Provided by: argus-client_2.0.6.fixes.1-3_amd64 bug


       ra - read argus(8) data.


       Copyright (c) 2000-2003 QoSient. All rights reserved.


       ra [raoptions] [- filter-expression]


       Ra  reads  argus(8)  data  from  either  stdin, an argus-file, or from a remote argus-server, filters the
       records it encounters based on an optional filter-expression  and  either  prints  the  contents  of  the
       argus(5) records that it encounters to stdout or writes them out into an argus(5) datafile.


       -A  When generating ASCII output, print the application byte counts.

       -b  Dump  the  compiled  transaction-matching  code  to  standard  output  and  stop.  This is useful for
           debugging filter expressions.

       -C [host:]<portnum>
           Indicate the optional host and required port number for the remote Cisco Netflow record source.  This
           will  cause  ra(1)  to  open a UDP socket, binding on the host and supplied port, and attempt to read
           Cisco Netflow records from the open socket.

       -d <bytes>
           Print specified number of <bytes> from the user data capture buffer.  The  <bytes>  value  can  be  a
           number,  or  an  expression  that  specifies the number of bytes for either the source or destination
           buffer.  Formats include:
              -d 32      print 32 bytes from the src and dst buffer
              -d s24     print 24 bytes from the src buffer
              -d d16     print 16 bytes from the dst buffer
              -d s32:d8  print 32 bytes from the src buffer and
                                8 bytes from the dst buffer

       -D <level>
           Print debug information corresponding to <level> to stderr, if  program  compiled  to  support  debug
           printing.   As the level increases, so does the amount of debug information ra(1) will print.  Values
           range from 1-8.

       -E <file>
           When using a filter expression at the end of the command, this option will cause ra(1) to  write  the
           records that are rejected by the filter into <file>

       -F <conffile>
           Use  <conffile>  as  a  source of configuration information.  The format of this file is identical to
           rarc(5).  The data read from <conffile> overrides any prior configuration information.

       -h  Print an explanation of all the arguments.

       -n  Do not translate host and service numbers  to  names.  -nn  will  suppress  translation  of  protocol
           numbers, as well.

       -p <digits>
           Print <digits> number of units of precision for fraction of time.

       -q  Run  in quiet mode. Configure Ra to not print out the contents of records.  This can be used with the
           -T and -a options to support aggregate activity without printing each input record.

       -r <file file ...> -
           Read data from <files> in the order presented on the commandline. '-' denotes  stdin.   Because  this
           option  can  have many arguments, it must be terminated with a '-'.  The '-' of subsequent options is
           sufficient.  Ra can read gzip(1), bzip2(1) and compress(1) compressed data files.

       -R  Print response data when available. This option applies to ICMP, arp and BOOTP  traffic  to  indicate
           the responses to these protocol specific queries.

       -s <[-][[+[#]]field ...> -
           Specify  the  fields  to  print. Ra uses a default printing field list, by specifying a field you can
           replace this list completely, or you can modify the existing default print list, using  the  optional
           '-' and '+[#]' form of the command.  The available fields to print are:

              startime, lasttime, count, dur, avgdur,
              saddr, daddr, proto, sport, dport, ipid,
              stos, dtos, sttl, dttl, bytes, sbytes, dbytes,
              pkts, spkts, dpkts, load, loss, rate,
              srcid, ind, mac, dir, jitter, status, user,
              win, trans, seq, vlan, mpls

           Examles are:
              -s srcaddr    print only the source address.
              -s -bytes     removes the bytes field from list.
              -s +2srcid    adds MAC addresses as the 2nd field.
              -s mac pkts   prints MAC addresses and src and dst pkt counts.

       -S <host[:portnum]>
           Specify a remote argus-server <host>. Use the optional

       -t <timerange>
           Specify the <time range> for matching argus(5) records. The syntax for the <time range> is:

           timeSpecification: [[[yyyy/]mm/]dd.]hh[:mm[:ss]]

           Examples are:
              -t 14             matches 2pm-3pm any day
              -t 23.11:10-14    11:10:00 - 2pm on the 23rd
              -t 11/23          all records on Nov 23rd
              -t 1999/01/23.10  10-11am on Jan, 23, 1999
              -t -10m           matches 10 minutes before to the present
              -t -2h5m-2h       matches range between 2 hours 5 minutes before
                                until 2 hours before.

       -T <secs>
           Read argus(5) from remote server for <secs> of time.

       -u  Write out time values using UTC time format.

       -w <file>
           Write  out  matching  data to <file>, in argus file format. An output-file of '-' directs ra to write
           the argus(5) records to stdout, allowing for "chaining" ra* style commands together.

       -z  Print Argus TCP state changes for each tcp transaction. Values are
             's' - Syn Transmitted
             'S' - Syn Acknowledged
             'E' - TCP Established
             'f' - Fin Transmitted  (FIN Wait State 1)
             'F' - Fin Acknowledged (FIN Wait State 2)
             'R' - TCP Reset

       -Z <s|d|b>
           Print actual TCP flag values. <'s'rc | 'd'st | 'b'oth>.
             'F' - Fin
             'S' - Syn
             'R' - Reset
             'P' - Push
             'A' - Ack
             'U' - Urgent Pointer
             '7' - Undefined 7th bit set
             '8' - Undefined 8th bit set


       If arguments remain after option processing, the collection is interpreted as a single filter expression.
       In  order to indicate the end of arguments, a '-' is recommended before the filter expression is added to
       the command line.
       The filter expression specifies which argus(5) records will be selected for processing.  If no expression
       is  given, all records are selected, otherwise, only those records for which expression is `true' will be

       The syntax is very similar to the expression syntax for tcpdump(1), as the tcpdump compiler was the basis
       for the argus(5) filter expression compiler.  The semantics for tcpdump(1)'s packet filter expression are
       different when applied to transaction record filtering, so there are some major differences.

       The expression consists of one or more primitives.  Primitives usually consist of an id (name or  number)
       preceded by one or more qualifiers.  There are three different kinds of qualifier:

       type   qualifiers  say  what  kind  of  thing the id name or number refers to.  Possible types are srcid,
              host, net, port, tos, ttl, vid, and mid.

              E.g., `srcid isis`, `host sphynx', `net 192.168', `port domain', `ttl 1'.  If  there  is  no  type
              qualifier, host is assumed.

       dir    qualifiers  specify a particular transfer direction to and/or from an id.  Possible directions are
              src, dst, src or dst and src and dst.  E.g., `src sphynx', `dst net 192.168',  `src  or  dst  port
              ftp',  `src and dst tos 0x0a', `src or dst vid 0x12`.  If there is no dir qualifier, src or dst is

       proto  qualifiers restrict the match to a particular protocol.  Possible values are  those  specified  in
              the  /etc/protocols system file.  When preceeded by ether, the protocol names and numbers that are
              valid are specified in ./include/ethernames.h.

       In addition to the above, there are some special `primitive' keywords  that  don't  follow  the  pattern:
       gateway, multicast, and broadcast.  All of these are described below.

       More  complex  filter  expressions are built up by using the words and, or and not to combine primitives.
       E.g., `host foo and not port ftp and not port ftp-data'.  To save typing, identical qualifier  lists  can
       be  omitted.   E.g., `tcp dst port ftp or ftp-data or domain' is exactly the same as `tcp dst port ftp or
       tcp dst port ftp-data or tcp dst port domain'.

       Allowable primitives are:

       srcid argusid
              True if the argus identifier field of the Argus record is srcid, which may be  an  IP  address,  a
              name or a decimal/hexidecimal number.

       dst host host
              True  if the IP destination field of the Argus record is host, which may be either an address or a

       src host host
              True if the IP source field of the Argus record is host.

       host host
              True if either the IP source or destination of the Argus record is host.  Any of  the  above  host
              expressions can be prepended with the keywords, ip, arp, or rarp as in:
                   ip host host
              which is equivalent to:
                   ether proto \ip and host host
              If host is a name with multiple IP addresses, each address will be checked for a match.

       ether dst ehost
              True if the ethernet destination address is ehost.  Ehost may be either a name from /etc/ethers or
              a number (see ethers(3N) for numeric format).

       ether src ehost
              True if the ethernet source address is ehost.

       ether host ehost
              True if either the ethernet source or destination address is ehost.

       gateway host
              True if the transaction used host as a gateway.  I.e., the ethernet source or destination  address
              was  host but neither the IP source nor the IP destination was host.  Host must be a name and must
              be found in both /etc/hosts and /etc/ethers.  (An equivalent expression is
                   ether host ehost and not host host
              which can be used with either names or numbers for host / ehost.)

       dst net net
              True if the IP destination address of the Argus record has a network number of net, which  may  be
              either an address or a name.

       src net net
              True if the IP source address of the Argus record has a network number of net.

       net net
              True  if  either  the IP source or destination address of the Argus record has a network number of

       dst port port
              True if the network transaction is ip/tcp or ip/udp and has a destination port value of port.  The
              port  can  be  a  number  or a name used in /etc/services (see tcp(4P) and udp(4P)).  If a name is
              used, both the port number and protocol are checked.  If a number or ambiguous name is used,  only
              the  port  number  is  checked  (e.g.,  dst port 513 will print both tcp/login traffic and udp/who
              traffic, and port domain will print both tcp/domain and udp/domain traffic).

       src port port
              True if the network transaction has a source port value of port.

       port port
              True if either the source or destination port of the Argus record is port.  Any of the above  port
              expressions can be prepended with the keywords, tcp or udp, as in:
                   tcp src port port
              which matches only tcp connections.

       ip proto protocol
              True  if  the  Argus record is an ip transaction (see ip(4P)) of protocol type protocol.  Protocol
              can be a number or any of the string values found in /etc/protocolsk.

              True if the network transaction involved an ip multicast address.  By specifing  ether  multicast,
              you can select argus records that involve an ethernet multicast address.

              True  if  the network transaction involved an ip broadcast address.  By specifing ether broadcast,
              you can select argus records that involve an ethernet broadcast address.

       ether proto protocol
              True if the Argus record is of ether type protocol.  Protocol can be a number or a name  like  ip,
              arp, or rarp.  Note these identifiers are also keywords and must be escaped via backslash (\).

       dst ttl number
              True if the destination TTL of the Argus record equals number.

       src ttl number
              True if the source TTL of the Argus record equals number.

       ttl number
              True if either the source or destination TTL of the Argus record equals number.

       dst tos number
              True if the destination TOS of the Argus record equals number.

       src tos number
              True if the source TOS of the Argus record equals number.

       tos number
              True if either the source or destination TOS of the Argus record equals number.

       dst vid number
              True if the destination VLAN id of the Argus record equals number.

       src vid number
              True if the source VLAN id of the Argus record equals number.

       vid number
              True if either the source or destination VLAN id of the Argus record equals number.

       dst mid number
              True if the destination MPLS Label of the Argus record equals number.

       src mid number
              True if the source MPLS Label of the Argus record equals number.

       mid number
              True if either the source or destination MPLS Label of the Argus record equals number.

       Ra  filter expressions support primitives that are specific to flow states and can be used to select flow
       records that were in these states at the time they were generated.  normal, wait, timeout, est or con

       Primitives that select flows that experienced fragmentation.  frag and fragonly

       Support for selecting flows that used multiple pairs of MAC addresses during their lifetime.  multipath

       Primitives specific to TCP flows are supported.  syn, synack, data, ecn,  fin,  finack,  reset,  retrans,
       outoforder and winshut

       Primitives specific to ICMP flows are supported.  echo, unreach, redirect and timexed

       For  some  primitives,  a direction qualifier is appropriate.  These are frag, reset, retrans, outoforder
       and winshut

       Primitives may be combined using:

              A parenthesized group of primitives and operators (parentheses are special to the Shell  and  must
              be escaped).

              Negation (`!' or `not').

              Concatenation (`and').

              Alternation (`or').

       Negation  has highest precedence.  Alternation and concatenation have equal precedence and associate left
       to right.  Note that explicit and tokens, not juxtaposition, are now required for concatenation.

       If an identifier is given without a keyword, the most recent keyword is assumed.  For example,
            not host sphynx and anubis
       is short for
            not host sphynx and host anubis
       which should not be confused with
            not ( host sphynx or anubis )

       Expression arguments can be passed to ra(1) as  either  a  single  argument  or  as  multiple  arguments,
       whichever  is  more convenient.  Generally, if the expression contains Shell metacharacters, it is easier
       to pass it as a single, quoted argument.  Multiple arguments are concatenated with  spaces  before  being

   Startup Processing
       Ra  begins  by  searching  for  the  configuration file .rarc first in the directory, $ARGUSHOME and then
       $HOME.  If a .rarc is found, all variables specified in the file are set.

       Ra then parses its command line options and set its internal variables accordingly.

       If a configuration file is specified on the command-line, using the "-f <confile>" option, the values  in
       this .rarc formatted file superceed all other values.


       To  report  all  TCP transactions from and to host '', reading transaction data from argus-
              ra -r - tcp and host

       Create the argus-file icmp.log with all ICMP events involving the host nimrod,  using  data  from  argus-
       file, but reading the transaction data from stdin:
              cat argus-file | ra -r - -w icmp.log - icmp and host nimrod


       The following is a brief description of the output format of ra which reports transaction data in various
       levels of detail.  The general format is:
                time proto  srchost  dir  dsthost  [count] status

           The format of the time field is specified by the .rarc file, using syntax supported  by  the  routine
           localtime(3V).   The  default is Argus transaction data contains both starting and ending transaction
           times, with precision to the microsecond. However, ra prints out only one of these dates depending on
           the  status  of  the  argus server.  When the argus server is running in default mode, ra reports the
           transaction starting time.  When the server is  in  DETAIL  mode,  the  transaction  ending  time  is

           mac.addr is an optional field, specified using the -m flag.  mac.addr represents the first source and
           destination MAC addresses seen for a particular transaction.  These addresses  are  paired  with  the
           host.port  fields,  so  the  direction  indicator  is  needed  to  distinguish between the source and
           destination MAC addresses.

       proto [options protocol]
           The proto indicator consists of two fields. The first is protocol specific and the designations are:
             m       -  MPLS encapsulated flow
             q       -  802.1Q encapsulated flow
             p       -  PPP over Enternet encapsulated flow
             E       -  Multiple encapsulations/tags
              s      -  Src TCP packet retransmissions
              d      -  Dst TCP packet retransmissions
              *      -  Both Src and Dst TCP retransmissions
              i      -  Src TCP packets out of order
              r      -  Dst TCP packets out of order
              &      -  Both Src and Dst packet out of order
               S     -  Src TCP Window Closure
               D     -  Dst TCP Window Closure
               @     -  Both Src and Dst Window Closure
               x     -  Src TCP Explicit Congestion Notification
               t     -  Dst TCP ECN
               E     -  Both Src and Dst ECN
                M    -  Multiple physical layer paths
                 I   -  ICMP event mapped to this flow
                  S  -  IP option Strict Source Route
                  L  -  IP option Loose Source Route
                  T  -  IP option Time Stamp
                  +  -  IP option Security
                  R  -  IP option Record Route
                  A  -  IP option Router Alert
                  O  -  multiple IP options set
                  E  -  unknown IP options set
                   F -  Fragments seen
                   f -  Partial Fragment
                   V -  Fragment overlap seen

           The second field indicates the upper protocol used in the transaction.  This field will  contain  the
           first  4  characters  of  the  official  name  for  the protocol used, as defined in RFC-1700.  Argus
           attempts to discovery the Realtime Transport Protocol, when it is being  used.   When  it  encounters
           RTP,  it  will  indicate  its  use in this field, with the string 'rtp'.  Use of the -n option, twice
           (-nn), will cause the actual protocol number to be displayed.

           The host field is protocol dependent, and for all protocols will contain the  IP  address/name.   For
           TCP and UDP, the field will also contain the port number/name, separated by a period.

          The  dir  field  will have the direction of the transaction, as can be best determined from the datum,
          and is used to indicate which hosts are transmitting. For TCP, the  dir  field  indicates  the  actual
          source of the TCP connection, and the center character indicating the state of the transaction.
               -  - transaction was NORMAL
               |  - transaction was RESET
               o  - transaction TIMED OUT.
               ?  - direction of transaction is unknown.

           count  is  an  optional  field, specified using the -c option.  There are 4 fields that are produced.
           The first 2 are the packet counts and the last 2 are the byte counts for  the  specific  transaction.
           The  fields  are  paired  with the previous host fields, and represent the packets transmitted by the
           respective host.

           The status field indicates  the  principle  status  for  the  transaction  report,  and  is  protocol
           dependent.   For  all  the  protocols,  except  ICMP,  this  field  reports  on  the basic state of a

         REQ|INT (requested|initial)
           This indicates that this is the initial status report for a transaction and is  seen  only  when  the
           argus-server  is  in  DETAIL  mode.  For TCP connections this is REQ, indicating that a connection is
           being requested.  For the connectionless protocols, such as UDP, this is INT.

         ACC (accepted)
           This indicates that a request/response condition has  occurred,  and  that  a  transaction  has  been
           detected between two hosts.  For TCP, this indicates that a connection request has been answered, and
           the connection will be accepted.  This is only seen when the argus-server is in DETAIL mode.  For the
           connectionless  protocols,  this state indicates that there has been a single packet exchange between
           two hosts, and could qualify as a request/response transaction.

         EST|CON (established|connected)
           This record type indicates that the reported transaction is active, and has been  established  or  is
           continuing.   This  should  be interpreted as a status report of a currently active transaction.  For
           TCP, the EST status is only seen in DETAIL mode, and indicates that the three way handshake has  been
           completed for a connection.

         CLO (closed)
           TCP specific, this record type indicates that the TCP connection has closed normally.

         TIM (timeout)
           Activity was not seen relating to this transaction, during the argus server's timeout period for this
           protocol.  This status is seen only when there were packets recorded since the last report  for  this

       For the ICMP protocol, the status field displays specific aspects of the ICMP type.  ICMP status can have
       the values:

          ECO     Echo Request
          ECR     Echo Reply
          SRC     Source Quench
          RED     Redirect
          RTA     Router Advertisement
          RTS     Router Solicitation
          TXD     Time Exceeded
          PAR     Parameter Problem
          TST     Time Stamp Request
          TSR     Time Stamp Reply
          IRQ     Information Request
          IRR     Information Reply
          MAS     Mask Request
          MSR     Mask Reply
          URN     Unreachable network
          URH     Unreachable host
          URP     Unreachable port
          URF     Unreachable need fragmentation
          URS     Unreachable source failed
          URNU    Unreachable dst network unknown
          URHU    Unreachable dst host unknown
          URISO   Unreachable source host isolated
          URNPRO  Unreachable network administrative prohibited
          URHPRO  Unreachable host administrative prohibited
          URNTOS  Unreachable network TOS prohibited
          URHTOS  Unreachable host TOS prohibited
          URFIL   Unreachable administrative filter
          URPRE   Unreachable precedence violation
          URCUT   Unreachable precedence cutoff


       These examples show typical ra output, and demonstrates a number of variations seen in argus data.   This
       ra output was generated using the -n option to suppress number translation.

 Thu 12/29 06:40:32   S tcp   ->   CLO
       This  is  a  normal  tcp transaction to the telnet port on host  The IP Option strict source
       route was seen.

 Thu 12/29 06:40:32     tcp  <|   RST
       This tcp transaction from the smtp port of host was RESET, indicating  that  the  transaction
       was denied.

 Thu 12/29 03:39:05  M  igmp       <->       CON
       This  is  an  igmp  transaction  status report, usually seen with MBONE traffic.  There was more than one
       source and destination MAC address pair used to support the transaction, suggesting  a  possible  routing

 Thu 12/29 06:40:05 *   tcp  <-> TIM
       This is an X-windows transaction, that has TIMEDOUT.   Packets were retransmitted during the connection.

 Thu 12/29 07:42:09     udp   ->  INT
       This  is  an  initial  netbios  UDP transaction status report, indicating that this is the first datagram
       encountered for this transaction.

 Thu 12/29 06:42:09     icmp       <->      ECO
       This example represents a "ping" of host, and its response.

 This next example shows the ra output of a complete TCP transaction, with the preceeding Arp and  DNS  requests,
 while reading from a remote argus-server.   The '*' in the CLO report indicates that at least one TCP packet was
 retransmitted during the transaction.  The hostnames in this example are ficticious.

 % ra -S argus-server and host
 ra: Trying argus-server port 561
 ra: connected Argus Version 2.0
 Sat 12/03 15:29:38     arp     who-has  INT
 Sat 12/03 15:29:39     udp  <->    dns.qosient.53   INT
 Sat 12/03 15:29:39     arp     who-has      INT
 Sat 12/03 15:29:39 *   tcp   -> CLO


       Carter Bullard (




       argus(8) tcpdump(1),

       Postel, Jon, Internet Protocol, RFC 791,  Network  Information  Center,  SRI  International,  Menlo  Park,
       Calif., May 1981.

       Postel,  Jon,  Internet  Control Message Protocol, RFC 792, Network Information Center, SRI International,
       Menlo Park, Calif., May 1981.

       Postel, Jon, Transmission Control Protocol, RFC 793, Network Information Center, SRI International,  Menlo
       Park, Calif., May 1981.

       Postel,  Jon,  User Datagram Protocol, RFC 768, Network Information Center, SRI International, Menlo Park,
       Calif., May 1980.

       McCanne, Steven, and Van Jacobson, The BSD Packet Filter:  A  New  Architecture  for  User-level  Capture,
       Lawrwnce Berkeley Laboratory, One Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, Calif., 94720, December 1992.