trusty (5) ipsvd-instruct.5.gz

Provided by: ipsvd_1.0.0-2_amd64 bug


       ipsvd-instruct - format of the ipsvd(8) instructions directory


       The  internet  protocol  service  daemons,  ipsvd(7),  can be told to read and follow instructions from a
       directory on incoming connections to the socket they listen on.

       For mostly static instructions or for performance reasons, it is possible  to  compile  the  instructions
       from a directory into a constant database (cdb) with ipsvd-cdb(8) for faster lookup, and to tell ipsvd(7)
       to read the instructions from there.


       On each incoming connection,  the  ipsvd(7)  matches  the  client's  IP  address  against  files  in  the
       instructions   directory.    For   example,   the   IP   address   a.b.c.d   which  reverse  resolves  to is matched against the following files in the instructions directory, in this  order,
       first match wins:

       1.     a.b.c.d

       2.     a.b.c

       3.     a.b

       4.     a

       If the client's hostname has been successfully looked up in DNS:




       8.     org

       And finally the catchall file ``0'' (zero):

       9.     0

       After  successfully  matching  a  client's  IP  address  or  hostname against the instructions directory,
       ipsvd(7) examines the file that matched the IP address or hostname, and acts accordingly:

       1.     If neither the user's read permission, nor the user's execute permission is set for the file,  the
              connection is closed immediately.

       2.     If  the  file  has  the user's execute permission set, ipsvd(7) reads the contents of the file and
              runs /bin/sh -c '<contents>' instead of the default program prog given at  the  command  line  for
              this connection.

       3.     If  the  file  has  the  user's  read  permission set, ipsvd(7) reads the contents of the file and
              interprets each line as an instruction for this connection (see below).

       If the client's IP address or hostname doesn't match any file in the instructions directory, the  default
       action is taken (the program prog is run to handle the connection).


       If  ipsvd(7)  is  given  instructions  for  an  incoming  connection, it reads the corresponding file and
       interprets each line as follows.  The file may be empty, meaning that there is no special instruction.

       Empty lines and lines starting with ``#'' are ignored.

              environment.  If the line starts with a plus (``+''), and the string following the plus contains a
              ``='',  ipsvd(7)  puts  the string following the plus into the environment before starting prog to
              handle the connection.  If the string following the plus doesn't contain a ``='',  ipsvd(7)  makes
              sure that the environment variable with the name string is not set.

              concurrency.   If  the  line  starts  with  a  ``C'',  and  is  followed by a number, the per host
              concurrency limit for the IP address that initiated the connection is set to this number.  If  num
              is  zero, per host concurrency limit is disabled.  If num is followed by ``:msg'', the message msg
              is written to this client if possible, if the per host concurrency limit is reached.

              msg may contain  backslash-escaped  characters  as  follows:  ``\\''  is  converted  to  a  single
              backslash,  ``\n''  is  converted  to  a new line character, and ``\r'' is converted to a carriage

              On multiple concurrency instructions the last processed  concurrency  instruction  is  considered.
              Not all ipsvd(7)'s support per host concurrency.

              check hostname.  If the line starts with a ``='', and is followed by a hostname, ipsvd(7) looks up
              the IP addresses for hostname in DNS and checks if the client's IP address matches one of these IP
              addresses.   If so, ipsvd(7) stops processing the instructions here and runs prog.  If hostname is
              followed a colon and forward, ipsvd(7) now examines the file forward and acts accordingly, instead
              of  running  prog.   All  check hostname instructions in forward are ignored.  If forward does not
              exist, the connection is closed.

              hostname may be ``0'' (zero), matching any IP address.

              Note: Using check hostname instructions can cause significant delay while responding to connection
              attempts, caused by DNS lookups.

       If  ipsvd(7) cannot interpret a line, it prints a warning, discards the line, and continues with the next
       instruction if any.

       After processing all instructions, ipsvd(7) runs prog.  If the file contains at least one check  hostname
       instruction, and none was successful, it closes the connection instead of running prog.


              This  instruction  causes  the  environment  variable  ``MEMORY''  with  the value ``20000'' to be
              available to the program prog that handles the connection.

              This instruction adds the variable ``DEBUG'' with an empty value to the environment.

              This instructions makes sure that the environment variable ``LOGNAME'' is unset when running prog.

       C16    Set the per host concurrency to 16.  A connection will be closed silently if there are already  16
              active connections from this client's IP address.
              Check  IP  address  of  the  dynamic  hostname  If one of the IP addresses
     currently resolves to matches the client's IP address, handle the connection
              through the file in the instructions directory.


       ipsvd(7), ipsvd-cdb(8), tcpsvd(8), sslsvd(8), udpsvd(8), sslio(8)


       Gerrit Pape <>
