plucky (3) SNMP::Info::Layer3::Ciena.3pm.gz

SNMP::Info::Layer3::Ciena - SNMP Interface to Ciena Devices
Subclass for Ciena Devices running SAOS Inherited Classes SNMP::Info::Layer3 Required MIBs WWP-LEOS-SW-XGRADE-MIB WWP-LEOS-BLADE-MIB WWP-LEOS-CHASSIS-MIB WWP-LEOS-FLOW-MIB WWP-LEOS-PORT-MIB WWP-LEOS-VLAN-TAG-MIB WWP-PRODUCTS-MIB Inherited Classes' MIBs See "Required MIBs" in SNMP::Info::Layer3 for its own MIB requirements.
These are methods that return scalar value from SNMP $ciena->vendor() Returns 'ciena' $ciena->os() Returns 'saos' $ciena->os_ver() Returns the running software package extracted with "wwpLeosBladeRunPackageVer" $ciena->serial() Returns serial number ("wwpLeosSystemSerialNumber") $ciena->mac() Returns the MAC address used by this bridge when it must be referred to in a unique fashion. ("dot1dBaseBridgeAddress") $huawei->fan() Return the status of all fans. Returns a string indicating the number of fans 'OK' or identification of any fan without a 'normal' operating status. $ciena->ps1_status() Return the status of the first power supply $ciena->ps1_type() Return the type of the first power supply $ciena->ps2_status() Return the status of the second power supply $ciena->ps2_type() Return the type of the second power supply Globals imported from SNMP::Info::Layer3 See documentation in "GLOBALS" in SNMP::Info::Layer3 for details.
These are methods that return tables of information in the form of a reference to a hash. $ciena->lldp_if() Returns the mapping to the SNMP Interface Table. Overridden to translate to correct ethernet port with bp_index $ciena->i_vlan() Returns a mapping between "ifIndex" and the PVID or default VLAN. $ciena->i_vlan_membership() Returns reference to hash of arrays: key = "ifIndex", value = array of VLAN IDs. $ciena->qb_fw_vlan() Returns reference to hash of forwarding table entries VLAN ID, using "wwpLeosFlowLearnType" $ciena->ps_name() Returns reference to hash of the power supplies and their names. $ciena->ps_type() Returns reference to hash of the power supplies and their type (ex. AC, DC, etc.) $ciena->ps_status() Returns reference to hash of the power supplies and their status. $ciena->fan_name() Returns reference to hash of fans and their names. In this case, it is simply a number. $ciena->fan_type() Returns reference to hash of fans and their types (ex. fixed, modular, etc.) $ciena->fan_status) Returns reference to hash of fans and their status