Provided by: firewalld_0.3.7-1_all bug

NAME - firewalld zone configuration files




       A firewalld zone configuration file contains the information for a zone. These are the
       zone description, services, ports, icmp-blocks, masquerade, forward-ports and rich
       language rules in an XML file format. The file name has to be zone_name.xml where length
       of zone_name is currently limited to 17 chars.

       This is the structure of a zone configuration file:

           <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
           <zone [version="versionstring"] [target="ACCEPT|%%REJECT%%|DROP"]>
             [ <short>short description</short> ]
             [ <description>description</description> ]
             [ <interface name="string"/> ]
             [ <source address="address[/mask]"/> ]
             [ <service name="string"/> ]
             [ <port port="portid[-portid]" protocol="tcp|udp"/> ]
             [ <icmp-block name="string"/> ]
             [ <masquerade enabled="bool"/> ]
             [ <forward-port port="portid[-portid]" protocol="tcp|udp" [to-port="portid[-portid]"] [to-addr="ipv4address"]/> ]
               <rule [family="ipv4|ipv6"]>
               [ <source address="address[/mask]" [invert="bool"]/> ]
               [ <destination address="address[/mask]" [invert="bool"]/> ]
                 <service name="string"/> |
                 <port port="portid[-portid]" protocol="tcp|udp"/> |
                 <protocol value="protocol"/> |
                 <icmp-block name="icmptype"/> |
                 <masquerade/> |
                 <forward-port port="portid[-portid]" protocol="tcp|udp" [to-port="portid[-portid]"] [to-addr="address"]/>
               [ <log [prefix="prefixtext"] [level="emerg|alert|crit|err|warn|notice|info|debug"]/> [<limit value="rate/duration"/>] </log> ]
               [ <audit> [<limit value="rate/duration"/>] </audit> ]
               [ <accept/> | <reject [type="rejecttype"]/> | <drop/> ]

       The config can contain these tags and attributes. Some of them are mandatory, others

       The mandatory zone start and end tag defines the zone. This tag can only be used once in a
       zone configuration file. There are optional attributes for zones:

           To give the zone a version.

           Can be used to accept, reject or drop every packet. The ACCEPT target is used in the
           trusted zone, every packet will be accepted. The %%REJECT%% target is used in the
           block zone, every packet will be rejected with the default firewalld reject type. The
           DROP target is used in the drop zone, every packet will be dropped. The default target
           is {chain}_ZONE_{zone} and will be used if the target is not specified. If other than
           the default target is used, all settings except interface and source are ignored,
           because the first rule created in firewall for this zone is 'jump to target'.

       Is an optional start and end tag and is used to give a zone a more readable name.

       Is an optional start and end tag to have a description for a zone.

       Is an optional empty-element tag and can be used several times. It can be used to bind an
       interface to a zone. An interface entry has exactly one attribute:

           The name of the interface to be bound to the zone.

       Is an optional empty-element tag and can be used several times. It can be used to bind a
       source address or source address range to a zone. A source entry has exactly one

           The source to be bound to the zone. The source is either an IP address or a network IP
           address with a mask for IPv4 or IPv6. The network family (IPv4/IPv6) will be
           automatically discovered. For IPv4, the mask can be a network mask or a plain number.
           For IPv6 the mask is a plain number. The use of host names is not supported.

       Is an optional empty-element tag and can be used several times to have more than one
       service entry enabled. A service entry has exactly one attribute:

           The name of the service to be enabled. To get a list of valid service names
           firewall-cmd --list=services can be used.

       Is an optional empty-element tag and can be used several times to have more than one port
       entry. All attributes of a port entry are mandatory:

           The port can either be a single port number portid or a port range portid-portid.

           The protocol can either be tcp or udp.

       Is an optional empty-element tag and can be used several times to have more than one
       icmp-block entry. Each icmp-block tag has exactly one mandatory attribute:

           The name of the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) type to be blocked. To get a
           list of valid ICMP types firewall-cmd --list=icmptypes can be used.

       Is an optional empty-element tag and can be used only once in a zone configuration. This
       is not usable for IPv6. The masquerade tag entry has exactly one mandatory attribute:

           If set to yes or true, masquerading is enabled for the zone. If set to no or false,
           the masquerade tag has no effect and can be removed from the config file.

           If you want to enable masquerading, you should enable it in the zone bound to the
           external interface.

       Is an optional empty-element tag and can be used several times to have more than one port
       or packet forward entry. This is for IPv4 only. Use rich language rules for IPv6. There
       are mandatory and also optional attributes for forward ports:

       Mandatory attributes:
           The local port and protocol to be forwarded.

               The port can either be a single port number portid or a port range portid-portid.

               The protocol can either be tcp or udp.

       Optional attributes:
           The destination of the forward. For local forwarding add to-port only. For remote
           forwarding add to-addr and use to-port optionally if the destination port on the
           destination machine should be different.

               The destination port or port range to forward to. If omitted, the value of the
               port= attribute will be used altogether with the to-addr attribute.

               The destination IPv4 IP address.

       Is an optional element tag and can be used several times to have more than one rich
       language rule entry.

       The general rule structure:

           <rule [family="ipv4|ipv6"]/>
             [ <source address="address[/mask]" [invert="bool"]/> ]
             [ <destination address="address[/mask]" [invert="bool"]/> ]
               <service name="string"/> |
               <port port="portid[-portid]" protocol="tcp|udp"/> |
               <protocol value="protocol"/> |
               <icmp-block name="icmptype"/> |
               <masquerade/> |
               <forward-port port="portid[-portid]" protocol="tcp|udp" [to-port="portid[-portid]"] [to-addr="address"]/>
             [ <log [prefix="prefixtext"] [level="emerg|alert|crit|err|warn|notice|info|debug"]/> [<limit value="rate/duration"/>] </log> ]
             [ <audit> [<limit value="rate/duration"/>] </audit> ]
             [ <accept/> | <reject [type="rejecttype"]/> | <drop/> ]

       Rule structure for source black or white listing:

           <rule [family="ipv4|ipv6"]/>
             <source address="address[/mask]" [family="bool"]/>
             [ <log [prefix="prefixtext"] [level="emerg|alert|crit|err|warn|notice|info|debug"]/> [<limit value="rate/duration"/>] </log> ]
             [ <audit> [<limit value="rate/duration"/>] </audit> ]
             <accept/> | <reject [type="rejecttype"]/> | <drop/>

       For a full description on rich language rules, please have a look at


       firewall-applet(1), firewalld(1), firewall-cmd(1), firewall-config(1), firewalld.conf(5),, firewalld.icmptype(5), firewalld.lockdown-whitelist(5), firewall-
       offline-cmd(1), firewalld.richlanguage(5), firewalld.service(5),,


       firewalld home page at

       More documentation with examples:


       Thomas Woerner <>

       Jiri Popelka <>