plucky (3) OpenDBX_Result.3.gz

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       OpenDBX::Result - Provides result sets from the database.


   Public Member Functions
       unsigned long columnCount ()  throw ( std::exception )
           Returns the number of columns available in this result set.
       const string columnName (unsigned long pos)  throw ( std::exception )
           Returns the name of the column in the current result set.
       unsigned long columnPos (const string &name)  throw ( std::exception )
           Maps the column name to the column number required by other methods.
       odbxtype columnType (unsigned long pos)  throw ( std::exception )
           Returns the type of the column in the current result set.
       unsigned long fieldLength (unsigned long pos)  throw ( std::exception )
           Returns the size of the content in the current row at the specified postion.
       const char * fieldValue (unsigned long pos)  throw ( std::exception )
           Returns a pointer to the content in the current row at the specified postion.
       void finish ()  throw ( std::exception )
           Retrieves unfetched rows and cleans up the available result sets.
       Lob getLob (const char *value)  throw ( std::exception )
           Creates a large object instance if supported by the database.
       odbxres getResult (struct timeval *timeout=NULL, unsigned long chunk=0)  throw ( std::exception )
           Fetches one result set from the database server.
       odbxrow getRow ()  throw ( std::exception )
           Makes data of next row available.
       Result & operator= (const Result &ref)  throw ()
           Assigns a Result instance to another one.
       Result (const Result &ref)  throw ()
           Copy constructor.
       uint64_t rowsAffected ()  throw ( std::exception )
           Returns the number of rows affected by DELETE, INSERT of UPDATE statements.
       ~Result ()  throw ()
           Destroys a Result instance if no other references exist.

   Protected Member Functions
       Result ()  throw ()
           Default constructor.
       Result (Result_Iface *impl)  throw ( std::exception )
           Creates a Result instance.

Detailed Description

       Provides result sets from the database.

           Norbert Sendetzky


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

   OpenDBX::Result::Result () [inline],  [protected]
       Default constructor. The default constructor isn't part of the public interface as the object must not be
       created manually. Instead, the Stmt::execute() method is a factory for instances of the Result class.

           Result instance

   OpenDBX::Result::Result (Result_Iface * impl)std::exception [protected]
       Creates a Result instance. The constructor isn't part of the public interface as the object must not be
       created manually. Instead, the Stmt::execute() method is a factory for instances of the Result class.

           impl Pointer to private implementation

           std::exception If an error occures

           Result instance

   OpenDBX::Result::~Result ()
       Destroys a Result instance if no other references exist. Each result object uses a reference counter to
       remember if the internal variables are shared with other objects. If this isn't the case or if this
       object is the last one referencing the variables, the object is cleanup up and the allocated memory

   OpenDBX::Result::Result (const Result & ref)
       Copy constructor. Enables the transfer of the internal state of an object ref of the same type to this
       object. Both objects share the same variables and the reference counter afterwards. The reference counter
       is incremented each time an object is copied and will be decremented if it is destroyed.

           ref Original result object instance

Member Function Documentation

   unsigned long OpenDBX::Result::columnCount ()std::exception
       Returns the number of columns available in this result set. The number of columns will never change
       within a result set with one notable exception: MySQL returns all outstanding rows of a previous result
       set first if they were not fetched completely by getRow() before. Therefore, the column count might
       change in this special situation.

           Number of columns

           OpenDBX::Exception If the underlying database library returns an error

   const string OpenDBX::Result::columnName (unsigned long pos)std::exception
       Returns the name of the column in the current result set. Gets the name of the column specified by pos in
       the current result set. The column names will not change within the result set with the exception of
       MySQL when the first result set wasn't retrieved completely before getResult() was called again.

           pos Position of column in result set

           Column name

           OpenDBX::Exception If the underlying database library returns an error

   unsigned long OpenDBX::Result::columnPos (const string & name)std::exception
       Maps the column name to the column number required by other methods. This method returns the index of the
       column which is named like the content of the string given via the parameter name. The column index will
       not change within the result set.

           name Name of the column in the result set

           Position of column in result set

           OpenDBX::Exception If the underlying database library returns an error

   odbxtype OpenDBX::Result::columnType (unsigned long pos)std::exception
       Returns the type of the column in the current result set. The column type applies to all fields at the
       same position of the rows fetched via getRow(). The definitions are based on the SQL2003 standard and the
       data types of the database server have to comply to the specification of the standard. These are:

       Exact numeric values:

       • ODBX_TYPE_BOOLEAN: True/false values

       • ODBX_TYPE_SMALLINT: Signed 16 bit integer

       • ODBX_TYPE_INTEGER: Signed 32 bit integer

       • ODBX_TYPE_BIGINT: Signed 64 bit integer

       • ODBX_TYPE_DECIMAL: Exact signed numeric values with user defined precision

       Approximate numeric values:

       • ODBX_TYPE_REAL: Approximate numeric values (signed) with 32 bit precision

       • ODBX_TYPE_DOUBLE: Approximate numeric values (signed) with 64 bit precision

       • ODBX_TYPE_FLOAT: Approximate numeric values (signed) with user defined precision

       String values:

       • ODBX_TYPE_CHAR: Fixed number of characters

       • ODBX_TYPE_NCHAR: Fixed number of characters using a national character set

       • ODBX_TYPE_VARCHAR: Variable number of characters

       • ODBX_TYPE_NVARCHAR: Variable number of characters using a national character set

       Large objects:

       • ODBX_TYPE_CLOB: Large text object

       • ODBX_TYPE_NCLOB: Large text object using a national character set

       • ODBX_TYPE_XML: XML tree in text format

       • ODBX_TYPE_BLOB: Large binary object

       Date and time values:

       • ODBX_TYPE_TIME: Time including hours, minutes and seconds

       • ODBX_TYPE_TIME_TZ: Time with timezone information

       • ODBX_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: Date and time

       • ODBX_TYPE_TIMESTAMP_TZ: Date and time with timezone information

       • ODBX_TYPE_DATE: Date including year, month and day

       • ODBX_TYPE_INTERVAL: Date interval

       Arrays and sets:

       • ODBX_TYPE_ARRAY: Array of values

       • ODBX_TYPE_MULTISET: Associative arrays

       External links:

       • ODBX_TYPE_DATALINK: URI locators like URL links

       Data types provided by database implementations which are not covered by the SQL2003 standard are
       subsumed as ODBX_TYPE_UNKNOWN.

           pos Position of column in result set

           Column type

           OpenDBX::Exception If the underlying database library returns an error

       See also

   unsigned long OpenDBX::Result::fieldLength (unsigned long pos)std::exception
       Returns the size of the content in the current row at the specified postion. The field is part of the
       current row which was retrieved by the latest call to getRow() and is specified by the column index given
       by pos.

           pos Position of column in result set

           Size of the data in bytes

           OpenDBX::Exception If the underlying database library returns an error

   const char * OpenDBX::Result::fieldValue (unsigned long pos)std::exception
       Returns a pointer to the content in the current row at the specified postion. This function returns a
       pointer to the field data specified by the column index pos. The field is part of the current row which
       was retrieved by the latest call to getRow(). All values except binary objects are handed back as strings
       terminated by the zero character. This does also apply to numeric values, dates, etc. They have to be
       converted to their binary machine dependent representation before arithmetic operations can be done. If a
       value is undefined, i.e. 'NULL' is attached to the field in the database, an equivalent NULL pointer is

           pos Position of column in result set

           Pointer to the data

           OpenDBX::Exception If the underlying database library returns an error

   void OpenDBX::Result::finish ()std::exception
       Retrieves unfetched rows and cleans up the available result sets. After executing a statement, at least
       one result set is returned by the database server. In case of data manipulation statements, there are no
       rows returned but you have to clean up the result set nevertheless. This is usually done by calling and
       getResult() in a loop until it returns 'done'. In order to simplify application development, the finish()
       method does this for you.

           OpenDBX::Exception If the underlying database library returns an error

   Lob OpenDBX::Result::getLob (const char * value)std::exception
       Creates a large object instance if supported by the database. Returns a Lob class instance representing a
       large object stored in the database. It references the large object and provided methods for accessing
       and modifying its content.

       The parameter required by this method must be the value returned by the fieldValue() method of a large
       object column.

       This method must only be used if the underlying driver states that it supports large objects via the
       Conn::getCapabilities(). Otherwise, the content can be retrieved directly by the fieldValue() method.

           value Pointer to the content of a field returned by fieldValue()

           Large object instance

           OpenDBX::Exception If the underlying database library returns an error

       See also

   odbxres OpenDBX::Result::getResult (struct timeval * timeout = NULL, unsigned long chunk = 0)std::exception
       Fetches one result set from the database server. Retrieves the result of a query statement from the
       database server. If the statement was an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or a similar statement, the number of
       affected rows is available via rowsAffected().

       The timeout parameter restricts the time the function is waiting for a result form the server. It may be
       NULL to wait until a result arrives. Otherwise, it can contain any number of seconds and microseconds in
       a timeval structure to wait for. The timeval structure must be set each time before calling getResult()
       because its content may get changed by the function. If the server doesn't respond within the timeout,
       the query isn't canceled! Instead, the next call to this function will wait for the same result set.
       Waiting the specified time may be implemented in the backends if it is possible, but there is no
       guarantee. If not, getResult() will return not before a responds arrives.

       Dependent on the native database library, it may be possible to retrieve all rows at once (if chunk is
       zero), one by one or more than one row at once. All positive values including zero are allowed as values
       for chunk If paging (more than one row at once) is not supported by the backend, it will use 'one by one'
       or 'all at once' if this is the only option provided.

       getResult() returns ODBX_RES_ROWS if a result set is available and ODBX_RES_DONE if no more results will
       be returned by the last successful query. ODBX_RES_NOROWS is returned if the statement was executed
       successfully but will not return a results set (like for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements) and
       ODBX_RES_TIMEOUT indicates a timeout.

           timeout Pointer to a timeval struct specifying how long to wait for a result set from the database
           chunk Number of rows to fetch at once from the database server (zero means all rows at once)

           Status or error code

           OpenDBX::Exception If the underlying database library returns an error

       See also

   odbxrow OpenDBX::Result::getRow ()std::exception
       Makes data of next row available. Retrieves the values of a row from the current result set returned by
       getResult(). Until this function is invoked, no row and field data is available via fieldLength() or
       fieldValue() and these functions will throw an exception.

       getRow() will return ODBX_ROW_NEXT as long as rows are available from the result set. After the last row
       has been made available, further calls to this function will return ODBX_ROW_DONE indicating that the
       result set doesn't contain more rows.

           Status of the attempt to fetch one more row

           OpenDBX::Exception If the underlying database library returns an error

   Result & OpenDBX::Result::operator= (const Result & ref)
       Assigns a Result instance to another one. Assigns the internal state of an object ref of the same type to
       this object. Both objects share the same variables and the reference counter afterwards. The reference
       counter is incremented each time an object is copied and will be decremented if it is destroyed.

           ref Result instance

           Result reference of this instance

   uint64_t OpenDBX::Result::rowsAffected ()std::exception
       Returns the number of rows affected by DELETE, INSERT of UPDATE statements. Returns the number of rows
       that have been changed by the current statement whose result set was retrieved by getResult() and zero if
       the database server didn't alter any rows. Affected rows are only returned for DELETE, INSERT or UPDATE
       statements and their concrete number depends on the database implementation. Some database server like
       MySQL may return a lower number than expected because they doesn't modify records whose values wouldn't

           Number of rows touched

           OpenDBX::Exception If the underlying database library returns an error


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