Provided by: automx_0.10.0-2_all 

automx_sql - automx SQL backend configuration parameters
The automx_sql(5) man page specifies all parameters that control access from within automx to a SQL backend.
host (default: none) Specifies one or more SQL servers separated by commas. Each server specification must provide database driver, username and password to access a database on a host as shown in the following example: host = driver://username:password@hostname/database IMPORTANT: Subsequent servers to the first serve only for fallback purposes, i.e. a server to the right will only be queried if the server left to it cannot be reached. If a server can be reached no further attempts will be made regardless if the query returned a result or not. query (default: none) Specifies the query that should be sent to the database specified with the host parameter: query = SELECT displayname, mailaddr FROM mail WHERE mailaddr='%s'; NOTE: See the section called “Macros and Variables” in automx.conf(5) for a list of available query macros. result_attrs (default: none) Specifies the attributes whose values should be used in an automx account setup: result_attrs = displayname, mailaddr
Christian Roessner <> Wrote the program. Patrick Ben Koetter <> Wrote the documentation.
automx(8), automx.conf(5), automx_ldap(5), automx_script(5), automx_sql(5), automx-test(1)
This document has been placed in the public domain. 02/08/2013 AUTOMX_SQL(5)