plucky (3) Atomic.3o.gz

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       Atomic - Atomic references.


       Module   Atomic


       Module Atomic
        : sig end

       Atomic references.

       See Atomic.examples below.  See 'Memory model: The hard bits' chapter in the manual.

       Since 4.12

       type !'a t

       An atomic (mutable) reference to a value of type 'a .

       val make : 'a -> 'a t

       Create an atomic reference.

       val make_contended : 'a -> 'a t

       Create  an  atomic reference that is alone on a cache line. It occupies 4-16x the memory of one allocated
       with make v .

       The primary purpose is to prevent false-sharing and the resulting performance  degradation.  When  a  CPU
       performs  an  atomic  operation, it temporarily takes ownership of an entire cache line that contains the
       atomic reference. If multiple atomic references share the  same  cache  line,  modifying  these  disjoint
       memory  regions  simultaneously  becomes  impossible,  which can create a bottleneck. Hence, as a general
       guideline, if an atomic reference is experiencing contention, assigning it its own cache line may enhance

       val get : 'a t -> 'a

       Get the current value of the atomic reference.

       val set : 'a t -> 'a -> unit

       Set a new value for the atomic reference.

       val exchange : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a

       Set a new value for the atomic reference, and return the current value.

       val compare_and_set : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a -> bool

       compare_and_set  r  seen  v sets the new value of r to v only if its current value is physically equal to
       seen -- the comparison and the set occur atomically. Returns true if the comparison succeeded (so the set
       happened) and false otherwise.

       val fetch_and_add : int t -> int -> int

       fetch_and_add  r  n atomically increments the value of r by n , and returns the current value (before the

       val incr : int t -> unit

       incr r atomically increments the value of r by 1 .

       val decr : int t -> unit

       decr r atomically decrements the value of r by 1 .

   Basic Thread Coordination
       A basic use case is to have global counters that are updated in a thread-safe way, for  example  to  keep
       some  sorts  of  metrics  over  IOs performed by the program. Another basic use case is to coordinate the
       termination of threads in a given program, for example when one thread  finds  an  answer,  or  when  the
       program is shut down by the user.

       Here, for example, we're going to try to find a number whose hash satisfies a basic property. To do that,
       we'll run multiple threads which will try random numbers until they find one that works.

       Of course the output below is a sample run and will change every time the program is run.

           (* use for termination *)
           let stop_all_threads = Atomic.make false

           (* total number of individual attempts to find a number *)
           let num_attempts = Atomic.make 0

           (* find a number that satisfies [p], by... trying random numbers
              until one fits. *)
           let find_number_where (p:int -> bool) =
             let rand = Random.State.make_self_init() in
             while not (Atomic.get stop_all_threads) do

               let n = Random.State.full_int rand max_int in
               ignore (Atomic.fetch_and_add num_attempts 1 : int);

               if p (Hashtbl.hash n) then (
                 Printf.printf "found %d (hash=%d)\n%!" n (Hashtbl.hash n);
                 Atomic.set stop_all_threads true; (* signal all threads to stop *)

           (* run multiple domains to search for a [n] where [hash n <= 100] *)
           let () =
             let criterion n = n <= 100 in
             let threads =
               Array.init 8
                 (fun _ -> Domain.spawn (fun () -> find_number_where criterion))
             Array.iter Domain.join threads;
             Printf.printf "total number of attempts: %d\n%!"
               (Atomic.get num_attempts) ;;

           - : unit = ()
           found 1651745641680046833 (hash=33)
           total number of attempts: 30230350

   Treiber Stack
       Another example is a basic Treiber stack (a thread-safe stack) that can be safely shared between threads.

       Note how both push and pop are recursive, because they attempt to swap the new stack (with one  more,  or
       one  fewer,  element)  with  the old stack.  This is optimistic concurrency: each iteration of, say, push
       stack x gets the old stack l , and hopes that by the time it tries to replace l with x::l ,  nobody  else
       has  had  time to modify the list. If the compare_and_set fails it means we were too optimistic, and must
       try again.

           type 'a stack = 'a list Atomic.t

           let rec push (stack: _ stack) elt : unit =
             let cur = Atomic.get stack in
             let success = Atomic.compare_and_set stack cur (elt :: cur) in
             if not success then
               push stack elt

           let rec pop (stack: _ stack) : _ option =
             let cur = Atomic.get stack in
             match cur with
             | [] -> None
             | x :: tail ->
               let success = Atomic.compare_and_set stack cur tail in
               if success then Some x
               else pop stack

           # let st = Atomic.make []
           # push st 1
           - : unit = ()
           # push st 2
           - : unit = ()
           # pop st
           - : int option = Some 2
           # pop st
           - : int option = Some 1
           # pop st
           - : int option = None