Provided by: chm2pdf_0.9.1-1.1ubuntu5_all 

chm2pdf - A tool convert chm to pdf format
chm2pdf [options] ...
chm2pdf is a package supports batch conversion, command line, PDF security options, password protection and compression modes.
Actions of chm2pdf: (Usage: /usr/bin/chm2pdf [options] input_filename [output_filename]) --bodycolorcolor Specifies the background color for all pages. --bodyfont {courier,helvetica,monospace,sans,serif,times} --bodyimage {bmp,gif,jpg,png} --book Specifies that the HTML sources are structured (headings, chapters, etc.). --bottommargin{in,cm,mm} Specifies the bottom margin in points (no suffix or ##pt), inches (##in), centimeters (##cm), or millimeters (##mm). --browserwidthpixels See --charset{cp-874...1258,iso-8859-1...8859-15,koi8-r} Specifies the ISO character set to use for the output. --color Specifies that PDF output should be in color. --continuous Specifies that the HTML sources are unstructured (plain web pages). No page breaks are inserted between each file or URL in the output. --cookies'name="valuewithspace";name=value' --datadirdirectory Specifies the location of the HTMLDOC data files, usually /usr/share/htmldoc --duplex Specifies that the output should be formatted for double-sided printing. --effectduration{0.1..10.0} Specifies the duration in seconds of PDF page transition effects. --embedfonts Specifies that fonts should be embedded in PDF output. --encryption Enables encryption of PDF files. --extract-only Extract the HTML files from the CHM file and stop. The extracted files will be found in CHM2PDF_WORK_DIR/input_filename_without_extension. --firstpage{p1,toc,c1} --fontsize{4.0..24.0} Specifies the default font size for body text. --headfootsize{6.0..24.0} Sets the size of the font to use on headers and footers. --headingfont{courier,helvetica,monospace,sans,serif,times} Sets the typeface to use for headings. --help Displays a summary of command-line options. --jpegquality Sets the JPEG Django_Newbiecompression level to use for large images. A value of 0 disables JPEG compression. --landscape --leftmargin{in,cm,mm} Specifies the left margin in points --linkcolorcolor Sets the color of links. You can use well-known color names like blue, or the usual #RRGGBB notation. --links Enables generation of links in PDF files (default). --linkstyle{plain,underline} Sets the style of links. --logoimagefilename.{bmp,gif,jpg,png} Specifies an image to be used as a logo in the header or footer in a PDF document. --logoimagefilename.{bmp,gif,jpg,png} Note that you need to use the header and/or footer options with the l parameter. --no-compression Disables compression of PDF file. --no-duplex Disables double-sided printing. --no-embedfonts Specifies that fonts should not be embedded in PDF and PostScript output. --no-encryption Disables document encryption. --no-links Disables generation of links in a PDF document. --no-localfiles --no-numbered Disables automatic heading numbering. --no-overflow --no-strict Disables strict HTML input checking. --no-title Disables generation of a title page. --no-toc Disables generation of a table of contents. --numbered Numbers all headings in a document. --nup{1,2,4,6,9,16} Sets the number of pages that are placed on each output page. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, and 16. --overflow Specifies that PDF output should be in color. --owner-passwordpassword Sets the owner password for encrypted PDF files. --pageduration{1.0..60.0} Sets the view duration of a page in a PDF document. --pageeffect{none,bi,bo,d,gd,gdr,gr,hb,hsi,hso,vb,vsi,vso,wd,wl,wr,wu} Specifies the page transition effect for all pages; this attribute is ignored by all Adobe PDF viewers. --pagelayout{single,one,twoleft,tworight} Specifies the initial layout of pages for a PDF file. --pagemode{document,outline,fullscreen} Specifies the initial viewing mode for a PDF file. --pathdir1;dir2;dir3;...;dirN Specifies a search path for files in a document. --permissions{all,annotate,copy,modify,print,no-annotate,no-copy,no-modify, no-print,none} Specifies document permissions for encrypted PDF files. Separate multiple permissions with commas. --portrait --quiet Suppresses all messages, even error messages. --rightmargin{in,cm,mm} Specifies the right margin in points --size{letter,a4,WxH{in,cm,mm},etc} Specifies the page size using a standard name or in points (no suffix or ##x##pt), inches (##x##in), centimeters (##x##cm), or millimeters (##x##mm). The standard sizes that are currently recognized are "letter" (8.5x11in), "legal" (8.5x14in), "a4" (210x297mm), and "universal" (8.27x11in). --strict Enables strict HTML input checking. --textcolorcolor Specifies the default color of all text. --textfont{courier,helvetica,monospace,sans,serif,times} --title Enables the generation of a title page. --titlefilefilename.{htm,html,shtml} Specifies the file to use for the title page. If the file is an image then the title page is automatically generated using the document meta data and image title. --tocheaderfff Sets the page header to use on table-of-contents pages. See below for the format of fff. --tocfooterfff Sets the page footer to use on table-of-contents pages. See below for the format of fff. --toclevelslevels Sets the number of levels in the table-of-contents. --toctitlestring Sets the title for the table-of-contents. --topmargin{in,cm,mm} Specifies the top margin in points (no suffix or ##pt), inches (##in), centimeters (##cm), or millimeters (##mm). --user-passwordpassword Specifies the user password for encryption of PDF files. --version Displays the current version number. --webpage Specifies that the HTML sources are unstructured (plain web pages). A page break is inserted between each file or URL in the output. --color Specifies that PDF output should be in color.
Please report chm2pdf bugs to
Massimo Sandal <> Chris Karakas <> This manual page was written by Steve Stalcup <> for the Ubuntu GNU/Linux system. chm2pdf(1)