Provided by: python-sympy_0.7.4.1-1_all bug


       isympy - interactive shell for SymPy


       isympy [-c | --console] [-p ENCODING | --pretty ENCODING] [-t TYPE | --types TYPE] [-o ORDER | --order
              ORDER] [-q | --quiet] [-d | --doctest] [-C | --no-cache] [-a | --auto] [-D | --debug] [ -- |
       isympy [ {-h | --help} | {-v | --version} ]


       isympy  is  a  Python  shell  for  SymPy. It is just a normal python shell (ipython shell if you have the
       ipython package installed) that executes the following commands so that you don't have to:

       >>> from __future__ import division
       >>> from sympy import *
       >>> x, y, z = symbols("x,y,z")
       >>> k, m, n = symbols("k,m,n", integer=True)

       So starting isympy is equivalent to starting python (or ipython) and  executing  the  above  commands  by
       hand.  It is intended for easy and quick experimentation with SymPy. For more complicated programs, it is
       recommended to write a script and import things explicitly  (using  the  "from  sympy  import  sin,  log,
       Symbol, ..." idiom).


       -c SHELL, --console=SHELL
              Use the specified shell (python or ipython) as console backend instead of the default one (ipython
              if present or python otherwise).

              Example: isympy -c python

              SHELL could be either 'ipython' or 'python'

       -p ENCODING, --pretty=ENCODING
              Setup pretty printing in SymPy. By default, the most pretty, unicode printing is enabled  (if  the
              terminal  supports  it).  You  can use less pretty ASCII printing instead or no pretty printing at

              Example: isympy -p no

              ENCODING must be one of 'unicode', 'ascii' or 'no'.

       -t TYPE, --types=TYPE
              Setup the ground types for the polys. By default, gmpy ground types are used if gmpy is installed,
              otherwise  it  falls  back to python ground types, which are a little bit slower. You can manually
              choose python ground types even if gmpy is installed (e.g., for testing purposes).

              Note that sympy ground types are not supported, and should be used only for experimental purposes.

              This is the same as setting the environment variable SYMPY_GROUND_TYPES to the given  ground  type
              (e.g., SYMPY_GROUND_TYPES='gmpy')

              The     ground     types     can     be     determined    interactively    from    the    variable
     inside the isympy shell itself.

              Example: isympy -t python

              TYPE must be one of 'gmpy', 'python' or 'sympy'.

       -o ORDER, --order=ORDER
              Setup the ordering of terms for printing. The default is lex, which orders terms lexicographically
              (e.g.,  x**2  +  x  +  1). You can choose other orderings, such as rev-lex, which will use reverse
              lexicographic ordering (e.g., 1 + x + x**2).

              Note that for very large expressions, ORDER='none' may speed up printing  considerably,  with  the
              tradeoff that the order of the terms in the printed expression will have no canonical order

              Example: isympy -o rev-lax

              ORDER  must  be one of 'lex', 'rev-lex', 'grlex', 'rev-grlex', 'grevlex', 'rev-grevlex', 'old', or

       -q, --quiet
              Print only Python's and SymPy's versions to stdout at startup, and nothing else.

       -d, --doctest
              Use the same format that should be used for doctests. This is equivalent to 'isympy -c  python  -p

       -C, --no-cache
              Disable  the caching mechanism. Disabling the cache may slow certain operations down considerably.
              This is useful for testing the cache, or for benchmarking, as the cache can  result  in  deceptive
              benchmark timings.

              This is the same as setting the environment variable SYMPY_USE_CACHE to 'no'.

       -a, --auto
              Automatically  create  missing  symbols.  Normally,  typing  a  name of a Symbol that has not been
              instantiated first would raise NameError, but with this option enabled, any undefined name will be
              automatically created as a Symbol. This only works in IPython 0.11.

              Note  that  this  is  intended only for interactive, calculator style usage. In a script that uses
              SymPy, Symbols should be instantiated at the top, so that it's clear what they are.

              This will not override any names that are already defined, which  includes  the  single  character
              letters  represented  by  the  mnemonic  QCOSINE  (see  the "Gotchas and Pitfalls" document in the
              documentation). You can delete existing names by executing "del name" in the shell itself. You can
              see if a name is defined by typing "'name' in globals()".

              The  Symbols  that  are  created  using  this  have  default  assumptions.   If  you want to place
              assumptions on symbols, you should create them using symbols() or var().

              Finally, this only works in the top level namespace. So, for example, if you define a function  in
              isympy with an undefined Symbol, it will not work.

       -D, --debug
              Enable  debugging  output.  This  is  the  same as setting the environment variable SYMPY_DEBUG to
              'True'. The debug status is set in the variable SYMPY_DEBUG within isympy.

              These options will be passed on to ipython (1) shell.  Only supported when ipython is  being  used
              (standard python shell not supported).

              Two dashes (--) are required to separate PYTHONOPTIONS from the other isympy options.

              For example, to run iSymPy without startup banner and colors:

              isympy -q -c ipython -- --colors=NoColor

       -h, --help
              Print help output and exit.

       -v, --version
              Print isympy version information and exit.


              Saves the history of commands when using the python shell as backend.


       The  upstreams  BTS  can  be found at ⟨⟩ Please report all bugs
       that you find in there, this will help improve the overall quality of SymPy.


       ipython(1), python(1)

                                                    2007-10-8                                          isympy(1)