Provided by: nfdump_1.6.12-0.2_amd64 bug


       nfdump - netflow display and analyze program


       nfdump [options] [filter]


       nfdump  is the netflow display and analyzing program of the nfdump tool set.  It reads the
       netflow data from files stored by nfcapd and processes the  flows  according  the  options
       given.  The  filter  syntax is comparable to tcpdump and extended for netflow data. Nfdump
       can also display many different top N flow and flow element statistics.


       -r inputfile
          Read input data from inputfile. Default is read from stdin.

       -R expr
          Read input from a sequence of files in the same directory. expr may be one of:
           /any/dir          Read recursively all files in directory dir.
           /dir/file         Read all files beginning with file.
           /dir/file1:file2  Read all files from file1 to file2.

           When using in combination with a sub hierarchy:
           Read all files  from  sub1/sub2/file1  sub3/sub4/file2  iterating  over  all  required
           hierarchy levels.

           Note: files are read in alphabetical sequence.

       -M expr
          Read input from multiple directories. expr looks like: /any/path/to/dir1:dir2:dir3 etc.
          and will be expanded  to  the  directories:  /any/path/to/dir1,  /any/path/to/dir2  and
          /any/path/to/dir3  Any number of colon separated directories may be given. The files to
          read are specified by -r or -R and are expected to exist in all the given  directories.
          The options -r and -R must not contain any directory part when used in conjunction with

       -m Sort the netflow records according the date first seen. This  option  is  usually  only
          useful  in  conjunction  with -M, when netflow records are read from different sources,
          which are not necessarily sorted.

       -w outputfile
          If specified writes binary netflow records to outputfile ready to  be  processed  again
          with nfdump. The default output is ASCII on stdout. In combination with options -m, -a,
          -b, and -B write aggregated and/or sorted flow cache in binary format to disk.

       -f filterfile
          Reads the filter syntax from filterfile. Note: Any filter  specified  directly  on  the
          command line takes precedence over -f.

       -t timewin
          Process  only  flows,  which  fall  in  the  time  window  timewin,  where  timewin  is
          YYYY/MM/dd.hh:mm:ss[-YYYY/MM/dd.hh:mm:ss]. Any parts of the time spec  may  be  omitted
          e.g  YYYY/MM/dd  expands  to YYYY/MM/dd.00:00:00-infinity and processes all flow from a
          given day onwards. The time window may also be specified as +/- n. In this case  it  is
          relativ  to  the  beginning  or end of all flows. +10 means the first 10 seconds of all
          flows, -10 means the last 10 seconds of all flows.

       -c num
          Limit number of records to process to the first num flows.

       -a Aggregate netflow data. Automatically implies -a. Aggregation  is  done  at  connection
          level by taking the 5-tuple protocol, srcip, dstip, srcport and dstport.

       -A aggregation
          Similar  to  Flexible Netflow (FNF), netflow records can be aggregated by any number of
          given v9 fields. aggregation is  a  ','  separated  list  of  recognised  tags  of  the
          following list:
            proto      IP protocol
            srcip      Source IP address
            dstip      Destination IP address
            srcip4/net IPv4 source IP address with applied netmask
            srcip6/net IPv6 source IP address with applied netmask
            dstip4/net IPv4 destination IP address with applied netmask
            dstip6/net IPv6 destination IP address with applied netmask
            srcnet     Apply netmask srcmask in netflow record for source IP
            dstnet     Apply netmask dstmask in netflow record for dest IP
            srcport    Source port
            dstport    Destination port
            srcmask    Source mask
            dstmask    Destination mask
            srcvlan    Source vlan label
            dstvlan    Destination vlan label
            srcas      Source AS number
            dstas      Destination AS number
            nextas     BGP Next AS
            prevas     BGP Previous AS
            inif       SNMP input interface number
            outif      SNMP output interface number
            next       IP next hop
            bgpnext    BGP next hop
            insrcmac   In source MAC address
            outdstmac  out destination MAC address
            indstmac   In destintation MAC address
            outsrcmac  Out source MAC address
            tos        Source type of service
            srctos     Source type of Service
            dsttos     Destination type of Service
            mpls1      MPLS label 1
            mpls2      MPLS label 2
            mpls3      MPLS label 3
            mpls4      MPLS label 4
            mpls5      MPLS label 5
            mpls6      MPLS label 6
            mpls7      MPLS label 7
            mpls8      MPLS label 8
            mpls9      MPLS label 9
            mpls10     MPLS label 10
            router     Exporting router IP

          nfdump automatically compiles an appropriate output format for the selected aggregation
          unless an explicit output format is given. The automatic output format is identical  to
          -o  'fmt:%ts  %td  <fields>  %pkt  %byt  %bps  %bpp  %fl' where <fields> represents the
          selected aggregation tags.

              -A proto,srcip,dstport

              -A srcas,dstas

       -b Aggregate  netflow  records  as  bidirectional   flows.   Automatically   implies   -a.
          Aggregation  is  done on connection level by taking the 5-tuple protocol, srcip, dstip,
          srcport and dstport, or the reverse order for the corresponding connection flow.  Input
          and  output packets/bytes are counted and reported separate. Both flows are merged into
          a single record. An appropriate output format is selected automatically, which  may  be
          overwritten by any -o format option.

       -B Like  -b  but automagically swaps flows, such that src port is > 1024 and dst port is <
          1024 as some exporters do not care sending the flows in proper order.  It's  considered
          to  be  a  convenient  option.  If src and dst port are > 1024 or < 1024, the flows are
          taken as is.

       -I Print flow statistics from file specified by -r, or timeslot specified by -R/-M.

       -D dns
          Set dns as nameserver to lookup hostnames.

       -s statistic[:p][/orderby]
          Generate the Top N flow or flow element statistic. statistic can be:
            record    Statistic about arregated netflow records.
            srcip     Statistic about source IP addresses
            dstip     Statistic about destination IP addresses
            ip        Statistic about any (source or destination) IP addresses
            nhip      Statistic about next hop IP addresses
            nhbip     Statistic about BGP next hop IP addresses
            router    Statistic about exporting router IP address
            srcport   Statistic about source ports
            dstport   Statistic about destination ports
            port      Statistic about any (source or destination) ports
            tos       Statistic about type of service - default src
            srctos    Statistic about src type of service
            dsttos    Statistic about dst type of service
            dir       Statistic about flow directions ingress/egress
            srcas     Statistic about source AS numbers
            dstas     Statistic about destination AS numbers
            as        Statistic about any (source or destination) AS numbers
            inif      Statistic about input interface
            outif     Statistic about output interface
            if        Statistic about any interface
            srcmask   Statistic about src mask
            dstmask   Statistic about dst mask
            srcvlan   Statistic about src vlan label
            dstvlan   Statistic about dst vlan label
            vlan      Statistic about any vlan label
            insrcmac  Statistic about input src MAC address
            outdstmac Statistic about output dst MAC address
            indstmac  Statistic about input dst MAC address
            outsrcmac Statistic about output src MAC address
            srcmac    Statistic about any src MAC address
            dstmac    Statistic about any dst MAC address
            inmac     Statistic about any input MAC address
            outmac    Statistic about any output MAC address
            mask      Statistic about any mask
            proto     Statistic about IP protocols
            mpls1     Statistic about MPLS label 1
            mpls2     Statistic about MPLS label 2
            mpls3     Statistic about MPLS label 3
            mpls4     Statistic about MPLS label 4
            mpls5     Statistic about MPLS label 5
            mpls6     Statistic about MPLS label 6
            mpls7     Statistic about MPLS label 7
            mpls8     Statistic about MPLS label 8
            mpls9     Statistic about MPLS label 9
            mpls10    Statistic about MPLS label 10
            sysid     Internal SysID of exporter

            NSEL/ASA stats
            event     NSEL/ASA event
            xevent    NSEL/ASA extended event
            xsrcip    NSEL/ASA translated src IP address
            xsrcport  NSEL/ASA translated src port
            xdstip    NSEL/ASA translated dst IP address
            xdstport  NSEL/ASA translated dst port
            iacl      NSEL/ASA ingress ACL
            iace      NSEL/ASA ingress ACE
            ixace     NSEL/ASA ingress xACE
            eacl      NSEL/ASA egress ACL
            eace      NSEL/ASA egress ACE
            exace     NSEL/ASA egress xACE

            NAT stats
            nevent    NAT event
            vrf/ivrf  NAT ingress vrf
            evrf      NAT egress vrf
            nsrcip    NAT src IP address
            nsrcport  NAT src port
            ndstip    NAT dst IP address
            ndstport  NAT dst port

          By adding :p to the statistic name, the resulting statistic is split up into  transport
          layer protocols. Default is transport protocol independent statistics.

          orderby  is optional and specifies the order by which the statistics is ordered and can
          be flows, packets, bytes, pps, bps or bpp. You may specify more than one orderby  which
          results  in  the  same  statistic  but  ordered  differently.  If  no orderby is given,
          statistics are ordered by flows.  You can specify as many -s flow element statistics on
          the command line for the same run.

             -s srcip -s ip/flows -s dstport/pps/packets/bytes -s record/bytes

       -O orderby
          Specifies  the  default  orderby  for flow element statistics -s, which applies when no
          orderby is given at -s. orderby can be flows, packets, bytes, pps, bps or bpp. Defaults
          to flows.

       -l [+/-]packet_num
          Limit  statistics  output  to  those  records  above  or  below  the  packet_num limit.
          packet_num accepts positive or negative numbers followed by 'K' , 'M' or 'G' 10E3, 10E6
          or 10E9 flows respectively. See also note at -L

       -L [+/-]byte_num
          Limit  statistics  output  to those records above or below the byte_num limit. byte_num
          accepts positive or negative numbers followed by 'K' , 'M' or 'G' 10E3,  10E6  or  10E9
          bytes  respectively.  Note:  These  limits  only apply to the statistics and aggregated
          outputs generated with -a -s.  To filter netflow records by packets and bytes, use  the
          filter syntax 'packets' and 'bytes' described below.

       -n num
          Define  the  number  for  the  Top  N statistics. Defaults to 10. If 0 is specified the
          number is unlimited.

       -o format
          Selects the output format to print flows or flow record  statistics  (-s  record).  The
          following formats are available:
            raw      Print each file flow record on multiple lines.
            line     Print each flow on one line. Default format.
            long     Print each flow on one line with more details
            biline   Same as line, but for bidir flows
            bilong   Same as long, but for bidir flows
            extended Print each flow on one line with even more details.
            nsel     Print each NSEL event on one line. Default if NSEL/ASA enabled.
            nel      Print each NAT event on one line. Default if NEL enabled.
            csv      Comma separated output for machine readable processing.
            pipe     Legacy machine readable format: fields '|' separated.
            fmt:format User defined output format.
          For  each  defined  output  format  except  -o  fmt:<format> an IPv6 long output format
          exists.  line6, long6 and extended6. See output formats below for more information.

       -q Suppress the header line and the statistics at the bottom.

       -N Print plain numbers in output. Easier for post-parsing.

       -i ident
          Change ident label in file, specified by -r to ident

       -v file
          Verify file. Print data file version, number of blocks and compression status.

       -E file
          Print exporter/sampler list found in file. In case  of  a  nfcapd  collector  file,  an
          additional  statistics  per  exporter  is  printed  with  number  of flows, packets and
          sequence errors.

       -x file
          Scan and print extension maps located in file file

       -z Compress flows. Use fast LZO1X-1 compression in output file.

       -j file
          Compress/Uncompress a given file. If the file is compressed,  uncompress  it  and  vice

       -Z Check filter syntax and exit. Sets the return value accordingly.

       -X Compiles  the  filer  syntax  and dumps the filter engine table to stdout.  This is for
          debugging purpose only.

       -V Print nfdump version and exit.

       -h Print help text on stdout with all options and exit.


           0   No error.
           255 Initialization failed.
           254 Error in filter syntax.
           250 Internal error.


       The output format raw prints each flow record on multiple lines, including all information
       available in the record. This is the most detailed view on a flow.

       Other output formats print each flow on a single line. Predefined output formats are line,
       long and extended The output format line is the default output format when  no  format  is
       specified.   It  limits  the  imformation  to  the connection details as well as number of
       packets, bytes and flows.

       The output  format  long  is  identical  to  the  format  line,  and  includes  additional
       information such as TCP flags and Type of Service.

       The  output  format  extended  is  identical  to  the format long, and includes additional
       computed information such as pps, bps and bpp.


          Date flow start: Start time flow first seen. ISO 8601 format including miliseconds.

          Duration: Duration of the flow in seconds and miliseconds.  If  flows  are  aggregated,
          duration is the time span over the entire periode of time from first seen to last seen.

          Proto: Protocol used in the connection.

          Src IP Addr:Port: Source IP address and source port.

          Dst  IP  Addr:Port: Destination IP address and destination port.  In case of ICMP, port
          is decodes as type.code.

          Flags: TCP flags ORed of the connection.

          Tos: Type of service.

          Packets: The number of packets in this flow. If flows are aggregated, the  packets  are
          summed up.

          Bytes:  The number of bytes in this flow. If flows are aggregated, the bytes are summed

          pps: The calculated packets per second: number of packets /  duration.   If  flows  are
          aggregated this results in the average pps during this periode of time.

          bps:  The  calculated  bits  per  second:  8 * number of bytes / duration. If flows are
          aggregated this results in the average bps during this periode of time.

          Bpp: The calculated bytes per packet: number of bytes / number of packets. If flows are
          aggregated this results in the average bpp during this periode of time.

          Flows: Number of flows. If flows are listed only, this number is alwasy 1. If flows are
          aggregated, this shows the number of aggregated flows to one record.

       Numbers larger than 1'000'000 (1000*1000), are scaled to 4 digits and  one  decimal  digit
       including the scaling factor M, G or T for cleaner output, e.g. 923.4 M

       To  make  the output more readable, IPv6 addresses are shrinked down to 16 characters. The
       seven most and seven least digits connected with two dots '..' are displayed in any normal
       output  formats.  To display the full IPv6 address, use the appropriate long format, which
       is the format name followed by a 6.

       Example: -o line displays an IPv6 address as 2001:23..80:d01e where as the format -o line6
       displays   the   IPv6  address  in  full  length  2001:234:aabb::211:24ff:fe80:d01e.   The
       combination of -o line -6 is equivalent to -o line6.

       The output format fmt:<format> allows you to define your  own  output  format.   A  format
       description  format  consists  of  a  single  line containing arbitrary strings and format
       specifier as described below

          %<format> Inserts the predefined format at this position. e.g. %line
          %ts       Start Time - first seen
          %te       End Time - last seen
          %tr       Time the flow was received by the collector
          %td       Duration
          %pr       Protocol
          %exp      Exporter ID
          %eng      Engine Type/ID
          %sa       Source Address
          %da       Destination Address
          %sap      Source Address:Port
          %dap      Destination Address:Port
          %sp       Source Port
          %dp       Destination Port
          %sn       Source Network, mask applied
          %dn       Destination Network, mask applied
          %nh       Next-hop IP Address
          %nhb      BGP Next-hop IP Address
          %ra       Router IP Address
          %sas      Source AS
          %das      Destination AS
          %nas      Next AS
          %pas      Previous AS
          %in       Input Interface num
          %out      Output Interface num
          %pkt      Packets - default input
          %ipkt     Input Packets
          %opkt     Output Packets
          %byt      Bytes - default input
          %ibyt     Input Bytes
          %obyt     Output Bytes
          %fl       Flows
          %flg      TCP Flags
          %tos      Tos - default src
          %stos     Src Tos
          %dtos     Dst Tos
          %dir      Direction: ingress, egress
          %smk      Src mask
          %dmk      Dst mask
          %fwd      Forwarding Status
          %svln     Src vlan label
          %dvln     Dst vlan label
          %ismc     Input Src Mac Addr
          %odmc     Output Dst Mac Addr
          %idmc     Input Dst Mac Addr
          %osmc     Output Src Mac Addr
          %mpls1    MPLS label 1
          %mpls2    MPLS label 2
          %mpls3    MPLS label 3
          %mpls4    MPLS label 4
          %mpls5    MPLS label 5
          %mpls6    MPLS label 6
          %mpls7    MPLS label 7
          %mpls8    MPLS label 8
          %mpls9    MPLS label 9
          %mpls10   MPLS label 10
          %mpls     MPLS labels 1-10
          %bps      bps - bits per second
          %pps      pps - packets per second
          %bpp      bps - Bytes per package

          NSEL specific formats
          %nfc      NSEL connection ID
          %evt      NSEL event
          %xevt     NSEL extended event
          %msec     NSEL event time in msec
          %iacl     NSEL ingress ACL
          %eacl     NSEL egress ACL
          %xsa      NSEL XLATE src IP address
          %xda      NSEL XLATE dst IP address
          %xsp      NSEL XLATE src port
          %xdp      NSEL SLATE dst port
          %xsap     Xlate Source Address:Port
          %xdap     Xlate Destination Address:Port
          %uname    NSEL user name

          NEL/NAT specific formats
          %nevt     NAT event - same as %evt
          %ivrf     NAT ingress VRF ID
          %evrf     NAT egress VRF ID
          %nsa      NAT src IP address
          %nda      NAT dst IP address
          %nsp      NAT src port
          %ndp      NAT dst port
          %pbstart  NAT pool block start
          %pbend    NAT pool block end
          %pbstep   NAT pool block step
          %pbsize   NAT pool block size

          Nprobe formats
          %cl       Client latency
          %sl       Server latency
          %al       Application latency

       Example: the standard output format long can be created as
          -o "fmt:%ts %td %pr %sap -> %dap %flg %tos %pkt %byt %fl"

       You may also define your own output format and have it compiled into nfdump.  See nfdump.c
       section Output Formats for more details.

       The csv output format is intended to be read by another program for further processing. As
       an example, see the Perl program.  The cvs output format consists of  one  or
       more  output  blocks and one summary block. Each output block starts with a cvs index line
       followed by the cvs record lines. The index lines describes the order, how each  following
       record is composed.

          Index line:   ts,te,td,sa,da,sp,dp,pr,...
          Record line:  2004-07-11 10:30:00,2004-07-11 10:30:10,10.010,...

       All  records are in ASCII readable form. Numbers are not scaled, so each line can easly be

       Indices used in nfdump 1.6:

          ts,te,td    time records: t-start, t-end, duration
          sa,da       src dst address sp,dp       src, dst port
          pr          protocol PF_INET or PF_INET6
          flg         TCP Flags:
                         000001 FIN.
                         000010 SYN
                         000100 RESET
                         001000 PUSH
                         010000 ACK
                         100000 URGENT
                         e.g. 6 => SYN + RESET
          fwd         forwarding status
          stos        src tos
          ipkt,ibyt   input packets/bytes
          opkt,obyt   output packets, bytes
          in,out      input/output interface SNMP number
          sas,das     src, dst AS
          smk,dmk     src, dst mask
          dtos        dst tos
          dir         direction
          nh,nhb      nethop IP address, bgp next hop IP
          svln,dvln   src, dst vlan id
          ismc,odmc   input src, output dst MAC
          idmc,osmc   input dst, output src MAC
          mpls1,mpls2 MPLS label 1-10
          ra          router IP
          eng         router engine type/id

       See for more details.


       The filter syntax is similar to the well known pcap library used by tcpdump.   The  filter
       can  be  either  specified on the command line after all options or in a separate file. It
       can span several lines. Anything after a '#' is treated as a comment and  ignored  to  the
       end  of  the line. There is virtually no limit in the length of the filter expression. All
       keywords are case independent.

       Any filter consists of one or more expressions expr. Any number  of  expr  can  be  linked

       expr and expr, expr or expr, not expr and ( expr ).

       Expr can be one of the following filter primitives:

           @include <file>
           include the content of <file> into filter.

       ip version
           inet  or ipv4 for IPv4
           inet6 or ipv6 for IPv6

           proto <protocol>
           proto <number>
           where  <protocol>  is known protocol such as tcp, udp, icmp, icmp6, gre, esp, ah, etc.
           or a valid protocol number: 6, 17 etc.

       IP address
           [src|dst] ip <ipaddr>
           [src|dst] host <ipaddr>
           with <ipaddr> as any valid IPv4, IPv6 address, or a full qualified hostname.  In  case
           of  a  hostname, the IP address is looked up in DNS.  If more than a single IP address
           is found, all IP addresses are chained together. (ip1 or ip2 or ip3 ... )

           To check if an IP address is in a known IP list, use
           [src|dst] ip in [ <iplist> ]
           [src|dst] host in [ <iplist> ]
           <iplist> is a space or comma separated list of individual <ipaddr> or  full  qualified
           hostnames,  which are looked up in DNS. If more than a single IP address is found, all
           IP addresses are put into the list.

           IP addresses, networks, ports, AS number etc. can be specifically selected by using  a
           direction  qualifier,  such  as src or dst.  They can also be used in combination with
           and and or.  such as src and dst ip ...

           [src|dst] net a.b.c.d m.n.r.s
           Select the IPv4 network a.b.c.d with netmask m.n.r.s.

           [src|dst] net <net>/<num>
           with <net> as a valid IPv4 or IPv6 network and <num> as maskbits.  The number of  mask
           bits  must  match  the  appropriate  address  familiy in IPv4 or IPv6. Networks may be
           abreviated such as 172.16/16 if they are unambiguous.

           [src|dst] port [comp] <num>
           with <num> as any valid port number.  If comp is omitted,
            '=' is assumed. comp is explained more detailed below.
           [src|dst] port in [ <portlist> ]
           A port can be compared against a know list, where <portlist> is a space separated list
           of individual port numbers.

           icmp-type <num>
           icmp-code <num>
           with <num> as a valid icmp type/code. This automatically implies proto icmp.

       Router ID
           engine-type <num>
           engine-id <num>
           sysid <num>
           with <num> as a valid router engine type/id or exporter ID(0..255).

           [in|out] if <num>
           Select input or output or either interface ID, with num as the SNMP interface number.
           Example: in if 3

       AS numbers
           [src|dst|prev|next] as [comp] <num>
           Selects source, dstination, previous, next or any AS number with <num> as any valid as
           number. 32bit AS numbers are suported. If comp is omitted, '='  is  assumed.  comp  is
           explained more detailed below.

           [src|dst|prev|next] as in [ <ASlist> ]
           An  AS  number can be compared against a know list, where <ASlist> is a space or comma
           separated list of individual AS numbers.

       Prefix mask bits
           [src|dst] mask <bits>
           with <bits> as any valid prefix mask bit value.

       Vlan labels
           [src|dst] vlan <num>
           with <num> as any valid vlan label.

           flags <tcpflags>
           with <tcpflags> as a combination of:
              A    ACK.
              S    SYN.
              F    FIN.
              R    Reset.
              P    Push.
              U    Urgent.
              X    All flags on.
       The ordering of the flags is not relevant. Flags not mentioned are treated as don't  care.
       In  order  to  get those flows with only the SYN flag set, use the syntax 'flags S and not
       flags AFRPU'.

       Next hop IP
           next ip <ipaddr>
           with <ipaddr> as IPv4/IPv6 IP address of next hop router.

       Next-hop router's IP in the BGP domain
           bgpnext ip <ipaddr>
           with <ipaddr> as IPv4/IPv6 next-hop router's IP in the BGP domain. ( v9 #18 )

       Router IP
           router ip <ipaddr>
           Filter the flows according the IP address of the exporting router.

       MAC addresses
           [InOutSrcDst] mac <addr>
           With <addr> any valid MAC address. mac can be more specific  specified  by  using  any
           combination of a direction specifier as defined by CISCO v9.  in src, in dst, out src,
           out dst.

       MPLS labels
           mpls label<n> [comp] <num>
           With <n> as any mpls label number 1..10. Filters exactly specified label<n>.
           mpls eos [comp] <num>
           Filters End of Stack label for a given value <num>.
           mpls exp<n> [comp] <bits>
           Filters experimental bits of label <n> with <bits> 0..7.

           packets [comp] <num> [scale]
           To filter for netflow records with a specific packet count.
           Example: packets > 1k

           bytes [comp] <num> [scale]
           To filter for netflow records with a specific byte count.
           Example: bytes 46 filters all empty IPv4 packets

       Aggregated flows
           flows [comp] <num> [scale]
           To filter for netflow records with a specific number of aggregated flows.

       Type of Service (TOS)
           [SourceDestination] tos <num>
           With <num> 0..255. For compatibility with nfump 1.5.x: tos <num>  is  equivalent  with
           src tos <num>

       Packets per second: Calculated value.
           pps [comp] num [scale]
           To filter for flows with specific packets per second.

       Duration: Calculated value
           duration [comp] num
           To filter for flows with specific duration in miliseconds.

       Bits per second: Calculated value.
           bps [comp] num [scale]
           To filter for flows with specific bytes per second.

       Bytes per packet: Calculated value.
           bpp [comp] num [scale]
           To filter for flows with specific bytes per packet.

       scale scaling factor. Maybe k m g. Factor is 1000

       comp The following comparators are supported:
           =, ==, >, <, EQ, LT, GT .  If comp is omitted, '=' is assumed.

       NSEL/ASA specific filters:

       NSEL/ASA Event
           asa event <ignore|create|term|delete|deny>
           asa event [comp] <number>
           select  NSEL/ASA event by name or number. If given as number it can be compared with a

       NSEL/ASA denied reason
           asa event denied <ingress|egress|interface|nosyn>
           Select a NSEL/ASA denied event by type

       NSEL/ASA extended events
           asa xevent [comp] <num>
           Select an extended NSELL ASA event by number, or optionally compared by a number.

       X-late IP addresses and ports
           [src|dst] xip <ip>
           Select the translated IP address

           [src|dst] xnet <net>/<num>
           with <net> as a valid translated IPv4 or IPv6 network  and  <num>  as  maskbits.   The
           number  of  mask  bits  must  match  the  appropriate address familiy in IPv4 or IPv6.
           Networks may be abreviated such as 172.16/16 if they are unambiguous.

           [src|dst] xport <port>
           Select the translated port

       NSEL/ASA ingress/egress
           ingress <ACL|ACE|XACE> [comp] number
           Select/compare an ingress ACL

           egress ACL [comp] <number>
           Select/compare an egress ACL

       NEL specific NAT filters:

       NAT Event
           nat event <add|delete>
           nat event [comp] <number>
           select NEL NAT event by name or number. If given as number it can be compared  with  a

       NEL NAT ip addresses and ports
           [src|dst] nip <ip>
           Select the NAT IP address

           [src|dst] nport <port>
           Select the NAT port

       NEL NAT vrf
           ingress vrf <num> Select the vrf


       nfdump  -r /and/dir/nfcapd.201107110845 -c 100 'proto tcp and ( src ip or dst
       ip )' Dumps the first 100 netflow records which match the given filter:

       nfdump -r /and/dir/nfcapd.201107110845 -B Map matching  flows  as  bin-directional  single

       nfdump  -R  /and/dir/nfcapd.201107110845:nfcapd.200407110945  'host' Dumps all
       netflow records of host from July 11 08:45 - 09:45

       nfdump -M /to/and/dir1:dir2 -R nfcapd.200407110845:nfcapd.200407110945  -s  record  -n  20
       Generates the Top 20 statistics from 08:45 to 09:45 from 3 sources

       nfdump  -r  /and/dir/nfcapd.201107110845  -s record -n 20 -o extended Generates the Top 20
       statistics, extended output format

       nfdump -r /and/dir/nfcapd.201107110845 -s record -n 20 'in if 5 and bps >  10k'  Generates
       the Top 20 statistics from flows comming from interface 5

       nfdump  -r /and/dir/nfcapd.201107110845 'inet6 and proto tcp and ( src port > 1024 and dst
       port 80 ) Dumps all port 80 IPv6 connections to any web server.


       Generating the statistics for data files of a few hundred MB is  no  problem.  However  be
       careful  if you want to create statistics of several GB of data. This may consume a lot of
       memory and can take a while. Flow anonymization has moved into nfanon.


       nfcapd(1), nfanon(1), nfprofile(1), nfreplay(1)


       There is still the famous last bug. Please report them - all the last bugs - back to me.

                                            2009-09-09                                  nfdump(1)