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       code - Erlang code server.


       This module contains the interface to the Erlang code server, which deals with the loading
       of compiled code into a running Erlang runtime system.

       The runtime system can be started in interactive or embedded mode. Which one is decided by
       the command-line flag -mode:

       % erl -mode interactive

       The modes are as follows:

         * In interactive mode, which is default, only some code is loaded during system startup,
           basically the modules needed by the runtime system. Other code is  dynamically  loaded
           when  first referenced. When a call to a function in a certain module is made, and the
           module is not loaded, the code server searches for and tries to load the module.

         * In embedded mode, modules are not auto loaded. Trying to use a  module  that  has  not
           been  loaded  results in an error. This mode is recommended when the boot script loads
           all modules, as it is typically done in OTP releases. (Code can still be loaded  later
           by explicitly ordering the code server to do so).

       To  prevent  accidentally  reloading  of  modules  affecting  the  Erlang  runtime system,
       directories kernel, stdlib, and compiler are considered sticky. This means that the system
       issues  a  warning  and rejects the request if a user tries to reload a module residing in
       any of them. The feature can be disabled by using command-line flag -nostick.


       In interactive mode, the code server maintains a search  path,  usually  called  the  code
       path,  consisting  of a list of directories, which it searches sequentially when trying to
       load a module.

       Initially, the code path consists of the current working directory and all  Erlang  object
       code  directories under library directory $OTPROOT/lib, where $OTPROOT is the installation
       directory of Erlang/OTP, code:root_dir(). Directories can be named Name[-Vsn] and the code
       server,  by  default,  chooses  the  directory with the highest version number among those
       having the same Name.  Suffix  -Vsn  is  optional.  If  an  ebin  directory  exists  under
       Name[-Vsn], this directory is added to the code path.

       Environment variable ERL_LIBS (defined in the operating system) can be used to define more
       library directories to be handled in the same way as the standard  OTP  library  directory
       described above, except that directories without an ebin directory are ignored.

       All application directories found in the additional directories appear before the standard
       OTP applications, except for the Kernel and STDLIB applications, which are  placed  before
       any  additional  applications.  In  other  words,  modules  found in any of the additional
       library directories override modules with the same name in  OTP,  except  for  modules  in
       Kernel and STDLIB.

       Environment  variable ERL_LIBS (if defined) is to contain a colon-separated (for Unix-like
       systems) or semicolon-separated (for Windows) list of additional libraries.


       On a Unix-like system, ERL_LIBS can be set to the following


       On Windows, use semi-colon as separator.


       The support for loading code from archive files is experimental. The purpose of  releasing
       it before it is ready is to obtain early feedback. The file format, semantics, interfaces,
       and so on,  can  be  changed  in  a  future  release.  The  function  lib_dir/2  and  flag
       -code_path_choice are also experimental.

       The Erlang archives are ZIP files with extension .ez. Erlang archives can also be enclosed
       in escript files whose file extension is arbitrary.

       Erlang archive files can contain entire Erlang applications or parts of applications.  The
       structure in an archive file is the same as the directory structure for an application. If
       you, for example, create an archive of  mnesia-4.4.7,  the  archive  file  must  be  named
       mnesia-4.4.7.ez  and  it  must  contain a top directory named mnesia-4.4.7. If the version
       part of the name is omitted, it must also be omitted in the archive. That is, a  mnesia.ez
       archive must contain a mnesia top directory.

       An archive file for an application can, for example, be created like this:

            [{cwd, code:lib_dir()},
             {compress, all},

       Any  file  in the archive can be compressed, but to speed up the access of frequently read
       files, it can be a good idea to store beam and app files uncompressed in the archive.

       Normally the top directory of an application is located in library directory  $OTPROOT/lib
       or  in  a  directory  referred  to  by environment variable ERL_LIBS. At startup, when the
       initial code path is computed, the code server also  looks  for  archive  files  in  these
       directories and possibly adds ebin directories in archives to the code path. The code path
       then contains paths to directories that look  like  $OTPROOT/lib/mnesia.ez/mnesia/ebin  or

       The  code server uses module erl_prim_loader in ERTS (possibly through erl_boot_server) to
       read code files from archives. However, the functions in erl_prim_loader can also be  used
       by   other   applications   to   read   files   from   archives.  For  example,  the  call
       erl_prim_loader:list_dir(     "/otp/root/lib/mnesia-4.4.7.ez/mnesia-4.4.7/examples/bench)"
       would list the contents of a directory inside an archive. See erl_prim_loader(3erl).

       An  application  archive file and a regular application directory can coexist. This can be
       useful when it is needed to have parts of the application as regular files. A typical case
       is  the  priv  directory,  which  must  reside  as  a regular directory to link in drivers
       dynamically and start port programs.  For  other  applications  that  do  not  need  this,
       directory  priv  can  reside  in the archive and the files under the directory priv can be
       read through erl_prim_loader.

       When a directory is added to the code path and when the entire code path is  (re)set,  the
       code  server  decides  which subdirectories in an application that are to be read from the
       archive and which that are to be read as  regular  files.  If  directories  are  added  or
       removed  afterwards, the file access can fail if the code path is not updated (possibly to
       the same path as before, to trigger the directory resolution update).

       For each directory on the second level in the application archive (ebin, priv, src, and so
       on),  the code server first chooses the regular directory if it exists and second from the
       archive. Function code:lib_dir/2 returns  the  path  to  the  subdirectory.  For  example,
       code:lib_dir(megaco,ebin)  can  return /otp/root/lib/megaco-
       while code:lib_dir(megaco,priv) can return /otp/root/lib/megaco-

       When an escript file contains an archive, there are no restrictions on  the  name  of  the
       escript  and  no  restrictions on how many applications that can be stored in the embedded
       archive. Single Beam files can also reside on the top level in the  archive.  At  startup,
       the  top  directory in the embedded archive and all (second level) ebin directories in the
       embedded archive are added to the code path. See erts:escript(1).

       When the choice of directories in the code path is strict, the directory that ends  up  in
       the  code  path  is exactly the stated one. This means that if, for example, the directory
       $OTPROOT/lib/mnesia-4.4.7/ebin is explicitly added to the code path, the code server  does
       not load files from $OTPROOT/lib/mnesia-4.4.7.ez/mnesia-4.4.7/ebin.

       This behavior can be controlled through command-line flag -code_path_choice Choice. If the
       flag is set to relaxed, the code server instead chooses a suitable directory depending  on
       the  actual  file structure. If a regular application ebin directory exists, it is chosen.
       Otherwise, the directory ebin in the archive is chosen if it exists. If  neither  of  them
       exists, the original directory is chosen.

       Command-line  flag  -code_path_choice  Choice  also affects how module init interprets the
       boot script. The interpretation of the explicit code paths  in  the  boot  script  can  be
       strict  or  relaxed. It is particularly useful to set the flag to relaxed when elaborating
       with code loading from archives without editing the boot script. The default  is  relaxed.
       See erts:init(3erl).


       The  code  for  a module can exist in two variants in a system: current code and old code.
       When a module is loaded into the system for  the  first  time,  the  module  code  becomes
       'current' and the global export table is updated with references to all functions exported
       from the module.

       If then a new instance of the module is loaded (for example, because of error correction),
       the  code  of the previous instance becomes 'old', and all export entries referring to the
       previous instance are removed. After that, the new instance is loaded  as  for  the  first
       time, and becomes 'current'.

       Both  old and current code for a module are valid, and can even be evaluated concurrently.
       The difference is that exported functions in old code are  unavailable.  Hence,  a  global
       call  cannot  be  made  to  an  exported  function  in old code, but old code can still be
       evaluated because of processes lingering in it.

       If a third instance of the module is loaded, the code server removes (purges) the old code
       and  any  processes  lingering  in  it  are  terminated.  Then  the third instance becomes
       'current' and the previously current code becomes 'old'.

       For more information about old and current code, and how to make a process switch from old
       to current code, see section Compilation and Code Loading in the Erlang Reference Manual.


       Module  and  application  names are atoms, while file and directory names are strings. For
       backward compatibility reasons, some functions accept both strings and atoms, but a future
       release will probably only allow the arguments that are documented.

       Functions  in this module generally fail with an exception if they are passed an incorrect
       type (for example, an integer or a tuple where an atom is expected).  An  error  tuple  is
       returned  if the argument type is correct, but there are some other errors (for example, a
       non-existing directory is specified to set_path/1).


       Functions that load code (such as load_file/1) will  return  {error,Reason}  if  the  load
       operation fails. Here follows a description of the common reasons.

           The  object  code has an incorrect format or the module name in the object code is not
           the expected module name.

           No file with object code was found.

           The object code could not be loaded  because  an  old  version  of  the  code  already

           The module has an -on_load function that failed when it was called.

           The object code resides in a sticky directory.


       load_ret() =
           {error, What :: load_error_rsn()} |
           {module, Module :: module()}

       load_error_rsn() =
           badfile | nofile | not_purged | on_load_failure |

       module_status() = not_loaded | loaded | modified | removed


              An opaque term holding prepared code.


       set_path(Path) -> true | {error, What}


                 Path = [Dir :: file:filename()]
                 What = bad_directory

              Sets the code path to the list of directories Path.


                  If successful

                {error, bad_directory}:
                  If any Dir is not a directory name

       get_path() -> Path


                 Path = [Dir :: file:filename()]

              Returns the code path.

       add_path(Dir) -> add_path_ret()

       add_pathz(Dir) -> add_path_ret()


                 Dir = file:filename()
                 add_path_ret() = true | {error, bad_directory}

              Adds  Dir to the code path. The directory is added as the last directory in the new
              path. If Dir already exists in the path, it is not added.

              Returns true if successful, or {error, bad_directory} if Dir is not the name  of  a

       add_patha(Dir) -> add_path_ret()


                 Dir = file:filename()
                 add_path_ret() = true | {error, bad_directory}

              Adds  Dir  to the beginning of the code path. If Dir exists, it is removed from the
              old position in the code path.

              Returns true if successful, or {error, bad_directory} if Dir is not the name  of  a

       add_paths(Dirs) -> ok

       add_pathsz(Dirs) -> ok


                 Dirs = [Dir :: file:filename()]

              Adds  the  directories  in Dirs to the end of the code path. If a Dir exists, it is
              not added.

              Always returns ok, regardless of the validity of each individual Dir.

       add_pathsa(Dirs) -> ok


                 Dirs = [Dir :: file:filename()]

              Traverses Dirs and adds each Dir to the beginning of the code path. This means that
              the  order  of Dirs is reversed in the resulting code path. For example, if you add
              [Dir1,Dir2], the resulting path will be [Dir2,Dir1|OldCodePath].

              If a Dir already exists in the code path, it is removed from the old position.

              Always returns ok, regardless of the validity of each individual Dir.

       del_path(NameOrDir) -> boolean() | {error, What}


                 NameOrDir = Name | Dir
                 Name = atom()
                 Dir = file:filename()
                 What = bad_name

              Deletes a directory from the code path. The argument can be an atom Name, in  which
              case  the  directory  with  the name .../Name[-Vsn][/ebin] is deleted from the code
              path. Also, the complete directory name Dir can be specified as argument.


                  If successful

                  If the directory is not found

                {error, bad_name}:
                  If the argument is invalid

       replace_path(Name, Dir) -> true | {error, What}


                 Name = atom()
                 Dir = file:filename()
                 What = bad_directory | bad_name | {badarg, term()}

              Replaces an old occurrence of a directory named .../Name[-Vsn][/ebin] in  the  code
              path,  with  Dir. If Name does not exist, it adds the new directory Dir last in the
              code path. The  new  directory  must  also  be  named  .../Name[-Vsn][/ebin].  This
              function  is  to  be used if a new version of the directory (library) is added to a
              running system.


                  If successful

                {error, bad_name}:
                  If Name is not found

                {error, bad_directory}:
                  If Dir does not exist

                {error, {badarg, [Name, Dir]}}:
                  If Name or Dir is invalid

       load_file(Module) -> load_ret()


                 Module = module()
                 load_ret() =
                     {error, What :: load_error_rsn()} |
                     {module, Module :: module()}

              Tries to load the Erlang module Module, using the  code  path.  It  looks  for  the
              object  code  file  with an extension corresponding to the Erlang machine used, for
              example, Module.beam. The loading fails if the module name found in the object code
              differs from the name Module. load_binary/3 must be used to load object code with a
              module name that is different from the file name.

              Returns {module, Module} if successful, or {error, Reason} if  loading  fails.  See
              Error  Reasons  for  Code-Loading Functions for a description of the possible error

       load_abs(Filename) -> load_ret()


                 Filename = file:filename()
                 load_ret() =
                     {error, What :: load_error_rsn()} |
                     {module, Module :: module()}
                 loaded_filename() =
                     (Filename :: file:filename()) | loaded_ret_atoms()
                 loaded_ret_atoms() = cover_compiled | preloaded

              Same as load_file(Module), but Filename is an absolute or  relative  filename.  The
              code  path  is  not  searched.  It  returns a value in the same way as load_file/1.
              Notice that Filename must not contain the extension (for  example,  .beam)  because
              load_abs/1 adds the correct extension.

       ensure_loaded(Module) -> {module, Module} | {error, What}


                 Module = module()
                 What = embedded | badfile | nofile | on_load_failure

              Tries to load a module in the same way as load_file/1, unless the module is already
              loaded. However, in embedded mode it does not load a module  that  is  not  already
              loaded,  but  returns {error, embedded} instead. See Error Reasons for Code-Loading
              Functions for a description of other possible error reasons.

       load_binary(Module, Filename, Binary) ->
                      {module, Module} | {error, What}


                 Module = module()
                 Filename = loaded_filename()
                 Binary = binary()
                 What = badarg | load_error_rsn()
                 loaded_filename() =
                     (Filename :: file:filename()) | loaded_ret_atoms()
                 loaded_ret_atoms() = cover_compiled | preloaded

              This function can be used to load object code  on  remote  Erlang  nodes.  Argument
              Binary  must  contain  object  code  for  Module. Filename is only used by the code
              server to keep a record of from which file the object code for Module comes.  Thus,
              Filename is not opened and read by the code server.

              Returns  {module,  Module}  if successful, or {error, Reason} if loading fails. See
              Error Reasons for Code-Loading Functions for a description of  the  possible  error

       atomic_load(Modules) -> ok | {error, [{Module, What}]}


                 Modules = [Module | {Module, Filename, Binary}]
                 Module = module()
                 Filename = file:filename()
                 Binary = binary()
                 What =
                     badfile | nofile | on_load_not_allowed | duplicated |
                     not_purged | sticky_directory | pending_on_load

              Tries  to  load  all of the modules in the list Modules atomically. That means that
              either all modules are loaded at the same time, or none of the modules  are  loaded
              if there is a problem with any of the modules.

              Loading can fail for one the following reasons:

                  The  object  code has an incorrect format or the module name in the object code
                  is not the expected module name.

                  No file with object code exists.

                  A module contains an -on_load function.

                  A module is included more than once in Modules.

                  The object code cannot be loaded because an old version  of  the  code  already

                  The object code resides in a sticky directory.

                  A previously loaded module contains an -on_load function that never finished.

              If  it  is  important  to  minimize  the time that an application is inactive while
              changing code, use prepare_loading/1 and finish_loading/1 instead of atomic_load/1.
              Here is an example:

              {ok,Prepared} = code:prepare_loading(Modules),
              %% Put the application into an inactive state or do any
              %% other preparation needed before changing the code.
              ok = code:finish_loading(Prepared),
              %% Resume the application.

       prepare_loading(Modules) ->
                          {ok, Prepared} | {error, [{Module, What}]}


                 Modules = [Module | {Module, Filename, Binary}]
                 Module = module()
                 Filename = file:filename()
                 Binary = binary()
                 Prepared = prepared_code()
                 What = badfile | nofile | on_load_not_allowed | duplicated

              Prepares  to  load  the  modules in the list Modules. Finish the loading by calling

              This function can fail with one of the following error reasons:

                  The object code has an incorrect format or the module name in the  object  code
                  is not the expected module name.

                  No file with object code exists.

                  A module contains an -on_load function.

                  A module is included more than once in Modules.

       finish_loading(Prepared) -> ok | {error, [{Module, What}]}


                 Prepared = prepared_code()
                 Module = module()
                 What = not_purged | sticky_directory | pending_on_load

              Tries  to  load  code  for  all  modules  that  have  been  previously  prepared by
              prepare_loading/1. The loading occurs atomically, meaning that either  all  modules
              are loaded at the same time, or none of the modules are loaded.

              This function can fail with one of the following error reasons:

                  The  object  code  cannot  be loaded because an old version of the code already

                  The object code resides in a sticky directory.

                  A previously loaded module contains an -on_load function that never finished.

       ensure_modules_loaded(Modules :: [Module]) ->
                                ok | {error, [{Module, What}]}


                 Module = module()
                 What = badfile | nofile | on_load_failure

              Tries to load any modules not already loaded in the list Modules in the same way as

              Returns  ok  if successful, or {error,[{Module,Reason}]} if loading of some modules
              fails. See Error Reasons for Code-Loading Functions  for  a  description  of  other
              possible error reasons.

       delete(Module) -> boolean()


                 Module = module()

              Removes  the  current code for Module, that is, the current code for Module is made
              old. This means that processes can continue to execute the code in the module,  but
              no external function calls can be made to it.

              Returns  true  if successful, or false if there is old code for Module that must be
              purged first, or if Module is not a (loaded) module.

       purge(Module) -> boolean()


                 Module = module()

              Purges the code for Module, that is, removes code marked as old. If some  processes
              still  linger  in  the  old  code,  these  processes  are killed before the code is

              As of ERTS version 9.0, a process is only considered to be lingering in the code if
              it  has  direct  references  to the code. For more information see documentation of
              erlang:check_process_code/3, which is used in order to determine this.

              Returns true if successful and any process is needed to be killed, otherwise false.

       soft_purge(Module) -> boolean()


                 Module = module()

              Purges the code for Module, that is, removes code marked as old,  but  only  if  no
              processes linger in it.

              As of ERTS version 9.0, a process is only considered to be lingering in the code if
              it has direct references to the code. For more  information  see  documentation  of
              erlang:check_process_code/3, which is used in order to determine this.

              Returns  false if the module cannot be purged because of processes lingering in old
              code, otherwise true.

       is_loaded(Module) -> {file, Loaded} | false


                 Module = module()
                 Loaded = loaded_filename()
                 loaded_filename() =
                     (Filename :: file:filename()) | loaded_ret_atoms()
                   Filename is an absolute filename.
                 loaded_ret_atoms() = cover_compiled | preloaded

              Checks if Module is loaded. If it is, {file, Loaded} is returned, otherwise false.

              Normally, Loaded is the absolute filename Filename from which the code is obtained.
              If  the  module  is  preloaded (see script(5)), Loaded==preloaded. If the module is
              Cover-compiled (see cover(3erl)), Loaded==cover_compiled.

       all_available() -> [{Module, Filename, Loaded}]


                 Module = string()
                 Filename = loaded_filename()
                 Loaded = boolean()
                 loaded_filename() =
                     (Filename :: file:filename()) | loaded_ret_atoms()
                   Filename is an absolute filename.
                 loaded_ret_atoms() = cover_compiled | preloaded

              Returns a list of tuples {Module, Filename, Loaded} for all  available  modules.  A
              module  is  considered to be available if it either is loaded or would be loaded if
              called. Filename is normally the absolute filename, as described for is_loaded/1.

       all_loaded() -> [{Module, Loaded}]


                 Module = module()
                 Loaded = loaded_filename()
                 loaded_filename() =
                     (Filename :: file:filename()) | loaded_ret_atoms()
                   Filename is an absolute filename.
                 loaded_ret_atoms() = cover_compiled | preloaded

              Returns a list of tuples  {Module,  Loaded}  for  all  loaded  modules.  Loaded  is
              normally the absolute filename, as described for is_loaded/1.

       which(Module) -> Which


                 Module = module()
                 Which = loaded_filename() | non_existing
                 loaded_filename() =
                     (Filename :: file:filename()) | loaded_ret_atoms()
                 loaded_ret_atoms() = cover_compiled | preloaded

              If  the  module  is  not loaded, this function searches the code path for the first
              file containing object code for Module and returns the absolute filename.

              If the module is loaded, it returns the name of  the  file  containing  the  loaded
              object code.

              If the module is preloaded, preloaded is returned.

              If the module is Cover-compiled, cover_compiled is returned.

              If the module cannot be found, non_existing is returned.

       get_object_code(Module) -> {Module, Binary, Filename} | error


                 Module = module()
                 Binary = binary()
                 Filename = file:filename()

              Searches  the  code  path  for  the  object code of module Module. Returns {Module,
              Binary, Filename} if successful, otherwise error. Binary is a binary  data  object,
              which  contains the object code for the module. This can be useful if code is to be
              loaded on a remote node in a distributed system. For example, loading module Module
              on a node Node is done as follows:

              {_Module, Binary, Filename} = code:get_object_code(Module),
              rpc:call(Node, code, load_binary, [Module, Filename, Binary]),

       get_doc(Mod) -> {ok, Res} | {error, Reason}


                 Mod = module()
                 Res = #docs_v1{}
                 Reason = non_existing | missing | file:posix()

              Searches  the code path for EEP-48 style documentation and returns it if available.
              If no documentation can be found the function tries to generate documentation  from
              the  debug  information  in  the module. If no debug information is available, this
              function will return {error,missing}.

              For more information about the documentation chunk see  Documentation  Storage  and
              Format in Kernel's User's Guide.

       root_dir() -> file:filename()

              Returns  the  root  directory  of  Erlang/OTP,  which  is the directory where it is


              > code:root_dir().

       lib_dir() -> file:filename()

              Returns the library directory, $OTPROOT/lib, where $OTPROOT is the  root  directory
              of Erlang/OTP.


              > code:lib_dir().

       lib_dir(Name) -> file:filename() | {error, bad_name}


                 Name = atom()

              Returns the path for the "library directory", the top directory, for an application
              Name located under $OTPROOT/lib or on a  directory  referred  to  with  environment
              variable ERL_LIBS.

              If a regular directory called Name or Name-Vsn exists in the code path with an ebin
              subdirectory, the path to this directory is returned (not the ebin directory).

              If the directory refers to a directory in an archive, the archive name is  stripped
              away    before    the    path    is    returned.    For   example,   if   directory
              /usr/local/otp/lib/mnesia-4.2.2.ez/mnesia-4.2.2/ebin    is     in     the     path,
              /usr/local/otp/lib/mnesia-4.2.2/ebin  is  returned.  This  means  that  the library
              directory for an application is the same, regardless if the application resides  in
              an archive or not.


              > code:lib_dir(mnesia).

              Returns  {error,  bad_name}  if  Name  is  not  the  name  of  an application under
              $OTPROOT/lib or on a directory referred to through environment  variable  ERL_LIBS.
              Fails with an exception if Name has the wrong type.

              For backward compatibility, Name is also allowed to be a string. That will probably
              change in a future release.

       lib_dir(Name, SubDir) -> file:filename() | {error, bad_name}


                 Name = SubDir = atom()

              Returns the path  to  a  subdirectory  directly  under  the  top  directory  of  an
              application.  Normally  the  subdirectories  reside under the top directory for the
              application, but when applications at  least  partly  reside  in  an  archive,  the
              situation   is  different.  Some  of  the  subdirectories  can  reside  as  regular
              directories while others reside in an archive file. It is not checked whether  this
              directory exists.


              > code:lib_dir(megaco, priv).

              Fails with an exception if Name or SubDir has the wrong type.

       compiler_dir() -> file:filename()

              Returns the compiler library directory. Equivalent to code:lib_dir(compiler).

       priv_dir(Name) -> file:filename() | {error, bad_name}


                 Name = atom()

              Returns   the  path  to  the  priv  directory  in  an  application.  Equivalent  to
              code:lib_dir(Name, priv).

              For backward compatibility, Name is also allowed to be a string. That will probably
              change in a future release.

       objfile_extension() -> nonempty_string()

              Returns  the  object  code file extension corresponding to the Erlang machine used,
              namely .beam.

       stick_dir(Dir) -> ok | error


                 Dir = file:filename()

              Marks Dir as sticky.

              Returns ok if successful, otherwise error.

       unstick_dir(Dir) -> ok | error


                 Dir = file:filename()

              Unsticks a directory that is marked as sticky.

              Returns ok if successful, otherwise error.

       is_sticky(Module) -> boolean()


                 Module = module()

              Returns true if Module is the name of a module that has been loaded from  a  sticky
              directory  (in other words: an attempt to reload the module will fail), or false if
              Module is not a loaded module or is not sticky.

       where_is_file(Filename) -> non_existing | Absname


                 Filename = Absname = file:filename()

              Searches the code path for Filename, a file of arbitrary type. If found,  the  full
              name  is  returned.  non_existing  is  returned  if  the  file cannot be found. The
              function can be useful, for example, to locate application resource files.

       clash() -> ok

              Searches all directories in the code path for module names with identical names and
              writes a report to stdout.

       module_status() -> [{module(), module_status()}]


                 module_status() = not_loaded | loaded | modified | removed

              See module_status/1 and all_loaded/0 for details.

       module_status(Module :: module() | [module()]) ->
                        module_status() | [{module(), module_status()}]


                 module_status() = not_loaded | loaded | modified | removed

              The status of a module can be one of:

                  If Module is not currently loaded.

                  If Module is loaded and the object file exists and contains the same code.

                  If  Module  is loaded but no corresponding object file can be found in the code

                  If Module is loaded but the object file contains  code  with  a  different  MD5

              Preloaded modules are always reported as loaded, without inspecting the contents on
              disk. Cover compiled modules will always be reported as modified if an object  file
              exists,  or as removed otherwise. Modules whose load path is an empty string (which
              is the convention for auto-generated code) will  only  be  reported  as  loaded  or

              See also modified_modules/0.

       modified_modules() -> [module()]

              Returns  the list of all currently loaded modules for which module_status/1 returns
              modified. See also all_loaded/0.

       is_module_native(Module) -> true | false | undefined


                 Module = module()

              Returns false if the given Module is loaded, and undefined if it is not.

              This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

       get_mode() -> embedded | interactive

              Returns an atom describing the mode of the code server: interactive or embedded.

              This information is useful when an external entity (for example, an  IDE)  provides
              additional  code  for a running node. If the code server is in interactive mode, it
              only has to add the path to the code. If the code server is in embedded  mode,  the
              code must be loaded with load_binary/3.