plucky (3) pappl-device.3.gz

Provided by: libpappl-dev_1.3.1-2.1build3_amd64 bug


       pappl-device - pappl device functions


       Printer Application Framework (libpappl, "pkg-config --cflags --libs pappl")


       #include <pappl/pappl.h>

       typedef struct _pappl_device_s pappl_device_t;

       papplDeviceAddScheme(const    char    *scheme,    pappl_dtype_t    dtype,   pappl_devlist_cb_t   list_cb,
       pappl_devopen_cb_t open_cb, pappl_devclose_cb_t close_cb, pappl_devread_cb_t read_cb, pappl_devwrite_cb_t
       write_cb, pappl_devstatus_cb_t status_cb);

       papplDeviceClose(pappl_device_t *device);

       papplDeviceError(pappl_device_t *device, const char *message, ...);

       papplDeviceFlush(pappl_device_t *device);

       void *
       papplDeviceGetData(pappl_device_t *device);

       pappl_dmetrics_t *
       papplDeviceGetMetrics(pappl_device_t *device, pappl_dmetrics_t *metrics);

       papplDeviceGetStatus(pappl_device_t *device);

       papplDeviceList(pappl_dtype_t  types,  pappl_device_cb_t cb, void *data, pappl_deverror_cb_t err_cb, void

       pappl_device_t *
       papplDeviceOpen(const char *device_uri, const char *name, pappl_deverror_cb_t err_cb, void *err_data);

       papplDeviceParse1284ID(const char *device_id, cups_option_t **pairs);

       papplDevicePrintf(pappl_device_t *device, const char *format, ...);

       papplDevicePuts(pappl_device_t *device, const char *s);

       papplDeviceRead(pappl_device_t *device, void *buffer, size_t bytes);

       papplDeviceSetData(pappl_device_t *device, void *data);

       papplDeviceWrite(pappl_device_t *device, const void *buffer, size_t bytes);


       The PAPPL device functions provide access to output device  connections  and  to  list  available  output
       devices.   Output  devices  are  accessed  using  Uniform  Resource  Identifier  (URI)  strings  such  as
       "file:///path/to/file-or-directory", "socket://", and "usb://make/model?serial=number".

       The papplDeviceList function lists available output devices, providing each available  output  device  to
       the  supplied  callback function.  The list only contains devices whose URI scheme supports discovery, at
       present USB printers and network printers that advertise themselves using DNS-SD/mDNS and/or SNMPv1.

       The papplDeviceOpen function opens a connection to an output device using its URI.  The  papplDeviceClose
       function closes the connection.

       The papplDevicePrintf, papplDevicePuts, and papplDeviceWrite functions send data to the device, while the
       papplDeviceRead function reads data from the device.

       The papplDeviceGetMetrics function gets statistical information about all communications with the  device
       while  it has been open, while the papplDeviceGetStatus function gets the hardware status of a device and
       maps it to the pappl_preason_t bitfield.


       Device type bit values

            All printers

            Local printer using a custom interface or protocol

            Network printer using a custom interface or protocol

            Network printers discovered via DNS-SD/mDNS

            Local file/directory

            All local printers

            All network printers

            Network printers discovered via SNMP

            Network printers using raw socket

            USB printers


       Add a device URI scheme.

       void papplDeviceAddScheme (
           const char *scheme,
           pappl_devtype_t dtype,
           pappl_devlist_cb_t list_cb,
           pappl_devopen_cb_t open_cb,
           pappl_devclose_cb_t close_cb,
           pappl_devread_cb_t read_cb,
           pappl_devwrite_cb_t write_cb,
           pappl_devstatus_cb_t status_cb,
           pappl_devid_cb_t id_cb

       This function registers a device URI scheme with PAPPL, so  that  devices  using  the  named  scheme  can
       receive  print  data,  report status information, and so forth.  PAPPL includes support for the following
       URI schemes:

       •    dnssd: Network printers discovered using DNS-SD.

       •    file: Character device files, plain files, and directories.

       •    snmp: Network printers discovered using SNMPv1.

       •    socket: Network printers using a hostname or numeric IP address.

       •    usb: Class 1 (unidirectional) or 2 (bidirectional) USB printers.

       The "scheme" parameter specifies the URI scheme and must consist of lowercase letters, digits, "-",  "_",
       and/or ".", for example "x-foo" or "".

       The  "dtype"  parameter  specifies  the  device  type  and should be PAPPL_DTYPE_CUSTOM_LOCAL for locally
       connected printers and PAPPL_DTYPE_CUSTOM_NETWORK for network printers.

       Each of the callbacks corresponds to one of the papplDevice functions:

       •    "list_cb": Implements discovery of devices (optional)

       •    "open_cb": Opens communication with a device and allocates any device-
              specific data as needed

       •    "close_cb": Closes communication with a device and frees any device-
              specific data as needed

       •    "read_cb": Reads data from a device

       •    "write_cb": Write data to a device

       •    "status_cb": Gets basic printer state information from a device (optional)

       •    "id_cb": Gets the current IEEE-1284 device ID from a device (optional)

       The "open_cb" callback typically calls papplDeviceSetData to store a pointer  to  contextual  information
       for  the  connection  while  the  "close_cb",  "id_cb",  "read_cb", "write_cb", and "status_cb" callbacks
       typically call papplDeviceGetData to retrieve it.

       Add a device URI scheme with supply-level queries.

       void papplDeviceAddScheme2 (
           const char *scheme,
           pappl_devtype_t dtype,
           pappl_devlist_cb_t list_cb,
           pappl_devopen_cb_t open_cb,
           pappl_devclose_cb_t close_cb,
           pappl_devread_cb_t read_cb,
           pappl_devwrite_cb_t write_cb,
           pappl_devstatus_cb_t status_cb,
           pappl_devsupplies_cb_t supplies_cb,
           pappl_devid_cb_t id_cb

       This function registers a device URI scheme with PAPPL, so  that  devices  using  the  named  scheme  can
       receive  print  data,  report status information, and so forth.  PAPPL includes support for the following
       URI schemes:

       •    dnssd: Network printers discovered using DNS-SD.

       •    file: Character device files, plain files, and directories.

       •    snmp: Network printers discovered using SNMPv1.

       •    socket: Network printers using a hostname or numeric IP address.

       •    usb: Class 1 (unidirectional) or 2 (bidirectional) USB printers.

       The "scheme" parameter specifies the URI scheme and must consist of lowercase letters, digits, "-",  "_",
       and/or ".", for example "x-foo" or "".

       The  "dtype"  parameter  specifies  the  device  type  and should be PAPPL_DTYPE_CUSTOM_LOCAL for locally
       connected printers and PAPPL_DTYPE_CUSTOM_NETWORK for network printers.

       Each of the callbacks corresponds to one of the papplDevice functions:

       •    "list_cb": Implements discovery of devices (optional)

       •    "open_cb": Opens communication with a device and allocates any device-
              specific data as needed

       •    "close_cb": Closes communication with a device and frees any device-
              specific data as needed

       •    "read_cb": Reads data from a device

       •    "write_cb": Write data to a device

       •    "status_cb": Gets basic printer state information from a device (optional)

       •    "supplies_cb": Gets supply level information from a device (optional)

       •    "id_cb": Gets the current IEEE-1284 device ID from a device (optional)

       The "open_cb" callback typically calls papplDeviceSetData to store a pointer  to  contextual  information
       for  the  connection while the "close_cb", "id_cb", "read_cb", "write_cb", "status_cb", and "supplies_cb"
       callbacks typically call papplDeviceGetData to retrieve it.

       Close a device connection.

       void papplDeviceClose (
           pappl_device_t *device

       This function flushes any pending write data and closes the connection to a device.

       Report an error on a device.

       void papplDeviceError (
           pappl_device_t *device,
           const char *message,

       This function reports an error on a device using the client-supplied callback function.  It  is  normally
       called from any custom device URI scheme callbacks you implement.

       Flush any buffered data to the device.

       void papplDeviceFlush (
           pappl_device_t *device

       This  function  flushes  any  pending  write  data  sent using the papplDevicePrintf, papplDevicePuts, or
       papplDeviceWrite functions to the device.

       Get device-specific data.

       void * papplDeviceGetData (
           pappl_device_t *device

       This function returns any device-specific data that has been set by the  device  open  callback.   It  is
       normally only called from any custom device URI scheme callbacks you implement.

       Get the IEEE-1284 device ID.

       char * papplDeviceGetID (
           pappl_device_t *device,
           char *buffer,
           size_t bufsize

       This  function queries the IEEE-1284 device ID from the device and copies it to the provided buffer.  The
       buffer must be at least 64 bytes and should be at least 1024 bytes in length.

       5      Note: This function can block for up to several seconds depending on

       5      the type of connection.

       Get the device metrics.

       pappl_devmetrics_t * papplDeviceGetMetrics (
           pappl_device_t *device,
           pappl_devmetrics_t *metrics

       This function returns a copy of the device metrics data, which includes the number,  length  (in  bytes),
       and  duration  (in  milliseconds)  of  read,  status,  and  write requests for the current session.  This
       information is normally used for performance measurement and optimization during development of a printer
       application.  It can also be useful diagnostic information.

       Get the printer status bits.

       pappl_preason_t  papplDeviceGetStatus (
           pappl_device_t *device

       This function returns the current printer status bits, as applicable to the current device.

       The  status  bits for USB devices come from the original Centronics parallel printer "standard" which was
       later formally standardized in IEEE 1284-1984 and the USB Device Class Definition for  Printing  Devices.
       Some vendor extensions are also supported.

       The status bits for network devices come from the hrPrinterDetectedErrorState property that is defined in
       the SNMP Printer MIB v2 (RFC 3805).

       This function returns a pappl_preason_t bitfield  which  can  be  passed  to  the  papplPrinterSetReasons
       function.  Use the PAPPL_PREASON_DEVICE_STATUS value as the value of the "remove" argument.

       5      Note: This function can block for several seconds while getting the status

       5      information.

       Get the current printer supplies.

       int  papplDeviceGetSupplies (
           pappl_device_t *device,
           int max_supplies,
           pappl_supply_t *supplies

       This  function returns the number, type, and level of current printer supply levels, as applicable to the
       current device.

       The supply levels for network devices come from the prtSupplyTable and prtMarkerColorantTable  properties
       that are defined in the SNMP Printer MIB v2 (RFC 3805).

       The supply levels for other devices are not standardized and must be queried using other methods.

       5      Note: This function can block for several seconds while getting the supply

       5      information.

       Determine whether a given URI is supported.

       bool  papplDeviceIsSupported (
           const char *uri

       This function determines whether a given URI or URI scheme is supported as a device.

       List available devices.

       bool  papplDeviceList (
           pappl_devtype_t types,
           pappl_device_cb_t cb,
           void *data,
           pappl_deverror_cb_t err_cb,
           void *err_data

       This  function  lists  the  available  devices,  calling  the  "cb"  function  once  per  device  that is
       discovered/listed.  The callback function receives the device URI, IEEE-1284  device  ID  (if  any),  and
       "data" pointer, and returns true to stop listing devices and false to continue.

       The  "types"  argument  determines  which devices are listed, for example PAPPL_DEVTYPE_ALL will list all
       types of devices while PAPPL_DEVTYPE_USB only lists USB printers.

       Any errors are reported using the supplied "err_cb" function.  If you specify  NULL  for  this  argument,
       errors are sent to stderr.

       5      Note: This function will block (not return) until each of the device URI

       5      schemes has reported all of the devices or the supplied callback function

       5      returns true.

       Open a connection to a device.

       pappl_device_t * papplDeviceOpen (
           const char *device_uri,
           const char *name,
           pappl_deverror_cb_t err_cb,
           void *err_data

       This  function  opens  a  connection  to  the specified device URI.  The "name" argument provides textual
       context for the connection and is usually the name (title) of the print job.

       Any errors are reported using the supplied "err_cb" function.  If you specify  NULL  for  this  argument,
       errors are sent to stderr.

       Parse an IEEE-1284 device ID string.

       int  papplDeviceParseID (
           const char *device_id,
           cups_option_t **pairs

       This  function  parses  an  IEEE-1284  device  ID  string  and  returns  an array of key/value pairs as a
       cups_option_t array.  The returned array must be freed using the cupsFreeOptions function.

       Write a formatted string.

       ssize_t  papplDevicePrintf (
           pappl_device_t *device,
           const char *format,

       This function buffers a formatted string that will be sent to the device.  The "format" argument  accepts
       all printf format specifiers and behaves identically to that function.

       Call the papplDeviceFlush function to ensure that the formatted string is immediately sent to the device.

       Write a literal string.

       ssize_t  papplDevicePuts (
           pappl_device_t *device,
           const char *s

       This  function  buffers  a  literal  string  that  will be sent to the device.  Call the papplDeviceFlush
       function to ensure that the literal string is immediately sent to the device.

       Read from a device.

       ssize_t  papplDeviceRead (
           pappl_device_t *device,
           void *buffer,
           size_t bytes

       This function reads data from the device.  Depending on the device, this function may block indefinitely.

       Set device-specific data.

       void papplDeviceSetData (
           pappl_device_t *device,
           void *data

       This function sets any device-specific data needed to communicate with the device.  It is  normally  only
       called from the open callback that was registered for the device URI scheme.

       Write to a device.

       ssize_t  papplDeviceWrite (
           pappl_device_t *device,
           const void *buffer,
           size_t bytes

       This function buffers data that will be sent to the device.  Call the papplDeviceFlush function to ensure
       that the data is immediately sent to the device.


       Device metrics

       struct pappl_devmetrics_s
         size_t read_bytes;
         size_t read_msecs;
         size_t read_requests;
         size_t status_msecs;
         size_t status_requests;
         size_t write_bytes;
         size_t write_msecs;
         size_t write_requests;


       Device close callback

       typedef void (*pappl_devclose_cb_t)(pappl_device_t *device);

       Device error callback

       typedef void (*pappl_deverror_cb_t)(const char *message, void *err_data);

       Device callback - return true to stop, false to continue

       typedef bool (*pappl_device_cb_t)(const char *device_info, const char *device_uri, const char *device_id, void *data);

       Device ID callback

       typedef char * (*pappl_devid_cb_t)(pappl_device_t *device, char *buffer, size_t bufsize);

       Device list callback

       typedef bool (*pappl_devlist_cb_t)(pappl_device_cb_t cb, void *data, pappl_deverror_cb_t err_cb, void *err_data);

       Device metrics

       typedef struct pappl_devmetrics_s pappl_devmetrics_t;

       Device open callback

       typedef bool (*pappl_devopen_cb_t)(pappl_device_t *device, const char *device_uri, const char *name);

       Device read callback

       typedef ssize_t (*pappl_devread_cb_t)(pappl_device_t *device, void *buffer, size_t bytes);

       Device status callback

       typedef pappl_preason_t (*pappl_devstatus_cb_t)(pappl_device_t *device);

       Device supplies callback

       typedef int (*pappl_devsupplies_cb_t)(pappl_device_t *device, int max_supplies, pappl_supply_t *supplies);

       Device type bitfield

       typedef unsigned pappl_devtype_t;

       Device write callback

       typedef ssize_t (*pappl_devwrite_cb_t)(pappl_device_t *device, const void *buffer, size_t bytes);


       pappl(1),  pappl-client(3),  pappl-device(3),  pappl-job(3),  pappl-log(3),   pappl-mainline(3),   pappl-
       makeresheader(1), pappl-printer(3), pappl-resource(3), pappl-system(3),

       Copyright © 2019-2022 by Michael R Sweet.

       PAPPL  is  licensed  under  the  Apache License Version 2.0 with an (optional) exception to allow linking
       against GPL2/LGPL2 software (like older versions of CUPS), so it can be used freely in any project  you'd
       like.  See the files "LICENSE" and "NOTICE" in the source distribution for more information.