Provided by: osmocom-analog_0.0~git20240908.8f91ed1-1_amd64
osmotv -
osmotv -f <frequency> | -c <channel> <command> command: tx-fubk Transmit FUBK test image (German PAL image) tx-ebu Transmit EBU test image (color bars) tx-convergence Transmit convergence grid for color adjustemnt tx-black Transmit single color image tx-blue Transmit single color image tx-red Transmit single color image (for DY adjustment) tx-magenta Transmit single color image tx-green Transmit single color image tx-cyan Transmit single color image tx-yellow Transmit single color image tx-white Transmit single color image tx-vcr Transmit Jolly's VCR test pattern tx-img [<image>] Transmit natural image or given image file Use 4:3 image with 574 lines for best result. general options: -h --help This help --config [~/]<path to config file> Give a config file to use. If it starts with '~/', path is at home dir. Each line in config file is one option, '-' or '--' must not be given! -f --frequency <frequency> Give frequency in Hertz. -c --channel <channel> Or give channel number. Special channels start with 's' or 'S'. Use 'list' to get a channel list. -s --samplerate <frequency> Give sample rate in Hertz. -w --wave-file <filename> Output to wave file instead of SDR -r --realtime <prio> Set prio: 0 to disable, 99 for maximum (default = 0) signal options: -F --fbas 1 | 0 Turn color on or off. (default = 1) -T --tone 1 | 0 Turn tone on or off. (default = 1) FUBK options: -R --circle-radius <radius> | 0 Use circle radius or 0 for off. (default = 6.7) -C --color-bar 1 | 0 1 == Color bar on, 0 = Show complete middle field. (default = 0) For clean scope signal, also turn off circle by setting radius to 0. -G --grid-only 1 | 0 1 == Show only the grid of the test image. (default = 0) -I --sation-id "<text>" Give exactly 12 characters to display as Station ID. (default = "Jolly Roger") convergence options: -W --grid-width 2 | 1 Thickness of grid. (default = 0) --limesdr Auto-select several required options for LimeSDR --limesdr-mini Auto-select several required options for LimeSDR Mini SDR options: --sdr-soapy Force SoapySDR driver --sdr-channel <channel #> Give channel number for multi channel SDR device (default = 0) --sdr-device-args <args> --sdr-stream-args <args> --sdr-tune-args <args> Optional SDR device arguments, separated by comma e.g. --sdr-device-args <key>=<value>[,<key>=<value>[,...]] --sdr-samplerate <samplerate> Sample rate to use with SDR. By default it equals the regular sample rate. --sdr-lo-offset <Hz> Give frequency offset in Hz to move the local oscillator away from the target frequency. (default = -3000000) --sdr-bandwidth <bandwidth> Give IF filter bandwidth to use. If not, sample rate is used. --sdr-rx-antenna <name> SDR device's RX antenna name, use 'list' to get a list --sdr-tx-antenna <name> SDR device's TX antenna name, use 'list' to get a list --sdr-clock-source <name> SDR device's clock sourc name, use 'list' to get a list --sdr-rx-gain <gain> SDR device's RX gain in dB (default = 0.0) --sdr-tx-gain <gain> SDR device's TX gain in dB (default = 0.0) --write-iq-rx-wave <file> Write received IQ data to given wave file. --write-iq-tx-wave <file> Write transmitted IQ data to given wave file. --read-iq-rx-wave <file> Replace received IQ data by given wave file. --read-iq-tx-wave <file> Replace transmitted IQ data by given wave file. --sdr-swap-links Swap RX and TX frequencies for loopback tests over the air. --sdr-timestamps 1 | 0 Use TX timestamps on UHD device. (default = 1) osmotv(1)