plucky (3) domDoc.3tcl.gz

Provided by: tdom_0.9.5-1.1build1_amd64 bug


       domDoc - Manipulates an instance of a DOM document object


       domDocObjCmd method ?arg arg ...?


       This command manipulates one particular instance of a document object. method indicates a specific method
       of the document class. These methods should closely conform to the W3C  recommendation  "Document  Object
       Model (Core) Level 1" ( Look at these documents
       for a deeper understanding of the functionality.

       The valid methods are:

       documentElement ?objVar?
              Returns the top most element in the document (the root element).

       getElementsByTagName name
              Returns a list of all elements in the document matching (glob style) name.

       getElementsByTagNameNS uri localname
               Returns a list of all elements in the subtree matching (glob  style)  localname  and  having  the
              given namespace uri.

       createElement tagName ?objVar?
              Creates  (allocates)  a  new element node with node name tagName, append it to the hidden fragment
              list in the document object and returns the node object.  If objVar is given the new  node  object
              is stored in this variable.

       createElementNS url tagName ?objVar?
              Creates  (allocates)  a  new  element  node within a namespace having uri as the URI and node name
              tagName, which could include the namespace prefix, append it to the hidden fragment  list  in  the
              document  object and returns the node object.  If objVar is given the new node object is stored in
              this variable.

       createTextNode text ?objVar?
              Creates (allocates) a new text node with node value text, appends it to the hidden  fragment  list
              in  the  document  object and returns the node object.  If objVar is given, the new node object is
              stored in this variable.

       createComment text ?objVar?
              Creates (allocates) a new comment node with value text, appends it to the hidden fragment list  in
              the  document object and returns the node object.  If objVar is given, the new comment node object
              is stored in this variable.

       createCDATASection data ?objVar?
              Creates (allocates) a new CDATA node with node value data, appends it to the hidden fragment  list
              in  the  document  object and returns the node object.  If objVar is given, the new node object is
              stored in this variable.

       createProcessingInstruction target data ?objVar?
              Creates a process instruction, appends it to the hidden fragment list in the document  object  and
              returns the node object.  If objVar is given, the new node object is stored in this variable.

       delete Explicitly  deletes  the  document,  including  the  associated  Tcl  object  commands (for nodes,
              fragment/new nodes, the document object itself) and the underlying DOM tree.

              Returns the default  output  method  of  the  document.  This  is  usually  a  result  of  a  XSLT

       asXML  ?-indent  none/tabs/1..8?  ?-channel  channelId? ?-escapeNonASCII? ?-doctypeDeclaration <boolean>?
       -xmlDeclaration   <boolean>?   -encString   <string>   ?-escapeAllQuot?   ?-indentAttrs?    ?-nogtescape?
       ?-noEmptyElementTag? ?-escapeCR? ?-escapeTab?

              Returns  the  DOM  tree  as  an (optional indented) XML string or sends the output directly to the
              given channelId.

              The -indent option requires "no", "none", "tabs" or  a  natural  number  betwenn  0  and  8,  both
              included,  as  value.  With  the values "no" or "none" no additional white space outside of markup
              will be added to the serialization. I. Otherwise, it's  a  "pretty-print"  serialization,  due  to
              inserting white space between end and the next start tag according to the nesting level. The level
              indentation wide is given with the number. If the value is "tabs", then indentation is  done  with
              tabs, one tab per level.

              If  the  option  -escapeNonASCII  is given, every non 7 bit ASCII character in attribute values or
              element PCDATA content will be escaped as character reference in decimal representation.

              The flag -doctypeDeclaration determines whether there will be a DOCTYPE declaration emitted before
              the first node of the document. The default is not to emit it. The DOCTYPE name will always be the
              element name of the document element. An external entity declaration of  the  external  subset  is
              only emitted if the document has a system identifier.

              The flag -xmlDeclaration determines whether there will be an XML Declaration and a newline emitted
              before anything else. The default is not to emit one. If this flag is given with a  true  argument

              -encString  sets  the  encoding  value  in  the XML Declaration. Otherwise this option is ignored.
              Please note that this option  just  enhances  the  string  representation  of  the  generated  XML
              Declaration  with  an  encoding  information  string,  nothing more. It's up to the user to handle
              encoding in case of writing to a channel or reparsing.

              If the option -escapeAllQuot is given, quotation marks will be escaped with &quot;  even  in  text
              content of elements.

              If  the  option  -indentAttrs  is  given, then attributes will each be separated with newlines and
              indented to the same level as the parent node plus the value given  as  argument  to  -indentAttrs

              If  the  option  -nogtescape is given then the character '>' won't get escaped in attribute values
              and text content of elements. The default is to escape this character.

              If the option -noEmptyElementTag is given then no empty tag syntax will be used.  Instead,  if  an
              element  has  empty  content  it  will  be serialized with an element start tag and an immediately
              following element end tag.

              If the option -escapeCR is given then the character '\r' will be escaped as character reference in
              attribute values and text content of elements. The default is to not do this.

              If  the  option -escapeTab is given then the character '\t' will be escaped as character reference
              in attribute values and text content of elements. The default is to not do this.

       asCanonicalXML ?-channel channelId? ?-comments <boolean>?

              Returns the DOM tree as canonical XML string according to  the  "Canonical  XML  Version  1.0  W3C
              Recommendation 15 March 2001" or sends the output directly to the given channelId.

              If  the  goal  is to get a canonical XML serialization of the XML file from which the DOM tree was
              parsed there are a few prerequisites. The XML data must be parsed with the -keepEmpties option. If
              the  XML data includes a DTD which defines attribute defaults or external parsed entity references
              it is necessary to use the expat parser (not the -simple  one).  For  any  supported  Tcl  version
              lesser  then  9.0 if the XML data includes characters outside the BMP a Tcl build with TCL_UTF_MAX
              defined to 6 (and a tDOM build with this Tcl) is necessary.

              If the -channel option is given then the output is send directly  to  the  Tcl  channel  given  as
              argument.  It is the up to the caller to ensure that the channel is correctly fconfigured. If this
              option is not given then the command returns the serialization as string.

              If the option -comments is given with a  true  value  then  the  serialization  includes  comments
              according to the rules of the recommendation. If the value is false or this option is omitted then
              comments are removed from the serialization.

       asHTML   ?-channel   channelId?   ?-escapeNonASCII?   ?-htmlEntities?   ?-doctypeDeclaration   <boolean>?
       ?-breakLines? ?-onlyContents?

              Returns  the  DOM tree serialized according to HTML rules (HTML elements are recognized regardless
              of case, without end tags for empty HTML elements etc.) as string or sends the output directly  to
              the given channelId.

              If  the  option  -escapeNonASCII  is given, every non 7 bit ASCII character in attribute values or
              element PCDATA content will be escaped as character reference in decimal representation.

              If the option -htmlEntities is given, a character or a pair of characters  is  written  using  its
              HTML  5  character entity reference, if it has one. Some HTML 5 character entity references encode
              the same character or code points. From the possible entity names  the  shortest  is  choosen.  If
              there  are  more  than  one  shortest  name  and this names differ only in case then the lowercase
              alternative is choosen. Otherwise frist name in lexical ASCII order is choosen. There is one HTML5
              entitiy  (ThickSpace),  which  escapes two characters for which the first and the second character
              have an entity name by itself. If the two characters are  to  be  serialized  then  the  one  two-
              characters entity ThickSpace will be choosen.

              If  the option -breakLines is given the serialization outputs "\n>" instead of ">" for the opening
              tags of elements.

              If the option -onlyContents is given only all child nodes are serialized. This option  is  ignored
              by document nodes.

              If  the  flag  -doctypeDeclaration is given there will be a DOCTYPE declaration emitted before the
              first node of the document. The default is, to do not. The DOCTYPE name will always be the element
              name  of  the  document  element without case normalization. An external entity declaration of the
              external subset is only emitted, if the document has a system identifier. The doctype  declaration
              will  be  written  from  the  available  information, without check, if this is a known (w3c) HTML
              version information or if the document confirms to the given HTML version. All nodes  types  other
              than document nodes ignore this option.

       asText The  asText method returns the tree by serializing the string-value of every text node in document
              order without any escaping. In effect, this is what  the  xslt  output  method  "text"  (XSLT  1.0
              recommendation, section 16.3) does.

       asJSON ?-indent none/0..8? ?-channel channelId?

              The  asJSON  method  serializes  the tree into a valid JSON data string. In general, this may be a
              lossy serialization. For this serialization all comment, character data  sections  and  processing
              instruction  nodes, all attributes and all XML namespaces are ignored. Only element and text nodes
              may be reflected in the generated JSON serialization. Appropriate JSON data type information of  a
              node will be respected.

              If an element node has the JSON type OBJECT, then every element node child of this element will be
              serialized as member of that object, with the node name of the child as the member  name  and  the
              relevant children of that child as the value. Every other child nodes will be ignored.

              If  an  element  node  has  the  JSON  type ARRAY, then the text and element node children of that
              element node are serialized as the consecutive values of the array. Element node  children  of  an
              ARRAY element will be container nodes for nested ARRAY or OBJECT values.

              Text  nodes  with  the JSON types TRUE, FALSE or NULL will be serialized to the corresponding JSON
              token without looking at the value of the text node. A text node without JSON type will always  be
              serialized  as  a JSON string token.  A text node with JSON type NUMBER will be serialized as JSON
              number token if the text node value is in fact a valid JSON number and as a JSON string if not.

              If an element node doesn't has a JSON type then the serialization of its children is determined by
              the following rules:

              Only text and element node child are relevant. If the element node to serialize is the member of a
              JSON object and there is no relevant child node the value of that member will  be  an  empty  JSON
              string. If the only relevant child node of this element node is a text node then the JSON value of
              that text node will be the value of the object member. If the element has more than  one  relevant
              child nodes and the first one is a text node then the relevant children will be serialized as JSON
              array. If the only relevant child node is an element node  or  the  first  relevant  child  is  an
              element  node  and  the  node  name  of that only or first relevant child isn't equal to the array
              container node name all element node children will be serialized as the members of a  JSON  object
              (while ignoring any intermixed text nodes). If the only or first relevant child is an element node
              and the node name of this child is equal to the array container element  name  then  all  relevant
              children will be serialized as the values of a JSON array.

              If  the  element  to  serialize is a value of a JSON array and the node name of this element isn't
              equal to the array container node name that element will be seen as a container node  for  a  JSON
              object  and  all  element  node  children  will  be  serialized as the members of that array while
              ignoring any text node children. If the element to serialize is a value of a JSON  array  and  the
              node name of this element is equal to the array container node name, all relevant children will be
              serialized as JSON array.

              If the -channel option is given the serialization isn't returned as string but  send  directly  to
              the channel, given as argument to the option.

              If  the  -indent  option  is  given  and  the  argument given to this option isn't "none" then the
              returned JSON string is "pretty-printed". The numeric argument to this option defines  the  number
              of spaces for any indentation level. The default is to not emit any additional white space.

       asTclValue ?typevariable?

              In  case  the  DOM tree includes JSON type information this method returns the JSON data as nested
              Tcl data structure.

              The returned value may be a  Tcl  dict,  a  Tcl  list  or  a  string.  If  the  optional  argument
              typevariable  is  given  then the variable with that name is set to the value dict, list or string
              respectively to signal the type of the result.

              A JSON object is returned as Tcl dict, a JSON array is returned  as  list  and  JSON  strings  and
              numbers  as well as the symbolic JSON values null, true and false are returned as string (with the
              strings null, true and false for the respectively JSON symbol). The value of a member  of  a  JSON
              object may be also a Tcl dict, or a Tcl list or a string and the elements of a JSON array list may
              be a Tcl dict or a Tcl list or a string.

       publicId ?publicId?
              Returns the public identifier of the doctype  declaration  of  the  document,  if  there  is  one,
              otherwise  the empty string. If there is a value given to the method, the public identifier of the
              document is set to this value.

       systemId ?systemId?
              Returns the system identifier of the doctype  declaration  of  the  document,  if  there  is  one,
              otherwise  the empty string. If there is a value given to the method, the system identifier of the
              document is set to this value.

       internalSubset ?internalSubset?
              Returns the internal subset of the doctype declaration of the document, if there is one, otherwise
              the  empty string. If there is a value given to the method, the internal subset of the document is
              set to this value. Note that none of the  parsing  methods  preserve  the  internal  subset  of  a
              document;  a freshly parsed document will always have an empty internal subset. Also note that the
              method doesn't do any syntactical check on a given internal subset.

       cdataSectionElements (?URI:?localname|*) ?<boolean>?
              This method allows one to control  for  which  element  nodes  the  text  node  children  will  be
              serialized  as CDATA sections (this affects only serialization with the asXML method, no text node
              is altered in any way by this method). IF the method is called  with  an  element  name  as  first
              argument  and a boolean with value true as second argument, every text node child of every element
              node in the document with the same name as the first argument will be serialized as CDATA section.
              If the second argument is a boolean with value false, all text nodes of all elements with the same
              name as the first argument will be serialized as usual. Namespaced element names have to be  given
              in  the  form  namespace_URI:localname, not in the otherwise usual prefix:localname form. With two
              arguments called, the method returns the used boolean value. If the method is called with only  an
              element  name,  it  will  return  a  boolean  value, indicating that the text node children of all
              elements with that name in the document will be serialized as CDATA section elements (return value
              1) or not (return value 0). If the method is called with only one argument and that argument is an
              asterisk ('*'), then the method returns an unordered list of all element names  of  the  document,
              for which the text node children will be serialized as CDATA section nodes.

       selectNodesNamespaces ?prefixUriList?
              This method gives control to a document global prefix to namespace URI mapping, which will be used
              for selectNodes method calls (on document as well as on all nodes, which belongs to the  document)
              if  it is not overwritten by using the -namespaces option of the selectNodes method. Any namespace
              prefix within an xpath expression will be first resolved against this list. If the list binds  the
              same  prefix  to  different  namespaces,  then  the  first binding will win. If a prefix could not
              resolved against the document global prefix / namespaces list, then the namespace  definitions  in
              scope  of the context node will be used to resolve the prefix, as usual.  If the optional argument
              prefixUriList is given, then the global prefix / namespace list is set to this  list  and  returns
              it.  Without  the  optional argument the method returns the current list. The default is the empty

       xslt ?-parameters  parameterList?  ?-ignoreUndeclaredParameters?  ?-maxApplyDepth  int?  ?-xsltmessagecmd
       script? stylesheet ?outputVar?
              Applies  an XSLT transformation on the whole document of the node object using the XSLT stylesheet
              (given as domDoc). Returns a document object containing the result document of the  transformation
              and stores that document object in the optional outputVar, if that was given.

              The optional -parameters option sets top level <xsl:param> to string values. The parameterList has
              to be a tcl list consisting of parameter name and value pairs.

              If the option -ignoreUndeclaredParameters is given, then  parameter  names  in  the  parameterList
              given  to  the -parameters options that are not declared as top-level parameters in the stylesheet
              are silently ignored. Without this option, an error is raised if the user tries to set a top-level
              parameter that is not declared in the stylesheet.

              The  option  -maxApplyDepth  expects  a  positiv  integer as argument. By default, the XSLT engine
              allows XSLT templates to nest up to 3000 levels (and raises error if they nest deeper). This limit
              can be set by the -maxApplyDepth option.

              The -xsltmessagecmd option sets a callback for xslt:message elements in the stylesheet. The actual
              command consists of the script, given as argument to the option, appended with  the  XML  Fragment
              from  instantiating  the  xsl:message element content as string (as if the XPath string() function
              would have been applied to the XML Fragment) and a flag, which indicates, if the  xsl:message  has
              an  attribute  "terminate"  with  the value "yes". If the called script returns anything else then
              TCL_OK then the XSLT transformation will be aborted, returning error. If the called script returns
              -code  break,  the  error  message  is  empty,  otherwise  the result code is reported. In case of
              terminated transformation, the outputVar, if given, is set to the empty string.

       toXSLTcmd ?objVar?
              If the DOM tree represents a valid XSLT stylesheet, this method transforms the DOM  tree  into  an
              XSLT  command,  otherwise  it  returns  error.  The  created xsltCmd is returned and stored in the
              objVar, if a var name was given. A successful transformation of the DOM tree to an xsltCmd removes
              the domDoc cmd and all nodeCmds of the document.

              The syntax of the created xsltCmd is:

                     xsltCmd method ?arg ...?

              The valid methods are:

              transform   ?-parameters   parameterList?   ?-ignoreUndeclaredParameters?   ?-maxApplyDepth   int?
              ?-xsltmessagecmd script? domDoc ?outputVar?
                     Applies XSLT transformation on the document domDoc. Returns a  document  object  containing
                     the result document of that transformation and stores it in the optional outputVar.

                     The  optional  -parameters  option  sets  top  level  <xsl:param>  to  string  values.  The
                     parameterList has to be a tcl list consisting of parameter name and value pairs.

                     If  the  option  -ignoreUndeclaredParameters  is  given,  then  parameter  names   in   the
                     parameterList  given  to  the  -parameters  options  that  are  not  declared  as top-level
                     parameters in the stylesheet are silently ignored. Without this option, an error is  raised
                     if the user tries to set a top-level parameter, which is not declared in the stylesheet.

                     The  option  -maxApplyDepth  expects  a  positiv  integer as argument. By default, the XSLT
                     engine allows XSLT templates to nest up to 3000 levels  (and  raises  error  if  they  nest
                     deeper). This limit can be set by the -maxApplyDepth option.

                     The -xsltmessagecmd option sets a callback for xslt:message elements in the stylesheet. The
                     actual command consists of the script, given as argument to the option, appended  with  the
                     XML  Fragment from instantiating the xsl:message element content as string (as if the XPath
                     string() function would have been applied to the XML Fragment) and a flag, which indicates,
                     if the xsl:message has an attribute "terminate" with the value "yes".

              delete Deletes the xsltCmd and cleans up all used recourses

              If  the  first  argument  to  an  xsltCmd  is  a  domDoc or starts with a "-", then the command is
              processed in the same way as <xsltCmd> transform.

       normalize ?-forXPath?
              Puts all text nodes in the document into a "normal" form where  only  structure  (e.g.,  elements,
              comments,  processing  instructions  and  CDATA  sections)  separates  text nodes, i.e., there are
              neither adjacent text nodes nor empty text nodes. If the option  -forXPath  is  given,  all  CDATA
              sections in the nodes are converted to text nodes, as a first step before the normalization.

              Returns the node type of the document node. This is always DOCUMENT_NODE.

       getElementById id
              Returns  the  node  having  a id attribute with value id or the empty string, if no node has an id
              attribute with that value.

       firstChild ?objVar?
              Returns the first top level node of the document.

       lastChild ?objVar?
              Returns the last top level node of the document.

       appendChild newChild
              Append newChild to the end of the list of top level nodes of the document.

       removeChild child
              Removes child from the list of top level nodes of the document. child will be part of the document
              fragment list after this operation. It is not physically deleted.

              Returns 1 if the document has any nodes in the tree. Otherwise 0 is returned.

              Returns a list of the top level nodes of the document.

       ownerDocument ?domObjVar?
              Returns the document itself.

       insertBefore newChild  refChild
              Insert  newChild before the refChild into the list of top level nodes of the document. If refChild
              is the empty string, inserts newChild at the end of the top level nodes.

       replaceChild newChild  oldChild
              Replaces oldChild with newChild in the list of children of that node. The oldChild  node  will  be
              part of the document fragment list after this operation.

       appendFromList list
              Parses  list , creates an according DOM subtree and appends this subtree at the end of the current
              list of top level nodes of the document.

       appendXML XMLstring
              Parses XMLstring, creates an according DOM subtree and appends this subtree  at  the  end  of  the
              current list of top level nodes of the document.

       selectNodes ?-namespaces prefixUriList? ?-cache <boolean>? ?-list? xpathQuery ?typeVar?

              Returns the result of applying the XPath query xpathQuery to the document. The context node of the
              query is the root node in the sense of the XPath recommendation (not the  document  element).  The
              result  can  be  a  string/value, a list of strings, a list of nodes or a list of attribute name /
              value pairs. If typeVar is given the result type name is stored into that variable  (empty,  bool,
              number, string, nodes, attrnodes or mixed).

              See the documentation of the of the

                      command method selectNodes for a detailed description of the arguments.

       baseURI ?URI?
              Returns  the present baseURI of the document. If the optional argument URI is given, sets the base
              URI of the document to the given URI.

       appendFromScript tclScript
              Appends the nodes created by the tclScript by Tcl functions,  which  have  been  built  using  dom
              createNodeCmd, at the end of the current list of top level nodes of the document.

       insertBeforeFromScript tclScript refChild
              Inserts  the  nodes  created  in  the  tclScript by Tcl functions, which have been built using dom
              createNodeCmd, before the refChild into to the list  of  top  level  nodes  of  the  document.  If
              refChild is the empty string, the new nodes will be appended.

       deleteXPathCache ?xpathQuery?
              If  called  without the optional argument, all cached XPath expressions of the document are freed.
              If called with the optional argument xpathQuery, this single XPath query will be removed from  the
              cache, if it is there. The method always returns an empty string.

       Otherwise,  if an unknown method name is given, the command with the same name as the given method within
       the namespace ::dom::domDoc is tried to be executed. This allows quick method additions on Tcl level.

       Newly created nodes are appended to a hidden fragment list. If they are not moved into the tree they  are
       automatically deleted as soon as the whole document gets deleted.


       dom, domNode


       DOM node creation, document element