => 'recordset' );

             $pd->parse( \@my_list, %some_options );

             $pd->parse( $my_hashref );

             $pd->parse( $my_arrayref, keymap => { default => ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] } );

   Stream style processing
           Accepts: An optional hash of config options.

           Returns: [none]

           Starts the SAX event stream and (unless configured not to) fires the event the top-level root
           element. The optional argument is a hash of config options identical to those detailed in the OPTIONS
           section of the the new() constructor description.



           Accepts: [none].

           Returns: Varies. Returns what the final Handler returns.

           Ends the SAX event stream and (unless configured not to) fires the event to close the top-level root



           Accepts: A reference to a Perl data structure.

           Returns: [none]

           The core method used during 'stream style' processing, this method accepts a reference to a Perl data
           structure and, based on the options passed, produces a stream of SAX events that can be used to
           transform that structure into XML.


             $pd->parse_chunk( \%my_hash );

             $pd->parse_chunk( \@my_list );

             $pd->parse_chunk( $my_hashref );

             $pd->parse_chunk( $my_arrayref );


       All config options can be passed to calls to the new() constructor using the typical "hash of named
       properties" syntax. The methods below offer direct access to the individual options (or ways to
       add/remove the smaller definitions contained by those options).

           Accepts: The same configuration options that can be passed to the new() constructor.

           Returns: [none]

           See the list of OPTIONS above in the definition of new() for details.

           Accepts: A string or [none].

           Returns: The current root name.

           When called with an argument, this method sets the name of the top-level (root) element. It always
           returns the name of the current (or new) root name.


             $pd->rootname( $new_name );

             my $current_root = $pd->rootname();

           Accepts: A string or [none]

           Returns: The current default element name.

           When called with an argument, this method sets the name of the default element. It always returns the
           name of the current (or new) default name.


             $pd->defaultname( $new_name );

             my $current_default = $pd->defaultname();

           Accepts: A hash (or hash reference) containing a series of keyname->elementname mappings or [none].

           Returns: The current keymap hash (as a plain hash, or hash reference depending on caller context).

           When called with a hash (hash reference) as its argument, this method sets/resets the entire internal
           keyname->elementname mappings definitions (where 'keyname' means the name of a given key in the hash
           and 'elementname' is the name used when firing SAX events for that key).

           In addition to simple name->othername mappings, value of a keymap option can also a reference to a
           subroutine (or an anonymous sub). The keyname will be passed as the sole argument to this subroutine
           and the sub is expected to return the new element name. In the cases of nested arrayrefs, no keyname
           will be passed, but you can still generate the name from scratch.

           Extending that idea, keymap will also accept a default mapping using the key '*' that will be applied
           to all elements that do have an explicit mapping configured.

           To add new mappings or remove existing ones without having to reset the whole list of mappings, see
           add_keymap() and delete_keymap() respectively.

           If your are using "stream style" processing, this method should be used with caution since altering
           this mapping during processing may result in not-well-formed XML.


             $pd->keymap( keyname    => 'othername',
                          anotherkey => 'someothername' );

             $pd->keymap( \%mymap );

             # make all tags lower case
             $pd->keymap( '*'    => sub{ return lc( $_[0];} );

             # process keys named 'keyname' with a local sub
             $pd->keymap( keyname    => \&my_namer,

             my %kmap_hash = $pd->keymap();

             my $kmap_hashref = $pd->keymap();

           Accepts: A hash (or hash reference) containing a series of keyname->elementname mappings.

           Returns: [none]

           Adds a series of keyname->elementname mappings (where 'keyname' means the name of a given key in the
           hash and 'elementname' is the name used when firing SAX events for that key).


             $pd->add_keymap( keyname => 'othername' );

             $pd->add_keymap( \%hash_of_mappings );

           Accepts: A list (or array reference) of element/keynames.

           Returns: [none]

           Deletes a list of keyname->elementname mappings (where 'keyname' means the name of a given key in the
           hash and 'elementname' is the name used when firing SAX events for that key).

           This method should be used with caution since altering this mapping during processing may result in
           not-well-formed XML.


             $pd->delete_keymap( 'some', 'key', 'names' );

             $pd->delete_keymap( \@keynames );

           Accepts: A list (or array reference) containing a series of key/element names or [none].

           Returns: The current skipelements array (as a plain list, or array reference depending on caller

           When called with an array (array reference) as its argument, this method sets/resets the entire
           internal skipelement definitions (which determines which keys will not be 'parsed' during

           To add new mappings or remove existing ones without having to reset the whole list of mappings, see
           add_skipelements() and delete_skipelements() respectively.


             $pd->skipelements( 'elname', 'othername', 'thirdname' );

             $pd->skipelements( \@skip_names );

             my @skiplist = $pd->skipelements();

             my $skiplist_ref = $pd->skipelements();

           Accepts: A list (or array reference) containing a series of key/element names.

           Returns: [none]

           Adds a list of key/element names to skip during processing.


             $pd->add_skipelements( 'some', 'key', 'names' );

             $pd->add_skipelements( \@keynames );

           Accepts: A list (or array reference) containing a series of key/element names.

           Returns: [none]

           Deletes a list of key/element names to skip during processing.


             $pd->delete_skipelements( 'some', 'key', 'names' );

             $pd->delete_skipelements( \@keynames );

           Accepts: A hash (or hash reference) containing a series of parent/child keyname pairs or [none].

           Returns: The current charmap hash (as a plain hash, or hash reference depending on caller context).

           When called with a hash (hash reference) as its argument, this method sets/resets the entire internal
           keyname/elementname->characters children mappings definitions (where 'keyname' means the name of a
           given key in the hash and 'characters children' is list containing the nested keynames that should be
           passed as the text children of the element named 'keyname' (instead of being processed as child
           elements or attributes).

           To add new mappings or remove existing ones without having to reset the whole list of mappings, see
           add_charmap() and delete_charmap() respectively.

           See CAVEATS for the limitations that relate to this method.


             $pd->charmap( elname => ['list', 'of', 'nested', 'keynames' );

             $pd->charmap( \%mymap );

             my %charmap_hash = $pd->charmap();

             my $charmap_hashref = $pd->charmap();

           Accepts: A hash or hash reference containing a series of parent/child keyname pairs.

           Returns: [none]

           Adds a series of parent-key -> child-key relationships that define which of the possible child keys
           will be processed as text children of the created 'parent' element.


             $pd->add_charmap( parentname =>  ['list', 'of', 'child', 'keys'] );

             $pd->add_charmap( parentname =>  'childkey' );

             $pd->add_charmap( \%parents_and_kids );

           Accepts: A list (or array reference) of element/keynames.

           Returns: [none]

           Deletes a list of parent-key -> child-key relationships from the instance-wide hash of
           "parent->nested names to pass as text children definitions. If you need to alter the list of child
           names (without deleting the parent key) use add_charmap() to reset the parent-key's definition.


             $pd->delete_charmap( 'some', 'parent', 'keys' );

             $pd->delete_charmap( \@parentkeynames );

           Accepts: A hash (or hash reference) containing a series of parent/child keyname pairs or [none].

           Returns: The current attrmap hash (as a plain hash, or hash reference depending on caller context).

           When called with a hash (hash reference) as its argument, this method sets/resets the entire internal
           keyname/elementname->attr children mappings definitions (where 'keyname' means the name of a given
           key in the hash and 'attr children' is list containing the nested keynames that should be passed as
           attributes of the element named 'keyname' (instead of as child elements).

           To add new mappings or remove existing ones without having to reset the whole list of mappings, see
           add_attrmap() and delete_attrmap() respectively.

           See CAVEATS for the limitations that relate to this method.


             $pd->attrmap( elname => ['list', 'of', 'nested', 'keynames' );

             $pd->attr( \%mymap );

             my %attrmap_hash = $pd->attrmap();

             my $attrmap_hashref = $pd->attrmap();

           Accepts: A hash or hash reference containing a series of parent/child keyname pairs.

           Returns: [none]

           Adds a series of parent-key -> child-key relationships that define which of the possible child keys
           will be processed as attributes of the created 'parent' element.


             $pd->add_attrmap( parentname =>  ['list', 'of', 'child', 'keys'] );

             $pd->add_attrmap( parentname =>  'childkey' );

             $pd->add_attrmap( \%parents_and_kids );

           Accepts: A list (or array reference) of element/keynames.

           Returns: [none]

           Deletes a list of parent-key -> child-key relationships from the instance-wide hash of
           "parent->nested names to pass as attributes" definitions. If you need to alter the list of child
           names (without deleting the parent key) use add_attrmap() to reset the parent-key's definition.


             $pd->delete_attrmap( 'some', 'parent', 'keys' );

             $pd->delete_attrmap( \@parentkeynames );

           Accepts: 1 or 0 or [none].

           Returns: undef or 1 based on the current state of the bindattrs option.


             <myns:foo bar="quux"/>


             <myns:foo myns:bar="quux"/>

           are not functionally equivalent.

           By default, attributes will be forwarded as not being bound to the namespace of the containing
           element (like the first example above). Setting this option to a true value alters that behavior.


             $pd->bindattrs(1); # attributes now bound and prefixed.


             my $is_binding = $pd->bindattrs();

           Accepts: A hash containing the defined keys 'uri' and 'prefix'.

           Returns: [none]

           Add a namespace URI/prefix pair to the instance-wide list of XML namespaces that will be used while
           processing. The reserved prefix '#default' can be used to set the default (unprefixed) namespace
           declaration for elements.


             $pd->add_namespace( uri    => 'http://myhost.tld/myns',
                                 prefix => 'myns' );

             $pd->add_namespace( uri    => 'http://myhost.tld/default',
                                 prefix => '#default' );

           See namespacemap() or the namespacemap option detailed in new() for details about how to associate
           key/element name with a given namespace.

           Accepts: A hash (or hash reference) containing a series of uri->key/element name mappings or [none].

           Returns: The current namespacemap hash (as a plain hash, or hash reference depending on caller

           When called with a hash (hash reference) as its argument, this method sets/resets the entire internal
           namespace URI->keyname/elementname mappings definitions (where 'keyname' means the name of a given
           key in the hash and 'namespace URI' is a declared namespace URI for the given process).

           To add new mappings or remove existing ones without having to reset the whole list of mappings, see
           add_namespacemap() and delete_namespacemap() respectively.

           If your are using "stream style" processing, this method should be used with caution since altering
           this mapping during processing may result in not-well-formed XML.


             $pd->add_namespace( uri    => 'http://myhost.tld/myns',
                                 prefix => 'myns' );

             $pd->namespacemap( 'http://myhost.tld/myns' => elname );

             $pd->namespacemap( 'http://myhost.tld/myns' => [ 'list',  'of',  'elnames' ] );

             $pd->namespacemap( \%mymap );

             my %nsmap_hash = $pd->namespacemap();

             my $nsmap_hashref = $pd->namespacemap();

           Accepts: A hash (or hash reference) containing a series of uri->key/element name mappings

           Returns: [none]

           Adds one or more namespace->element/keyname rule to the instance-wide list of mappings.


             $pd->add_namespacemap( 'http://myhost.tld/foo' => ['some', 'list', 'of' 'keys'] );

             $pd->add_namespacemap( %new_nsmappings );

           Accepts: A list (or array reference) of element/keynames.

           Returns: [none]

           Removes a list of namespace->element/keyname rules to the instance-wide list of mappings.


             $pd->delete_namespacemap( 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' );

             $pd->delete_namespacemap( \@list_of_keynames );


       As a subclass of XML::SAX::Base, XML::Generator::PerlData allows you to call all of the SAX event methods
       directly to insert arbitrary events into the stream as needed. While its use in this way is probably a
       Bad Thing (and only relevant to "stream style" processing)  it is good to know that such fine-grained
       access is there if you need it.

       With that aside, there may be cases (again, using the "stream style") where you'll want to insert single
       elements into the output (wrapping each array in series of arrays in single 'record' elements, for

       The following methods may be used to simplify this task by allowing you to pass in simple element name
       strings and have the result 'just work' without requiring an expert knowledge of the Perl SAX2
       implementation or forcing you to keep track of things like namespace context.

       Take care to ensure that every call to start_tag() has a corresponding call to end_tag() or your
       documents will not be well-formed.

           Accepts: A string containing an element name and an optional hash of simple key/value attributes.

           Returns: [none]


             $pd->start_tag( $element_name );

             $pd->start_tag( $element_name, id => $generated_id );

             $pd->start_tag( $element_name, %some_attrs );

           Accepts: A string containing an element name.

           Returns: [none]


             $pd->end_tag( $element_name );


       In general, XML is based on the idea that every bit of data is going to have a corresponding name
       (Elements, Attributes, etc.). While this is not at all a Bad Thing, it means that some Perl data
       structures do not map cleanly onto an XML representation.


         my %hash = ( foo => ['one', 'two', 'three'] );

       How do you represent that as XML? Is it three 'foo' elements, or is it a 'foo' parent element with 3
       mystery children? XML::Generator::PerlData chooses the former. Or:


       Now consider:

         my @lol = ( ['one', 'two', 'three'], ['four', 'five', 'six'] );

       In this case you wind up with a pile of elements named 'default'. You can work around this by doing
       $pd->add_keymap( default => ['list', 'of', 'names'] ) but that only works if you know how many entries
       are going to be in each nested list.

       The practical implication here is that the current version of XML::Generator::PerlData favors data
       structures that are based on hashes of hashes for deeply nested structures (especally when using Simple
       Style processing) and some options like "attrmap" do not work for arrays at all. Future versions will
       address these issues if sanely possible.


       Kip Hampton,

       (c) Kip Hampton, 2002-2014, All Rights Reserved.


       This module is released under the Perl Artistic Licence and may be redistributed under the same terms as
       perl itself.


       XML::SAX, XML::SAX::Writer.