plucky (3) Bio::Search::Hit::HMMERHit.3pm.gz

Bio::Search::Hit::HMMERHit - A Hit module for HMMER hits
use Bio::Search::Hit::HMMERHit; my $hit = Bio::Search::Hit::HMMERHit->new(); # use it in the same way as Bio::Search::Hit::GenericHit
This is a specialization of Bio::Search::Hit::GenericHit. There are a few news methods next_domain and domains. Note that bits and iteration make no sense for this object and will return 0.
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AUTHOR - Jason Stajich
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ new Title : new Usage : my $obj = Bio::Search::Hit::HMMERHit->new(); Function: Builds a new Bio::Search::Hit::HMMERHit object Returns : Bio::Search::Hit::HMMERHit Args : Plus the Bio::Search::Hit::GenericHit inherited params -name => Name of Hit (required) -description => Description (optional) -accession => Accession number (optional) -length => Length of the Hit (optional) -score => Raw Score for the Hit (optional) -significance => Significance value for the Hit (optional) -algorithm => Algorithm used (BLASTP, FASTX, etc...) -hsps => Array ref of HSPs for this Hit. next_domain Title : next_domain Usage : my $domain = $hit->next_domain(); Function: An alias for L<next_hsp()>, this will return the next HSP Returns : L<Bio::Search::HSP::HSPI> object Args : none domains Title : domains Usage : my @domains = $hit->domains(); Function: An alias for L<hsps()>, this will return the full list of hsps Returns : array of L<Bio::Search::HSP::HSPI> objects Args : none inherited Bio::Search::Hit::GenericHit methods add_hsp Title : add_hsp Usage : $hit->add_hsp($hsp) Function: Add a HSP to the collection of HSPs for a Hit Returns : number of HSPs in the Hit Args : Bio::Search::HSP::HSPI object Bio::Search::Hit::HitI methods name Title : name Usage : $hit_name = $hit->name(); Function: returns the name of the Hit sequence Returns : a scalar string Args : [optional] scalar string to set the name accession Title : accession Usage : $acc = $hit->accession(); Function: Retrieve the accession (if available) for the hit Returns : a scalar string (empty string if not set) Args : none description Title : description Usage : $desc = $hit->description(); Function: Retrieve the description for the hit Returns : a scalar string Args : [optional] scalar string to set the description length Title : length Usage : my $len = $hit->length Function: Returns the length of the hit Returns : integer Args : [optional] integer to set the length algorithm Title : algorithm Usage : $alg = $hit->algorithm(); Function: Gets the algorithm specification that was used to obtain the hit For BLAST, the algorithm denotes what type of sequence was aligned against what (BLASTN: dna-dna, BLASTP prt-prt, BLASTX translated dna-prt, TBLASTN prt-translated dna, TBLASTX translated dna-translated dna). Returns : a scalar string Args : [optional] scalar string to set the algorithm raw_score Title : raw_score Usage : $score = $hit->raw_score(); Function: Gets the "raw score" generated by the algorithm. What this score is exactly will vary from algorithm to algorithm, returning undef if unavailable. Returns : a scalar value Args : [optional] scalar value to set the raw score significance Title : significance Usage : $significance = $hit->significance(); Function: Used to obtain the E or P value of a hit, i.e. the probability that this particular hit was obtained purely by random chance. If information is not available (nor calculatable from other information sources), return undef. Returns : a scalar value or undef if unavailable Args : [optional] scalar value to set the significance bits Usage : $hit_object->bits(); Purpose : Gets the bit score of the best HSP for the current hit. Example : $bits = $hit_object->bits(); Returns : Integer or undef if bit score is not set Argument : n/a See Also : score() next_hsp Title : next_hsp Usage : while( $hsp = $obj->next_hsp()) { ... } Function : Returns the next available High Scoring Pair Example : Returns : Bio::Search::HSP::HSPI object or null if finished Args : none hsps Usage : $hit_object->hsps(); Purpose : Get a list containing all HSP objects. : Get the numbers of HSPs for the current hit. Example : @hsps = $hit_object->hsps(); : $num = $hit_object->hsps(); # alternatively, use num_hsps() Returns : Array context : list of objects. : Scalar context: integer (number of HSPs). : (Equivalent to num_hsps()). Argument : n/a. Relies on wantarray Throws : Exception if the HSPs have not been collected. See Also : hsp(), num_hsps() num_hsps Usage : $hit_object->num_hsps(); Purpose : Get the number of HSPs for the present Blast hit. Example : $nhsps = $hit_object->num_hsps(); Returns : Integer Argument : n/a Throws : Exception if the HSPs have not been collected. See Also : hsps() rewind Title : rewind Usage : $hit->rewind; Function: Allow one to reset the HSP iteration to the beginning Since this is an in-memory implementation Returns : none Args : none iteration Title : iteration Usage : $obj->iteration($newval) Function: PSI-BLAST iteration Returns : value of iteration Args : newvalue (optional)