Provided by: libsensors-dev_3.6.0-10_amd64 bug


       libsensors - publicly accessible functions provided by the sensors library


       #include <sensors/sensors.h>

       /* Library initialization and clean-up */
       int sensors_init(FILE *input);
       void sensors_cleanup(void);
       const char *libsensors_version;

       /* Chip name handling */
       int sensors_parse_chip_name(const char *orig_name,
                                   sensors_chip_name *res);
       void sensors_free_chip_name(sensors_chip_name *chip);
       int sensors_snprintf_chip_name(char *str, size_t size,
                                      const sensors_chip_name *chip);
       const char *sensors_get_adapter_name(const sensors_bus_id *bus);

       /* Chips and features enumeration */
       const sensors_chip_name *
       sensors_get_detected_chips(const sensors_chip_name *match,
                                  int *nr);
       const sensors_feature *
       sensors_get_features(const sensors_chip_name *name,
                            int *nr);
       const sensors_subfeature *
       sensors_get_all_subfeatures(const sensors_chip_name *name,
                                   const sensors_feature *feature,
                                   int *nr);
       const sensors_subfeature *
       sensors_get_subfeature(const sensors_chip_name *name,
                              const sensors_feature *feature,
                              sensors_subfeature_type type);

       /* Features access */
       char *sensors_get_label(const sensors_chip_name *name,
                               const sensors_feature *feature);
       int sensors_get_value(const sensors_chip_name *name, int subfeat_nr,
                             double *value);
       int sensors_set_value(const sensors_chip_name *name, int subfeat_nr,
                             double value);
       int sensors_do_chip_sets(const sensors_chip_name *name);

       #include <sensors/error.h>

       /* Error decoding */
       const char *sensors_strerror(int errnum);

       /* Error handlers */
       void (*sensors_parse_error) (const char *err, int lineno);
       void (*sensors_parse_error_wfn) (const char *err,
                                        const char *filename, int lineno);
       void (*sensors_fatal_error) (const char *proc, const char *err);


       sensors_init() loads the configuration file and the detected chips list. If this returns a
       value unequal to zero, you are in trouble; you can not assume anything will be initialized
       properly.  If you want to reload the configuration file, or load a different configuration
       file, call sensors_cleanup() below before calling sensors_init()  again.  This  means  you
       can't load multiple configuration files at once by calling sensors_init() multiple times.

       The configuration file format is described in sensors.conf(5).

       If  FILE  is NULL, the default configuration files are used (see the FILES section below).
       Most applications will want to do that.

       sensors_cleanup() cleans everything up: you can't access anything after  this,  until  the
       next sensors_init() call!

       libsensors_version is a string representing the version of libsensors.

       sensors_parse_chip_name()  parses  a chip name to the internal representation. Return 0 on
       success, <0 on error. Make sure to call sensors_free_chip_name() when you're done with the

       sensors_free_chip_name()  frees  the  memory that may have been allocated for the internal
       representation of a chip name. You only have to call this for  chip  names  which  do  not
       originate   from   libsensors  itself  (that  is,  chip  names  which  were  generated  by

       sensors_snprintf_chip_name() prints a chip name from  its  internal  representation.  Note
       that  chip  should not contain wildcard values! Return the number of characters printed on
       success (same as snprintf), <0 on error.

       sensors_get_adapter_name() returns the adapter name of a bus type, number  pair,  as  used
       within the sensors_chip_name structure. If it could not be found, it returns NULL.

       Adapters  describe how a monitoring chip is hooked up to the system.  This is particularly
       relevant for I2C/SMBus sensor chips (bus type "i2c"),  which  must  be  accessed  over  an
       I2C/SMBus  controller. Each such controller has a different number, assigned by the system
       at initialization time, so that they can be referenced individually.

       Super-I/O or CPU-embedded sensors, on  the  other  hand,  can  be  accessed  directly  and
       technically  don't  use  any  adapter.  They  have  only a bus type but no bus number, and
       sensors_get_adapter_name() will return a generic adapter name for them.

       sensors_get_detected_chips() returns all detected chips that match a given chip name,  one
       by  one.  If  no  chip name is provided, all detected chips are returned.  To start at the
       beginning of the list, use 0 for nr; NULL is returned if we are at the end of the list. Do
       not try to change these chip names, as they point to internal structures!

       sensors_get_features()  returns  all main features of a specific chip. nr is an internally
       used variable. Set it to zero to start at the begin of the list. If no more  features  are
       found  NULL  is  returned.   Do not try to change the returned structure; you will corrupt
       internal data structures.

       sensors_get_all_subfeatures() returns all subfeatures of a given main feature.  nr  is  an
       internally  used  variable.  Set  it to zero to start at the begin of the list. If no more
       subfeatures are found NULL is returned.  Do not try to change the returned structure;  you
       will corrupt internal data structures.

       sensors_get_subfeature()  returns  the  subfeature  of  the  given  type  for a given main
       feature, if it exists, NULL otherwise.  Do not try to change the returned  structure;  you
       will corrupt internal data structures.

       sensors_get_label()  looks  up the label which belongs to this chip. Note that chip should
       not contain wildcard values! The returned string is newly allocated (free it yourself). On
       failure,  NULL  is  returned.   If  no label exists for this feature, its name is returned

       sensors_get_value() Reads the value of a subfeature of a  certain  chip.  Note  that  chip
       should  not  contain  wildcard  values!  This function will return 0 on success, and <0 on

       sensors_set_value() sets the value of a subfeature of  a  certain  chip.  Note  that  chip
       should  not  contain  wildcard  values!  This function will return 0 on success, and <0 on

       sensors_do_chip_sets() executes all set statements for this particular chip. The chip  may
       contain wildcards!  This function will return 0 on success, and <0 on failure.

       sensors_strerror() returns a pointer to a string which describes the error.  errnum may be
       negative (the corresponding positive error is returned).  You may not modify the result!

       sensors_parse_error() and sensors_parse_error_wfn() are functions which are called when  a
       parse  error  is detected. Give them new values, and your own functions are called instead
       of the default (which print to stderr). These functions may  terminate  the  program,  but
       they  usually  output  an  error  and  return. The first function is the original one, the
       second one was added later when support for multiple configuration files was  added.   The
       library  code now only calls the second function. However, for backwards compatibility, if
       an application provides a custom handling function for the  first  function  but  not  the
       second,  then  all  parse  errors  will be reported using the first function (that is, the
       filename is never reported.)  Note that filename can be NULL (if filename isn't known) and
       lineno can be 0 (if the error occurs before the actual parsing starts.)

       sensors_fatal_error()  Is a function which is called when an immediately fatal error (like
       no memory left) is detected. Give it a new value, and your own function is called  instead
       of the default (which prints to stderr and ends the program). Never let it return!


       Structure sensors_chip_name contains information related to a specific chip.

       typedef struct sensors_chip_name {
            sensors_bus_id bus;
       } sensors_chip_name;

       There  are other members not documented here, which are only meant for libsensors internal

       Structure sensors_feature contains information related to a given feature  of  a  specific

       typedef struct sensors_feature {
            const char *name;
            int number;
            sensors_feature_type type;
       } sensors_feature;

       There  are other members not documented here, which are only meant for libsensors internal

       Structure sensors_subfeature contains information related  to  a  given  subfeature  of  a
       specific chip feature:

       typedef struct sensors_subfeature {
            const char *name;
            int number;
            sensors_subfeature_type type;
            int mapping;
            unsigned int flags;
       } sensors_subfeature;

       The  flags  field  is a bitfield, its value is a combination of SENSORS_MODE_R (readable),
       SENSORS_MODE_W (writable) and SENSORS_COMPUTE_MAPPING (affected by the  computation  rules
       of the main feature).


              The  system-wide  libsensors(3)  configuration  file.  /etc/sensors3.conf  is tried
              first, and if it doesn't exist, /etc/sensors.conf is used instead.

              A directory where you can put additional  libsensors  configuration  files.   Files
              found  in  this directory will be processed in alphabetical order after the default
              configuration file. Files with names that start with a dot are ignored.




       Frodo Looijaard, Jean Delvare and others