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       int - Interpreter Interface.


       The Erlang interpreter provides mechanisms for breakpoints and stepwise execution of code.
       It is primarily intended to be used by Debugger, see the User's Guide and debugger(3erl).

       The following can be done from the shell:

         * Specify the modules to be interpreted.

         * Specify breakpoints.

         * Monitor the current status of all processes executing  code  in  interpreted  modules,
           also processes at other Erlang nodes.

       By  attaching  to a process executing interpreted code, it is possible to examine variable
       bindings and order stepwise execution. This is done by sending and  receiving  information
       to/from  the  process  through a third process, called the meta process. You can implement
       your own attached process. See int.erl for available functions  and  dbg_wx_trace.erl  for
       possible messages.

       The  interpreter  depends  on  the  Kernel,  STDLIB,  and GS applications. This means that
       modules belonging to any of these applications are not allowed to be  interpreted,  as  it
       could  lead to a deadlock or emulator crash. This also applies to modules belonging to the
       Debugger application.


       Breakpoints are specified on a line basis. When a process executing code in an interpreted
       module  reaches  a  breakpoint,  it  stops. This means that a breakpoint must be set at an
       executable line, that is, a code line containing an executable expression.

       A breakpoint has the following:

         * A status, which is active or inactive. An inactive breakpoint is ignored.

         * A trigger action. When a breakpoint is reached, the trigger action  specifies  if  the
           breakpoint  is  to continue as active (enable), or to become inactive (disable), or to
           be removed (delete).

         * Optionally an associated condition. A condition is a  tuple  {Module,Name}.  When  the
           breakpoint  is  reached,  Module:Name(Bindings)  is  called.  If it evaluates to true,
           execution stops. If it  evaluates  to  false,  the  breakpoint  is  ignored.  Bindings
           contains  the  current  variable  bindings.  To  retrieve  the  value  for a specified
           variable, use get_binding.

       By default, a breakpoint is active, has trigger  action  enable,  and  has  no  associated
       condition. For details about breakpoints, see the User's Guide.


       i(AbsModule) -> {module,Module} | error
       i(AbsModules) -> ok
       ni(AbsModule) -> {module,Module} | error
       ni(AbsModules) -> ok


                 AbsModules = [AbsModule]
                 AbsModule = Module | File | [Module | File]
                  Module = atom()
                  File = string()

              Interprets  the  specified module(s). i/1 interprets the module only at the current
              node. ni/1 interprets the module at all known nodes.

              A module can be specified by its module name (atom) or filename.

              If specified by its module name, the object code Module.beam is searched for in the
              current  path.  The  source  code  Module.erl  is  searched  for  first in the same
              directory as the object code, then in an src directory next to it.

              If specified by its filename,  the  filename  can  include  a  path  and  the  .erl
              extension  can be omitted. The object code Module.beam is searched for first in the
              same directory as the source code, then in an ebin directory next to it,  and  then
              in the current path.

              The  interpreter requires both the source code and the object code. The object code
              must include  debug  information,  that  is,  only  modules  compiled  with  option
              debug_info set can be interpreted.

              The  functions  returns  {module,Module}  if  the module was interpreted, otherwise
              error is returned.

              The argument can also be a list of modules or filenames, in which case the function
              tries  to  interpret  each  module  as  specified earlier. The function then always
              returns  ok,  but  prints  some  information  to  stdout  if  a  module  cannot  be

       n(AbsModule) -> ok
       nn(AbsModule) -> ok


                 AbsModule = Module | File | [Module | File]
                  Module = atom()
                  File = string()

              Stops  interpreting the specified module. n/1 stops interpreting the module only at
              the current node. nn/1 stops interpreting the module at all known nodes.

              As for i/1 and ni/1, a module can be specified by its module name or filename.

       interpreted() -> [Module]


                 Module = atom()

              Returns a list with all interpreted modules.

       file(Module) -> File | {error,not_loaded}


                 Module = atom()
                 File = string()

              Returns the source code filename File for an interpreted module Module.

       interpretable(AbsModule) -> true | {error,Reason}


                 AbsModule = Module | File
                  Module = atom()
                  File = string()
                 Reason = no_src | no_beam | no_debug_info | badarg | {app,App}
                  App = atom()

              Checks if a module can be interpreted. The module can be specified  by  its  module
              name  Module or its source filename File. If specified by a module name, the module
              is searched for in the code path.

              The function returns true if all of the following apply:

                * Both source code and object code for the module is found.

                * The module has been compiled with option debug_info set.

                * The module does not belong to any of the applications Kernel,  STDLIB,  GS,  or

              The function returns {error,Reason} if the module cannot be interpreted. Reason can
              have the following values:

                  No source code is found. It is assumed that the source code and object code are
                  located  either  in  the same directory, or in src and ebin directories next to
                  each other.

                  No object code is found. It is assumed that the source code and object code are
                  located  either  in  the same directory, or in src and ebin directories next to
                  each other.

                  The module has not been compiled with option debug_info set.

                  AbsModule is not found. This could be  because  the  specified  file  does  not
                  exist,  or  because  code:which/1 does not return a BEAM filename, which is the
                  case not only for non-existing modules but also for modules that are  preloaded
                  or cover-compiled.

                  App  is  kernel,  stdlib,  gs, or debugger if AbsModule belongs to one of these

              Notice that the function can  return  true  for  a  module  that  in  fact  is  not
              interpretable  in  the  case  where  the module is marked as sticky or resides in a
              directory marked as sticky. The reason is that this is  not  discovered  until  the
              interpreter tries to load the module.

       auto_attach() -> false | {Flags,Function}
       auto_attach(Flags, Function)


                 Flags = [init | break | exit]
                 Function = {Module,Name,Args}
                  Module = Name = atom()
                  Args = [term()]

              Gets  and  sets when and how to attach automatically to a process executing code in
              interpreted modules. false means never attach automatically, this is  the  default.
              Otherwise  automatic  attach  is  defined  by  a  list of flags and a function. The
              following flags can be specified:

                * init - Attach when a process for the first time calls an interpreted function.

                * break - Attach whenever a process reaches a breakpoint.

                * exit - Attach when a process terminates.

              When the specified event occurs, the function Function is called as:

              spawn(Module, Name, [Pid | Args])

              Pid is the pid of the process executing interpreted code.

       stack_trace() -> Flag


                 Flag = all | no_tail | false

              Gets and sets how to save call frames in the stack. Saving  call  frames  makes  it
              possible  to  inspect  the call chain of a process, and is also used to emulate the
              stack trace if an error (an exception of class error) occurs. The  following  flags
              can be specified:

                  Save information about all current calls, that is, function calls that have not
                  yet returned a value.

                  Save information about current calls, but discard previous information  when  a
                  tail  recursive  call  is  made.  This  option  consumes less memory and can be
                  necessary to use for processes with long  lifetimes  and  many  tail  recursive
                  calls. This is the default.

                  Save no information about current calls.

       break(Module, Line) -> ok | {error,break_exists}


                 Module = atom()
                 Line = int()

              Creates a breakpoint at Line in Module.

       delete_break(Module, Line) -> ok


                 Module = atom()
                 Line = int()

              Deletes the breakpoint at Line in Module.

       break_in(Module, Name, Arity) -> ok | {error,function_not_found}


                 Module = Name = atom()
                 Arity = int()

              Creates   a   breakpoint   at   the   first   line  of  every  clause  of  function

       del_break_in(Module, Name, Arity) -> ok | {error,function_not_found}


                 Module = Name = atom()
                 Arity = int()

              Deletes  the  breakpoints  at  the  first  line  of  every   clause   of   function

       no_break() -> ok
       no_break(Module) -> ok

              Deletes all breakpoints, or all breakpoints in Module.

       disable_break(Module, Line) -> ok


                 Module = atom()
                 Line = int()

              Makes the breakpoint at Line in Module inactive.

       enable_break(Module, Line) -> ok


                 Module = atom()
                 Line = int()

              Makes the breakpoint at Line in Module active.

       action_at_break(Module, Line, Action) -> ok


                 Module = atom()
                 Line = int()
                 Action = enable | disable | delete

              Sets the trigger action of the breakpoint at Line in Module to Action.

       test_at_break(Module, Line, Function) -> ok


                 Module = atom()
                 Line = int()
                 Function = {Module,Name}
                  Name = atom()

              Sets  the  conditional  test  of  the breakpoint at Line in Module to Function. The
              function must fulfill the requirements specified in section Breakpoints.

       get_binding(Var, Bindings) -> {value,Value} | unbound


                 Var = atom()
                 Bindings = term()
                 Value = term()

              Retrieves the binding of  Var.  This  function  is  intended  to  be  used  by  the
              conditional function of a breakpoint.

       all_breaks() -> [Break]
       all_breaks(Module) -> [Break]


                 Break = {Point,Options}
                  Point = {Module,Line}
                  Module = atom()
                  Line = int()
                  Options = [Status,Trigger,null,Cond|]
                  Status = active | inactive
                  Trigger = enable | disable | delete
                  Cond = null | Function
                  Function = {Module,Name}
                  Name = atom()

              Gets all breakpoints, or all breakpoints in Module.

       snapshot() -> [Snapshot]


                 Snapshot = {Pid, Function, Status, Info}
                  Pid = pid()
                  Function = {Module,Name,Args}
                  Module = Name = atom()
                  Args = [term()]
                  Status = idle | running | waiting | break | exit | no_conn
                  Info = {} | {Module,Line} | ExitReason
                  Line = int()
                  ExitReason = term()

              Gets information about all processes executing interpreted code.

                * Pid - Process identifier.

                * Function - First interpreted function called by the process.

                * Status - Current status of the process.

                * Info - More information.

              Status is one of the following:

                * idle - The process is no longer executing interpreted code. Info={}.

                * running - The process is running. Info={}.

                * waiting - The process is waiting at a receive. Info={}.

                * break   -   Process   execution   is   stopped,   normally   at  a  breakpoint.

                * exit - The process is terminated. Info=ExitReason.

                * no_conn - The connection is down to the node  where  the  process  is  running.

       clear() -> ok

              Clears  information  about  processes  executing  interpreted  code by removing all
              information about terminated processes.

       continue(Pid) -> ok | {error,not_interpreted}
       continue(X,Y,Z) -> ok | {error,not_interpreted}


                 Pid = pid()
                 X = Y = Z = int()

              Resumes process execution for Pid or c:pid(X,Y,Z).