Provided by: cpl-plugin-kmos-doc_1.2.8+dfsg-2_all bug


       kmo_std_star - Create the telluric correction frame.


       esorex kmo_std_star [OPTIONS] FILE.sof


       This  recipe creates a telluric calibration frame and a PSF frame. It must be called after
       the kmo_illumination-recipe.

       Since there won’t be enough standard stars to observe for all IFUs in one ex- posure,  one
       has  to do several exposures in a way that there is at least one standard star and one sky
       exposure in each IFU. A internal data organiser will analyse the  provided  exposures  and
       select  the  appropriate frames as follows: 1. For each IFU the first standard star in the
       list of provided exposures is
          taken. All subsequent standard star exposures  for  this  IFU  will  be  ignored  2.  A
       corresponding sky exposure will be chosen which will be as close in time
          to the standard star exposure as possible.

       3. For any IFUs not containing a standard star and a sky exposure an empty
          frame will be returned.

       NOISE_SPEC  contains in any case the shot noise [sqrt(counts*gain)/gain]. If the exposures
       have been taken with  template  KMOS_spec_cal_stdstarscipatt,  then  an  additional  noise
       component  is  added  in:  All  existing sky exposures for an IFU are subtracted pairwise,
       spectra are extracted and the std deviation is calculated.

       --startype If this parameter is specified, the stored star types of the  observed  obejcts
       in  the  FITS  headers are overridden. This value applies to all objects exa- mined in the
       input frames. Examples would be “A3I”, “G3IV” or “K0I”. The first letter defines the  star
       type, the second letter the spectral class and the last letters the luminosity class.

       --magnitude  If this parameter is specified, the stored magnitudes in the FITS headers are
       overridden. For HK two magnitudes for each H  and  K  have  to  be  specified.  All  other
       gratings  just  use  a  single  magnitude.  If  two  values  are provided, they have to be
       separated with a comma.

       --fmethod The type of function that should be fitted spatially to the collapsed image.

       This fit is used to create a mask to extract the spectrum of the object. Valid values  are
       “gauss” and “moffat”.

       --imethod The interpolation method used for reconstruction. As default ´CS´ is selected.

       Note that no error spectra will be generated for this interpolation method.

       Select a nearest neighbour method otherwise

       --range The spectral range [um] to combine when collapsing the reconstructed cubes.

       --save_cubes  Set  to  TRUE if the intermediate reconstructed cubes (eventually divided by
       illumination correction) should be saved as well. Default is FALSE.

       --no_noise Applies only for data taken with  template  KMOS_spec_cal_stdstarscipatt:  Skip
       lengthy  calculation  of  noise-spectra  on  all  sky  exposures  (no  NOISE_SPEC  will be

       --flux Specify if flux conservation should be applied.

       --neighborhoodRange Defines the range to search for neighbors during reconstruction

       --b_samples The number of samples in spectral direction for the reconstructed cube.

       Ideally this number should be greater than 2048, the detector size.

       --b_start  --b_end  Used  to  define  manually  the  start  and  end  wavelength  for  the
       reconstructed cube. By default the internally defined values are used.

       --cmethod Following methods of frame combination are available:
          * ´ksigma´ (Default)
          An iterative sigma clipping. For each position all pixels in the spectrum
          are examined. If they deviate significantly, they will be rejected according
          to the conditions:
              val > mean + stdev * cpos_rej
              val < mean - stdev * cneg_rej
          where --cpos_rej, --cneg_rej and --citer are the corresponding configuration
          parameters. In the first iteration median and percentile level are used.

          * ´median´
          At each pixel position the median is calculated.

          * ´average´
          At each pixel position the average is calculated.

          * ´sum´
          At each pixel position the sum is calculated.

          * ´min_max´
          The specified number of minimum and maximum pixel values will be rejected.

          --cmax and --cmin apply to this method.

       --cpos_rej --cneg_rej --citer see --cmethod=´ksigma´

       --cmax --cmin see --cmethod=´min_max´

       --xcal_interpolation  If  true  interpolate the pixel position in the slitlet (xcal) using
       the two closest rotator angles in the calibration file. Otherwise take the values  of  the
       closest rotator angle

       --suppress_extension  If  set to TRUE, the arbitrary filename extensions are supressed. If
       multiple products with the same category are produced, they will be numered  consecutively
       starting from 0.

         Input files:

          DO                      KMOS
          category                Type  Explanation                   Required #Frames
          --------                ----- -----------                   -------- -------
          STD                     RAW   Std. star & sky exposures         Y     >=1
          XCAL                    F2D   x calibration frame               Y      1
          YCAL                    F2D   y calibration frame               Y      1
          LCAL                    F2D   Wavelength calib. frame           Y      1
          MASTER_FLAT             F2D   Master flat frame                 Y      1
          WAVE_BAND               F2L   Table with start-/end-wavelengths Y      1
          ILLUM_CORR              F2I   Illumination correction           N     0,1
          SOLAR_SPEC              F1S   Solar spectrum                    N     0,1
                                        (only for G stars)
          ATMOS_MODEL             F1S   Model atmospheric transmisson     N     0,1
                                        (only for OBAF stars in K band)
          SPEC_TYPE_LOOKUP        F2L   LUT  eff. stellar temperature     N     0,1

         Output files:

          DO                      KMOS
          category                Type   Explanation
          --------                -----  -----------
          TELLURIC                F1I    The normalised telluric spectrum
                                         (including errors)
          STAR_SPEC               F1I    The extracted star spectrum
                                         (including errors)
          STD_IMAGE               F2I    The standard star PSF images
          STD_MASK                F2I    The generated mask used to extract the star
          NOISE_SPEC              F1I    The extracted noise spectrum


       --startype <str>
              The  spectral type of the star (O, B, A, F, G) Format: G4V etc. (str; default: ´´).
              The  full  name  of  this   option   for   the   EsoRex   configuration   file   is
              kmos.kmo_std_star.startype [default = ].

       --imethod <str>
              Method to use for interpolation. ["NN" (nearest neighbour), "lwNN" (linear weighted
              nearest neighbor),  "swNN"  (square  weighted  nearest  neighbor),  "MS"  (Modified
              Shepard´s method), "CS" (Cubic spline)] (str; default: ´CS´). The full name of this
              option for the EsoRex configuration file is  kmos.kmo_std_star.imethod  [default  =

       --fmethod <str>
              Either fit a ´gauss´ or ´moffat´ profile. (str; default: ´gauss´). The full name of
              this option for the EsoRex configuration file is kmos.kmo_std_star.fmethod [default
              = gauss].

       --neighborhoodRange <float>
              Defines  the  range  to search for neighbors in pixels (float; default: 1.001). The
              full   name   of   this   option   for   the   EsoRex   configuration    file    is
              kmos.kmo_std_star.neighborhoodRange [default = 1.001].

       --magnitude <str>
              The  magnitude of the std star. For HK two values have to provided (eg.  12.1,13.2)
              (str; default: ´´). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration  file
              is kmos.kmo_std_star.magnitude [default = ].

       --flux <bool>
              TRUE:  Apply  flux  conservation.  FALSE: otherwise (bool; default: True). The full
              name of this option for the EsoRex  configuration  file  is  kmos.kmo_std_star.flux
              [default = True].

       --save_cubes <bool>
              TRUE:  Save  reconstructed cubes, FALSE: otherwise (bool; default: False). The full
              name    of    this    option    for    the    EsoRex    configuration    file    is
              kmos.kmo_std_star.save_cubes [default = False].

       --no_noise <bool>
              Applies  only  for  data  taken  with template KMOS_spec_cal_stdstarscipatt: FALSE:
              Calculate noise-spectra on all sky exposures. TRUE: skip this step (bool;  default:
              False).  The  full  name  of  this  option  for  the  EsoRex  configuration file is
              kmos.kmo_std_star.no_noise [default = False].

       --xcal_interpolation <bool>
              TRUE: Interpolate xcal between rotator angles.  FALSE:  otherwise  (bool;  default:
              True).  The  full  name  of  this  option  for  the  EsoRex  configuration  file is
              kmos.kmo_std_star.xcal_interpolation [default = True].

       --suppress_extension <bool>
              Suppress arbitrary filename extension.(TRUE (apply) or FALSE (don´t  apply)  (bool;
              default:  False). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
              kmos.kmo_std_star.suppress_extension [default = False].

       --b_samples <long>
              The number of samples in wavelength for  the  reconstructed  cube  (long;  default:
              2048).  The  full  name  of  this  option  for  the  EsoRex  configuration  file is
              kmos.kmo_std_star.b_samples [default = 2048].

       --b_start <float>
              The lowest wavelength [um] to take into account when reconstructing (default of  -1
              sets  the  proper  value for the actual band automatically) (float; default: -1.0).
              The  full  name  of  this   option   for   the   EsoRex   configuration   file   is
              kmos.kmo_std_star.b_start [default = -1.0].

       --b_end <float>
              The highest wavelength [um] to take into account when reconstructing (default of -1
              sets the proper value for the actual band automatically)  (float;  default:  -1.0).
              The   full   name   of   this   option   for   the  EsoRex  configuration  file  is
              kmos.kmo_std_star.b_end [default = -1.0].

       --cmethod <str>
              Either apply "average", "median", "sum", "min_max."  or  "ksigma".  (str;  default:
              ´ksigma´).  The  full  name  of  this  option  for the EsoRex configuration file is
              kmos.kmo_std_star.cmethod [default = ksigma].

       --cpos_rej <float>
              The  positive  rejection  threshold  for  kappa-sigma-clipping  (sigma).    (float;
              default:  3.0).  The  full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
              kmos.kmo_std_star.cpos_rej [default = 3.0].

       --cneg_rej <float>
              The  negative  rejection  threshold  for  kappa-sigma-clipping  (sigma).    (float;
              default:  3.0).  The  full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
              kmos.kmo_std_star.cneg_rej [default = 3.0].

       --citer <long>
              The number of iterations for kappa-sigma-clipping. (long;  default:  3).  The  full
              name  of  this  option for the EsoRex configuration file is kmos.kmo_std_star.citer
              [default = 3].

       --cmax <long>
              The number of maximum pixel values to clip with min/max-clipping.  (long;  default:
              1).   The   full  name  of  this  option  for  the  EsoRex  configuration  file  is
              kmos.kmo_std_star.cmax [default = 1].

       --cmin <long>
              The number of minimum pixel values to clip with min/max-clipping.  (long;  default:
              1).   The   full  name  of  this  option  for  the  EsoRex  configuration  file  is
              kmos.kmo_std_star.cmin [default = 1].

       Note that it is possible to create a configuration file containing  these  options,  along
       with  suitable default values. Please refer to the details provided by the 'esorex --help'


       The full documentation for the kmos pipeline can be downloaded as a  PDF  file  using  the
       following URL:


       An   overview   over   the   existing   ESO  pipelines  can  be  found  on  the  web  page

       Basic documentation about the EsoRex program can be found at the esorex (1) man page.

       It is possible to call the pipelines  from  python  using  the  python-cpl  package.   See for further information.

       The  other  recipes  of  the kmos pipeline are kmo_dev_setup(7), kmo_copy(7), kmo_flat(7),
       kmo_fits_check(7),      kmo_sci_red(7),      kmo_illumination(7),       kmo_fits_stack(7),
       kmo_noise_map(7),     kmo_rotate(7),     kmo_extract_spec(7),    kmo_multi_reconstruct(7),
       kmo_stats(7),    kmo_shift(7),    kmo_wave_cal(7),     kmo_dark(7),     kmo_arithmetic(7),
       kmo_fits_strip(7),     kmo_combine(7),     kmo_illumination_flat(7),    kmo_make_image(7),
       kmo_sky_tweak(7), kmo_fit_profile(7), kmo_sky_mask(7), kmo_reconstruct(7)


       kmo_std_star 1.2.8


       Alex Agudo Berbel <>


       Please report any problems to Alternatively, you may send a  report
       to the ESO User Support Department <>.


       This  file  is  part  of  the  KMOS  Instrument  Pipeline Copyright (C) 2002,2003 European
       Southern Observatory

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
       the  GNU  General  Public  License  as  published  by the Free Software Foundation; either
       version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY  WARRANTY;
       without  even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
       See the GNU General Public License for more details.

       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
       if  not,  write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA
       02110-1335  USA