plucky (3) mpglty.3NCARG.gz

Provided by: libncarg-dev_6.6.2.dfsg.1-10build2_amd64 bug


       MPGLTY - Retrieves the type of the line currently being drawn by MPLNDM.




       #include <ncarg/ncargC.h>

       void c_mpglty (int *ilty)


       ILTY        (an output variable of type INTEGER) is the type of the line: 1 => a line separating land
                   from water, 2 => a line separating one "continent" from another (as, for example, Africa from
                   Eurasia, North America from Central America, or Central America from South America), 3 => a
                   line separating one country from another, 4 => a line separating one state from another, and
                   5 => a line separating one county from another.  If the current line is used on more than one
                   level (as, for example, a portion of the California coastline, which is used on all five
                   levels), then the value of ILTY will be the smallest of the numerical values that apply.


       The C-binding argument description is the same as the FORTRAN argument description.


       MPGLTY may be called from within a line-processing routine whose name is used in a call to MPLNDM to
       retrieve, in ILTY, the type of the line being processed.  This information may be used to determine how
       the line is to be drawn.


       Use the ncargex command to see the following relevant example: mpex11.


       To use MPGLTY or c_mpglty, load the NCAR Graphics libraries ncarg, ncarg_gks, and ncarg_c, preferably in
       that order.


       Online: ezmap, ezmap_params, mapaci, mapbla, mapblm, mapdrw, mapeod, mapfst, mapgci, mapgrd, mapgrm,
       mapgtc, mapgti, mapgtl, mapgtr, mapint, mapiq, mapiqa, mapiqd, mapiqm, mapit, mapita, mapitd, mapitm,
       maplbl, maplmb, maplot, mappos, maproj, maprs, maprst, mapsav, mapset, mapstc, mapsti, mapstl, mapstr,
       maptra, maptri, maptrn, mapusr, mapvec, mpchln, mpfnme, mpgetc, mpgeti, mpgetl, mpgetr, mpiaty, mpifnb,
       mpilnb, mpiola, mpiosa, mpipai, mpipan, mpipar, mpisci, mplnam, mplndm, mplndr, mplnri, mpname, mprset,
       mpsetc, mpseti, mpsetl, mpsetr, supmap, supcon, ncarg_cbind

       Copyright (C) 1987-2009
       University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
       The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.