plucky (3) LaTeX::Table::Types::TypeI.3pm.gz

LaTeX::Table::Types::TypeI - Interface for LaTeX table types.
This is the type interface (or Moose role), that all type objects must use. LaTeX::Table delegates the LaTeX code generation to type objects. It stores all information we have in easy to use "TEMPLATE VARIABLES". LaTeX::Table ships with very flexible templates, but it is possible to use the template variables defined here to build custom templates.
Most options are accessible here: "CENTER, LEFT, RIGHT" Example: [% IF CENTER %]\centering [% END %] "ENVIRONMENT, STAR, POSITION, SIDEWAYS" These options for floating environments are typically used like: [% IF ENVIRONMENT %]\begin{[% ENVIRONMENT %][% IF STAR %]*[% END %]}[% IF POSITION %][[% POSITION %]][% END %] ... [% END %] # the tabular environment here ... [% IF ENVIRONMENT %] ... \end{[% ENVIRONMENT %][% IF STAR %]*[% END %]}[% END %] "CAPTION_TOP, CAPTION_CMD, SHORTCAPTION, CAPTION, CONTINUED, CONTINUEDMSG" The variables to build the caption command. Note that there is NO template for the "maincaption" option. "CAPTION" already includes this maincaption if specified. "LABEL" The label: [% IF LABEL %]\label{[% LABEL %]}[% END %] "TABULAR_ENVIRONMENT, WIDTH, COLDEF" These three options define the tabular environment: \begin{[% TABULAR_ENVIRONMENT %]}[% IF WIDTH %]{[% WIDTH %]}[% END %]{[% COLDEF %]} "FONTFAMILY, FONTSIZE" Example: [% IF FONTSIZE %]\[% FONTSIZE %] [% END %][% IF FONTFAMILY %]\[% FONTFAMILY %]family [% END %] "TABLEHEADMSG, TABLETAIL, TABLELASTTAIL, XENTRYSTRETCH" For the multi-page tables. "MAXWIDTH, FOOTTABLE" Currently only used by LaTeX::Table::Types::Ctable. In addition, some variables already contain formatted LaTeX code: "HEADER_CODE" The formatted header: \toprule \multicolumn{2}{c}{Item} & \\ \cmidrule(r){1-2} Animal & Description & Price \\ \midrule "DATA_CODE" The formatted data: Gnat & per gram & 13.65 \\ & each & 0.01 \\ Gnu & stuffed & 92.59 \\ Emu & stuffed & 33.33 \\ Armadillo & frozen & 8.99 \\ \bottomrule "RESIZEBOX_BEGIN_CODE, RESIZEBOX_END_CODE" Everything between these two template variables is resized according the "resizebox" option. "EXTRA_ROW_HEIGHT_CODE, DEFINE_COLORS_CODE, RULES_COLOR_GLOBAL_CODE, RULES_WIDTH_GLOBAL_CODE" Specified by the theme. "EXTRA_ROW_HEIGHT_CODE" will contain the corresponding LaTeX extrarowheight command, e.g for '1pt': \setlength{\extrarowheight}{1pt} Otherwise it will contain the empty string. The other template variables will contain the command specified by the corresponding theme option. Finally, some variables allow access to internal "LaTeX::Table" variables: "LT_NUM_COLUMNS" Contains the number of columns of the table. "LT_BOTTOM_RULE_CODE" Code that draws the rules at the bottom of the table according the theme options.
LaTeX::Table The predefined templates: LaTeX::Table::Types::Std, LaTeX::Table::Types::Ctable, LaTeX::Table::Types::Longtable, LaTeX::Table::Types::Xtab
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