Provided by: libnfsidmap1_2.6.4-4ubuntu1_amd64 bug


       idmapd.conf - configuration file for libnfsidmap


       Configuration  file  for libnfsidmap.  Used by idmapd and svcgssd to map NFSv4 name to and
       from ids.


       The idmapd.conf configuration file consists of several sections, initiated by  strings  of
       the form [General] and [Mapping].  Each section may contain lines of the form
         variable = value
       The recognized sections and their recognized variables are as follows:

   [General] section variables
              Verbosity level of debugging (Default: 0)

       Domain The  local  NFSv4  domain  name.   An  NFSv4  domain  is  a namespace with a unique
              username<->UID and groupname<->GID mapping.  (Default: Host's  fully-qualified  DNS
              domain name)

              In  multi-domain environments, some NFS servers will append the identity management
              domain to the owner and owner_group in lieu of a true NFSv4  domain.   This  option
              can  facilitate lookups in such environments.  If set to a value other than "none",
              the nsswitch  plugin will first pass the name to the password/group lookup function
              without  stripping  the domain off.  If that mapping fails then the plugin will try
              again using the old method (comparing the domain in the string to the Domain value,
              stripping  it  if  it  matches,  and passing the resulting short name to the lookup
              function).  Valid values  are  "user",  "group",  "both",  and  "none".   (Default:

              Winbind   has   a   quirk  whereby  doing  a  group  lookup  in  UPN  format  (e.g.
     will cause the group to be displayed prefixed with  the
              full  domain  in  uppercase  (e.g.  AMERICAS.EXAMPLE.COM\staff)  instead  of in the
              familiar netbios name format (e.g. AMERICAS\staff).  Setting this  option  to  true
              causes the name to be reformatted before passing it to the group lookup function in
              order to work around this.  This setting is  ignored  unless  No-Strip  is  set  to
              either "both" or "group".  (Default: "false")

              A comma-separated list of Kerberos realm names that may be considered equivalent to
              the local realm name.  For example, users juser@ORDER.EDU and  juser@MAIL.ORDER.EDU
              may  be  considered  to  be  the  same user in the specified Domain.  (Default: the
              host's default realm name)
              Note: If a value is specified here, the default local realm  must  be  included  as

   [Mapping] section variables
              Local user name to be used when a mapping cannot be completed.

              Local group name to be used when a mapping cannot be completed.

   [Translation] section variables
       Method A  comma-separated,  ordered list of mapping methods (plug-ins) to use when mapping
              between NFSv4 names and local IDs.  Each specified method is tried in order until a
              mapping is found, or there are no more methods to try.  The methods included in the
              default distribution include "nsswitch",  "umich_ldap",  and  "static".   (Default:

              An optional comma-separated, ordered list of mapping methods (plug-ins) to use when
              mapping between GSS Authenticated names and local IDs.  (Default: the same list  as
              specified for Method)

   [Static] section variables
       The  "static"  translation  method  uses a static list of GSS-Authenticated names to local
       user names.  Entries in the list are of the form:
        principal@REALM = localusername

   [REGEX] section variables
       NOTE: In Ubuntu, the regex plugin is shipped in the libnfsidmap-regex package. If you want
       to use this plugin, please install that package.

       If the "regex" translation method is specified, the following variables within the [REGEX]
       section are used to map between NFS4 names and local IDs.

              Case-insensitive regular expression that extracts the local user name from an NFSv4
              name.  Multiple  expressions  may be concatenated with '|'. The first match will be
              used.  There is no default. A basic regular expression for  domain  DOMAIN.ORG  and
              realm MY.DOMAIN.ORG would be:

              Case-insensitive  regular  expression  that  extracts  the local group name from an
              NFSv4 name. Multiple expressions may be concatenated with '|'. The first match will
              be used.  There is no default. A basic regular expression for domain DOMAIN.ORG and
              realm MY.DOMAIN.ORG would be:

              Constant string to put before a local  user  name  when  building  an  NFSv4  name.
              Usually this is the short domain name followed by 'ยด.  (Default: none)

              Constant string to put after a local user name when building an NFSv4 name. Usually
              this is '@' followed by the default realm.  (Default: none)

              Constant string to put before a local group  name  when  building  an  NFSv4  name.
              Usually not used.  (Default: none)

              Constant  string  to  put  before  a  local group name when building an NFSv4 name.
              Usually this is '@' followed by the domain name followed by  another  '@'  and  the
              default realm.  (Default: none)

              Constant  string  that  is prepended to a local group name when converting it to an
              NFSv4 name. If an NFSv4 group name has this prefix it is removed when converting it
              to  a  local  group  name.   With  this  group  names of a central directory can be
              shortened for an isolated organizational unit if all groups have a  common  prefix.
              (Default: none)

              Case-insensitive  regular expression to exclude groups from adding and removing the
              prefix set by Group-Name-Prefix.  The regular expression must match both the remote
              and  local  group  names.  Multiple  expressions  may  be  concatenated  with  '|'.
              (Default: none)

   [UMICH_SCHEMA] section variables
       If the "umich_ldap" translation method is specified, the following  variables  within  the
       [UMICH_SCHEMA] section are used.

              LDAP server name or address (Required if using UMICH_LDAP)

              Absolute LDAP search base.  (Required if using UMICH_LDAP)

              Absolute LDAP search base for people accounts.  (Default: The LDAP_base value)

              Absolute LDAP search base for group accounts.  (Default: The LDAP_base value)

              Whether  or  not  to perform name canonicalization on the name given as LDAP_server
              (Default: "true")

              Whether or not to follow ldap referrals. (Default: "true")

              Set to "true" to enable SSL communication with the LDAP server.  (Default: "false")

              Location of a trusted  CA  certificate  used  when  SSL  is  enabled  (Required  if
              LDAP_use_ssl is true and LDAP_tls_reqcert is not set to never)

              Controls  the  LDAP  server  certificate validation behavior.  It can take the same
              values as ldap.conf(5)'s TLS_REQCERT tunable.  (Default: "hard")

              Number of seconds before timing out an LDAP request (Default: 4)

              SASL mechanism to be used for sasl authentication.  Required if SASL auth is to  be
              used (Default: None)

              SASL realm to be used for sasl authentication. (Default: None)

              Authentication identity to be used for sasl authentication. (Default: None)

              Authorization identity to be used for sasl authentication. (Default: None)

              Cyrus  SASL  security  properties.  It  can   the  same  values  as  ldap.conf(5)'s

              Specifies whether the LDAP server hostname should be canonicalised.  If set to  yes
              LDAP  lib with do a reverse hostname lookup.  If this is not set the LDAP library's
              default will be used. (Default: None)

              Path to kerberos credential cache. If it is not set then the value  of  environment
              variable  KRB5CCNAME  will be used. If the environment variable is not set then the
              default mechanism of kerberos library will be used.

              The object class name for people accounts  in  your  local  LDAP  schema  (Default:

              Your  local  schema's  attribute  name  to  be  used for NFSv4 user names (Default:

              Your local schema's attribute name to be used for uidNumber (Default: uidNumber)

              Your  local  schema's  attribute  name  for  GSSAPI   Principal   names   (Default:

              Your local schema's attribute name to be used for account names (Default: uid)

              The  object  class  name  for  group  accounts  in your local LDAP schema (Default:

              Your local schema's attribute name to be used for gidNumber (Default: gidNumber)

              Your local schema's attribute name to be  used  for  NFSv4  group  names  (Default:

              Some  LDAP  servers  do  a better job with indexing where searching through all the
              groups searching for the user in the memberuid list.  Others like SunOne  directory
              that  search  can  takes  minutes  if  there  are  thousands  of groups. So setting
              LDAP_use_memberof_for_groups to  true  in  the  configuration  file  will  use  the
              memberof  lists of the account and search through only those groups to obtain gids.
              (Default: false)

              If LDAP_use_memberof_for_groups is true, this is the attribute to be searched  for.
              (Default: memberUid)

              An optional search filter for determining group membership.  (No Default)


       An example /etc/idmapd.conf file:


       Verbosity = 0
       Domain =


       Nobody-User = nfsnobody
       Nobody-Group = nfsnobody


       Method = umich_ldap,regex,nsswitch
       GSS-Methods = umich_ldap,regex,static


       johndoe@OTHER.DOMAIN.ORG = johnny


       User-Regex = ^DOMAIN\([^@]+)@DOMAIN.ORG$
       Group-Regex = ^([^@]+)@DOMAIN.ORG@DOMAIN.ORG$|^DOMAIN\([^@]+)@DOMAIN.ORG$
       Prepend-Before-User = DOMAIN
       Append-After-User = @DOMAIN.ORG
       Append-After-Group =
       Group-Name-Prefix = sales-
       Group-Name-No-Prefix-Regex = -personal-group$


       LDAP_server =
       LDAP_base = dc=org,dc=domain


       idmapd(8) svcgssd(8)


       Report bugs to <>

                                           19 Nov 2008                             idmapd.conf(5)