plucky (3) IO::Async::Function.3pm.gz

Provided by: libio-async-perl_0.803-1_all bug


       "IO::Async::Function" - call a function asynchronously


          use Future::AsyncAwait;
          use IO::Async::Function;

          use IO::Async::Loop;
          my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;

          my $function = IO::Async::Function->new(
             code => sub {
                my ( $number ) = @_;
                return is_prime( $number );

          $loop->add( $function );

          my $isprime = await $function->call(
             args => [ 123454321 ],

          print "123454321 " . ( $isprime ? "is" : "is not" ) . " a prime number\n";


       This subclass of IO::Async::Notifier wraps a function body in a collection of worker processes, to allow
       it to execute independently of the main process.  The object acts as a proxy to the function, allowing
       invocations to be made by passing in arguments, and invoking a continuation in the main process when the
       function returns.

       The object represents the function code itself, rather than one specific invocation of it. It can be
       called multiple times, by the "call" method.  Multiple outstanding invocations can be called; they will
       be dispatched in the order they were queued. If only one worker process is used then results will be
       returned in the order they were called. If multiple are used, then each request will be sent in the order
       called, but timing differences between each worker may mean results are returned in a different order.

       Since the code block will be called multiple times within the same child process, it must take care not
       to modify any of its state that might affect subsequent calls. Since it executes in a child process, it
       cannot make any modifications to the state of the parent program. Therefore, all the data required to
       perform its task must be represented in the call arguments, and all of the result must be represented in
       the return values.

       The Function object is implemented using an IO::Async::Routine with two IO::Async::Channel objects to
       pass calls into and results out from it.

       The IO::Async framework generally provides mechanisms for multiplexing IO tasks between different
       handles, so there aren't many occasions when such an asynchronous function is necessary. Two cases where
       this does become useful are:

       1.  When a large amount of computationally-intensive work needs to be performed (for example, the
           "is_prime" test in the example in the "SYNOPSIS").

       2.  When a blocking OS syscall or library-level function needs to be called, and no nonblocking or
           asynchronous version is supplied. This is used by IO::Async::Resolver.

       This object is ideal for representing "pure" functions; that is, blocks of code which have no stateful
       effect on the process, and whose result depends only on the arguments passed in. For a more general co-
       routine ability, see also IO::Async::Routine.


       The following named parameters may be passed to "new" or "configure":

   code => CODE
       The body of the function to execute.

          @result = $code->( @args );

   init_code => CODE
       Optional. If defined, this is invoked exactly once in every child process or thread, after it is created,
       but before the first invocation of the function body itself.


   module => STRING
   func => STRING
       Since version 0.79.

       An alternative to the "code" argument, which names a module to load and a function to call within it.
       "module" should give a perl module name (i.e.  "Some::Name", not a filename like Some/, and
       "func" should give the basename of a function within that module (i.e. without the module name prefixed).
       It will be invoked, without extra arguments, as the main code body of the object.

       The task of loading this module and resolving the resulting function from it is only performed on the
       remote worker side, so the controlling process will not need to actually load the module.

   init_func => STRING or ARRAY [ STRING, ... ]
       Optional addition to the "module" and "func" alternatives. Names a function within the module to call
       each time a new worker is created.

       If this value is an array reference, its first element must be a string giving the name of the function;
       the remaining values are passed to that function as arguments.

   model => "fork" | "thread" | "spawn"
       Optional. Requests a specific IO::Async::Routine model. If not supplied, leaves the default choice up to

   min_workers => INT
   max_workers => INT
       The lower and upper bounds of worker processes to try to keep running. The actual number running at any
       time will be kept somewhere between these bounds according to load.

   max_worker_calls => INT
       Optional. If provided, stop a worker process after it has processed this number of calls. (New workers
       may be started to replace stopped ones, within the bounds given above).

   idle_timeout => NUM
       Optional. If provided, idle worker processes will be shut down after this amount of time, if there are
       more than "min_workers" of them.

   exit_on_die => BOOL
       Optional boolean, controls what happens after the "code" throws an exception. If missing or false, the
       worker will continue running to process more requests. If true, the worker will be shut down. A new
       worker might be constructed by the "call" method to replace it, if necessary.

   setup => ARRAY
       Optional array reference. Specifies the "setup" key to pass to the underlying IO::Async::Process when
       setting up new worker processes.


       The following methods documented in "await" expressions return Future instances.


       Start the worker processes


       Stop the worker processes

          $f = $function->stop;

       Since version 0.75.

       If called in non-void context, returns a IO::Async::Future instance that will complete once every worker
       process has stopped and exited. This may be useful for waiting until all of the processes are waited on,
       or other edge-cases, but is not otherwise particularly useful.


       Gracefully stop and restart all the worker processes.

          @result = await $function->call( %params );

       Schedules an invocation of the contained function to be executed on one of the worker processes. If a
       non-busy worker is available now, it will be called immediately. If not, it will be queued and sent to
       the next free worker that becomes available.

       The request will already have been serialised by the marshaller, so it will be safe to modify any
       referenced data structures in the arguments after this call returns.

       The %params hash takes the following keys:

       args => ARRAY
               A reference to the array of arguments to pass to the code.

       priority => NUM
               Optional. Defines the sorting order when no workers are available and calls must be queued for
               later. A default of zero will apply if not provided.

               Higher values cause the call to be considered more important, and will be placed earlier in the
               queue than calls with a smaller value. Calls of equal priority are still handled in FIFO order.

       If the function body returns normally the list of results are provided as the (successful) result of
       returned future. If the function throws an exception this results in a failed future. In the special case
       that the exception is in fact an unblessed "ARRAY" reference, this array is unpacked and used as-is for
       the "fail" result. If the exception is not such a reference, it is used as the first argument to "fail",
       in the category of "error".

          $f->done( @result );

          $f->fail( @{ $exception } );
          $f->fail( $exception, error => );

   call (void)
          $function->call( %params );

       When not returning a future, the "on_result", "on_return" and "on_error" arguments give continuations to
       handle successful results or failure.

       on_result => CODE
               A continuation that is invoked when the code has been executed. If the code returned normally, it
               is called as:

                  $on_result->( 'return', @values )

               If the code threw an exception, or some other error occurred such as a closed connection or the
               process died, it is called as:

                  $on_result->( 'error', $exception_name )

       on_return => CODE and on_error => CODE
               An alternative to "on_result". Two continuations to use in either of the circumstances given
               above. They will be called directly, without the leading 'return' or 'error' value.

          $count = $function->workers;

       Returns the total number of worker processes available

          $count = $function->workers_busy;

       Returns the number of worker processes that are currently busy

          $count = $function->workers_idle;

       Returns the number of worker processes that are currently idle


   Extended Error Information on Failure
       The array-unpacking form of exception indiciation allows the function body to more precicely control the
       resulting failure from the "call" future.

          my $divider = IO::Async::Function->new(
             code => sub {
                my ( $numerator, $divisor ) = @_;
                $divisor == 0 and
                   die [ "Cannot divide by zero", div_zero => $numerator, $divisor ];

                return $numerator / $divisor;


       For the record, 123454321 is 11111 * 11111, a square number, and therefore not prime.


       Paul Evans <>