Provided by: libguestfs0_1.24.5-1ubuntu0.1_amd64 bug


       guestfs-recipes - libguestfs, guestfish and virt tools recipes


       This page contains recipes for and links to things you can do using libguestfs,
       guestfish(1) and the virt tools.

Access a remote disk image using guestfish

       If the disk image is on a remote server which is accessible using SSH, HTTP, FTP, NBD,
       iSCSI, or similar, then you can open it directly.  See "ADDING REMOTE STORAGE" in
       guestfish(1) for several examples.  This requires libguestfs ≥ 1.22 and qemu ≥ 1.5.

Audit a virtual machine for setuid files

       See: "EXAMPLES" in virt-ls(1).

Audit a virtual machine for vulnerabilities and security problems


Change the background image in a Windows XP VM

       The links below explain how to use guestfish(1) to change the background image for a user
       of a Windows XP VM.  Unfortunately the technique appears to be substantially different for
       each version of Windows.

Checksum a file or device within a disk image

       To checksum a whole device, or a partition, LV etc within a disk image:

        guestfish --ro -a disk.img run : checksum-device md5 /dev/sda1

       Replace "md5" with the type of checksum you want.  See "guestfs_checksum_device" in
       guestfs(3) for a list of supported types.

       "/dev/sda1" means "the first partition".  You could use "/dev/sda" to checksum the whole
       disk image, or the name of a logical volume or RAID device.

       To checksum a single file:

        guestfish --ro -a disk.img -i checksum sha256 /etc/passwd

       або для гостьової системи Windows:

        guestfish --ro -a диск.img -i \
          checksum sha256 'win:\windows\system32\config\SOFTWARE'

Клонування віртуальної машини

       Use a combination of tools like cp(1), dd(1), and virt tools like virt-sysprep(1),
       virt-sparsify(1) and virt-resize(1).

       For more details, see: "COPYING AND CLONING" in virt-sysprep(1).

Convert a CD-ROM / DVD / ISO to a tarball

       This converts input "cd.iso" to output "cd.tar.gz":

        guestfish --ro -a cd.iso -m /dev/sda tgz-out / cd.tar.gz

       To export just a subdirectory, eg. "/files", do:

        guestfish --ro -a cd.iso -m /dev/sda tgz-out /files cd.tar.gz

Convert from one format/filesystem to another

       If you have a data disk in one format / filesystem / partition / volume manager, you can
       convert it another using this technique.

       In this example, we start with a data disk that has a single partition containing a
       filesystem, and we want to create another disk that contains the same files but on an ext3
       filesystem embedded in a logical volume on a sparse raw-format disk.

       First create the formatted-but-empty target disk:

        truncate -s 10G target.img
        virt-format -a target.img --partition=mbr --lvm --filesystem=ext3

       Now, pipe two guestfish instances together to transfer the old data to the new disk:

        guestfish --ro -a source.img -m /dev/sda1  -- tar-out / - | \
        guestfish --rw -a target.img -m /dev/VG/LV -- tar-in - /

       To browse the final disk image, do:

        guestfish --ro -a target.img -m /dev/VG/LV
        ><fs> ll /

       This technique is quite powerful, allowing you for example to split up source directories
       over the target filesystems.

       Note this won't work (at least, not directly) for bootable virtual machine disks because
       it doesn't copy over the boot loader.

Convert Windows DVD to bootable USB key

Convert Xen-style partitionless image to partitioned disk image

       Xen disk images are often partitionless, meaning that the filesystem starts directly at
       the beginning of the disk with no partition table.  You can in fact use these directly in
       KVM (provided the guest isn't Windows), but some people like to convert them to regular
       partitioned disk images, and this is required for Windows guests.  Here is how to use
       guestfish to do this:

        ><fs> add-ro input.img
        ><fs> sparse output.img 10G     # adjust the output size
        ><fs> run
        # Create a partition table on the output disk:
        ><fs> part-init /dev/sdb mbr
        ><fs> part-add /dev/sdb p 2048 -2048
        # Copy the data to the target partition:
        ><fs> copy-device-to-device /dev/sda /dev/sdb1 sparse:true
        # Optionally resize the target filesystem.  Use ntfsresize
        # for Windows guests:
        ><fs> resize2fs /dev/sdb1

       Such a disk image won't be directly bootable.  You may need to boot it with an external
       kernel and initramfs (see below).  Or you can use the guestfish commands "syslinux" or
       "extlinux" to install a SYSLINUX bootloader.

Створення порожніх образів дисків

       The virt-format(1) tool can do this directly.

       Use virt-make-fs(1) to create a disk image with content.  This can also create some
       standard disk images such as virtual floppy devices (VFDs).

       You can also use the guestfish(1) -N option to create empty disk images.  The useful guide
       below explains the options available.

       virt-builder(1) can create "empty" guests.

Вилучення файлів (або інші прості дії з файлами)

       Скористайтеся guestfish. Вилучення файла:

        guestfish -a диск.img -i rm /файл/який/слід/вилучити

       To touch a file (bring it up to date or create it):

        guestfish -a диск.img -i touch /файл/позначку/якого/слід/оновити

       To stat a file.  Since this is a read-only operation, we can make it safer by adding the
       --ro flag.

        guestfish --ro -a disk.img -i stat /file/to/stat

       There are dozens of these commands.  See guestfish(1) or the output of "guestfish -h"

Diff two guests; compare a snapshot to the current version

       virt-ls(1) provides a simple way to find the differences between two guests (for example
       if they were originally cloned from the same source), or between two snapshots from the
       same guest.  See "DIFFERENCES IN SNAPSHOTS AND BACKING FILES" in virt-ls(1).

       There are also experimental patches on the mailing list for a "virt-diff" tool.

Disable a systemd service

       The following is the equivalent of "systemctl mask ...". To disable the "cloud-init"
       service so it doesn't start at next boot:

        guestfish -a disk.img -i \
            ln-sf /dev/null /etc/systemd/system/cloud-init.service

       To disable tmp-on-tmpfs:

        guestfish -a disk.img -i \
            ln-sf /dev/null /etc/systemd/system/tmp.mount

       One problem with the commands above is there is no feedback if you get the name of the
       service you are trying to mask wrong.  But you can use virt-ls(1) to list the available
       systemd services like this:

        virt-ls -a /tmp/fedora-19.img -R /lib/systemd/system

Dump raw filesystem content from inside a disk image or VM

       You can use the guestfish(1) "download" command to extract the raw filesystem content from
       any filesystem in a disk image or a VM (even one which is encrypted or buried inside an LV
       or RAID device):

        guestfish --ro -a disk.img run : download /dev/sda1 sda1.img

        guestfish --ro -d Guest run : download /dev/vg_guest/lv_root lv.img

       To download to stdout, replace the filename with a "-" character:

        guestfish --ro -a disk.img run : download /dev/sda1 - | gzip > sda1.gz

       To list the filesystems in a disk image, use virt-filesystems(1).

       Див. також "Вивантаження даних на файлові системи без обробки".

Edit grub configuration in a VM

       Ви можете скористатися цим для того, щоб виконати такі завдання:

       •   Fix a virtual machine that does not boot.

       •   Change which kernel is used to boot the VM.

       •   Change kernel command line options.

       Use virt-edit(1) to edit the grub configuration:

        virt-edit -d BrokenGuest /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

       or for general tinkering inside an unbootable VM use virt-rescue(1) like this:

        virt-rescue -d BrokenGuest

Експортувати будь-який каталог з віртуальної машини

       To export "/home" from a VM into a local directory use virt-copy-out(1):

        virt-copy-out -d Guest /home .


       •   The final dot of the command is not a printing error.  It means we want to copy out to
           the current directory.

       •   This creates a directory called "home" under the current directory.

       If the guest is a Windows guest then you can use drive letters and backslashes, but you
       must prefix the path with "win:" and quote it to protect it from the shell, like this:

        virt-copy-out -d WinGuest 'win:c:\windows\system32\config' .

       To get the output as a compressed tarball, do:

        virt-tar-out -d Guest /home - | gzip --best > home.tar.gz

       Although it sounds tempting, this is usually not a reliable way to get a backup from a
       running guest.  See the entry in the FAQ:

Find out which user is using the most space

       This simple script examines a Linux guest to find out which user is using the most space
       in their home directory:

        #!/bin/sh -

        set -e


        eval $(guestfish --ro -d "$vm" -i --listen)

        for d in $(guestfish --remote ls "$dir"); do
            echo -n "$dir/$d"
            echo -ne '\t'
            guestfish --remote du "$dir/$d";
        done | sort -nr -k 2

        guestfish --remote exit

Export external kernel and initramfs (initrd)

       If a Linux guest doesn't have a boot loader or it is broken, then you can usually boot it
       using an external kernel and initramfs.  In this configuration, the hypervisor acts like a
       bootloader, loading the kernel from the host disk into guest memory and jumping straight
       into the kernel.

       However you may wonder how to get the right kernel corresponding to the disk image you
       have.  Since libguestfs ≥ 1.24 virt-builder(1) can get the latest kernel and corresponding
       initramfs for you:

        mkdir outputdir
        virt-builder --get-kernel disk.img -o outputdir
        ls -lh outputdir

Get DHCP address from a VM

       The link below explains the many different possible techniques for getting the last
       assigned DHCP address of a virtual machine.

       In the libguestfs source examples directory you will find the latest version of the
       "virt-dhcp-address.c" program.

Get the operating system product name string

       Save the following script into a file called "":

        #!/bin/sh -
        set -e
        eval "$(guestfish --ro -d "$1" --i --listen)"
        root="$(guestfish --remote inspect-get-roots)"
        guestfish --remote inspect-get-product-name "$root"
        guestfish --remote exit

       Make the script executable and run it on a named guest:

        # RHEL60x64
        Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.0 (Santiago)

       You can also use an XPath query on the virt-inspector(1) XML using the "xpath" command
       line tool or from your favourite programming language:

        # virt-inspector RHEL60x64 > xml
        # xpath '//product_name' < xml
        Found 1 nodes:
        -- NODE --
        <product_name>Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.0 (Santiago)</product_name>

Get the default boot kernel for a Linux VM

       The link below contains a program to print the default boot kernel for a Linux VM.

       It uses Augeas, and the technique is generally applicable for many different tasks, such

       •   listing the user accounts in the guest

       •   what repositories is it configured to use

       •   what NTP servers does it connect to

       •   what were the boot messages last time it booted

       •   listing who was logged in recently

Hanging guests

       There are various ways to use libguestfs to find out why a guest is hanging or

       1.  Read the log files using virt-cat:

            virt-cat Guest /var/log/messages | less

       2.  Read the Windows Event Log (Windows Vista or later only):


       3.  Find out which files were last updated in a guest:


           This might give you a clue as to what program is running.

Hex-dumping sectors from the guest

       Hex-dump the boot partition:

        guestfish --ro -a disk.img run : pread-device /dev/sda 0x200 0 |
          hexdump -C

Hex-editing sectors in the guest

       Hex-edit the first sector (boot partition):

        guestfish --rw -a disk.img run : hexedit /dev/sda 0x200

Встановлення RPM у гостьовій системі

       The link below contains a method to install RPMs in a guest.  In fact the RPMs are just
       uploaded to the guest along with a "firstboot" script that installs them next time the
       guest is booted.  You could use this technique to install vital security updates in an
       offline guest.

       Since libguestfs 1.20, virt-sysprep(1) has an option for installing firstboot scripts in
       Linux guests.  Since libguestfs 1.24, virt-builder(1) can be used to build guests,
       installing packages along the way.

Install SYSLINUX bootloader in a guest

       SYSLINUX is a small, easy to configure bootloader for Linux and Windows guests.  If your
       guest is not bootable, you can install the SYSLINUX bootloader using either the guestfish
       commands "syslinux" (for FAT-based guests) or "extlinux" (for ext2/3/4 and btrfs-based

       This guide assumes a Linux guest where "/dev/sda1" is "/boot", "/boot/vmlinuz" is the
       guest kernel, and "/dev/sda3" is the root partition.  For a Windows guest you would need a
       FAT-formatted boot partition and you would need to use the "syslinux" command instead.

       Create a "syslinux.cfg" configuration file.  You should check the SYSLINUX documentation
       at but it may look something like this:

        DEFAULT linux
        LABEL linux
          SAY Booting the kernel
          KERNEL vmlinuz
          INITRD initrd
          APPEND ro root=/dev/sda3

       Locate the syslinux master boot record (a file called something like

        guestfish -a disk.img -i
        # Upload the master boot record and configuration file:
        ><fs> upload ..../mbr.bin /boot/mbr.bin
        ><fs> upload ..../syslinux.cfg /boot/syslinux.cfg
        # Put the MBR into the boot sector:
        ><fs> copy-file-to-device /boot/mbr.bin /dev/sda size:440
        # Install syslinux on the first partition:
        ><fs> extlinux /boot
        # Set the first partition as bootable:
        ><fs> part-set-bootable /dev/sda 1 true

       See also:

Показати список програм, встановлених у віртуальній машині

       Save the following to a file "":

        #!/bin/sh -
        set -e
        eval "$(guestfish --ro -d "$1" --i --listen)"
        root="$(guestfish --remote inspect-get-roots)"
        guestfish --remote inspect-list-applications "$root"
        guestfish --remote exit

       Make the file executable and then you can run it on any named virtual machine:

        # WinGuest
        [0] = {
          app_name: Mozilla Firefox (3.6.12)
          app_display_name: Mozilla Firefox (3.6.12)
          app_epoch: 0
          app_version: 3.6.12 (en-GB)
          app_install_path: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
          app_publisher: Mozilla
          app_description: Mozilla Firefox
        [1] = {
          app_name: VLC media player
          app_display_name: VLC media player 1.1.5
          app_epoch: 0
          app_version: 1.1.5
          app_install_path: C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC
          app_publisher: VideoLAN

       If you want to run the script on disk images (instead of libvirt virtual machines), change
       "-d "$1"" to "-a "$1"".  See also virt-inspector(1).

Показати список файлів і каталогів у віртуальній машині

       Скористайтеся virt-ls(1).

Показати список служб у віртуальній машині Windows

       The link below contains a script that can be used to list out the services from a Windows
       VM, and whether those services run at boot time or are loaded on demand.

Make a disk image sparse

       Скористайтеся virt-sparsify(1).

Monitor disk usage over time

       You can use virt-df(1) to monitor disk usage of your guests over time.  The link below
       contains a guide.

Читання журналу подій у Windows з версії Windows Vista

       guestfish(1) plus the tools described in the link below can be used to read out the
       Windows Event Log from any virtual machine running Windows Vista or a later version.

Вилучення пароля root (Linux)

       Using the virt-edit(1) -e option you can do simple replacements on files.  One use is to
       remove the root password from a Linux guest:

        virt-edit -d назва_домену /etc/passwd -e 's/^root:.*?:/root::/'

        virt-edit -a disk.img /etc/passwd -e 's/^root:.*?:/root::/'

Вилучення пароля адміністратора (Windows)

       The link below contains one technique for removing the Administrator password from a
       Windows VM, or to be more precise, it gives you a command prompt the next time you log in
       which you can use to bypass any security:

Sysprepping a virtual machine (Windows)

       It is possible to do a "sysprep" using libguestfs alone, although not straightforward.
       Currently there is code in the Aeolus Oz project which does this (using libguestfs).  It
       is likely we will add this to virt-sysprep(1) in future.

Розпакування компакт-диска з портативною системою

       Linux live CDs often contain multiple layers of disk images wrapped like a Russian doll.
       You can use guestfish(1) to look inside these multiple layers, as outlined in the guide

Вивантаження і звантаження файлів

       The link below contains general tips on uploading (copying in)  and downloading (copying
       out) files from VMs.

Вивантаження даних на файлові системи без обробки

       You can use guestfish(1) to upload whole filesystems into a VM, even into a filesystem
       which is encrypted or buried inside an LV or RAID device:

        guestfish --rw -a disk.img run : upload sda1.img /dev/sda1

        guestfish --rw -d Guest run : upload lv.img /dev/vg_guest/lv_root

       One common problem is that the filesystem isn't the right size for the target.  If it is
       too large, there's not much you can do with libguestfs - you have to prepare the
       filesystem differently.  But if the filesystem needs to expand into the target, you can
       use guestfish to resize it to the right size:

        guestfish --rw -d Guest run : \
          upload lv.img /dev/vg_guest/lv_root : \
          resize2fs /dev/vg_guest/lv_root

       (or use "ntfsresize" if the filesystem is NTFS).

Use libguestfs tools on VMware ESX guests

       The link below explains how to use libguestfs, guestfish(1) and the virt tools on any
       VMware ESX guests, by first sharing the VMware VMFS over sshfs.


       guestfs(3), guestfish(1), guestfs-examples(3), guestfs-erlang(3), guestfs-golang(3),
       guestfs-java(3), guestfs-lua(3), guestfs-ocaml(3), guestfs-perl(3), guestfs-python(3),


       Richard W.M. Jones ("rjones at redhat dot com")


       Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Red Hat Inc.



       To get a list of bugs against libguestfs, use this link:

       To report a new bug against libguestfs, use this link:

       When reporting a bug, please supply:

       •   The version of libguestfs.

       •   Where you got libguestfs (eg. which Linux distro, compiled from source, etc)

       •   Describe the bug accurately and give a way to reproduce it.

       •   Run libguestfs-test-tool(1) and paste the complete, unedited output into the bug