plucky (3) disk_log.3erl.gz

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       disk_log - A disk-based term logging facility.


       disk_log is a disk-based term logger that enables efficient logging of items on files.

       Two types of logs are supported:

         halt logs:
           Appends items to a single file, which size can be limited by the disk_log module.

         wrap logs:
           Uses  a  sequence  of wrap log files of limited size. As a wrap log file is filled up,
           further items are logged on to the next file in the sequence, starting all  over  with
           the first file when the last file is filled up.

       For efficiency reasons, items are always written to files as binaries.

       Two formats of the log files are supported:

         internal format:
           Supports  automatic  repair  of  log  files  that  are not properly closed and enables
           efficient reading of logged items in chunks using a set of functions defined  in  this
           module.  This  is the only way to read internally formatted logs. An item logged to an
           internally formatted log must not occupy more than 4 GB of disk space (the  size  must
           fit in 4 bytes).

         external format:
           Leaves  it  up  to the user to read and interpret the logged data. The disk_log module
           cannot repair externally formatted logs.

       For each open disk log, one process handles requests made to the disk log. This process is
       created  when  open/1 is called, provided there exists no process handling the disk log. A
       process that opens a disk log can be an owner or an anonymous user of the disk  log.  Each
       owner  is  linked  to  the  disk  log  process, and an owner can close the disk log either
       explicitly (by calling close/1 or lclose/1,2) or by terminating.

       Owners can subscribe to notifications, messages of the form {disk_log, Node,  Log,  Info},
       which  are sent from the disk log process when certain events occur, see the functions and
       in particular the open/1 option notify. A log can have many owners, but a  process  cannot
       own  a  log more than once. However, the same process can open the log as a user more than

       For a disk log process to close its file properly and terminate, it must be closed by  its
       owners  and once by some non-owner process for each time the log was used anonymously. The
       users are counted and there must  not  be  any  users  left  when  the  disk  log  process

       Items  can  be  logged  synchronously  by  using functions log/2, blog/2, log_terms/2, and
       blog_terms/2. For each of these functions, the caller is put on hold until the  items  are
       logged (but not necessarily written, use sync/1 to ensure that). By adding an a to each of
       the mentioned function names, we get functions that log items asynchronously. Asynchronous
       functions  do not wait for the disk log process to write the items to the file, but return
       the control to the caller more or less immediately.

       When using the internal format for logs, use functions  log/2,  log_terms/2,  alog/2,  and
       alog_terms/2.  These  functions  log  one  or  more Erlang terms. By prefixing each of the
       functions with a b (for "binary"), we get  the  corresponding  blog()  functions  for  the
       external  format. These functions log one or more chunks of bytes. For example, to log the
       string  "hello"  in  ASCII  format,  you   can   use   disk_log:blog(Log,   "hello"),   or
       disk_log:blog(Log, list_to_binary("hello")). The two alternatives are equally efficient.

       The blog() functions can also be used for internally formatted logs, but in this case they
       must be called with binaries constructed with calls to term_to_binary/1. There is no check
       to  ensure  this,  it is entirely the responsibility of the caller. If these functions are
       called with binaries that do not correspond to Erlang terms, the chunk/2,3  and  automatic
       repair  functions  fail.  The  corresponding  terms  (not  the binaries) are returned when
       chunk/2,3 is called.

       An open disk log is only accessible from the node where the disk  log  process  runs.  All
       processes  on  the node where the disk log process runs can log items or otherwise change,
       inspect, or close the log.

       Errors are reported differently for asynchronous  log  attempts  and  other  uses  of  the
       disk_log  module.  When used synchronously, this module replies with an error message, but
       when called asynchronously, this module does not know where to  send  the  error  message.
       Instead, owners subscribing to notifications receive an error_status message.

       The  disk_log  module  does  not report errors to the error_logger module. It is up to the
       caller to decide whether to employ the error logger. Function format_error/1 can  be  used
       to  produce  readable messages from error replies. However, information events are sent to
       the error logger in two situations, namely when a log is  repaired,  or  when  a  file  is
       missing while reading chunks.

       Error  message  no_such_log means that the specified disk log is not open. Nothing is said
       about whether the disk log files exist or not.

       If an attempt to reopen or truncate a log fails (see reopen/2,3 and truncate/1,2) the disk
       log  process  terminates  immediately.  Before the process terminates, links to owners and
       blocking processes (see block/1,2) are removed. The effect is that the links work  in  one
       direction  only.  Any process using a disk log must check for error message no_such_log if
       some other process truncates or reopens the log simultaneously.


       log() = term()

       dlog_size() =
           infinity |
           integer() >= 1 |
           {MaxNoBytes :: integer() >= 1, MaxNoFiles :: integer() >= 1}

       dlog_format() = external | internal

       dlog_head_opt() = none | term() | iodata()

       dlog_mode() = read_only | read_write

       dlog_type() = halt | wrap


              Chunk continuation returned by chunk/2,3, bchunk/2,3, or chunk_step/3.

       invalid_header() = term()

       file_error() = term()


       all() -> [Log]


                 Log = log()

              Returns the names of the disk logs accessible on the current node.

       accessible_logs() -> {[Log], []}


                 Log = log()

              Returns the names of the disk logs accessible on the current node. The  first  list
              contains  the logs. The second list is always empty (before Erlang/OTP 24.0 it used
              to contain so called distributed disk logs).

              This function is deprecated. Use all/0 instead.

       alog(Log, Term) -> notify_ret()

       balog(Log, Bytes) -> notify_ret()


                 Log = log()
                 Term = term()
                 Bytes = iodata()
                 notify_ret() = ok | {error, no_such_log}

              Asynchronously append an item  to  a  disk  log.  alog/2  is  used  for  internally
              formatted  logs and balog/2 for externally formatted logs. balog/2 can also be used
              for internally formatted  logs  if  the  binary  is  constructed  with  a  call  to

              Owners  subscribing  to  notifications  receive  message read_only, blocked_log, or
              format_external if the item cannot be written on the log, and possibly one  of  the
              messages  wrap,  full,  or  error_status  if an item is written on the log. Message
              error_status is sent if something is wrong with the header function or  if  a  file
              error occurs.

       alog_terms(Log, TermList) -> notify_ret()

       balog_terms(Log, ByteList) -> notify_ret()


                 Log = log()
                 TermList = [term()]
                 ByteList = [iodata()]
                 notify_ret() = ok | {error, no_such_log}

              Asynchronously  append  a  list  of  items  to a disk log. alog_terms/2 is used for
              internally  formatted  logs  and  balog_terms/2  for  externally  formatted   logs.
              balog_terms/2  can  also  be used for internally formatted logs if the binaries are
              constructed with calls to term_to_binary/1.

              Owners subscribing to notifications  receive  message  read_only,  blocked_log,  or
              format_external if the items cannot be written on the log, and possibly one or more
              of the messages wrap, full, and error_status if  items  are  written  on  the  log.
              Message error_status is sent if something is wrong with the header function or if a
              file error occurs.

       block(Log) -> ok | {error, block_error_rsn()}

       block(Log, QueueLogRecords) -> ok | {error, block_error_rsn()}


                 Log = log()
                 QueueLogRecords = boolean()
                 block_error_rsn() = no_such_log | nonode | {blocked_log, log()}

              With a call to block/1,2 a process can block a log. If the blocking process is  not
              an  owner  of the log, a temporary link is created between the disk log process and
              the blocking process. The link ensures that  the  disk  log  is  unblocked  if  the
              blocking process terminates without first closing or unblocking the log.

              Any  process  can  probe  a  blocked  log with info/1 or close it with close/1. The
              blocking process can also use functions chunk/2,3,  bchunk/2,3,  chunk_step/3,  and
              unblock/1  without  being  affected  by  the  block.  Any  other attempt than those
              mentioned so far to update or read a blocked log suspends the calling process until
              the  log  is  unblocked  or  returns error message {blocked_log, Log}, depending on
              whether the value of QueueLogRecords is true or false. QueueLogRecords defaults  to
              true, which is used by block/1.

       change_header(Log, Header) -> ok | {error, Reason}


                 Log = log()
                 Header =
                     {head, dlog_head_opt()} |
                     {head_func, MFA :: {atom(), atom(), list()}}
                 Reason =
                     no_such_log | nonode |
                     {read_only_mode, Log} |
                     {blocked_log, Log} |
                     {badarg, head}

              Changes the value of option head or head_func for an owner of a disk log.

       change_notify(Log, Owner, Notify) -> ok | {error, Reason}


                 Log = log()
                 Owner = pid()
                 Notify = boolean()
                 Reason =
                     no_such_log | nonode |
                     {blocked_log, Log} |
                     {badarg, notify} |
                     {not_owner, Owner}

              Changes the value of option notify for an owner of a disk log.

       change_size(Log, Size) -> ok | {error, Reason}


                 Log = log()
                 Size = dlog_size()
                 Reason =
                     no_such_log | nonode |
                     {read_only_mode, Log} |
                     {blocked_log, Log} |
                     {new_size_too_small, Log, CurrentSize :: integer() >= 1} |
                     {badarg, size} |
                     {file_error, file:filename(), file_error()}

              Changes  the size of an open log. For a halt log, the size can always be increased,
              but it cannot be decreased to something less than the current file size.

              For a wrap log, both the size and the number of files can always be  increased,  as
              long  as  the number of files does not exceed 65000. If the maximum number of files
              is decreased, the change is not valid until the current file is full  and  the  log
              wraps to the next file. The redundant files are removed the next time the log wraps
              around, that is, starts to log to file number 1.

              As an example, assume that the old maximum number of files is 10 and that  the  new
              maximum  number  of  files is 6. If the current file number is not greater than the
              new maximum number of files, files 7-10 are removed when file 6 is full and the log
              starts  to  write  to  file  number  1 again. Otherwise, the files greater than the
              current file are removed when the current file is full (for example, if the current
              file is 8, files 9 and 10 are removed). The files between the new maximum number of
              files and the current file (that is, files 7 and 8) are removed the next time  file
              6 is full.

              If  the  size of the files is decreased, the change immediately affects the current
              log. It does not change the size of log files already full until the next time they
              are used.

              If  the log size is decreased, for example, to save space, function inc_wrap_file/1
              can be used to force the log to wrap.

       chunk(Log, Continuation) -> chunk_ret()

       chunk(Log, Continuation, N) -> chunk_ret()

       bchunk(Log, Continuation) -> bchunk_ret()

       bchunk(Log, Continuation, N) -> bchunk_ret()


                 Log = log()
                 Continuation = start | continuation()
                 N = integer() >= 1 | infinity
                 chunk_ret() =
                     {Continuation2 :: continuation(), Terms :: [term()]} |
                     {Continuation2 :: continuation(),
                      Terms :: [term()],
                      Badbytes :: integer() >= 0} |
                     eof |
                     {error, Reason :: chunk_error_rsn()}
                 bchunk_ret() =
                     {Continuation2 :: continuation(), Binaries :: [binary()]} |
                     {Continuation2 :: continuation(),
                      Binaries :: [binary()],
                      Badbytes :: integer() >= 0} |
                     eof |
                     {error, Reason :: chunk_error_rsn()}
                 chunk_error_rsn() =
                     no_such_log |
                     {format_external, log()} |
                     {blocked_log, log()} |
                     {badarg, continuation} |
                     {not_internal_wrap, log()} |
                     {corrupt_log_file, FileName :: file:filename()} |
                     {file_error, file:filename(), file_error()}

              Efficiently reads the terms that are appended to an internally  formatted  log.  It
              minimizes  disk  I/O  by  reading  64  kilobyte  chunks  from  the  file. Functions
              bchunk/2,3  return  the  binaries  read  from  the   file,   they   do   not   call
              binary_to_term(). Apart from that, they work just like chunk/2,3.

              The  first  time chunk() (or bchunk()) is called, an initial continuation, the atom
              start, must be provided.

              When chunk/3 is called, N controls the maximum number of terms that are  read  from
              the  log  in  each  chunk.  Defaults  to  infinity,  which means that all the terms
              contained in the 64 kilobyte chunk are read. If less than  N  terms  are  returned,
              this does not necessarily mean that the end of the file is reached.

              chunk()  returns  a  tuple  {Continuation2,  Terms}, where Terms is a list of terms
              found in the log. Continuation2 is yet another continuation, which must  be  passed
              on to any subsequent calls to chunk(). With a series of calls to chunk(), all terms
              from a log can be extracted.

              chunk() returns a tuple {Continuation2, Terms, Badbytes} if the log  is  opened  in
              read-only  mode  and  the read chunk is corrupt. Badbytes is the number of bytes in
              the file found not to be Erlang terms in the chunk. Notice  that  the  log  is  not
              repaired.  When  trying  to read chunks from a log opened in read-write mode, tuple
              {corrupt_log_file, FileName} is returned if the read chunk is corrupt.

              chunk() returns eof when the end of the log is reached, or {error,  Reason}  if  an
              error occurs. If a wrap log file is missing, a message is output on the error log.

              When chunk/2,3 is used with wrap logs, the returned continuation might not be valid
              in the next call to chunk(). This is because the log can wrap and delete  the  file
              into  which the continuation points. To prevent this, the log can be blocked during
              the search.

       chunk_info(Continuation) -> InfoList | {error, Reason}


                 Continuation = continuation()
                 InfoList = [{node, Node :: node()}, ...]
                 Reason = {no_continuation, Continuation}

              Returns the pair {node,  Node},  describing  the  chunk  continuation  returned  by
              chunk/2,3, bchunk/2,3, or chunk_step/3.

              Terms are read from the disk log running on Node.

       chunk_step(Log, Continuation, Step) ->
                     {ok, any()} | {error, Reason}


                 Log = log()
                 Continuation = start | continuation()
                 Step = integer()
                 Reason =
                     no_such_log | end_of_log |
                     {format_external, Log} |
                     {blocked_log, Log} |
                     {badarg, continuation} |
                     {file_error, file:filename(), file_error()}

              Can be used with chunk/2,3 and bchunk/2,3 to search through an internally formatted
              wrap log. It takes as argument a continuation as returned by chunk/2,3, bchunk/2,3,
              or  chunk_step/3,  and  steps forward (or backward) Step files in the wrap log. The
              continuation returned, points to the first log item in the new current file.

              If atom start is specified as continuation, the first  file  of  the  wrap  log  is
              chosen as the new current file.

              If the wrap log is not full because all files are not yet used, {error, end_of_log}
              is returned if trying to step outside the log.

       close(Log) -> ok | {error, close_error_rsn()}


                 Log = log()
                 close_error_rsn() =
                     no_such_log | nonode |
                     {file_error, file:filename(), file_error()}

              Closes a disk log properly. An internally formatted log must be closed  before  the
              Erlang  system  is  stopped.  Otherwise,  the  log  is regarded as unclosed and the
              automatic repair procedure is activated next time the log is opened.

              The disk log process is not terminated as long as there are owners or users of  the
              log.  All  owners  must  close  the  log,  possibly by terminating. Also, any other
              process, not only the processes that have opened the log anonymously, can decrement
              the  users counter by closing the log. Attempts to close a log by a process that is
              not an owner are ignored if there are no users.

              If the log is blocked by the closing process, the log is also unblocked.

       format_error(Error) -> io_lib:chars()


                 Error = term()

              Given the error returned by any function in this module, this  function  returns  a
              descriptive   string   of   the   error  in  English.  For  file  errors,  function
              format_error/1 in module file is called.

       inc_wrap_file(Log) -> ok | {error, inc_wrap_error_rsn()}


                 Log = log()
                 inc_wrap_error_rsn() =
                     no_such_log | nonode |
                     {read_only_mode, log()} |
                     {blocked_log, log()} |
                     {halt_log, log()} |
                     {invalid_header, invalid_header()} |
                     {file_error, file:filename(), file_error()}
                 invalid_header() = term()

              Forces the internally formatted disk log to start logging to the next log file.  It
              can  be  used,  for  example, with change_size/2 to reduce the amount of disk space
              allocated by the disk log.

              Owners subscribing to notifications normally receive a  wrap  message,  but  if  an
              error  occurs  with  a  reason tag of invalid_header or file_error, an error_status
              message is sent.

       info(Log) -> InfoList | {error, no_such_log}


                 Log = log()
                 InfoList = [dlog_info()]
                 dlog_info() =
                     {name, Log :: log()} |
                     {file, File :: file:filename()} |
                     {type, Type :: dlog_type()} |
                     {format, Format :: dlog_format()} |
                     {size, Size :: dlog_size()} |
                     {mode, Mode :: dlog_mode()} |
                     {owners, [{pid(), Notify :: boolean()}]} |
                     {users, Users :: integer() >= 0} |
                      Status :: ok | {blocked, QueueLogRecords :: boolean()}} |
                     {node, Node :: node()} |
                      Head ::
                          none |
                          {head, binary()} |
                          (MFA :: {atom(), atom(), list()})} |
                     {no_written_items, NoWrittenItems :: integer() >= 0} |
                     {full, Full :: boolean} |
                     {no_current_bytes, integer() >= 0} |
                     {no_current_items, integer() >= 0} |
                     {no_items, integer() >= 0} |
                     {current_file, integer() >= 1} |
                      {SinceLogWasOpened :: integer() >= 0,
                       SinceLastInfo :: integer() >= 0}}

              Returns a list of {Tag, Value} pairs describing a log running on the node.

              The following pairs are returned for all logs:

                {name, Log}:
                  Log is the log name as specified by the open/1 option name.

                {file, File}:
                  For halt logs File is the filename, and for wrap logs File is the base name.

                {type, Type}:
                  Type is the log type as specified by the open/1 option type.

                {format, Format}:
                  Format is the log format as specified by the open/1 option format.

                {size, Size}:
                  Size is the log size as specified by the open/1 option size, or the size set by
                  change_size/2. The value set by change_size/2 is reflected immediately.

                {mode, Mode}:
                  Mode is the log mode as specified by the open/1 option mode.

                {owners, [{pid(), Notify}]}:
                  Notify is the value set by the open/1 option notify or function change_notify/3
                  for the owners of the log.

                {users, Users}:
                  Users is the number of anonymous users  of  the  log,  see  the  open/1  option

                {status, Status}:
                  Status  is  ok  or {blocked, QueueLogRecords} as set by functions block/1,2 and

                {node, Node}:
                  The information returned by  the  current  invocation  of  function  info/1  is
                  gathered from the disk log process running on Node.

              The following pairs are returned for all logs opened in read_write mode:

                {head, Head}:
                  Depending  on  the  value  of  the open/1 options head and head_func, or set by
                  function change_header/2, the value of Head is none (default), {head, H}  (head
                  option), or {M,F,A} (head_func option).

                {no_written_items, NoWrittenItems}:
                  NoWrittenItems  is  the  number  of items written to the log since the disk log
                  process was created.

              The following pair is returned for halt logs opened in read_write mode:

                {full, Full}:
                  Full is true or false depending on whether the halt log is full or not.

              The following pairs are returned for wrap logs opened in read_write mode:

                {no_current_bytes, integer() >= 0}:
                  The number of bytes written to the current wrap log file.

                {no_current_items, integer() >= 0}:
                  The number of items written to the current wrap log file, header inclusive.

                {no_items, integer() >= 0}:
                  The total number of items in all wrap log files.

                {current_file, integer()}:
                  The ordinal for the current wrap log file in  the  range  1..MaxNoFiles,  where
                  MaxNoFiles is specified by the open/1 option size or set by change_size/2.

                {no_overflows, {SinceLogWasOpened, SinceLastInfo}}:
                  SinceLogWasOpened  (SinceLastInfo)  is  the number of times a wrap log file has
                  been filled up and a new one is opened or inc_wrap_file/1 has been called since
                  the disk log was last opened (info/1 was last called). The first time info/2 is
                  called after a log was (re)opened or truncated, the two values are equal.

              Notice that functions chunk/2,3, bchunk/2,3, and chunk_step/3  do  not  affect  any
              value returned by info/1.

       lclose(Log) -> ok | {error, lclose_error_rsn()}

       lclose(Log, Node) -> ok | {error, lclose_error_rsn()}


                 Log = log()
                 Node = node()
                 lclose_error_rsn() =
                     no_such_log | {file_error, file:filename(), file_error()}

              lclose/1 closes a disk log on the current node.

              lclose/2 closes a disk log on the current node if Node is the current node.

              lclose(Log) is equivalent to lclose(Log, node()). See also close/1.

              If  no  log  with  the  specified  name  exist  on the current node, no_such_log is

              These functions are deprecated. Use close/1 instead.

       log(Log, Term) -> ok | {error, Reason :: log_error_rsn()}

       blog(Log, Bytes) -> ok | {error, Reason :: log_error_rsn()}


                 Log = log()
                 Term = term()
                 Bytes = iodata()
                 log_error_rsn() =
                     no_such_log | nonode |
                     {read_only_mode, log()} |
                     {format_external, log()} |
                     {blocked_log, log()} |
                     {full, log()} |
                     {invalid_header, invalid_header()} |
                     {file_error, file:filename(), file_error()}

              Synchronously appends a term to a disk log. Returns ok or {error, Reason} when  the
              term  is written to disk. Terms are written by the ordinary write() function of the
              operating system. Hence, it is not guaranteed that the term is written to disk,  it
              can  linger  in the operating system kernel for a while. To ensure that the item is
              written to disk, function sync/1 must be called.

              log/2 is used for internally formatted logs, and blog/2  for  externally  formatted
              logs.  blog/2  can  also  be  used  for  internally formatted logs if the binary is
              constructed with a call to term_to_binary/1.

              Owners subscribing to notifications are notified of an error with  an  error_status
              message if the error reason tag is invalid_header or file_error.

       log_terms(Log, TermList) ->
                    ok | {error, Reason :: log_error_rsn()}

       blog_terms(Log, BytesList) ->
                     ok | {error, Reason :: log_error_rsn()}


                 Log = log()
                 TermList = [term()]
                 BytesList = [iodata()]
                 log_error_rsn() =
                     no_such_log | nonode |
                     {read_only_mode, log()} |
                     {format_external, log()} |
                     {blocked_log, log()} |
                     {full, log()} |
                     {invalid_header, invalid_header()} |
                     {file_error, file:filename(), file_error()}

              Synchronously appends a list of items to the log. It is more efficient to use these
              functions instead of functions log/2 and blog/2. The specified list is  split  into
              as  large  sublists  as  possible (limited by the size of wrap log files), and each
              sublist is logged as one single item, which reduces the overhead.

              log_terms/2 is used for internally formatted logs, and blog_terms/2 for  externally
              formatted  logs. blog_terms/2 can also be used for internally formatted logs if the
              binaries are constructed with calls to term_to_binary/1.

              Owners subscribing to notifications are notified of an error with  an  error_status
              message if the error reason tag is invalid_header or file_error.

       open(ArgL) -> open_ret()


                 ArgL = dlog_options()
                 dlog_options() = [dlog_option()]
                 dlog_option() =
                     {name, Log :: log()} |
                     {file, FileName :: file:filename()} |
                     {linkto, LinkTo :: none | pid()} |
                     {repair, Repair :: true | false | truncate} |
                     {type, Type :: dlog_type()} |
                     {format, Format :: dlog_format()} |
                     {size, Size :: dlog_size()} |
                     {notify, boolean()} |
                     {head, Head :: dlog_head_opt()} |
                     {head_func, MFA :: {atom(), atom(), list()}} |
                     {quiet, boolean()} |
                     {mode, Mode :: dlog_mode()}
                 open_ret() =
                     {ok, Log :: log()} |
                      Log :: log(),
                      {recovered, Rec :: integer() >= 0},
                      {badbytes, Bad :: integer() >= 0}} |
                     {error, open_error_rsn()}
                 open_error_rsn() =
                     no_such_log |
                     {badarg, term()} |
                      CurrentSize :: dlog_size(),
                      NewSize :: dlog_size()} |
                      OptionName :: dlog_optattr(),
                      CurrentValue :: term(),
                      Value :: term()} |
                     {name_already_open, Log :: log()} |
                     {open_read_write, Log :: log()} |
                     {open_read_only, Log :: log()} |
                     {need_repair, Log :: log()} |
                     {not_a_log_file, FileName :: file:filename()} |
                     {invalid_index_file, FileName :: file:filename()} |
                     {invalid_header, invalid_header()} |
                     {file_error, file:filename(), file_error()} |
                     {node_already_open, Log :: log()}
                 dlog_optattr() =
                     name | file | linkto | repair | type | format | size |
                     notify | head | head_func | mode
                 dlog_size() =
                     infinity |
                     integer() >= 1 |
                     {MaxNoBytes :: integer() >= 1, MaxNoFiles :: integer() >= 1}

              Parameter ArgL is a list of the following options:

                {name, Log}:
                  Specifies  the  log  name.  This  name  must be passed on as a parameter in all
                  subsequent logging operations. A name must always be supplied.

                {file, FileName}:
                  Specifies the name of the file to be used for logged terms. If  this  value  is
                  omitted  and  the  log  name  is  an atom or a string, the filename defaults to
                  lists:concat([Log, ".LOG"]) for halt logs.

                  For wrap logs, this is the base name of the files. Each file in a wrap  log  is
                  called  <base_name>.N,  where N is an integer. Each wrap log also has two files
                  called <base_name>.idx and <base_name>.siz.

                {linkto, LinkTo}:
                  If LinkTo is a pid, it becomes an owner of the log. If LinkTo is none, the  log
                  records  that  it is used anonymously by some process by incrementing the users
                  counter. By default, the process that calls open/1 owns the log.

                {repair, Repair}:
                  If Repair is true, the  current  log  file  is  repaired,  if  needed.  As  the
                  restoration  is  initiated,  a  message is output on the error log. If false is
                  specified, no  automatic  repair  is  attempted.  Instead,  the  tuple  {error,
                  {need_repair,  Log}}  is  returned  if an attempt is made to open a corrupt log
                  file. If truncate is specified, the log file  becomes  truncated,  creating  an
                  empty  log.  Defaults  to true, which has no effect on logs opened in read-only

                {type, Type}:
                  The log type. Defaults to halt.

                {format, Format}:
                  Disk log format. Defaults to internal.

                {size, Size}:
                  Log size.

                  When a halt log has reached its maximum size, all attempts to  log  more  items
                  are  rejected.  Defaults  to  infinity, which for halt implies that there is no
                  maximum size.

                  For wrap logs, parameter  Size  can  be  a  pair  {MaxNoBytes,  MaxNoFiles}  or
                  infinity.  In  the  latter  case, if the files of an existing wrap log with the
                  same name can be found, the size is read from the existing wrap log,  otherwise
                  an error is returned.

                  Wrap  logs write at most MaxNoBytes bytes on each file and use MaxNoFiles files
                  before  starting  all  over  with  the  first  wrap  log  file.  Regardless  of
                  MaxNoBytes,  at  least the header (if there is one) and one item are written on
                  each wrap log file before wrapping to the next file.

                  The first time an existing wrap log is opened,  that  is,  when  the  disk  log
                  process  is created, the value of the option size is allowed to differ from the
                  current log size, and the size of the disk log is changed as per change_size/2.

                  When opening an existing wrap log, it is not necessary to supply  a  value  for
                  option  size,  but  if  the  log is already open, that is, the disk log process
                  exists, the supplied value must equal the current log size, otherwise the tuple
                  {error, {size_mismatch, CurrentSize, NewSize}} is returned.

                Before  Erlang/OTP 24.0, the supplied value of option size was to be equal to the
                current log size when opening an existing wrap log for the first time,  that  is,
                when creating the disk log process.

                  When opening an already open halt log, option size is ignored.

                {notify, boolean()}:
                  If true, the log owners are notified when certain log events occur. Defaults to
                  false. The owners are sent one of the following messages when an event occurs:

                  {disk_log, Node, Log, {wrap, NoLostItems}}:
                    Sent when a wrap log has filled up one of its files and a new file is opened.
                    NoLostItems  is  the  number  of  previously logged items that were lost when
                    truncating existing files.

                  {disk_log, Node, Log, {truncated, NoLostItems}}:
                    Sent when a log is truncated or reopened. For halt logs  NoLostItems  is  the
                    number  of  items  written on the log since the disk log process was created.
                    For wrap logs NoLostItems is the number of items on all wrap log files.

                  {disk_log, Node, Log, {read_only, Items}}:
                    Sent when an asynchronous log attempt is made to a log file opened  in  read-
                    only mode. Items is the items from the log attempt.

                  {disk_log, Node, Log, {blocked_log, Items}}:
                    Sent  when an asynchronous log attempt is made to a blocked log that does not
                    queue log attempts. Items is the items from the log attempt.

                  {disk_log, Node, Log, {format_external, Items}}:
                    Sent when function alog/2 or alog_terms/2 is used  for  internally  formatted
                    logs. Items is the items from the log attempt.

                  {disk_log, Node, Log, full}:
                    Sent  when  an attempt to log items to a wrap log would write more bytes than
                    the limit set by option size.

                  {disk_log, Node, Log, {error_status, Status}}:
                    Sent when the error status changes.  The  error  status  is  defined  by  the
                    outcome  of the last attempt to log items to the log, or to truncate the log,
                    or the last use of function sync/1, inc_wrap_file/1, or change_size/2. Status
                    is either ok or {error, Error}, the former is the initial value.

                {head, Head}:
                  Specifies  a  header  to be written first on the log file. If the log is a wrap
                  log, the item Head is written first in each new file. Head is to be a  term  if
                  the  format  is  internal, otherwise an iodata(). Defaults to none, which means
                  that no header is written first on the file.

                {head_func, {M,F,A}}:
                  Specifies a function to be called each time a new log file is opened. The  call
                  M:F(A)  is assumed to return {ok, Head}. The item Head is written first in each
                  file. Head is to be a term if the format is internal, otherwise an iodata().

                {mode, Mode}:
                  Specifies if the log is to be opened in read-only or read-write mode.  Defaults
                  to read_write.

                {quiet, Boolean}:
                  Specifies  if  messages will be sent to error_logger on recoverable errors with
                  the log files. Defaults to false.

              open/1 returns {ok, Log} if the log file is successfully opened.  If  the  file  is
              successfully repaired, the tuple {repaired, Log, {recovered, Rec}, {badbytes, Bad}}
              is returned, where Rec is the number of whole Erlang terms found in  the  file  and
              Bad is the number of bytes in the file that are non-Erlang terms.

              When a disk log is opened in read-write mode, any existing log file is checked for.
              If there is none, a new empty log is created, otherwise the existing file is opened
              at  the  position  after the last logged item, and the logging of items starts from
              there. If the format is internal and the existing file  is  not  recognized  as  an
              internally formatted log, a tuple {error, {not_a_log_file, FileName}} is returned.

              open/1 cannot be used for changing the values of options of an open log. When there
              are prior owners or users of a log, all option  values  except  name,  linkto,  and
              notify  are  only  checked  against  the values supplied before as option values to
              function open/1, change_header/2, change_notify/3, or change_size/2. Thus, none  of
              the  options  except  name  is  mandatory. If some specified value differs from the
              current value, a tuple {error, {arg_mismatch, OptionName, CurrentValue, Value}}  is

              If an owner attempts to open a log as owner once again, it is acknowledged with the
              return value {ok, Log}, but the state of the disk log is not affected.

              A log file can be opened more than once by giving different values to  option  name
              or  by  using  the same file when opening a log on different nodes. It is up to the
              user of module disk_log to ensure that not more than one disk log process has write
              access to any file, otherwise the file can be corrupted.

              If  an  attempt  to  open a log file for the first time fails, the disk log process
              terminates  with  the  EXIT  message   {{failed,Reason},[{disk_log,open,1}]}.   The
              function returns {error, Reason} for all other errors.

       pid2name(Pid) -> {ok, Log} | undefined


                 Pid = pid()
                 Log = log()

              Returns  the  log  name given the pid of a disk log process on the current node, or
              undefined if the specified pid is not a disk log process.

              This function is meant to be used for debugging only.

       reopen(Log, File) -> ok | {error, reopen_error_rsn()}

       reopen(Log, File, Head) -> ok | {error, reopen_error_rsn()}

       breopen(Log, File, BHead) -> ok | {error, reopen_error_rsn()}


                 Log = log()
                 File = file:filename()
                 Head = term()
                 BHead = iodata()
                 reopen_error_rsn() =
                     no_such_log | nonode |
                     {read_only_mode, log()} |
                     {blocked_log, log()} |
                     {same_file_name, log()} |
                     {invalid_index_file, file:filename()} |
                     {invalid_header, invalid_header()} |
                     {file_error, file:filename(), file_error()}

              Renames the log file to File and then recreates a new  log  file.  If  a  wrap  log
              exists,  File  is used as the base name of the renamed files. By default the header
              given to open/1 is written first in the newly opened log file, but if argument Head
              or  BHead is specified, this item is used instead. The header argument is used only
              once. Next time a wrap log file is opened, the header given to open/1 is used.

              reopen/2,3 are used for internally formatted logs,  and  breopen/3  for  externally
              formatted logs.

              Owners subscribing to notifications receive a truncate message.

              Upon  failure  to  reopen  the  log,  the disk log process terminates with the EXIT
              message {{failed,Error},[{disk_log,Fun,Arity}]}. Other  processes  having  requests
              queued receive the message {disk_log, Node, {error, disk_log_stopped}}.

       sync(Log) -> ok | {error, sync_error_rsn()}


                 Log = log()
                 sync_error_rsn() =
                     no_such_log | nonode |
                     {read_only_mode, log()} |
                     {blocked_log, log()} |
                     {file_error, file:filename(), file_error()}

              Ensures  that  the  contents  of the log are written to the disk. This is usually a
              rather expensive operation.

       truncate(Log) -> ok | {error, trunc_error_rsn()}

       truncate(Log, Head) -> ok | {error, trunc_error_rsn()}

       btruncate(Log, BHead) -> ok | {error, trunc_error_rsn()}


                 Log = log()
                 Head = term()
                 BHead = iodata()
                 trunc_error_rsn() =
                     no_such_log | nonode |
                     {read_only_mode, log()} |
                     {blocked_log, log()} |
                     {invalid_header, invalid_header()} |
                     {file_error, file:filename(), file_error()}

              Removes all items from a disk log. If argument Head or  BHead  is  specified,  this
              item  is  written  first  in the newly truncated log, otherwise the header given to
              open/1 is used. The header argument is used only once. Next time a wrap log file is
              opened, the header given to open/1 is used.

              truncate/1 is used for both internally and externally formatted logs.

              truncate/2  is  used  for internally formatted logs, and btruncate/2 for externally
              formatted logs.

              Owners subscribing to notifications receive a truncate message.

              If the attempt to truncate the log fails, the disk log process terminates with  the
              EXIT   message  {{failed,Reason},[{disk_log,Fun,Arity}]}.  Other  processes  having
              requests queued receive the message {disk_log, Node, {error, disk_log_stopped}}.

       unblock(Log) -> ok | {error, unblock_error_rsn()}


                 Log = log()
                 unblock_error_rsn() =
                     no_such_log | nonode |
                     {not_blocked, log()} |
                     {not_blocked_by_pid, log()}

              Unblocks a log. A log can only be unblocked by the blocking process.


       file(3erl), wrap_log_reader(3erl)