plucky (3) Test::Spec::Mocks.3pm.gz

Provided by: libtest-spec-perl_0.54-2_all bug


       Test::Spec::Mocks - Object Simulation Plugin for Test::Spec


         use Test::Spec;
         use base qw(Test::Spec);

         use My::RSS::Tool;    # this is what we're testing
         use LWP::UserAgent;

         describe "RSS tool" => sub {
           it "should fetch and parse an RSS feed" => sub {
             my $xml = load_rss_fixture();

             # calls LWP::Simple::get, but returns our $xml instead
             my @stories = My::RSS::Tool->run;

             is_deeply(\@stories, load_stories_fixture());


       Test::Spec::Mocks is a plugin for Test::Spec that provides mocking and stubbing of objects, individual
       methods and plain subroutines on both object instances and classes. This module is inspired by and
       heavily borrows from Mocha, a library for the Ruby programming language. Mocha itself is inspired by

       Mock objects provide a way to simulate the behavior of real objects, while providing consistent,
       repeatable results. This is very useful when you need to test a function whose results are dependent upon
       an external factor that is normally uncontrollable (like the time of day). Mocks also allow you to test
       your code in isolation, a tenet of unit testing.

       There are many other reasons why mock objects might come in handy. See the Mock objects
       <> article at Wikipedia for lots more examples and more in-depth
       coverage of the philosophy behind object mocking.

       Test::Spec::Mocks is currently only usable from within tests built with the Test::Spec BDD framework.

       Familiarize yourself with these terms:

       •   Stub object

           A stub object is an object created specifically to return canned responses for a specific set of
           methods. These are created with the stub function.

       •   Mock object

           Mock objects are similar to stub objects, but are programmed with both prepared responses and
           expectations for how they will be called. If the expectations are not met, they raise an exception to
           indicate that the test failed. Mock objects are created with the mock function.

       •   Stubbed method

           Stubbed methods temporarily replace existing methods on a class or object instance. This is useful
           when you only want to override a subset of an object or class's behavior. For example, you might want
           to override the "do" method of a DBI handle so it doesn't make changes to your database, but still
           need the handle to respond as usual to the "quote" method.  You'll stub methods using the stubs

       •   Mocked method

           If you've been reading up to this point, this will be no surprise.  Mocked methods are just like
           stubbed methods, but they come with expectations that will raise an exception if not met. For
           example, you can mock a "save" method on an object to ensure it is called by the code you are
           testing, while preventing the data from actually being committed to disk in your test. Use the
           expects method to create mock methods.

       •   "stub", "mock"

           Depending on context, these can refer to stubbed objects and methods, or mocked objects and methods,

   Using stub objects (anonymous stubs)
       Sometimes the code you're testing requires that you pass it an object that conforms to a specific
       interface. For example, you are testing a console prompting library, but you don't want to require a real
       person to stand by, waiting to type answers into the console. The library requires an object that returns
       a string when the "read_line" method is called.

       You could create a class specifically for returning test console input. But why do that? You can create a
       stub object in one line:

         describe "An Asker" => sub {
           my $asker = Asker->new;

           it "returns true when a yes_or_no question is answered 'yes'" => sub {
             my $console_stub = stub(read_line => "yes");
             # $console_stub->read_line returns "yes"
             ok( $asker->yes_or_no($console_stub, "Am I awesome?") );

           it "returns false when a yes_or_no question is answered 'no'" => sub {
             my $console_stub = stub(read_line => "no");
             ok( ! $asker->yes_or_no($console_stub, "Am I second best?") );

       Stubs can also take subroutine references.  This is useful when the behavior you need to mimic is a
       little more complex.

         it "keeps asking until it gets an answer" => sub {
           my @answers = (undef, "yes");
           my $console_stub = stub(read_line => sub { shift @answers });
           # when console_stub is called the first time, it returns undef
           # the second time returns "yes"
           ok( $asker->yes_or_no($console_stub, "Do I smell nice?") );

   Using mock objects
       If you want to take your tests one step further, you can use mock objects instead of stub objects. Mocks
       ensure the methods you expect to be called actually are called. If they aren't, the mock will raise an
       exception which causes your test to fail.

       In this example, we are testing that "read_line" is called once and only once (the default for mocks).

         it "returns true when a yes_or_no question is answered 'yes'" => sub {
           my $console_mock = mock();
           # $console_mock->read_line returns "yes"
           ok( $asker->yes_or_no($console_mock, "Am I awesome?") );

       If Asker's "yes_or_no" method doesn't call "read_line" on our mock exactly one time, the test would fail
       with a message like:

         expected read_line to be called exactly 1 time, but it was called 0 times

       You can specify how many times your mock should be called with "exactly":

         it "keeps asking until it gets an answer" => sub {
           my @answers = (undef, "yes");
           my $console_mock = mock();
                        ->returns(sub { shift @answers })
           # when console_mock is called the first time, it returns undef
           # the second time returns "yes"
           ok( $asker->yes_or_no($console_mock, "Do I smell nice?") );

       If you want something more flexible than "exactly", you can choose from "at_least", "at_most",
       "any_number" and others. See "EXPECTATION ADJUSTMENT METHODS".

   Stubbing methods
       Sometimes you want to override just a small subset of an object's behavior.

         describe "The old audit system" => sub {
           my $dbh;
           before sub { $dbh = SomeExternalClass->get_dbh };

           it "executes the expected sql" => sub {
             my $sql;
             $dbh->stubs(do => sub { $sql = shift; return 1 });

             # $dbh->do("foo") now sets $sql to "foo"
             # $dbh->quote still does what it normally would

             audit_event($dbh, "server crash, oh noes!!");

             like( $sql, qr/insert into audit_event.*'server crash, oh noes!!!'/ );

       You can also stub class methods:

         # 1977-05-26T14:11:55
         my $event_datetime = DateTime->new(from_epoch => 0xdeafcab);

         it "should tag each audit event with the current time" => sub {
           DateTime->stubs('now' => sub { $event_datetime });
           is( audit_timestamp(), '19770526.141155' );

   Mocking methods
       Mocked methods are to stubbed methods as mock objects are to stub objects.

         it "executes the expected sql" => sub {
           $dbh->expects('do')->returns(sub { $sql = shift; return 1 });

           # $dbh->do("foo") now sets $sql to "foo"
           # $dbh->quote still does what it normally would

           audit_event($dbh, "server crash, oh noes!!");
           like( $sql, qr/insert into audit_event.*'server crash, oh noes!!!'/ );

           # if audit_event doesn't call $dbh->do exactly once, KABOOM!


       stub($method_name => $result, ...)
       stub($method_name => sub { $result }, ...)
       stub({ $method_name => $result, ... })
           Returns a new anonymous stub object. Takes a list of $method_name/$result pairs or a reference to a
           hash containing the same.  Each $method_name listed is stubbed to return the associated value
           ($result); or if the value is a subroutine reference, it is stubbed in-place (the subroutine becomes
           the method).


             # A blank object with no methods.
             # Gives a true response to ref() and blessed().
             my $blank = stub();

             # Static responses to width() and height():
             my $rect = stub(width => 5, height => 5);

             # Dynamic response to area():
             my $radius = 1.0;
             my $circle_stub = stub(area => sub { PI * $radius * $radius });

           You can also stub more methods, just like with any other object:

             my $rect = stub(width => 5, height => 5);
             $rect->stubs(area => sub { my $self = shift; $self->width * $self->height });

       $thing->stubs($method_name => $result)
       $thing->stubs($method_name => sub { $result })
       $thing->stubs({ $method_name => $result })
           Stubs one or more methods on an existing class or instance, $thing.

           If passed only one (non-hash) argument, it is interpreted as a method name.  The return value of the
           stubbed method will be "undef".

           Otherwise, the arguments are a list of $method_name and $result pairs, either as a flat list or as a
           hash reference. Each method is installed onto $thing, and returns the specified result. If the result
           is a subroutine reference, it will be called for every invocation of the method.

           Returns a new blank, anonymous mock object, suitable for mocking methods with expects().

             my $rect = mock();

           Installs a mock method named $method onto the class or object $thing and returns an
           Test::Spec::Mocks::Expectation object, which you can use to set the return value with "returns()" and
           other expectations. By default, the method is expected to be called at_least_once.

           If the expectation is not met before the enclosing example completes, the mocked method will raise an
           exception that looks something like:

             expected foo to be called exactly 1 time, but it was called 0 times


       These are methods of the Test::Spec::Mocks::Expectation class, which you'll receive by calling
       "expects()" on a class or object instance.

       returns( $result )
       returns( @result )
       returns( \&callback )
           Configures the mocked method to return the specified result when called. If passed a subroutine
           reference, the subroutine will be executed when the method is called, and the result is the return

             # $rect->height ==> 5

             @points = ( [0,0], [1,0], [1,1], [1,0] );
             # (@p = $rect->points) ==> ( [0,0], [1,0], [1,1], [1,0] )
             # ($p = $rect->points) ==> 4

             @points = ( [0,0], [1,0], [1,1], [1,0] );
             $rect->expects('next_point')->returns(sub { shift @points });
             # $rect->next_point ==> [0,0]
             # $rect->next_point ==> [1,0]
             # ...

           Configures the mocked method so that it must be called exactly $N times.

           Configures the mocked method so that it must never be called.

           Configures the mocked method so that it must be called exactly one time.

           Configures the mocked method so that it must be called at least $N times.

           Configures the mocked method so that it must be called at least 1 time.  This is just syntactic sugar
           for at_least(1).

           Configures the mocked method so that it must be called no more than $N times.

           Configures the mocked method so that it must be called either zero or 1 times.

           An alias for "at_most_once".

           Configures the mocked method so that it can be called zero or more times.

           A syntactic sugar no-op:


           This method is alpha and will probably change in a future release.

       with(@arguments) / with_eq(@arguments)
           Configures the mocked method so that it must be called with arguments as specified. The arguments
           will be compared using the "eq" operator, so it works for most scalar values with no problem. If you
           want to check objects here, they must be the exact same instance or you must overload the "eq"
           operator to provide the behavior you desire.

           Similar to "with_eq" except the arguments are compared using Test::Deep: scalars are compared by
           value, arrays and hashes must have the same elements and references must be blessed into the same

                     ->with_deep($customer_id, { name => $customer_name });

           Use Test::Deep's comparison functions for more flexibility:

               use Test::Deep::NoTest ();
                  ->with_deep('test-bucket', 'my-doc', Test::Deep::ignore());

           Configures the mocked method so that it raises $exception when called.


           Allows you to verify manually that the expectation was met. If the expectation has not been met, the
           method dies with an error message containing specifics of the failure.  Returns true otherwise.

           If the expectation has not been met, returns a list of problem description strings. Otherwise,
           returns an empty list.


       Memory leaks
           Because of the way the mock objects ("stubs", "stub", "expects", and "mock") are integrated into the
           Test::Spec runtime they will leak memory. It is not recommended to use the Test::Spec mocks in any
           long-running program.

           Patches welcome.


       There are other less sugary mocking systems for Perl, including Test::MockObject and

       This module is a plugin for Test::Spec.  It is inspired by Mocha <>.

       The Wikipedia article Mock object <> is very informative.


       Philip Garrett, <>

       Copyright (c) 2011 by Informatics Corporation of America.

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl