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       gesvdq - gesvdq: SVD, QR with pivoting


       subroutine cgesvdq (joba, jobp, jobr, jobu, jobv, m, n, a, lda, s, u, ldu, v, ldv, numrank, iwork,
           liwork, cwork, lcwork, rwork, lrwork, info)
            CGESVDQ computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) with a QR-Preconditioned QR SVD Method for
           GE matrices
       subroutine dgesvdq (joba, jobp, jobr, jobu, jobv, m, n, a, lda, s, u, ldu, v, ldv, numrank, iwork,
           liwork, work, lwork, rwork, lrwork, info)
            DGESVDQ computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) with a QR-Preconditioned QR SVD Method for
           GE matrices
       subroutine sgesvdq (joba, jobp, jobr, jobu, jobv, m, n, a, lda, s, u, ldu, v, ldv, numrank, iwork,
           liwork, work, lwork, rwork, lrwork, info)
            SGESVDQ computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) with a QR-Preconditioned QR SVD Method for
           GE matrices
       subroutine zgesvdq (joba, jobp, jobr, jobu, jobv, m, n, a, lda, s, u, ldu, v, ldv, numrank, iwork,
           liwork, cwork, lcwork, rwork, lrwork, info)
            ZGESVDQ computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) with a QR-Preconditioned QR SVD Method for
           GE matrices

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

   subroutine cgesvdq (character joba, character jobp, character jobr, character jobu, character jobv, integer
       m, integer n, complex, dimension( lda, * ) a, integer lda, real, dimension( * ) s, complex, dimension(
       ldu, * ) u, integer ldu, complex, dimension( ldv, * ) v, integer ldv, integer numrank, integer,
       dimension( * ) iwork, integer liwork, complex, dimension( * ) cwork, integer lcwork, real, dimension( * )
       rwork, integer lrwork, integer info)
        CGESVDQ computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) with a QR-Preconditioned QR SVD Method for GE


            CGESVDQ computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a complex
            M-by-N matrix A, where M >= N. The SVD of A is written as
                                               [++]   [xx]   [x0]   [xx]
                         A = U * SIGMA * V^*,  [++] = [xx] * [ox] * [xx]
                                               [++]   [xx]
            where SIGMA is an N-by-N diagonal matrix, U is an M-by-N orthonormal
            matrix, and V is an N-by-N unitary matrix. The diagonal elements
            of SIGMA are the singular values of A. The columns of U and V are the
            left and the right singular vectors of A, respectively.


             JOBA is CHARACTER*1
             Specifies the level of accuracy in the computed SVD
             = 'A' The requested accuracy corresponds to having the backward
                   error bounded by || delta A ||_F <= f(m,n) * EPS * || A ||_F,
                   where EPS = SLAMCH('Epsilon'). This authorises CGESVDQ to
                   truncate the computed triangular factor in a rank revealing
                   QR factorization whenever the truncated part is below the
                   threshold of the order of EPS * ||A||_F. This is aggressive
                   truncation level.
             = 'M' Similarly as with 'A', but the truncation is more gentle: it
                   is allowed only when there is a drop on the diagonal of the
                   triangular factor in the QR factorization. This is medium
                   truncation level.
             = 'H' High accuracy requested. No numerical rank determination based
                   on the rank revealing QR factorization is attempted.
             = 'E' Same as 'H', and in addition the condition number of column
                   scaled A is estimated and returned in  RWORK(1).
                   N^(-1/4)*RWORK(1) <= ||pinv(A_scaled)||_2 <= N^(1/4)*RWORK(1)


             JOBP is CHARACTER*1
             = 'P' The rows of A are ordered in decreasing order with respect to
                   ||A(i,:)||_\infty. This enhances numerical accuracy at the cost
                   of extra data movement. Recommended for numerical robustness.
             = 'N' No row pivoting.


                     JOBR is CHARACTER*1
                     = 'T' After the initial pivoted QR factorization, CGESVD is applied to
                     the adjoint R**H of the computed triangular factor R. This involves
                     some extra data movement (matrix transpositions). Useful for
                     experiments, research and development.
                     = 'N' The triangular factor R is given as input to CGESVD. This may be
                     preferred as it involves less data movement.


                     JOBU is CHARACTER*1
                     = 'A' All M left singular vectors are computed and returned in the
                     matrix U. See the description of U.
                     = 'S' or 'U' N = min(M,N) left singular vectors are computed and returned
                     in the matrix U. See the description of U.
                     = 'R' Numerical rank NUMRANK is determined and only NUMRANK left singular
                     vectors are computed and returned in the matrix U.
                     = 'F' The N left singular vectors are returned in factored form as the
                     product of the Q factor from the initial QR factorization and the
                     N left singular vectors of (R**H , 0)**H. If row pivoting is used,
                     then the necessary information on the row pivoting is stored in
                     = 'N' The left singular vectors are not computed.


                     JOBV is CHARACTER*1
                     = 'A', 'V' All N right singular vectors are computed and returned in
                     the matrix V.
                     = 'R' Numerical rank NUMRANK is determined and only NUMRANK right singular
                     vectors are computed and returned in the matrix V. This option is
                     allowed only if JOBU = 'R' or JOBU = 'N'; otherwise it is illegal.
                     = 'N' The right singular vectors are not computed.


                     M is INTEGER
                     The number of rows of the input matrix A.  M >= 0.


                     N is INTEGER
                     The number of columns of the input matrix A.  M >= N >= 0.


                     A is COMPLEX array of dimensions LDA x N
                     On entry, the input matrix A.
                     On exit, if JOBU .NE. 'N' or JOBV .NE. 'N', the lower triangle of A contains
                     the Householder vectors as stored by CGEQP3. If JOBU = 'F', these Householder
                     vectors together with CWORK(1:N) can be used to restore the Q factors from
                     the initial pivoted QR factorization of A. See the description of U.


                     LDA is INTEGER.
                     The leading dimension of the array A.  LDA >= max(1,M).


                     S is REAL array of dimension N.
                     The singular values of A, ordered so that S(i) >= S(i+1).


                     U is COMPLEX array, dimension
                     LDU x M if JOBU = 'A'; see the description of LDU. In this case,
                     on exit, U contains the M left singular vectors.
                     LDU x N if JOBU = 'S', 'U', 'R' ; see the description of LDU. In this
                     case, U contains the leading N or the leading NUMRANK left singular vectors.
                     LDU x N if JOBU = 'F' ; see the description of LDU. In this case U
                     contains N x N unitary matrix that can be used to form the left
                     singular vectors.
                     If JOBU = 'N', U is not referenced.


                     LDU is INTEGER.
                     The leading dimension of the array U.
                     If JOBU = 'A', 'S', 'U', 'R',  LDU >= max(1,M).
                     If JOBU = 'F',                 LDU >= max(1,N).
                     Otherwise,                     LDU >= 1.


                     V is COMPLEX array, dimension
                     LDV x N if JOBV = 'A', 'V', 'R' or if JOBA = 'E' .
                     If JOBV = 'A', or 'V',  V contains the N-by-N unitary matrix  V**H;
                     If JOBV = 'R', V contains the first NUMRANK rows of V**H (the right
                     singular vectors, stored rowwise, of the NUMRANK largest singular values).
                     If JOBV = 'N' and JOBA = 'E', V is used as a workspace.
                     If JOBV = 'N', and JOBA.NE.'E', V is not referenced.


                     LDV is INTEGER
                     The leading dimension of the array V.
                     If JOBV = 'A', 'V', 'R',  or JOBA = 'E', LDV >= max(1,N).
                     Otherwise,                               LDV >= 1.


                     NUMRANK is INTEGER
                     NUMRANK is the numerical rank first determined after the rank
                     revealing QR factorization, following the strategy specified by the
                     value of JOBA. If JOBV = 'R' and JOBU = 'R', only NUMRANK
                     leading singular values and vectors are then requested in the call
                     of CGESVD. The final value of NUMRANK might be further reduced if
                     some singular values are computed as zeros.


                     IWORK is INTEGER array, dimension (max(1, LIWORK)).
                     On exit, IWORK(1:N) contains column pivoting permutation of the
                     rank revealing QR factorization.
                     If JOBP = 'P', IWORK(N+1:N+M-1) contains the indices of the sequence
                     of row swaps used in row pivoting. These can be used to restore the
                     left singular vectors in the case JOBU = 'F'.

                     If LIWORK, LCWORK, or LRWORK = -1, then on exit, if INFO = 0,
                     IWORK(1) returns the minimal LIWORK.


                     LIWORK is INTEGER
                     The dimension of the array IWORK.
                     LIWORK >= N + M - 1,  if JOBP = 'P';
                     LIWORK >= N           if JOBP = 'N'.

                     If LIWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine
                     only calculates and returns the optimal and minimal sizes
                     for the CWORK, IWORK, and RWORK arrays, and no error
                     message related to LCWORK is issued by XERBLA.


                     CWORK is COMPLEX array, dimension (max(2, LCWORK)), used as a workspace.
                     On exit, if, on entry, LCWORK.NE.-1, CWORK(1:N) contains parameters
                     needed to recover the Q factor from the QR factorization computed by

                     If LIWORK, LCWORK, or LRWORK = -1, then on exit, if INFO = 0,
                     CWORK(1) returns the optimal LCWORK, and
                     CWORK(2) returns the minimal LCWORK.


                     LCWORK is INTEGER
                     The dimension of the array CWORK. It is determined as follows:
                     Let  LWQP3 = N+1,  LWCON = 2*N, and let
                     LWUNQ = { MAX( N, 1 ),  if JOBU = 'R', 'S', or 'U'
                             { MAX( M, 1 ),  if JOBU = 'A'
                     LWSVD = MAX( 3*N, 1 )
                     LWLQF = MAX( N/2, 1 ), LWSVD2 = MAX( 3*(N/2), 1 ), LWUNLQ = MAX( N, 1 ),
                     LWQRF = MAX( N/2, 1 ), LWUNQ2 = MAX( N, 1 )
                     Then the minimal value of LCWORK is:
                     = MAX( N + LWQP3, LWSVD )        if only the singular values are needed;
                     = MAX( N + LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD ) if only the singular values are needed,
                                              and a scaled condition estimate requested;

                     = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWSVD, LWUNQ ) if the singular values and the left
                                              singular vectors are requested;
                     = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD, LWUNQ ) if the singular values and the left
                                              singular vectors are requested, and also
                                              a scaled condition estimate requested;

                     = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWSVD )        if the singular values and the right
                                              singular vectors are requested;
                     = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD ) if the singular values and the right
                                              singular vectors are requested, and also
                                              a scaled condition etimate requested;

                     = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWSVD, LWUNQ ) if the full SVD is requested with JOBV = 'R';
                                              independent of JOBR;
                     = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD, LWUNQ ) if the full SVD is requested,
                                              JOBV = 'R' and, also a scaled condition
                                              estimate requested; independent of JOBR;
                     = MAX( N + MAX( LWQP3, LWSVD, LWUNQ ),
                    N + MAX( LWQP3, N/2+LWLQF, N/2+LWSVD2, N/2+LWUNLQ, LWUNQ) ) if the
                                    full SVD is requested with JOBV = 'A' or 'V', and
                                    JOBR ='N'
                     = MAX( N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD, LWUNQ ),
                    N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, N/2+LWLQF, N/2+LWSVD2, N/2+LWUNLQ, LWUNQ ) )
                                    if the full SVD is requested with JOBV = 'A' or 'V', and
                                    JOBR ='N', and also a scaled condition number estimate
                     = MAX( N + MAX( LWQP3, LWSVD, LWUNQ ),
                    N + MAX( LWQP3, N/2+LWQRF, N/2+LWSVD2, N/2+LWUNQ2, LWUNQ ) ) if the
                                    full SVD is requested with JOBV = 'A', 'V', and JOBR ='T'
                     = MAX( N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD, LWUNQ ),
                    N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, N/2+LWQRF, N/2+LWSVD2, N/2+LWUNQ2, LWUNQ ) )
                                    if the full SVD is requested with JOBV = 'A', 'V' and
                                    JOBR ='T', and also a scaled condition number estimate
                     Finally, LCWORK must be at least two: LCWORK = MAX( 2, LCWORK ).

                     If LCWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine
                     only calculates and returns the optimal and minimal sizes
                     for the CWORK, IWORK, and RWORK arrays, and no error
                     message related to LCWORK is issued by XERBLA.


                     RWORK is REAL array, dimension (max(1, LRWORK)).
                     On exit,
                     1. If JOBA = 'E', RWORK(1) contains an estimate of the condition
                     number of column scaled A. If A = C * D where D is diagonal and C
                     has unit columns in the Euclidean norm, then, assuming full column rank,
                     N^(-1/4) * RWORK(1) <= ||pinv(C)||_2 <= N^(1/4) * RWORK(1).
                     Otherwise, RWORK(1) = -1.
                     2. RWORK(2) contains the number of singular values computed as
                     exact zeros in CGESVD applied to the upper triangular or trapezoidal
                     R (from the initial QR factorization). In case of early exit (no call to
                     CGESVD, such as in the case of zero matrix) RWORK(2) = -1.

                     If LIWORK, LCWORK, or LRWORK = -1, then on exit, if INFO = 0,
                     RWORK(1) returns the minimal LRWORK.


                     LRWORK is INTEGER.
                     The dimension of the array RWORK.
                     If JOBP ='P', then LRWORK >= MAX(2, M, 5*N);
                     Otherwise, LRWORK >= MAX(2, 5*N).

                     If LRWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine
                     only calculates and returns the optimal and minimal sizes
                     for the CWORK, IWORK, and RWORK arrays, and no error
                     message related to LCWORK is issued by XERBLA.


                     INFO is INTEGER
                     = 0:  successful exit.
                     < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value.
                     > 0:  if CBDSQR did not converge, INFO specifies how many superdiagonals
                     of an intermediate bidiagonal form B (computed in CGESVD) did not
                     converge to zero.

       Further Details:

              1. The data movement (matrix transpose) is coded using simple nested
              DO-loops because BLAS and LAPACK do not provide corresponding subroutines.
              Those DO-loops are easily identified in this source code - by the CONTINUE
              statements labeled with 11**. In an optimized version of this code, the
              nested DO loops should be replaced with calls to an optimized subroutine.
              2. This code scales A by 1/SQRT(M) if the largest ABS(A(i,j)) could cause
              column norm overflow. This is the minial precaution and it is left to the
              SVD routine (CGESVD) to do its own preemptive scaling if potential over-
              or underflows are detected. To avoid repeated scanning of the array A,
              an optimal implementation would do all necessary scaling before calling
              CGESVD and the scaling in CGESVD can be switched off.
              3. Other comments related to code optimization are given in comments in the
              code, enclosed in [[double brackets]].

       Bugs, examples and comments

             Please report all bugs and send interesting examples and/or comments to
    Thank you.


             [1] Zlatko Drmac, Algorithm 977: A QR-Preconditioned QR SVD Method for
                 Computing the SVD with High Accuracy. ACM Trans. Math. Softw.
                 44(1): 11:1-11:30 (2017)

             SIGMA library, xGESVDQ section updated February 2016.
             Developed and coded by Zlatko Drmac, Department of Mathematics
             University of Zagreb, Croatia,


            Developed and coded by Zlatko Drmac, Department of Mathematics
             University of Zagreb, Croatia,

           Univ. of Tennessee

           Univ. of California Berkeley

           Univ. of Colorado Denver

           NAG Ltd.

   subroutine dgesvdq (character joba, character jobp, character jobr, character jobu, character jobv, integer
       m, integer n, double precision, dimension( lda, * ) a, integer lda, double precision, dimension( * ) s,
       double precision, dimension( ldu, * ) u, integer ldu, double precision, dimension( ldv, * ) v, integer
       ldv, integer numrank, integer, dimension( * ) iwork, integer liwork, double precision, dimension( * )
       work, integer lwork, double precision, dimension( * ) rwork, integer lrwork, integer info)
        DGESVDQ computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) with a QR-Preconditioned QR SVD Method for GE


            DGESVDQ computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a real
            M-by-N matrix A, where M >= N. The SVD of A is written as
                                               [++]   [xx]   [x0]   [xx]
                         A = U * SIGMA * V^*,  [++] = [xx] * [ox] * [xx]
                                               [++]   [xx]
            where SIGMA is an N-by-N diagonal matrix, U is an M-by-N orthonormal
            matrix, and V is an N-by-N orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements
            of SIGMA are the singular values of A. The columns of U and V are the
            left and the right singular vectors of A, respectively.


             JOBA is CHARACTER*1
             Specifies the level of accuracy in the computed SVD
             = 'A' The requested accuracy corresponds to having the backward
                   error bounded by || delta A ||_F <= f(m,n) * EPS * || A ||_F,
                   where EPS = DLAMCH('Epsilon'). This authorises DGESVDQ to
                   truncate the computed triangular factor in a rank revealing
                   QR factorization whenever the truncated part is below the
                   threshold of the order of EPS * ||A||_F. This is aggressive
                   truncation level.
             = 'M' Similarly as with 'A', but the truncation is more gentle: it
                   is allowed only when there is a drop on the diagonal of the
                   triangular factor in the QR factorization. This is medium
                   truncation level.
             = 'H' High accuracy requested. No numerical rank determination based
                   on the rank revealing QR factorization is attempted.
             = 'E' Same as 'H', and in addition the condition number of column
                   scaled A is estimated and returned in  RWORK(1).
                   N^(-1/4)*RWORK(1) <= ||pinv(A_scaled)||_2 <= N^(1/4)*RWORK(1)


             JOBP is CHARACTER*1
             = 'P' The rows of A are ordered in decreasing order with respect to
                   ||A(i,:)||_\infty. This enhances numerical accuracy at the cost
                   of extra data movement. Recommended for numerical robustness.
             = 'N' No row pivoting.


                     JOBR is CHARACTER*1
                     = 'T' After the initial pivoted QR factorization, DGESVD is applied to
                     the transposed R**T of the computed triangular factor R. This involves
                     some extra data movement (matrix transpositions). Useful for
                     experiments, research and development.
                     = 'N' The triangular factor R is given as input to DGESVD. This may be
                     preferred as it involves less data movement.


                     JOBU is CHARACTER*1
                     = 'A' All M left singular vectors are computed and returned in the
                     matrix U. See the description of U.
                     = 'S' or 'U' N = min(M,N) left singular vectors are computed and returned
                     in the matrix U. See the description of U.
                     = 'R' Numerical rank NUMRANK is determined and only NUMRANK left singular
                     vectors are computed and returned in the matrix U.
                     = 'F' The N left singular vectors are returned in factored form as the
                     product of the Q factor from the initial QR factorization and the
                     N left singular vectors of (R**T , 0)**T. If row pivoting is used,
                     then the necessary information on the row pivoting is stored in
                     = 'N' The left singular vectors are not computed.


                     JOBV is CHARACTER*1
                     = 'A', 'V' All N right singular vectors are computed and returned in
                     the matrix V.
                     = 'R' Numerical rank NUMRANK is determined and only NUMRANK right singular
                     vectors are computed and returned in the matrix V. This option is
                     allowed only if JOBU = 'R' or JOBU = 'N'; otherwise it is illegal.
                     = 'N' The right singular vectors are not computed.


                     M is INTEGER
                     The number of rows of the input matrix A.  M >= 0.


                     N is INTEGER
                     The number of columns of the input matrix A.  M >= N >= 0.


                     A is DOUBLE PRECISION array of dimensions LDA x N
                     On entry, the input matrix A.
                     On exit, if JOBU .NE. 'N' or JOBV .NE. 'N', the lower triangle of A contains
                     the Householder vectors as stored by DGEQP3. If JOBU = 'F', these Householder
                     vectors together with WORK(1:N) can be used to restore the Q factors from
                     the initial pivoted QR factorization of A. See the description of U.


                     LDA is INTEGER.
                     The leading dimension of the array A.  LDA >= max(1,M).


                     S is DOUBLE PRECISION array of dimension N.
                     The singular values of A, ordered so that S(i) >= S(i+1).


                     U is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension
                     LDU x M if JOBU = 'A'; see the description of LDU. In this case,
                     on exit, U contains the M left singular vectors.
                     LDU x N if JOBU = 'S', 'U', 'R' ; see the description of LDU. In this
                     case, U contains the leading N or the leading NUMRANK left singular vectors.
                     LDU x N if JOBU = 'F' ; see the description of LDU. In this case U
                     contains N x N orthogonal matrix that can be used to form the left
                     singular vectors.
                     If JOBU = 'N', U is not referenced.


                     LDU is INTEGER.
                     The leading dimension of the array U.
                     If JOBU = 'A', 'S', 'U', 'R',  LDU >= max(1,M).
                     If JOBU = 'F',                 LDU >= max(1,N).
                     Otherwise,                     LDU >= 1.


                     V is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension
                     LDV x N if JOBV = 'A', 'V', 'R' or if JOBA = 'E' .
                     If JOBV = 'A', or 'V',  V contains the N-by-N orthogonal matrix  V**T;
                     If JOBV = 'R', V contains the first NUMRANK rows of V**T (the right
                     singular vectors, stored rowwise, of the NUMRANK largest singular values).
                     If JOBV = 'N' and JOBA = 'E', V is used as a workspace.
                     If JOBV = 'N', and JOBA.NE.'E', V is not referenced.


                     LDV is INTEGER
                     The leading dimension of the array V.
                     If JOBV = 'A', 'V', 'R',  or JOBA = 'E', LDV >= max(1,N).
                     Otherwise,                               LDV >= 1.


                     NUMRANK is INTEGER
                     NUMRANK is the numerical rank first determined after the rank
                     revealing QR factorization, following the strategy specified by the
                     value of JOBA. If JOBV = 'R' and JOBU = 'R', only NUMRANK
                     leading singular values and vectors are then requested in the call
                     of DGESVD. The final value of NUMRANK might be further reduced if
                     some singular values are computed as zeros.


                     IWORK is INTEGER array, dimension (max(1, LIWORK)).
                     On exit, IWORK(1:N) contains column pivoting permutation of the
                     rank revealing QR factorization.
                     If JOBP = 'P', IWORK(N+1:N+M-1) contains the indices of the sequence
                     of row swaps used in row pivoting. These can be used to restore the
                     left singular vectors in the case JOBU = 'F'.

                     If LIWORK, LWORK, or LRWORK = -1, then on exit, if INFO = 0,
                     IWORK(1) returns the minimal LIWORK.


                     LIWORK is INTEGER
                     The dimension of the array IWORK.
                     LIWORK >= N + M - 1,     if JOBP = 'P' and JOBA .NE. 'E';
                     LIWORK >= N              if JOBP = 'N' and JOBA .NE. 'E';
                     LIWORK >= N + M - 1 + N, if JOBP = 'P' and JOBA = 'E';
                     LIWORK >= N + N          if JOBP = 'N' and JOBA = 'E'.

                     If LIWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine
                     only calculates and returns the optimal and minimal sizes
                     for the WORK, IWORK, and RWORK arrays, and no error
                     message related to LWORK is issued by XERBLA.


                     WORK is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (max(2, LWORK)), used as a workspace.
                     On exit, if, on entry, LWORK.NE.-1, WORK(1:N) contains parameters
                     needed to recover the Q factor from the QR factorization computed by

                     If LIWORK, LWORK, or LRWORK = -1, then on exit, if INFO = 0,
                     WORK(1) returns the optimal LWORK, and
                     WORK(2) returns the minimal LWORK.


                     LWORK is INTEGER
                     The dimension of the array WORK. It is determined as follows:
                     Let  LWQP3 = 3*N+1,  LWCON = 3*N, and let
                     LWORQ = { MAX( N, 1 ),  if JOBU = 'R', 'S', or 'U'
                             { MAX( M, 1 ),  if JOBU = 'A'
                     LWSVD = MAX( 5*N, 1 )
                     LWLQF = MAX( N/2, 1 ), LWSVD2 = MAX( 5*(N/2), 1 ), LWORLQ = MAX( N, 1 ),
                     LWQRF = MAX( N/2, 1 ), LWORQ2 = MAX( N, 1 )
                     Then the minimal value of LWORK is:
                     = MAX( N + LWQP3, LWSVD )        if only the singular values are needed;
                     = MAX( N + LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD ) if only the singular values are needed,
                                              and a scaled condition estimate requested;

                     = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWSVD, LWORQ ) if the singular values and the left
                                              singular vectors are requested;
                     = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD, LWORQ ) if the singular values and the left
                                              singular vectors are requested, and also
                                              a scaled condition estimate requested;

                     = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWSVD )        if the singular values and the right
                                              singular vectors are requested;
                     = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD ) if the singular values and the right
                                              singular vectors are requested, and also
                                              a scaled condition etimate requested;

                     = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWSVD, LWORQ ) if the full SVD is requested with JOBV = 'R';
                                              independent of JOBR;
                     = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD, LWORQ ) if the full SVD is requested,
                                              JOBV = 'R' and, also a scaled condition
                                              estimate requested; independent of JOBR;
                     = MAX( N + MAX( LWQP3, LWSVD, LWORQ ),
                    N + MAX( LWQP3, N/2+LWLQF, N/2+LWSVD2, N/2+LWORLQ, LWORQ) ) if the
                                    full SVD is requested with JOBV = 'A' or 'V', and
                                    JOBR ='N'
                     = MAX( N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD, LWORQ ),
                    N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, N/2+LWLQF, N/2+LWSVD2, N/2+LWORLQ, LWORQ ) )
                                    if the full SVD is requested with JOBV = 'A' or 'V', and
                                    JOBR ='N', and also a scaled condition number estimate
                     = MAX( N + MAX( LWQP3, LWSVD, LWORQ ),
                    N + MAX( LWQP3, N/2+LWQRF, N/2+LWSVD2, N/2+LWORQ2, LWORQ ) ) if the
                                    full SVD is requested with JOBV = 'A', 'V', and JOBR ='T'
                     = MAX( N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD, LWORQ ),
                    N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, N/2+LWQRF, N/2+LWSVD2, N/2+LWORQ2, LWORQ ) )
                                    if the full SVD is requested with JOBV = 'A' or 'V', and
                                    JOBR ='T', and also a scaled condition number estimate
                     Finally, LWORK must be at least two: LWORK = MAX( 2, LWORK ).

                     If LWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine
                     only calculates and returns the optimal and minimal sizes
                     for the WORK, IWORK, and RWORK arrays, and no error
                     message related to LWORK is issued by XERBLA.


                     RWORK is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (max(1, LRWORK)).
                     On exit,
                     1. If JOBA = 'E', RWORK(1) contains an estimate of the condition
                     number of column scaled A. If A = C * D where D is diagonal and C
                     has unit columns in the Euclidean norm, then, assuming full column rank,
                     N^(-1/4) * RWORK(1) <= ||pinv(C)||_2 <= N^(1/4) * RWORK(1).
                     Otherwise, RWORK(1) = -1.
                     2. RWORK(2) contains the number of singular values computed as
                     exact zeros in DGESVD applied to the upper triangular or trapezoidal
                     R (from the initial QR factorization). In case of early exit (no call to
                     DGESVD, such as in the case of zero matrix) RWORK(2) = -1.

                     If LIWORK, LWORK, or LRWORK = -1, then on exit, if INFO = 0,
                     RWORK(1) returns the minimal LRWORK.


                     LRWORK is INTEGER.
                     The dimension of the array RWORK.
                     If JOBP ='P', then LRWORK >= MAX(2, M).
                     Otherwise, LRWORK >= 2

                     If LRWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine
                     only calculates and returns the optimal and minimal sizes
                     for the WORK, IWORK, and RWORK arrays, and no error
                     message related to LWORK is issued by XERBLA.


                     INFO is INTEGER
                     = 0:  successful exit.
                     < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value.
                     > 0:  if DBDSQR did not converge, INFO specifies how many superdiagonals
                     of an intermediate bidiagonal form B (computed in DGESVD) did not
                     converge to zero.

       Further Details:

              1. The data movement (matrix transpose) is coded using simple nested
              DO-loops because BLAS and LAPACK do not provide corresponding subroutines.
              Those DO-loops are easily identified in this source code - by the CONTINUE
              statements labeled with 11**. In an optimized version of this code, the
              nested DO loops should be replaced with calls to an optimized subroutine.
              2. This code scales A by 1/SQRT(M) if the largest ABS(A(i,j)) could cause
              column norm overflow. This is the minial precaution and it is left to the
              SVD routine (CGESVD) to do its own preemptive scaling if potential over-
              or underflows are detected. To avoid repeated scanning of the array A,
              an optimal implementation would do all necessary scaling before calling
              CGESVD and the scaling in CGESVD can be switched off.
              3. Other comments related to code optimization are given in comments in the
              code, enclosed in [[double brackets]].

       Bugs, examples and comments

             Please report all bugs and send interesting examples and/or comments to
    Thank you.


             [1] Zlatko Drmac, Algorithm 977: A QR-Preconditioned QR SVD Method for
                 Computing the SVD with High Accuracy. ACM Trans. Math. Softw.
                 44(1): 11:1-11:30 (2017)

             SIGMA library, xGESVDQ section updated February 2016.
             Developed and coded by Zlatko Drmac, Department of Mathematics
             University of Zagreb, Croatia,


            Developed and coded by Zlatko Drmac, Department of Mathematics
             University of Zagreb, Croatia,

           Univ. of Tennessee

           Univ. of California Berkeley

           Univ. of Colorado Denver

           NAG Ltd.

   subroutine sgesvdq (character joba, character jobp, character jobr, character jobu, character jobv, integer
       m, integer n, real, dimension( lda, * ) a, integer lda, real, dimension( * ) s, real, dimension( ldu, * )
       u, integer ldu, real, dimension( ldv, * ) v, integer ldv, integer numrank, integer, dimension( * ) iwork,
       integer liwork, real, dimension( * ) work, integer lwork, real, dimension( * ) rwork, integer lrwork,
       integer info)
        SGESVDQ computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) with a QR-Preconditioned QR SVD Method for GE


            SGESVDQ computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a real
            M-by-N matrix A, where M >= N. The SVD of A is written as
                                               [++]   [xx]   [x0]   [xx]
                         A = U * SIGMA * V^*,  [++] = [xx] * [ox] * [xx]
                                               [++]   [xx]
            where SIGMA is an N-by-N diagonal matrix, U is an M-by-N orthonormal
            matrix, and V is an N-by-N orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements
            of SIGMA are the singular values of A. The columns of U and V are the
            left and the right singular vectors of A, respectively.


             JOBA is CHARACTER*1
             Specifies the level of accuracy in the computed SVD
             = 'A' The requested accuracy corresponds to having the backward
                   error bounded by || delta A ||_F <= f(m,n) * EPS * || A ||_F,
                   where EPS = SLAMCH('Epsilon'). This authorises CGESVDQ to
                   truncate the computed triangular factor in a rank revealing
                   QR factorization whenever the truncated part is below the
                   threshold of the order of EPS * ||A||_F. This is aggressive
                   truncation level.
             = 'M' Similarly as with 'A', but the truncation is more gentle: it
                   is allowed only when there is a drop on the diagonal of the
                   triangular factor in the QR factorization. This is medium
                   truncation level.
             = 'H' High accuracy requested. No numerical rank determination based
                   on the rank revealing QR factorization is attempted.
             = 'E' Same as 'H', and in addition the condition number of column
                   scaled A is estimated and returned in  RWORK(1).
                   N^(-1/4)*RWORK(1) <= ||pinv(A_scaled)||_2 <= N^(1/4)*RWORK(1)


             JOBP is CHARACTER*1
             = 'P' The rows of A are ordered in decreasing order with respect to
                   ||A(i,:)||_\infty. This enhances numerical accuracy at the cost
                   of extra data movement. Recommended for numerical robustness.
             = 'N' No row pivoting.


                     JOBR is CHARACTER*1
                     = 'T' After the initial pivoted QR factorization, SGESVD is applied to
                     the transposed R**T of the computed triangular factor R. This involves
                     some extra data movement (matrix transpositions). Useful for
                     experiments, research and development.
                     = 'N' The triangular factor R is given as input to SGESVD. This may be
                     preferred as it involves less data movement.


                     JOBU is CHARACTER*1
                     = 'A' All M left singular vectors are computed and returned in the
                     matrix U. See the description of U.
                     = 'S' or 'U' N = min(M,N) left singular vectors are computed and returned
                     in the matrix U. See the description of U.
                     = 'R' Numerical rank NUMRANK is determined and only NUMRANK left singular
                     vectors are computed and returned in the matrix U.
                     = 'F' The N left singular vectors are returned in factored form as the
                     product of the Q factor from the initial QR factorization and the
                     N left singular vectors of (R**T , 0)**T. If row pivoting is used,
                     then the necessary information on the row pivoting is stored in
                     = 'N' The left singular vectors are not computed.


                     JOBV is CHARACTER*1
                     = 'A', 'V' All N right singular vectors are computed and returned in
                     the matrix V.
                     = 'R' Numerical rank NUMRANK is determined and only NUMRANK right singular
                     vectors are computed and returned in the matrix V. This option is
                     allowed only if JOBU = 'R' or JOBU = 'N'; otherwise it is illegal.
                     = 'N' The right singular vectors are not computed.


                     M is INTEGER
                     The number of rows of the input matrix A.  M >= 0.


                     N is INTEGER
                     The number of columns of the input matrix A.  M >= N >= 0.


                     A is REAL array of dimensions LDA x N
                     On entry, the input matrix A.
                     On exit, if JOBU .NE. 'N' or JOBV .NE. 'N', the lower triangle of A contains
                     the Householder vectors as stored by SGEQP3. If JOBU = 'F', these Householder
                     vectors together with WORK(1:N) can be used to restore the Q factors from
                     the initial pivoted QR factorization of A. See the description of U.


                     LDA is INTEGER.
                     The leading dimension of the array A.  LDA >= max(1,M).


                     S is REAL array of dimension N.
                     The singular values of A, ordered so that S(i) >= S(i+1).


                     U is REAL array, dimension
                     LDU x M if JOBU = 'A'; see the description of LDU. In this case,
                     on exit, U contains the M left singular vectors.
                     LDU x N if JOBU = 'S', 'U', 'R' ; see the description of LDU. In this
                     case, U contains the leading N or the leading NUMRANK left singular vectors.
                     LDU x N if JOBU = 'F' ; see the description of LDU. In this case U
                     contains N x N orthogonal matrix that can be used to form the left
                     singular vectors.
                     If JOBU = 'N', U is not referenced.


                     LDU is INTEGER.
                     The leading dimension of the array U.
                     If JOBU = 'A', 'S', 'U', 'R',  LDU >= max(1,M).
                     If JOBU = 'F',                 LDU >= max(1,N).
                     Otherwise,                     LDU >= 1.


                     V is REAL array, dimension
                     LDV x N if JOBV = 'A', 'V', 'R' or if JOBA = 'E' .
                     If JOBV = 'A', or 'V',  V contains the N-by-N orthogonal matrix  V**T;
                     If JOBV = 'R', V contains the first NUMRANK rows of V**T (the right
                     singular vectors, stored rowwise, of the NUMRANK largest singular values).
                     If JOBV = 'N' and JOBA = 'E', V is used as a workspace.
                     If JOBV = 'N', and JOBA.NE.'E', V is not referenced.


                     LDV is INTEGER
                     The leading dimension of the array V.
                     If JOBV = 'A', 'V', 'R',  or JOBA = 'E', LDV >= max(1,N).
                     Otherwise,                               LDV >= 1.


                     NUMRANK is INTEGER
                     NUMRANK is the numerical rank first determined after the rank
                     revealing QR factorization, following the strategy specified by the
                     value of JOBA. If JOBV = 'R' and JOBU = 'R', only NUMRANK
                     leading singular values and vectors are then requested in the call
                     of SGESVD. The final value of NUMRANK might be further reduced if
                     some singular values are computed as zeros.


                     IWORK is INTEGER array, dimension (max(1, LIWORK)).
                     On exit, IWORK(1:N) contains column pivoting permutation of the
                     rank revealing QR factorization.
                     If JOBP = 'P', IWORK(N+1:N+M-1) contains the indices of the sequence
                     of row swaps used in row pivoting. These can be used to restore the
                     left singular vectors in the case JOBU = 'F'.

                     If LIWORK, LWORK, or LRWORK = -1, then on exit, if INFO = 0,
                     IWORK(1) returns the minimal LIWORK.


                     LIWORK is INTEGER
                     The dimension of the array IWORK.
                     LIWORK >= N + M - 1,     if JOBP = 'P' and JOBA .NE. 'E';
                     LIWORK >= N              if JOBP = 'N' and JOBA .NE. 'E';
                     LIWORK >= N + M - 1 + N, if JOBP = 'P' and JOBA = 'E';
                     LIWORK >= N + N          if JOBP = 'N' and JOBA = 'E'.

                     If LIWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine
                     only calculates and returns the optimal and minimal sizes
                     for the WORK, IWORK, and RWORK arrays, and no error
                     message related to LWORK is issued by XERBLA.


                     WORK is REAL array, dimension (max(2, LWORK)), used as a workspace.
                     On exit, if, on entry, LWORK.NE.-1, WORK(1:N) contains parameters
                     needed to recover the Q factor from the QR factorization computed by

                     If LIWORK, LWORK, or LRWORK = -1, then on exit, if INFO = 0,
                     WORK(1) returns the optimal LWORK, and
                     WORK(2) returns the minimal LWORK.


                     LWORK is INTEGER
                     The dimension of the array WORK. It is determined as follows:
                     Let  LWQP3 = 3*N+1,  LWCON = 3*N, and let
                     LWORQ = { MAX( N, 1 ),  if JOBU = 'R', 'S', or 'U'
                             { MAX( M, 1 ),  if JOBU = 'A'
                     LWSVD = MAX( 5*N, 1 )
                     LWLQF = MAX( N/2, 1 ), LWSVD2 = MAX( 5*(N/2), 1 ), LWORLQ = MAX( N, 1 ),
                     LWQRF = MAX( N/2, 1 ), LWORQ2 = MAX( N, 1 )
                     Then the minimal value of LWORK is:
                     = MAX( N + LWQP3, LWSVD )        if only the singular values are needed;
                     = MAX( N + LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD ) if only the singular values are needed,
                                              and a scaled condition estimate requested;

                     = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWSVD, LWORQ ) if the singular values and the left
                                              singular vectors are requested;
                     = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD, LWORQ ) if the singular values and the left
                                              singular vectors are requested, and also
                                              a scaled condition estimate requested;

                     = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWSVD )        if the singular values and the right
                                              singular vectors are requested;
                     = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD ) if the singular values and the right
                                              singular vectors are requested, and also
                                              a scaled condition etimate requested;

                     = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWSVD, LWORQ ) if the full SVD is requested with JOBV = 'R';
                                              independent of JOBR;
                     = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD, LWORQ ) if the full SVD is requested,
                                              JOBV = 'R' and, also a scaled condition
                                              estimate requested; independent of JOBR;
                     = MAX( N + MAX( LWQP3, LWSVD, LWORQ ),
                    N + MAX( LWQP3, N/2+LWLQF, N/2+LWSVD2, N/2+LWORLQ, LWORQ) ) if the
                                    full SVD is requested with JOBV = 'A' or 'V', and
                                    JOBR ='N'
                     = MAX( N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD, LWORQ ),
                    N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, N/2+LWLQF, N/2+LWSVD2, N/2+LWORLQ, LWORQ ) )
                                    if the full SVD is requested with JOBV = 'A' or 'V', and
                                    JOBR ='N', and also a scaled condition number estimate
                     = MAX( N + MAX( LWQP3, LWSVD, LWORQ ),
                    N + MAX( LWQP3, N/2+LWQRF, N/2+LWSVD2, N/2+LWORQ2, LWORQ ) ) if the
                                    full SVD is requested with JOBV = 'A', 'V', and JOBR ='T'
                     = MAX( N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD, LWORQ ),
                    N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, N/2+LWQRF, N/2+LWSVD2, N/2+LWORQ2, LWORQ ) )
                                    if the full SVD is requested with JOBV = 'A' or 'V', and
                                    JOBR ='T', and also a scaled condition number estimate
                     Finally, LWORK must be at least two: LWORK = MAX( 2, LWORK ).

                     If LWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine
                     only calculates and returns the optimal and minimal sizes
                     for the WORK, IWORK, and RWORK arrays, and no error
                     message related to LWORK is issued by XERBLA.


                     RWORK is REAL array, dimension (max(1, LRWORK)).
                     On exit,
                     1. If JOBA = 'E', RWORK(1) contains an estimate of the condition
                     number of column scaled A. If A = C * D where D is diagonal and C
                     has unit columns in the Euclidean norm, then, assuming full column rank,
                     N^(-1/4) * RWORK(1) <= ||pinv(C)||_2 <= N^(1/4) * RWORK(1).
                     Otherwise, RWORK(1) = -1.
                     2. RWORK(2) contains the number of singular values computed as
                     exact zeros in SGESVD applied to the upper triangular or trapezoidal
                     R (from the initial QR factorization). In case of early exit (no call to
                     SGESVD, such as in the case of zero matrix) RWORK(2) = -1.

                     If LIWORK, LWORK, or LRWORK = -1, then on exit, if INFO = 0,
                     RWORK(1) returns the minimal LRWORK.


                     LRWORK is INTEGER.
                     The dimension of the array RWORK.
                     If JOBP ='P', then LRWORK >= MAX(2, M).
                     Otherwise, LRWORK >= 2

                     If LRWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine
                     only calculates and returns the optimal and minimal sizes
                     for the WORK, IWORK, and RWORK arrays, and no error
                     message related to LWORK is issued by XERBLA.


                     INFO is INTEGER
                     = 0:  successful exit.
                     < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value.
                     > 0:  if SBDSQR did not converge, INFO specifies how many superdiagonals
                     of an intermediate bidiagonal form B (computed in SGESVD) did not
                     converge to zero.

       Further Details:

              1. The data movement (matrix transpose) is coded using simple nested
              DO-loops because BLAS and LAPACK do not provide corresponding subroutines.
              Those DO-loops are easily identified in this source code - by the CONTINUE
              statements labeled with 11**. In an optimized version of this code, the
              nested DO loops should be replaced with calls to an optimized subroutine.
              2. This code scales A by 1/SQRT(M) if the largest ABS(A(i,j)) could cause
              column norm overflow. This is the minial precaution and it is left to the
              SVD routine (CGESVD) to do its own preemptive scaling if potential over-
              or underflows are detected. To avoid repeated scanning of the array A,
              an optimal implementation would do all necessary scaling before calling
              CGESVD and the scaling in CGESVD can be switched off.
              3. Other comments related to code optimization are given in comments in the
              code, enclosed in [[double brackets]].

       Bugs, examples and comments

             Please report all bugs and send interesting examples and/or comments to
    Thank you.


             [1] Zlatko Drmac, Algorithm 977: A QR-Preconditioned QR SVD Method for
                 Computing the SVD with High Accuracy. ACM Trans. Math. Softw.
                 44(1): 11:1-11:30 (2017)

             SIGMA library, xGESVDQ section updated February 2016.
             Developed and coded by Zlatko Drmac, Department of Mathematics
             University of Zagreb, Croatia,


            Developed and coded by Zlatko Drmac, Department of Mathematics
             University of Zagreb, Croatia,

           Univ. of Tennessee

           Univ. of California Berkeley

           Univ. of Colorado Denver

           NAG Ltd.

   subroutine zgesvdq (character joba, character jobp, character jobr, character jobu, character jobv, integer
       m, integer n, complex*16, dimension( lda, * ) a, integer lda, double precision, dimension( * ) s,
       complex*16, dimension( ldu, * ) u, integer ldu, complex*16, dimension( ldv, * ) v, integer ldv, integer
       numrank, integer, dimension( * ) iwork, integer liwork, complex*16, dimension( * ) cwork, integer lcwork,
       double precision, dimension( * ) rwork, integer lrwork, integer info)
        ZGESVDQ computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) with a QR-Preconditioned QR SVD Method for GE


            ZCGESVDQ computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a complex
            M-by-N matrix A, where M >= N. The SVD of A is written as
                                               [++]   [xx]   [x0]   [xx]
                         A = U * SIGMA * V^*,  [++] = [xx] * [ox] * [xx]
                                               [++]   [xx]
            where SIGMA is an N-by-N diagonal matrix, U is an M-by-N orthonormal
            matrix, and V is an N-by-N unitary matrix. The diagonal elements
            of SIGMA are the singular values of A. The columns of U and V are the
            left and the right singular vectors of A, respectively.


             JOBA is CHARACTER*1
             Specifies the level of accuracy in the computed SVD
             = 'A' The requested accuracy corresponds to having the backward
                   error bounded by || delta A ||_F <= f(m,n) * EPS * || A ||_F,
                   where EPS = DLAMCH('Epsilon'). This authorises ZGESVDQ to
                   truncate the computed triangular factor in a rank revealing
                   QR factorization whenever the truncated part is below the
                   threshold of the order of EPS * ||A||_F. This is aggressive
                   truncation level.
             = 'M' Similarly as with 'A', but the truncation is more gentle: it
                   is allowed only when there is a drop on the diagonal of the
                   triangular factor in the QR factorization. This is medium
                   truncation level.
             = 'H' High accuracy requested. No numerical rank determination based
                   on the rank revealing QR factorization is attempted.
             = 'E' Same as 'H', and in addition the condition number of column
                   scaled A is estimated and returned in  RWORK(1).
                   N^(-1/4)*RWORK(1) <= ||pinv(A_scaled)||_2 <= N^(1/4)*RWORK(1)


             JOBP is CHARACTER*1
             = 'P' The rows of A are ordered in decreasing order with respect to
                   ||A(i,:)||_\infty. This enhances numerical accuracy at the cost
                   of extra data movement. Recommended for numerical robustness.
             = 'N' No row pivoting.


                     JOBR is CHARACTER*1
                     = 'T' After the initial pivoted QR factorization, ZGESVD is applied to
                     the adjoint R**H of the computed triangular factor R. This involves
                     some extra data movement (matrix transpositions). Useful for
                     experiments, research and development.
                     = 'N' The triangular factor R is given as input to CGESVD. This may be
                     preferred as it involves less data movement.


                     JOBU is CHARACTER*1
                     = 'A' All M left singular vectors are computed and returned in the
                     matrix U. See the description of U.
                     = 'S' or 'U' N = min(M,N) left singular vectors are computed and returned
                     in the matrix U. See the description of U.
                     = 'R' Numerical rank NUMRANK is determined and only NUMRANK left singular
                     vectors are computed and returned in the matrix U.
                     = 'F' The N left singular vectors are returned in factored form as the
                     product of the Q factor from the initial QR factorization and the
                     N left singular vectors of (R**H , 0)**H. If row pivoting is used,
                     then the necessary information on the row pivoting is stored in
                     = 'N' The left singular vectors are not computed.


                     JOBV is CHARACTER*1
                     = 'A', 'V' All N right singular vectors are computed and returned in
                     the matrix V.
                     = 'R' Numerical rank NUMRANK is determined and only NUMRANK right singular
                     vectors are computed and returned in the matrix V. This option is
                     allowed only if JOBU = 'R' or JOBU = 'N'; otherwise it is illegal.
                     = 'N' The right singular vectors are not computed.


                     M is INTEGER
                     The number of rows of the input matrix A.  M >= 0.


                     N is INTEGER
                     The number of columns of the input matrix A.  M >= N >= 0.


                     A is COMPLEX*16 array of dimensions LDA x N
                     On entry, the input matrix A.
                     On exit, if JOBU .NE. 'N' or JOBV .NE. 'N', the lower triangle of A contains
                     the Householder vectors as stored by ZGEQP3. If JOBU = 'F', these Householder
                     vectors together with CWORK(1:N) can be used to restore the Q factors from
                     the initial pivoted QR factorization of A. See the description of U.


                     LDA is INTEGER.
                     The leading dimension of the array A.  LDA >= max(1,M).


                     S is DOUBLE PRECISION array of dimension N.
                     The singular values of A, ordered so that S(i) >= S(i+1).


                     U is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension
                     LDU x M if JOBU = 'A'; see the description of LDU. In this case,
                     on exit, U contains the M left singular vectors.
                     LDU x N if JOBU = 'S', 'U', 'R' ; see the description of LDU. In this
                     case, U contains the leading N or the leading NUMRANK left singular vectors.
                     LDU x N if JOBU = 'F' ; see the description of LDU. In this case U
                     contains N x N unitary matrix that can be used to form the left
                     singular vectors.
                     If JOBU = 'N', U is not referenced.


                     LDU is INTEGER.
                     The leading dimension of the array U.
                     If JOBU = 'A', 'S', 'U', 'R',  LDU >= max(1,M).
                     If JOBU = 'F',                 LDU >= max(1,N).
                     Otherwise,                     LDU >= 1.


                     V is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension
                     LDV x N if JOBV = 'A', 'V', 'R' or if JOBA = 'E' .
                     If JOBV = 'A', or 'V',  V contains the N-by-N unitary matrix  V**H;
                     If JOBV = 'R', V contains the first NUMRANK rows of V**H (the right
                     singular vectors, stored rowwise, of the NUMRANK largest singular values).
                     If JOBV = 'N' and JOBA = 'E', V is used as a workspace.
                     If JOBV = 'N', and JOBA.NE.'E', V is not referenced.


                     LDV is INTEGER
                     The leading dimension of the array V.
                     If JOBV = 'A', 'V', 'R',  or JOBA = 'E', LDV >= max(1,N).
                     Otherwise,                               LDV >= 1.


                     NUMRANK is INTEGER
                     NUMRANK is the numerical rank first determined after the rank
                     revealing QR factorization, following the strategy specified by the
                     value of JOBA. If JOBV = 'R' and JOBU = 'R', only NUMRANK
                     leading singular values and vectors are then requested in the call
                     of CGESVD. The final value of NUMRANK might be further reduced if
                     some singular values are computed as zeros.


                     IWORK is INTEGER array, dimension (max(1, LIWORK)).
                     On exit, IWORK(1:N) contains column pivoting permutation of the
                     rank revealing QR factorization.
                     If JOBP = 'P', IWORK(N+1:N+M-1) contains the indices of the sequence
                     of row swaps used in row pivoting. These can be used to restore the
                     left singular vectors in the case JOBU = 'F'.

                     If LIWORK, LCWORK, or LRWORK = -1, then on exit, if INFO = 0,
                     IWORK(1) returns the minimal LIWORK.


                     LIWORK is INTEGER
                     The dimension of the array IWORK.
                     LIWORK >= N + M - 1,  if JOBP = 'P';
                     LIWORK >= N           if JOBP = 'N'.

                     If LIWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine
                     only calculates and returns the optimal and minimal sizes
                     for the CWORK, IWORK, and RWORK arrays, and no error
                     message related to LCWORK is issued by XERBLA.


                     CWORK is COMPLEX*12 array, dimension (max(2, LCWORK)), used as a workspace.
                     On exit, if, on entry, LCWORK.NE.-1, CWORK(1:N) contains parameters
                     needed to recover the Q factor from the QR factorization computed by

                     If LIWORK, LCWORK, or LRWORK = -1, then on exit, if INFO = 0,
                     CWORK(1) returns the optimal LCWORK, and
                     CWORK(2) returns the minimal LCWORK.


                     LCWORK is INTEGER
                     The dimension of the array CWORK. It is determined as follows:
                     Let  LWQP3 = N+1,  LWCON = 2*N, and let
                     LWUNQ = { MAX( N, 1 ),  if JOBU = 'R', 'S', or 'U'
                     { MAX( M, 1 ),  if JOBU = 'A'
                     LWSVD = MAX( 3*N, 1 )
                     LWLQF = MAX( N/2, 1 ), LWSVD2 = MAX( 3*(N/2), 1 ), LWUNLQ = MAX( N, 1 ),
                     LWQRF = MAX( N/2, 1 ), LWUNQ2 = MAX( N, 1 )
                     Then the minimal value of LCWORK is:
                     = MAX( N + LWQP3, LWSVD )        if only the singular values are needed;
                     = MAX( N + LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD ) if only the singular values are needed,
                                              and a scaled condition estimate requested;

                     = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWSVD, LWUNQ ) if the singular values and the left
                                              singular vectors are requested;
                     = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD, LWUNQ ) if the singular values and the left
                                              singular vectors are requested, and also
                                              a scaled condition estimate requested;

                     = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWSVD )        if the singular values and the right
                                              singular vectors are requested;
                     = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD ) if the singular values and the right
                                              singular vectors are requested, and also
                                              a scaled condition etimate requested;

                     = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWSVD, LWUNQ ) if the full SVD is requested with JOBV = 'R';
                                              independent of JOBR;
                     = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD, LWUNQ ) if the full SVD is requested,
                                              JOBV = 'R' and, also a scaled condition
                                              estimate requested; independent of JOBR;
                     = MAX( N + MAX( LWQP3, LWSVD, LWUNQ ),
                    N + MAX( LWQP3, N/2+LWLQF, N/2+LWSVD2, N/2+LWUNLQ, LWUNQ) ) if the
                                    full SVD is requested with JOBV = 'A' or 'V', and
                                    JOBR ='N'
                     = MAX( N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD, LWUNQ ),
                    N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, N/2+LWLQF, N/2+LWSVD2, N/2+LWUNLQ, LWUNQ ) )
                                    if the full SVD is requested with JOBV = 'A' or 'V', and
                                    JOBR ='N', and also a scaled condition number estimate
                     = MAX( N + MAX( LWQP3, LWSVD, LWUNQ ),
                    N + MAX( LWQP3, N/2+LWQRF, N/2+LWSVD2, N/2+LWUNQ2, LWUNQ ) ) if the
                                    full SVD is requested with JOBV = 'A', 'V', and JOBR ='T'
                     = MAX( N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD, LWUNQ ),
                    N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, N/2+LWQRF, N/2+LWSVD2, N/2+LWUNQ2, LWUNQ ) )
                                    if the full SVD is requested with JOBV = 'A', 'V' and
                                    JOBR ='T', and also a scaled condition number estimate
                     Finally, LCWORK must be at least two: LCWORK = MAX( 2, LCWORK ).

                     If LCWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine
                     only calculates and returns the optimal and minimal sizes
                     for the CWORK, IWORK, and RWORK arrays, and no error
                     message related to LCWORK is issued by XERBLA.


                     RWORK is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (max(1, LRWORK)).
                     On exit,
                     1. If JOBA = 'E', RWORK(1) contains an estimate of the condition
                     number of column scaled A. If A = C * D where D is diagonal and C
                     has unit columns in the Euclidean norm, then, assuming full column rank,
                     N^(-1/4) * RWORK(1) <= ||pinv(C)||_2 <= N^(1/4) * RWORK(1).
                     Otherwise, RWORK(1) = -1.
                     2. RWORK(2) contains the number of singular values computed as
                     exact zeros in ZGESVD applied to the upper triangular or trapezoidal
                     R (from the initial QR factorization). In case of early exit (no call to
                     ZGESVD, such as in the case of zero matrix) RWORK(2) = -1.

                     If LIWORK, LCWORK, or LRWORK = -1, then on exit, if INFO = 0,
                     RWORK(1) returns the minimal LRWORK.


                     LRWORK is INTEGER.
                     The dimension of the array RWORK.
                     If JOBP ='P', then LRWORK >= MAX(2, M, 5*N);
                     Otherwise, LRWORK >= MAX(2, 5*N).

                     If LRWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine
                     only calculates and returns the optimal and minimal sizes
                     for the CWORK, IWORK, and RWORK arrays, and no error
                     message related to LCWORK is issued by XERBLA.


                     INFO is INTEGER
                     = 0:  successful exit.
                     < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value.
                     > 0:  if ZBDSQR did not converge, INFO specifies how many superdiagonals
                     of an intermediate bidiagonal form B (computed in ZGESVD) did not
                     converge to zero.

       Further Details:

              1. The data movement (matrix transpose) is coded using simple nested
              DO-loops because BLAS and LAPACK do not provide corresponding subroutines.
              Those DO-loops are easily identified in this source code - by the CONTINUE
              statements labeled with 11**. In an optimized version of this code, the
              nested DO loops should be replaced with calls to an optimized subroutine.
              2. This code scales A by 1/SQRT(M) if the largest ABS(A(i,j)) could cause
              column norm overflow. This is the minial precaution and it is left to the
              SVD routine (CGESVD) to do its own preemptive scaling if potential over-
              or underflows are detected. To avoid repeated scanning of the array A,
              an optimal implementation would do all necessary scaling before calling
              CGESVD and the scaling in CGESVD can be switched off.
              3. Other comments related to code optimization are given in comments in the
              code, enclosed in [[double brackets]].

       Bugs, examples and comments

             Please report all bugs and send interesting examples and/or comments to
    Thank you.


             [1] Zlatko Drmac, Algorithm 977: A QR-Preconditioned QR SVD Method for
                 Computing the SVD with High Accuracy. ACM Trans. Math. Softw.
                 44(1): 11:1-11:30 (2017)

             SIGMA library, xGESVDQ section updated February 2016.
             Developed and coded by Zlatko Drmac, Department of Mathematics
             University of Zagreb, Croatia,


            Developed and coded by Zlatko Drmac, Department of Mathematics
             University of Zagreb, Croatia,

           Univ. of Tennessee

           Univ. of California Berkeley

           Univ. of Colorado Denver

           NAG Ltd.


       Generated automatically by Doxygen for LAPACK from the source code.