plucky (7) roff.7.gz

Provided by: groff_1.23.0-7_amd64 bug


       roff - concepts and history of roff typesetting


       The  term  roff  denotes  a  family  of document formatting systems known by names like troff, nroff, and
       ditroff.  A roff system consists of an interpreter for an extensible text formatting language and  a  set
       of programs for preparing output for various devices and file formats.  Unix-like operating systems often
       distribute a roff system.  The manual pages on Unix  systems  (“man  pages”)  and  bestselling  books  on
       software  engineering,  including  Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie's The C Programming Language and W.
       Richard Stevens's Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment have been written using roff systems.  GNU
       roffgroff—is arguably the most widespread roff implementation.

       Below we present typographical concepts that form the background of all roff implementations, narrate the
       development history of some roff systems, detail the command pipeline managed  by  groff(1),  survey  the
       formatting language, suggest tips for editing roff input, and recommend further reading materials.


       roff  input  files  contain  text  interspersed  with instructions to control the formatter.  Even in the
       absence of such instructions, a roff formatter still processes its input in  several  ways,  by  filling,
       hyphenating, breaking, and adjusting it, and supplementing it with inter-sentence space.  These processes
       are basic to typesetting, and can be controlled at the input document's discretion.

       When a device-independent roff formatter starts up, it obtains information about the device for which  it
       is preparing output from the latter's description file (see groff_font(5)).  An essential property is the
       length of the output line, such as “6.5 inches”.

       The formatter interprets plain text files employing the Unix line-ending convention.  It  reads  input  a
       character at a time, collecting words as it goes, and fits as many words together on an output line as it
       can—this is known as filling.  To a roff system, a word is any sequence of one or  more  characters  that
       aren't spaces or newlines.  The exceptions separate words.

       A  roff formatter attempts to detect boundaries between sentences, and supplies additional inter-sentence
       space between them.  It flags certain characters (normally “!”, “?”, and “.”)  as  potentially  ending  a
       sentence.   When  the formatter encounters one of these end-of-sentence characters at the end of an input
       line, or one of them is followed by two (unescaped) spaces on the same input line, it appends  an  inter-
       word space followed by an inter-sentence space in the output.  The dummy character escape sequence \& can
       be used after an end-of-sentence character to defeat end-of-sentence detection on a  per-instance  basis.
       Normally,  the  occurrence  of  a  visible  non-end-of-sentence  character (as opposed to a space or tab)
       immediately after an end-of-sentence character cancels detection of the  end  of  a  sentence.   However,
       several  characters are treated transparently after the occurrence of an end-of-sentence character.  That
       is, a roff does not cancel end-of-sentence detection when  it  processes  them.   This  is  because  such
       characters are often used as footnote markers or to close quotations and parentheticals.  The default set
       is ", ', ), ], *, \[dg], \[dd], \[rq], and \[cq].  The last four  are  examples  of  special  characters,
       escape  sequences  whose  purpose is to obtain glyphs that are not easily typed at the keyboard, or which
       have special meaning to the formatter (like \).

       When an output line is nearly full, it is uncommon for the next word collected from the input to  exactly
       fill  it—typically,  there  is room left over only for part of the next word.  The process of splitting a
       word so that it appears partially on one line (with a hyphen to indicate to the reader that the word  has
       been  broken)  with  its  remainder  on  the  next  is  hyphenation.   Hyphenation points can be manually
       specified; groff also uses a hyphenation algorithm and language-specific pattern files  to  decide  which
       words can be hyphenated and where.  Hyphenation does not always occur even when the hyphenation rules for
       a word allow it; it can be disabled, and when not disabled there are several parameters that can  prevent
       it in certain circumstances.

       Once  an  output  line is full, the next word (or remainder of a hyphenated one) is placed on a different
       output line; this is called a break.  In this document and in roff discussions generally,  a  “break”  if
       not  further qualified always refers to the termination of an output line.  When the formatter is filling
       text, it introduces breaks automatically to keep output lines from exceeding the configured line  length.
       After  an  automatic break, a roff formatter adjusts the line if applicable (see below), and then resumes
       collecting and filling text on the next output line.

       Sometimes, a line cannot be broken automatically.  This usually does not  happen  with  natural  language
       text  unless  the  output  line  length  has  been  manipulated  to  be  extremely short, but it can with
       specialized text like program source code.  groff provides a means of telling  the  formatter  where  the
       line may be broken without hyphens.  This is done with the non-printing break point escape sequence \:.

       There  are several ways to cause a break at a predictable location.  A blank input line not only causes a
       break, but by default it also outputs a one-line vertical space (effectively a blank output line).  Macro
       packages may discourage or disable this “blank line method” of paragraphing in favor of their own macros.
       A line that begins with one or more spaces causes a break.  The spaces are output at the beginning of the
       next  line  without  being  adjusted  (see  below).   Again,  macro packages may provide other methods of
       producing indented paragraphs.  Trailing spaces on text lines (see below)  are  discarded.   The  end  of
       input causes a break.

       After  the formatter performs an automatic break, it may then adjust the line, widening inter-word spaces
       until the text reaches the right margin.  Extra spaces between words are preserved.  Leading and trailing
       spaces  are  handled  as noted above.  Text can be aligned to the left or right margin only, or centered,
       using requests.

       A roff formatter translates horizontal tab characters, also called  simply  “tabs”,  in  the  input  into
       movements to the next tab stop.  These tab stops are by default located every half inch measured from the
       current position on the input line.  With them, simple tables can be made.  However, this method  can  be
       deceptive,  as the appearance (and width) of the text in an editor and the results from the formatter can
       vary greatly, particularly when proportional typefaces are used.  A tab character does not cause a  break
       and  therefore  does  not  interrupt  filling.  The formatter provides facilities for sophisticated table
       composition; there are many details to track when using the “tab” and “field” low-level features, so most
       users turn to the tbl(1) preprocessor to lay out tables.

   Requests and macros
       A  request  is an instruction to the formatter that occurs after a control character, which is recognized
       at the beginning of an input line.  The regular control character is a dot “.”.  Its counterpart, the no-
       break  control character, a neutral apostrophe “'”, suppresses the break implied by some requests.  These
       characters were chosen because it is uncommon for lines of text in natural languages to begin with  them.
       If  you  require  a formatted period or apostrophe (closing single quotation mark) where the formatter is
       expecting a control character, prefix the dot or neutral  apostrophe  with  the  dummy  character  escape
       sequence, “\&”.

       An  input  line beginning with a control character is called a control line.  Every line of input that is
       not a control line is a text line.

       Requests often take arguments, words (separated from the request name and  each  other  by  spaces)  that
       specify  details of the action the formatter is expected to perform.  If a request is meaningless without
       arguments, it is typically ignored.  Of key importance are the requests that define macros.   Macros  are
       invoked like requests, enabling the request repertoire to be extended or overridden.

       A  macro  can be thought of as an abbreviation you can define for a collection of control and text lines.
       When the macro is called by giving its name after a control character, it is replaced with what it stands
       for.   The  process of textual replacement is known as interpolation.  Interpolations are handled as soon
       as they are recognized, and once performed, a roff formatter scans the replacement for further  requests,
       macro calls, and escape sequences.

       In roff systems, the “de” request defines a macro.

   Page geometry
       roff systems format text under certain assumptions about the size of the output medium, or page.  For the
       formatter to correctly break a line it is filling, it must know the line length, which  it  derives  from
       the  page  width.  For it to decide whether to write an output line to the current page or wait until the
       next one, it must know the page length.  A device's resolution converts practical units  like  inches  or
       centimeters  to  basic  units,  a  convenient  length  measure for the output device or file format.  The
       formatter and output driver use basic units to reckon page measurements.   The  device  description  file
       defines its resolution and page dimensions (see groff_font(5)).

       A  page  is  a two-dimensional structure upon which a roff system imposes a rectangular coordinate system
       with its upper left corner as the origin.  Coordinate values are in basic units and increase down and  to
       the right.  Useful ones are therefore always positive and within numeric ranges corresponding to the page

       While the formatter (and, later, output driver) is processing a page,  it  keeps  track  of  its  drawing
       position,  which is the location at which the next glyph will be written, from which the next motion will
       be measured, or where a geometric object will commence rendering.  Notionally, glyphs are drawn from  the
       text  baseline  upward  and  to the right.  (groff does not yet support right-to-left scripts.)  The text
       baseline is a (usually invisible) line upon which  the  glyphs  of  a  typeface  are  aligned.   A  glyph
       therefore  “starts”  at its bottom-left corner.  If drawn at the origin, a typical letter glyph would lie
       partially or wholly off the page, depending on whether, like “g”,  it  features  a  descender  below  the

       Such  a  situation  is nearly always undesirable.  It is furthermore conventional not to write or draw at
       the extreme edges of the page.  Therefore the initial drawing position of a roff formatter is not at  the
       origin,  but  below and to the right of it.  This rightward shift from the left edge is known as the page
       offset.  (groff's terminal output devices have page offsets of zero.)  The downward shift leaves room for
       a text output line.

       Text  is  arranged on a one-dimensional lattice of text baselines from the top to the bottom of the page.
       Vertical spacing is the distance between  adjacent  text  baselines.   Typographic  tradition  sets  this
       quantity to 120% of the type size.  The initial vertical drawing position is one unit of vertical spacing
       below the page top.  Typographers term this unit a vee.

       Vertical spacing has an impact on page-breaking decisions.  Generally, when a break occurs, the formatter
       moves  the  drawing  position  to  the  next  text baseline automatically.  If the formatter were already
       writing to the last line that would fit on the page, advancing by one  vee  would  place  the  next  text
       baseline  off the page.  Rather than let that happen, roff formatters instruct the output driver to eject
       the page, start a new one, and again set the drawing position to one vee below the page top;  this  is  a
       page break.

       When  the  last  line  of input text corresponds to the last output line that fits on the page, the break
       caused by the end of input will also break the page, producing a useless blank one.  Macro packages  keep
       users  from  having  to  confront this difficulty by setting “traps”; moreover, all but the simplest page
       layouts tend to have headers and footers, or at least bear vertical margins larger than one vee.

   Other language elements
       Escape sequences start with the escape character, a backslash  \,  and  are  followed  by  at  least  one
       additional character.  They can appear anywhere in the input.

       With requests, the escape and control characters can be changed; further, escape sequence recognition can
       be turned off and back on.

       Strings store character sequences.  In groff, they can be parameterized as macros can.

       Registers store numerical values, including measurements.  The  latter  are  generally  in  basic  units;
       scaling  units  can  be  appended  to  numeric  expressions  to  clarify  their  meaning  when  stored or
       interpolated.  Some read-only predefined registers interpolate text.

       Fonts are identified either by a name or by a mounting position (a non-negative number).  Four styles are
       available  on  all  devices.   R is “roman”: normal, upright text.  B is bold, an upright typeface with a
       heavier weight.  I is italic, a face that is oblique on typesetter output devices and usually  underlined
       instead  on  terminal  devices.   BI  is  bold-italic,  combining both of the foregoing style variations.
       Typesetting devices group these four styles into families of text fonts; they also typically offer one or
       more special fonts that provide unstyled glyphs; see groff_char(7).

       groff supports named colors for glyph rendering and drawing of geometric objects.  Stroke and fill colors
       are distinct; the stroke color is used for glyphs.

       Glyphs are visual representation forms of characters.   In  groff,  the  distinction  between  those  two
       elements is not always obvious (and a full discussion is beyond our scope).  In brief, “A” is a character
       when we consider it in the abstract: to make it a glyph, we must select a typeface with which  to  render
       it,  and  determine  its  type size and color.  The formatting process turns input characters into output
       glyphs.  A few characters commonly seen on keyboards are treated specially by the roff language  and  may
       not  look  correct  in output if used unthinkingly; they are the (double) quotation mark ("), the neutral
       apostrophe ('), the minus sign (-), the backslash (\), the caret or  circumflex  accent  (^),  the  grave
       accent  (`),  and  the  tilde  (~).   All of these and more can be produced with special character escape
       sequences; see groff_char(7).

       groff offers streams, identifiers for writable files, but for security reasons this feature  is  disabled
       by default.

       A  further  few  language  elements  arise  as  page  layouts  become  more  sophisticated and demanding.
       Environments collect formatting parameters like line length and typeface.  A diversion  stores  formatted
       output  for  later  use.   A  trap  is  a  condition  on the input or output, tested automatically by the
       formatter, that is associated with a macro, calling it when that condition is fulfilled.

       Footnote support often exercises all three of the foregoing features.  A simple implementation might work
       as  follows.  A pair of macros is defined: one starts a footnote and the other ends it.  The author calls
       the first macro where a footnote marker is desired.  The  macro  establishes  a  diversion  so  that  the
       footnote  text  is  collected  at  the place in the body text where its corresponding marker appears.  An
       environment is created for the footnote so that it is set at a smaller typeface.  The  footnote  text  is
       formatted  in  the  diversion  using  that  environment,  but  it does not yet appear in the output.  The
       document author calls the footnote end macro, which returns to the  previous  environment  and  ends  the
       diversion.  Later, after much more body text in the document, a trap, set a small distance above the page
       bottom, is sprung.  The macro called by the trap draws a line  across  the  page  and  emits  the  stored
       diversion.  Thus, the footnote is rendered.


       Computer-driven  document  formatting  dates  back to the 1960s.  The roff system is intimately connected
       with Unix, but its origins lie with the earlier operating systems CTSS, GECOS, and Multics.

   The predecessor—RUNOFF
       roff's ancestor RUNOFF was written in the MAD language by Jerry Saltzer to prepare his  Ph.D.  thesis  on
       the  Compatible Time Sharing System (CTSS), a project of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
       This program is referred to in full capitals, both to distinguish  it  from  its  many  descendants,  and
       because bits were expensive in those days; five- and six-bit character encodings were still in widespread
       usage, and mixed-case alphabetics in file names seen as a luxury.  RUNOFF introduced a syntax of inlining
       formatting  directives  amid  document text, by beginning a line with a period (an unlikely occurrence in
       human-readable material) followed by a “control word”.  Control words with obvious  meaning  like  “.line
       length  n”  were  supported as well as an abbreviation system; the latter came to overwhelm the former in
       popular usage and later derivatives of the program.  A sample of control words from a  RUNOFF  manual  of
       December  1966  ⟨⟩ was documented as follows
       (with the parameter notation slightly altered).  The abbreviations will be familiar to roff veterans.

                                            Abbreviation   Control word
                                                     .ad   .adjust
                                                     .bp   .begin page
                                                     .br   .break
                                                     .ce   .center
                                                     .in   .indent n
                                                     .ll   .line length n
                                                     .nf   .nofill
                                                     .pl   .paper length n
                                                     .sp   .space [n]

       In 1965, MIT's Project MAC  teamed  with  Bell  Telephone  Laboratories  and  General  Electric  (GE)  to
       inaugurate  the  Multics  ⟨⟩ project.  After a few years, Bell Labs discontinued
       its participation in Multics, famously prompting the development of Unix.   Meanwhile,  Saltzer's  RUNOFF
       proved influential, seeing many ports and derivations elsewhere.

       In  1969,  Doug McIlroy wrote one such reimplementation, adding extensions, in the BCPL language for a GE
       645 running GECOS at the Bell Labs location in Murray Hill, New  Jersey.   In  its  manual,  the  control
       commands  were  termed  “requests”,  their two-letter names were canonical, and the control character was
       configurable with a .cc request.  Other familiar requests emerged at this  time;  no-adjust  (.na),  need
       (.ne),  page offset (.po), tab configuration (.ta, though it worked differently), temporary indent (.ti),
       character translation (.tr), and  automatic  underlining  (.ul;  on  RUNOFF  you  had  to  backspace  and
       underscore in the input yourself).  .fi to enable filling of output lines got the name it retains to this
       day.  McIlroy's program also featured a heuristic system for automatically  placing  hyphenation  points,
       designed and implemented by Molly Wagner.  It furthermore introduced numeric variables, termed registers.
       By 1971, this program had been ported to Multics and was known as roff, a name McIlroy attributes to  Bob
       Morris, to distinguish it from CTSS RUNOFF.

   Unix and roff
       McIlroy's  roff was one of the first Unix programs.  In Ritchie's term, it was “transliterated” from BCPL
       to DEC PDP-7 assembly language for the  fledgling  Unix  operating  system.   Automatic  hyphenation  was
       managed  with  .hc  and .hy requests, line spacing control was generalized with the .ls request, and what
       later roffs would call diversions were available via “footnote” requests.  This  roff  indirectly  funded
       operating  systems research at Murray Hill; AT&T prepared patent applications to the U.S. government with
       it.  This arrangement enabled the group to acquire a PDP-11; roff promptly proved equal to  the  task  of
       formatting the manual for what would become known as “First Edition Unix”, dated November 1971.

       Output  from  all  of the foregoing programs was limited to line printers and paper terminals such as the
       IBM 2471  (based  on  the  Selectric  line  of  typewriters)  and  the  Teletype  Corporation  Model  37.
       Proportionally spaced type was unavailable.

   New roff and Typesetter roff
       The  first  years  of  Unix  were spent in rapid evolution.  The practicalities of preparing standardized
       documents like patent applications (and Unix manual pages), combined with McIlroy's enthusiasm for  macro
       languages,  perhaps  created  an  irresistible  pressure  to  make roff extensible.  Joe Ossanna's nroff,
       literally a “new roff”, was the outlet for this pressure.  By  the  time  of  Unix  Version  3  (February
       1973)—and  still  in  PDP-11 assembly language—it sported a swath of features now considered essential to
       roff systems: definition of macros (.de), diversion of text thither (.di),  and  removal  thereof  (.rm);
       trap   planting  (.wh;  “when”)  and  relocation  (.ch;  “change”);  conditional  processing  (.if);  and
       environments (.ev).  Incremental improvements included assignment of the next page number (.pn); no-space
       mode  (.ns)  and  restoration  of  vertical  spacing (.rs); the saving (.sv) and output (.os) of vertical
       space; specification of replacement characters for tabs (.tc) and leaders (.lc); configuration of the no-
       break  control  character (.c2); shorthand to disable automatic hyphenation (.nh); a condensation of what
       were formerly six different requests for configuration of page “titles” (headers and  footers)  into  one
       (.tl)  with  a  length  controlled separately from the line length (.lt); automatic line numbering (.nm);
       interactive input (.rd), which necessitated buffer-flushing (.fl), and was  made  convenient  with  early
       program  cessation  (.ex);  source file inclusion in its modern form (.so; though RUNOFF had an “.append”
       control word for a similar purpose) and early advance to the next file argument (.nx); ignorable  content
       (.ig); and programmable abort (.ab).

       Third  Edition  Unix also brought the pipe(2) system call, the explosive growth of a componentized system
       based around it, and a “filter model” that remains perceptible today.  Equally importantly, the Bell Labs
       site  in  Murray Hill acquired a Graphic Systems C/A/T phototypesetter, and with it came the necessity of
       expanding the capabilities of a roff system to cope with a variety of proportionally spaced typefaces  at
       multiple  sizes.   Ossanna  wrote a parallel implementation of nroff for the C/A/T, dubbing it troff (for
       “typesetter roff”).  Unfortunately, surviving  documentation  does  not  illustrate  what  requests  were
       implemented  at this time for C/A/T support; the troff(1) man page in Fourth Edition Unix (November 1973)
       does not feature a request list, unlike nroff(1).  Apart from typesetter-driven features, Unix Version  4
       roffs  added string definitions (.ds); made the escape character configurable (.ec); and enabled the user
       to write diagnostics to the standard error stream (.tm).   Around  1974,  empowered  with  multiple  type
       sizes, italics, and a symbol font specially commissioned by Bell Labs from Graphic Systems, Kernighan and
       Lorinda Cherry implemented eqn for typesetting mathematics.  In the same year, for  Fifth  Edition  Unix,
       Ossanna  combined  and  reimplemented  the two roffs in C, using that language's preprocessor to generate
       both from a single source tree.

       Ossanna documented the syntax of the input language to the nroff and troff programs in the “Troff  User's
       Manual”,  first  published  in  1976, with further revisions as late as 1992 by Kernighan.  (The original
       version was entitled “Nroff/Troff User's Manual”, which may partially explain why roff practitioners have
       tended  to refer to it by its AT&T document identifier, “CSTR #54”.)  Its final revision serves as the de
       facto specification of AT&T troff, and all subsequent implementors of roff systems have done  so  in  its

       A small and simple set of roff macros was first used for the manual pages of Unix Version 4 and persisted
       for two further releases, but the first macro package to be formally described and installed  was  ms  by
       Michael  Lesk in Version 6.  He also wrote a manual, “Typing Documents on the Unix System”, describing ms
       and basic nroff/troff usage, updating it as the package accrued features.  Sixth Edition additionally saw
       the debut of the tbl preprocessor for formatting tables, also by Lesk.

       For  Unix  Version 7 (January 1979), McIlroy designed, implemented, and documented the man macro package,
       introducing most of the macros described in groff_man(7) today, and edited volume  1  of  the  Version  7
       manual using it.  Documents composed using ms featured in volume 2, edited by Kernighan.

       Meanwhile,  troff  proved  popular  even  at  Unix  sites  that lacked a C/A/T device.  Tom Ferrin of the
       University of California at San Francisco combined it  with  Allen  Hershey's  popular  vector  fonts  to
       produce  vtroff,  which  translated  troff's  output to the command language used by Versatec and Benson-
       Varian plotters.

       Ossanna had passed away unexpectedly in 1977, and  after  the  release  of  Version  7,  with  the  C/A/T
       typesetter  becoming  supplanted  by alternative devices such as the Mergenthaler Linotron 202, Kernighan
       undertook a revision and  rewrite  of  troff  to  generalize  its  design.   To  implement  this  revised
       architecture, he developed the font and device description file formats and the page description language
       that remain in use today.  He described these novelties in the article “A Typesetter-independent  TROFF”,
       last revised in 1982, and like the troff manual itself, it is widely known by a shorthand, “CSTR #97”.

       Kernighan's innovations prepared troff well for the introduction of the Adobe PostScript language in 1982
       and a vibrant market in laser  printers  with  built-in  interpreters  for  it.   An  output  driver  for
       PostScript,  dpost,  was  swiftly developed.  However, AT&T's software licensing practices kept Ossanna's
       troff, with its tight coupling to  the  C/A/T's  capabilities,  in  parallel  distribution  with  device-
       independent  troff  throughout  the  1980s.   Today,  however,  all  actively  maintained  troffs  follow
       Kernighan's device-independent design.

   groff—a free roff from GNU
       The most important free roff project historically has  been  groff,  the  GNU  implementation  of  troff,
       developed  by  James  Clark starting in 1989 and distributed under copyleft ⟨⟩
       licenses, ensuring to all the availability of source code and the freedom to modify and redistribute  it,
       properties  unprecedented  in  roff systems to that point.  groff rapidly attracted contributors, and has
       served as a replacement for almost all applications of AT&T troff (exceptions include mv, a macro package
       for  preparation  of  viewgraphs  and  slides,  and  the ideal preprocessor, which produces diagrams from
       mathematical constraints).  Beyond that, it has added numerous features; see  groff_diff(7).   Since  its
       inception and for at least the following three decades, it has been used by practically all GNU/Linux and
       BSD operating systems.

       groff continues to be developed, is available for almost all operating systems in common use (along  with
       several obscure ones), and is free.  These factors make groff the de facto roff standard today.

   Other free roffs
       In  2007,  Caldera/SCO  and Sun Microsystems, having acquired rights to AT&T Documenter's Workbench (DWB)
       troff (a descendant of the Bell Labs code), released it under a free but GPL-incompatible license.   This
       implementation  ⟨⟩  was  made  portable  to  modern  POSIX systems, and
       adopted and enhanced first by Gunnar Ritter and then Carsten Kunze to  produce  Heirloom  Doctools  troff

       In  July 2013, Ali Gholami Rudi announced neatroff ⟨⟩, a permissively
       licensed new implementation.

       Another descendant of DWB troff is part of Plan 9 from User  Space  ⟨⟩.
       Since 2021, this troff has been available under permissive terms.

Using roff
       When  you  read  a man page, often a roff is the program rendering it.  Some roff implementations provide
       wrapper programs that make it easy to use the roff system from the shell's command line.   These  can  be
       specific  to  a  macro  package, like mmroff(1), or more general.  groff(1) provides command-line options
       sparing the user from constructing the long, order-dependent pipelines  familiar  to  AT&T  troff  users.
       Further,  a  heuristic  program,  grog(1),  is  available to infer from a document's contents which groff
       arguments should be used to process it.

   The roff pipeline
       A typical roff document is prepared by running one  or  more  processors  in  series,  followed  by  a  a
       formatter  program  and  then an output driver (or “device postprocessor”).  Commonly, these programs are
       structured into a pipeline; that is, each is run in sequence such that the output of one is taken as  the
       input  to  the next, without passing through secondary storage.  (On non-Unix systems, pipelines may have
       to be simulated with temporary files.)

              $ preproc1 < input-file | preproc2 | ... | troff [option] ... \
                  | output-driver

       Once all preprocessors have run, they deliver pure roff language input to the formatter,  which  in  turn
       generates  a  document  in  a  page  description language that is then interpreted by a postprocessor for
       viewing, printing, or further processing.

       Each program interprets input in  a  language  that  is  independent  of  the  others;  some  are  purely
       descriptive, as with tbl(1) and roff output, and some permit the definition of macros, as with eqn(1) and
       roff input.  Most roff input files employ the macros of a document formatting  package,  intermixed  with
       instructions for one or more preprocessors, and seasoned with escape sequences and requests from the roff
       language.  Some documents are simpler still, since their formatting packages  discourage  direct  use  of
       roff  requests;  man pages are a prominent example.  Many features of the roff language are seldom needed
       by users; only authors of macro packages require a substantial command of them.

       A roff preprocessor is a program that, directly or ultimately, generates output  in  the  roff  language.
       Typically,  each  preprocessor defines a language of its own that transforms its input into that for roff
       or another preprocessor.  As an example of the latter,  chem  produces  pic  input.   Preprocessors  must
       consequently  be  run  in an appropriate order; groff(1) handles this automatically for all preprocessors
       supplied by the GNU roff system.

       Portions of the document written in preprocessor languages are usually bracketed by tokens that look like
       roff  macro  calls.   roff  preprocessor programs transform only the regions of the document intended for
       them.  When a preprocessor language is used by a document, its  corresponding  program  must  process  it
       before the input is seen by the formatter, or incorrect rendering is almost guaranteed.

       GNU  roff  provides several preprocessors, including eqn, grn, pic, tbl, refer, and soelim.  See groff(1)
       for a complete list.  Other preprocessors for roff systems are known.

              dformat   depicts data structures;
              grap      constructs statistical charts; and
              ideal     draws diagrams using a constraint-based language.

   Formatter programs
       A roff formatter transforms roff language input into a  single  file  in  a  page  description  language,
       described  in groff_out(5), intended for processing by a selected device.  This page description language
       is specialized in its parameters, but not its syntax, for the selected  device;  the  format  is  device-
       independent,  but  not  device-agnostic.   The  parameters the formatter uses to arrange the document are
       stored in device and font description files; see groff_font(5).

       AT&T Unix had two formatters—nroff for terminals, and troff for typesetters.  Often, the  name  troff  is
       used  loosely to refer to both.  When generalizing thus, groff documentation prefers the term “roff”.  In
       GNU roff, the formatter program is always troff(1).

   Devices and output drivers
       To a roff system, a device is a hardware interface like a printer, a text or  graphical  terminal,  or  a
       standardized  file  format  that  unrelated  software  can interpret.  An output driver is a program that
       parses the output of troff and produces instructions specific to the device or file format  it  supports.
       An output driver might support multiple devices, particularly if they are similar.

       The  names of the devices and their driver programs are not standardized.  Technological fashions evolve;
       the devices used for document preparation when AT&T troff was first written in the 1970s  are  no  longer
       used  in  production environments.  Device capabilities have tended to increase, improving resolution and
       font repertoire, and adding color output and hyperlinking.  Further, to reduce file size  and  processing
       time,  AT&T  troff's  page description language placed low limits on the magnitudes of some quantities it
       could represent.  Its PostScript output driver, dpost(1), had a resolution of 720 units per inch; groff's
       grops(1) uses 72,000.

roff programming
       Documents  using roff are normal text files interleaved with roff formatting elements.  The roff language
       is powerful enough to support arbitrary computation and it supplies facilities that encourage  extension.
       The primary such facility is macro definition; with this feature, macro packages have been developed that
       are tailored for particular applications.

   Macro packages
       Macro packages can have a much smaller vocabulary than  roff  itself;  this  trait  combined  with  their
       domain-specific  nature can make them easy to acquire and master.  The macro definitions of a package are
       typically kept in a file called name.tmac (historically,  Find  details  on  the  naming  and
       placement of macro packages in groff_tmac(5).

       A  macro  package  anticipated for use in a document can be declared to the formatter by the command-line
       option -m; see troff(1).  It can alternatively be specified within a document using the  mso  request  of
       the groff language; see groff(7).

       Well-known  macro  packages  include  man  for traditional man pages and mdoc for BSD-style manual pages.
       Macro packages for typesetting books, articles, and letters include ms  (from  “manuscript  macros”),  me
       (named  by  a system administrator from the first name of its creator, Eric Allman), mm (from “memorandum
       macros”), and mom, a punningly named package exercising many groff  extensions.   See  groff_tmac(5)  for

   The roff formatting language
       The  roff  language  provides  requests, escape sequences, macro definition facilities, string variables,
       registers for storage of numbers or dimensions, and control of execution flow.  The theoretically  minded
       will observe that a roff is not a mere markup language, but Turing-complete.  It has storage (registers),
       it can perform tests (as in conditional expressions like “(\n[i] >= 1)”), its “if” and  related  requests
       alter the flow of control, and macro definition permits unbounded recursion.

       Requests and escape sequences are instructions, predefined parts of the language, that perform formatting
       operations, interpolate stored material, or otherwise change the state  of  the  parser.   The  user  can
       define  their  own  request-like  elements  by composing together text, requests, and escape sequences ad
       libitum.  A document writer will not (usually) note any difference in usage for requests or macros;  both
       are  found  on  control  lines.   However, there is a distinction; requests take either a fixed number of
       arguments (sometimes zero), silently ignoring any excess, or consume the rest of the input line,  whereas
       macros  can take a variable number of arguments.  Since arguments are separated by spaces, macros require
       a means of embedding a space in an argument; in  other  words,  of  quoting  it.   This  then  demands  a
       mechanism  of embedding the quoting character itself, in case it is needed literally in a macro argument.
       AT&T troff had complex rules involving the placement and repetition of the double quote to  achieve  both
       aims.   groff  cuts  this  knot  by supporting a special character escape sequence for the neutral double
       quote, “\[dq]”, which never performs quoting in the typesetting language, but is simply a glyph, ‘"’.

       Escape sequences start with a backslash, “\”.  They can appear almost anywhere, even in the midst of text
       on  a  line, and implement various features, including the insertion of special characters with “\(xx” or
       “\[xxx]”, break suppression at input line endings with “\c”, font changes with “\f”,  type  size  changes
       with “\s”, in-line comments with “\"”, and many others.

       Strings  store  text.   They  are  populated  with  the  ds  request and interpolated using the \* escape

       Registers store numbers and measurements.  A register can be set with the request nr and its value can be
       retrieved by the escape sequence \n.

File naming conventions

       The  structure  or  content of a file name, beyond its location in the file system, is not significant to
       roff tools.  roff documents employing “full-service” macro packages (see groff_tmac(5)) tend to be  named
       with  a  suffix  identifying the package; we thus see file names ending in .man, .ms, .me, .mm, and .mom,
       for instance.  When installed, man pages tend to be named with the manual's section number as the suffix.
       For  example,  the  file  name  for  this  document is roff.7.  Practice for “raw” roff documents is less
       consistent; they are sometimes seen with a .t suffix.

Input conventions

       Since troff fills text automatically, it is  common  practice  in  the  roff  language  to  avoid  visual
       composition  of  text  in  input  files:  the  esthetic  appeal  of the formatted output is what matters.
       Therefore, roff input should be arranged such that it is easy for authors and maintainers to compose  and
       develop  the  document,  understand  the syntax of roff requests, macro calls, and preprocessor languages
       used, and predict the behavior of the formatter.  Several traditions have accrued  in  service  of  these

       • Follow  sentence  endings  in  the  input  with  newlines  to ease their recognition.  It is frequently
         convenient to end text  lines  after  colons  and  semicolons  as  well,  as  these  typically  precede
         independent  clauses.   Consider  doing  so after commas; they often occur in lists that become easy to
         scan when itemized by line, or constitute supplements to the  sentence  that  are  added,  deleted,  or
         updated to clarify it.  Parenthetical and quoted phrases are also good candidates for placement on text
         lines by themselves.

       • Set your text editor's line length to 72 characters or fewer; see the subsections below.   This  limit,
         combined  with  the  previous item of advice, makes it less common that an input line will wrap in your
         text editor, and thus will help you perceive excessively long constructions in your text.  Recall  that
         natural  languages originate in speech, not writing, and that punctuation is correlated with pauses for
         breathing and changes in prosody.

       • Use \& after “!”, “?”, and “.” if they are followed by space, tab, or newline characters and don't  end
         a sentence.

       • In  filled  text  lines, use \& before “.” and “'” if they are preceded by space, so that reflowing the
         input doesn't turn them into control lines.

       • Do not use spaces to perform indentation or align columns of a table.  Leading spaces are reliable when
         text is not being filled.

       • Comment  your  document.  It is never too soon to apply comments to record information of use to future
         document maintainers (including your future self).  The \" escape sequence causes troff to  ignore  the
         remainder of the input line.

       • Use  the  empty  request—a  control  character  followed  immediately  by  a newline—to visually manage
         separation of material in input files.  Many of the groff project's own documents use an empty  request
         between  sentences,  after  macro  definitions,  and  where a break is expected, and two empty requests
         between paragraphs or other requests or macro  calls  that  will  introduce  vertical  space  into  the
         document.   You  can  combine  the empty request with the comment escape sequence to include whole-line
         comments in your document, and even “comment out” sections of it.

       An example sufficiently long to illustrate most of the above suggestions in practice follows.  An arrow →
       indicates a tab character.

              .\"   nroff this_file.roff | less
              .\"   groff -T ps this_file.roff >
              →The theory of relativity is intimately connected with
              the theory of space and time.
              I shall therefore begin with a brief investigation of
              the origin of our ideas of space and time,
              although in doing so I know that I introduce a
              controversial subject.  \" remainder of paragraph elided

              →The experiences of an individual appear to us arranged
              in a series of events;
              in this series the single events which we remember
              appear to be ordered according to the criterion of
              \[lq]earlier\[rq] and \[lq]later\[rq], \" punct swapped
              which cannot be analysed further.
              There exists,
              for the individual,
              an I-time,
              or subjective time.
              This itself is not measurable.
              I can,
              associate numbers with the events,
              in such a way that the greater number is associated with
              the later event than with an earlier one;
              but the nature of this association may be quite
              This association I can define by means of a clock by
              comparing the order of events furnished by the clock
              with the order of a given series of events.
              We understand by a clock something which provides a
              series of events which can be counted,
              and which has other properties of which we shall speak
              .\" Albert Einstein, _The Meaning of Relativity_, 1922

   Editing with Emacs
       Official GNU doctrine holds that the best program for editing a roff document is Emacs; see emacs(1).  It
       provides an nroff major mode that is suitable for all kinds of roff dialects.  This mode can be activated
       by the following methods.

       When  editing  a file within Emacs the mode can be changed by typing “M-x nroff-mode”, where M-x means to
       hold down the meta key (often labelled “Alt”) while pressing and releasing the “x” key.

       It is also possible to have the mode automatically selected when a roff file is loaded into the editor.

       • The most general method is to include file-local variables  at  the  end  of  the  file;  we  can  also
         configure the fill column this way.

                .\" Local Variables:
                .\" fill-column: 72
                .\" mode: nroff
                .\" End:

       • Certain  file  name  extensions,  such  as  those  commonly  used  by  man pages, trigger the automatic
         activation of the nroff mode.

       • Technically, having the sequence

                .\" -*- nroff -*-

         in the first line of a file will cause Emacs to enter the nroff major mode when it is loaded  into  the
         buffer.  Unfortunately, some implementations of the man(1) program are confused by this practice, so we
         discourage it.

   Editing with Vim
       Other editors provide support for roff-style files too,  such  as  vim(1),  an  extension  of  the  vi(1)
       program.   Vim's highlighting can be made to recognize roff files by setting the filetype option in a Vim
       modeline.  For this feature to work, your copy of vim must be built with support for, and  configured  to
       enable,  several  features;  consult  the  editor's  online  help  topics “auto-setting”, “filetype”, and
       “syntax”.  Then put the following at the end of your roff files, after any Emacs configuration:

                     .\" vim: set filetype=groff textwidth=72:

       Replace “groff” in the above with “nroff” if you want highlighting that does not recognize  many  of  the
       GNU extensions to roff, such as request, register, and string names longer than two characters.


       This  document  was  written  by  Bernd  Warken  ⟨⟩  and  G. Branden Robinson

See also

       Much roff documentation is available.  The Bell Labs papers describing AT&T troff remain  available,  and
       groff is documented comprehensively.

   Internet sites
       Unix  Text  Processing  ⟨⟩,  by Dale Dougherty and Tim
       O'Reilly, 1987, Hayden Books.  This well-regarded text brings the reader from a state of no knowledge  of
       Unix  or  text  editing  (if  necessary) to sophisticated computer-aided typesetting.  It has been placed
       under a free software license by its authors and updated by a team of groff contributors and enthusiasts.

       “History of Unix Manpages” ⟨⟩, an online  article  maintained  by  the
       mdocml  project,  provides  an  overview of roff development from Saltzer's RUNOFF to 2008, with links to
       original documentation and recollections of the authors and their contemporaries. ⟨⟩, Ralph Corderoy's troff site, provides an overview and pointers to much
       historical roff information.

       Multicians  ⟨⟩, a site by Multics enthusiasts, contains a lot of information on
       the MIT projects CTSS and Multics, including RUNOFF; it is especially useful for  its  glossary  and  the
       many links to historical documents.

       The  Unix  Archive  ⟨⟩,  curated  by  the Unix Heritage Society, provides the
       source code and some binaries of historical Unices (including the source code of some versions  of  troff
       and its documentation) contributed by their copyright holders.

       Jerry  Saltzer's  home page ⟨⟩ stores some documents
       using the original RUNOFF formatting language.

       groff⟩, GNU roff's web site, provides  convenient  access  to  groff's
       source  code  repository,  bug  tracker,  and  mailing  lists  (including  archives  and the subscription

   Historical roff documentation
       Many AT&T troff documents are available online, and can be found at Ralph Corderoy's site (see above)  or
       via Internet search.

       Of  foremost  significance  are two mentioned in section “History” above, describing the language and its
       device-independent implementation, respectively.

       “Troff User's Manual” by Joseph F. Ossanna, 1976  (revised  by  Brian  W.  Kernighan,  1992),  AT&T  Bell
       Laboratories Computing Science Technical Report No. 54.

       “A  Typesetter-independent  TROFF”  by Brian W. Kernighan, 1982, AT&T Bell Laboratories Computing Science
       Technical Report No. 97.

       You can obtain many relevant Bell Labs  papers  in  PDF  from  Bernd  Warken's  “roff  classical”  GitHub
       repository ⟨⟩.

   Manual pages
       As  a  system  of  multiple  components, a roff system potentially has many man pages, each describing an
       aspect of it.  Unfortunately, there is no consistent naming scheme for these pages  among  the  different
       roff implementations.

       For  GNU roff, the groff(1) man page enumerates all man pages distributed with the system, and individual
       pages frequently refer to external resources as well as manuals distributed with groff on  a  variety  of

       With other roffs, you are on your own, but troff(1) might be a good starting point.